Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 14, 1943, p. 4

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the cwgrtown htitu uvaay july i4 1943 thocl a hjutslock literal candidate for llallon county oalrvllle oct july llth ims to the electors of hajlon dmi wtlmd one again i am asking for your support aa the liberal candidate in th coming elections aa th poulnc day la just thre week away i may be tinpoerlnl for me to aw you per- eonelly and i wish to tak this oppor tunity of thanking you for your help and aupport in prrrtou election and to ask for your conuousd esnfld- nor if i had been able to follow my own tncunatjona i would net he a i on thla occasion while i cava served thl oounty continuously dot 1mb and hart enjoyed th work yi on account of th math of ny brother and th abator from busln of ray eon in the army and nephew in the navy 1 hart found h almost tr to eontlnua to pol itic aa well aa took after my busl- dmi affaire i haw been urged how- w by my leader and many frttnda tn the oounty to offer my etrrtce core atatn and i havt consented to do ao aa a war duty i alas have in mind that tht difficult postwar per iod will be one of the moat crltlca tree our country will ever experience and if my tone experience a your member wcl be of any benefit lo my oounty and province i offer it ww- tngry my personal record oa your mem- bet li well known i hive alwaya exxlvrn to improve the lot of tht workera and for improved eodal con ditions i sponsored the tncreaaa tn mother allowances and the grant- ma of these allowance to widow with one child theae allowance ahould be patd after the is yean age limit where the child la bright and wishes to continue with it education i have always tried to help everyone who appealed to me tor aaalatance without regard for their political affiliation and if elected again will continue to do ao t am proud of the record of your libera oovrmment since it took office in 1974 space doe not permit me to cover all of it achievements trut x would uke to remind you of acme of them ministration baast not only balan ced our pto eaoounu and now sfeor a aubatantlal soxplu but w haw extended much headed help to loci wimwpallthw ah of tb are no out of th default column and not on dollar of principal has baea loat to any oabtoiui holder sine taking office th pvovlnc hu su- ed the mubldpalltl of th following payment and la addition a t pa cent subsidy 1 bets paid yearly to catty town villa and township tn th county halton oounty baa bn paid over a mlluon dollar to lower uinirtai tax and to help the aiact- the fodowtnt th fifto- 1 tt subsidy on tax old at pension pensions for th blind uothtr allowance himrlf and other help to tsdtftat patient provincial oounty and toanuhlp road oram increase ta ifaw aubaldy tltt37 uuwtm ijanoo bltawas 4i0 total u in fh th lower part of the county ha been relieved of all liabil ity under their hydro radial debent ure in addition also w hate in- creaved grant to education by over four million dollar we realist that atui further help ahould b flven to uval munlctpallue the aaalatance already given ha cut many mill off everyone t tax mil thla policy will be iteadlly extendad from hi to year until the burden of unfair real eatat taxation la fully under con trol through reduction tn the public debt and in tnteret rate it take only 22 per cent of our revenue now to srrvtee the public debt tnatcad ot o per cent when we took over iwal wmtwa when we took office rural une would only be built where there at least thra customer per mile and every rural uter had to uti a taemy year contract and had to pay a ixm monthly service char- re the tbrte refused to grant any relief we did away with th year contract we cut th monthly ser vice chart to woo and we built line for two customers par mile on account of war rationing of metals and shortage of power further line ntcnikxu cannot be built now but aa soon as the war is over this gov ernment is pledged to an allout ural programm irrjum uuvick we have supplied medical icrvlce to all indigents and will cooperate with th federal oovrmment in it dominion health insurance program the provincial oo eminent cannot alone embark on a health programme which will coat at trait 70 million col lar annually for the people of on tario alone our plan for the com pulsory pasteurisation of milk and eradication ot t b cattle ha already had amatlng result one u that the sick children hospital ha been practically emptied hoctaa herv1cth in addition to the above health pcnlccs we tune increased old age pension h 14 per cent and mothers allowances by 20 per cent i will dis cus the 22 point drew programme in m next letttr but would like to say rlgot no that apparently promis ing oecrge doe not know that these increases are already in effect his statement that old age pension er must mortgage their home before getting the pension is just a vicious fauawhood- w do un last minute w after wv a e fowley of the cue oversea stall recently mad a tour ot bvri canadian unit in the united kingdom here are his impreulons of aa incident which occurred in th night aa broadcast on a recent cdc natlornl news summary th nohe of their engine was in cessant as watt after wave of our bomber streamed ou toward th back tn canada i often heard that sentence or one something ilk it ta th cabled dispatches about our night raids on europe and as often aa it came i used to think that th sound of a procession of cur heavy bomber ohward bound must be an lumutrfarolrr at ftronto en jon mtb la cwriloo tmtod ctyint uni itiaeti u of lay tad abs wtd lhnlrnwt touilpiowsrrlaoio lon torouriy of ucu oni eajjoh at olen wullaa oa uon- day july nth imj ftliahelh black- grav beloved wtf of tb lat ed ward eason jaju3b in hmlltnn on laonday july llth joraea jenouab jam aged rears funeral from th bom of h 6 lie- clare uapl ave tburiday july u fiervtct uo o clock interment orecxi sod creaatery a r powlby iniplrlng thing weu i heard it th other night and it 1 the bom- bare passed her wave after wave as th dispatches usually put it and i lay in an army tent tn tht wood in a par- uaularty beautiful part of rural kng- land how many of them there ere i couldnt guess but they were a mighty fore i den t know either huw long thev took to pa for when thrnolse of their going as flntihrd it left no clear recollection ul urttltinlnt or end only of immensity the round filled the val ley and echoed in stjttalned volleys from the hillsides if you were to ima gine an endless auccesalon of gtsnt ex pre trains tearing otrrhrad ou would trtumnhant voice of their passing before you with death bed promlsrb finsvcei when we took office there was no money in the treasury and we were fac3d with a huge deficit local munidpalrues war itrikssjlnst under an unbearable load ot taxation and 19 munldpolltle were ta default it j do y aji car was uklng 82 per cent of the annual t nfd mt outp an0 rt rrovtactal reven le nearly half to wnunue car pay the interest onthe public debt bullnhlllllt idmlnlrtre we promised to correct this and we hae done it the only increase in taxes ta the corporation tax and the income tax by this increase in taxes and ty careful end businesslike ad- iful sane and businesslike admlnlrtra- llon yours falthfuuy thos a bakelock the soet of uttteb the cenbob likeh an exoellent example of safeguard ing military information is exhibited by the following soldier letter data who cares place who cares greetings after leaving a here we were before ve left lor here not knowing we u eat coming here from there we could not tell if we would arrive here or not nevertheless we are now here and not there the weather here is just as 11 is ai thla season but of course quite unlike the weather where wo were before we came here after having by what we came by we had a good trip the people here are just like they look but do not look u lute they were where we came from from there to here i just oa far as it is from here o there the way we came here 1 just like everyone corner from there to here ot course we bad to bring everything we hod with us for we near what we would wear here whtrh is not like what we would wear there the whole thing is quite n new ex perience here because ij lsnt like what it is like where we were before si left for here it in now time in all probiblllty to stop this somewhat too newny letter before i ithc away too much informa tion as the ccnsor is likely to be a spy hove unohoo always at your service c- with cut flowers and floral designs for all occasions the barber floral co phone 4tw cjeorgetown hare aa idea ol what it waa like or you might arrive at a closer ides by contftnplaung tb probable thunder of judgment day prrhsps it tsnt strange how far and fast ones thought can trawl along the sound track that th bombers make ii a aa if yoo could at through the darkneea far over th lulls and th vxurye out over to tht seat and al most lo the unknown target toward which the plane are hurrying or or th instant or two in which you hear th individual sound of a single plan overhead your mind a eye catena half picture of the men tn it and you have a quick wonder of who thy are and where theyv from perhaps csuudlan per haps english or aus tralian or perhaps com of each but then theyre gon hk gal and an other plant or group of plana com roaring up ta their sake i didnt know of count what the target waa but tl wasnt aen it waa almost certain that some place in enemy territory waa tn for it ta a big way ta for such a conctntratad do ot destruction a tht scarred gad gaased london nvrr kns in th worst lay ot th blllt it turned out from the next day comsiunlqu that th target had been tn th rhur again also the communique told of our loaaes that night the figure did not stem disproportionate but i know that com of the lads who passed so close in the darkness were going that way for th last time but i dont think that any vnr who beard it could forget th ls0m8 ttelb meovtaat xfzzttmo on monoa1c oeorfetown lion club mat at tb ucailbon house on laonday evening for their regular monthly ma the omrelecud president lion ralpo rosa presided and th minute of th previous mealing were read by the se cretary lion waller oarpeaur past treasurer hon bui long gave th treasurer report tor lb year just ended this report shoved that th lion had a very favourable year al though activity was somewhat usuted due to tb war it wa decided that th club hold a luck draw the prtsm or which will be announced uter proceed to go to ward the improvement of the newly acquired park silt on water btrret the lions also decided that tn order to create a more social a twlormonthly meetings should b held the first uonday of th month waa set aa th regular conner mung night and the third uonday aa th night on which member win meet for a business meeting at th home of lton member thl will start with tht oeptfenbrr nwetlnga the club waa fortunate tn having as their guest sneaker tr w e wodscn music critic of tht toronto evening telegram a summer visitor tn our town who gave some very interest ing glimpse into tht tret of great musicians whom h has mat- only to bear mr wodson can his ready wit and sound logtc be appreciated tht club hope to have him again sometime a their guest speaker it hefiu brxtu vtdiw fa w pofwardad to toronto event g tvlegrsao tuu oash on hand acasxywvtdawd tug bank interest total july itch trie tttewa hawwu ocsatrawgw xjbmowim w jgs0 porwarded to boldlerf comforts commlue oash on hand sfkaowteogsd mttrett victory club composed of otru employed at smith li stone ltd balance of and on band total july llth tsfim rrji awl 41 ashgrovb rev a j o cancadden of the ca talan xnatltut for th bund waa gueat pastor on brmday morrang mr jas barnes spoke ta th child ren at a very interesting joint meeting of the baby band and marlon band on sunday afternoon tn th basement of th church a special feature of tht afternoon was th graduation of five baby band members to th mission band tn charge of sir horace barnes those graduating were btrrnet wilson norman bird marian bird roy wit ter and ralph cunningham we re gret that howxon ruddell who ha been ul for some time was not able to preside at this wtll atltnrud muttr tbt band member wlah hl a abiia recovery tht scripture reading or tag afternoon was read by edna swlutif fallowed by prajrr by mr htttof blrd reading were grata by bcrfcarl wilson and elmer bird two mutts enjoyed musical number included solo by marlon bird and vocal duet by jeaa and usnrarst bird ms u bird closed th meeting with prayar the next matting will be on july m altera bant i hollcuring with tur grandmother mrs jss bam bemlr wilson sprat last weak wras her grandparent mr and ua w mccuilough of acton evelyn whytr of ouetph had s week holiday with bar aobt sere clayton wuaoa tht executive of th t net i tut mm at the horn of mr nsrao sma on uonday evening ta pen th ihi it programs there will be no church earvriot eg sunday school next sunday cenlurteeold oak hark tauurifa a oreat britain era now wol hard on hide for army boot bsm aad ether army need in many oaasw so men are doing tht work beoauh ot th shortage of skilled craftamen tax tanneries are also producing hide tag agricultural rjurpot for stdavry gad hedging glorea ia dont miss tpominio smcial valuis por pundg or peabl soap 3cmrsl4e hwsoldx cfflpscroxydol 23c la rag pk urge baxeg 8 ox pko- pauiolive lux or ufebuoy 2 cikee he 40rt roll vjlb tin 25c 15c 10c 19c 15c bohho 1uciteji 35c alb fk 4coubit gkralt of chcrteoa cbqise puritan tissue j rolls ztfc thursday hiidav saturday july 1sh 1th mmi 17th k butter nbctuuide mapli leaf hat vus m j 3 kellocgs or quakir corn flaees iandewrap waxed paper veilsons jersey cocoa lain or iodized table salt freshly ground aichhello coins v 3sc ijib mtg 19c 2lb box dommo bakin6 powdeb 15c 1lb tin k dominion qu2uity nwgflbr irwid gbape juige 25c 16ox bollla a 2- 25- l bulk 4c z buv mori ana more war savings stamps t limit purchasts according to supplv availablf dominion s i op i m ltjq l

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