Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 21, 1943, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday july 2 1 at 1943 imhiovtd uniform iwtcbmatlomal sunday i chool lesson leasoa for july 25 bible teachings on ot cost of dettnauko uaok terr dmwuiiiciij i un t t m ii i cvwutn hi ooldeh kxtuw r a tul nt ea- hgkueus tklii u kunl cm msdoa e cod i cortsousas f a millions of dollar how majy wr cannot say make up tha annual coat of liquor is america is dollars and cents terrifying ai it la that itu krvdous wait la but a drop in the cket compared with tht moral and aplrltual degradation lh sorrow and buffering the poverty and dtitrru which muat b added tnto our liquor bill for it la not only a matur of dol lara but of blood and trart or de- stroyad uaafulnaaa loat vtriur wrecked bomee and ao on and on and on wa to rlgm on paying tha kill allowing ourealvae to b mlalad by clerar propaganda and imdfully manipulated statistics or h may be cur sheer indifference whan will america awaken i our laaaoo fsoes ua with tha coat of thla despicable traffic in tha ufa of tha individual to tha aoclal order and in tha light of aumity l tfte ranaaaj out cdeut u tun ucjocr destroys individuals relent- laaaly rapidly and effectively have w feraottan that factt tha passage la oautaronomy pre- aanta a drattlc remedy for dread- ful situation drtsa and gluttony wtra reccgniied u tha deadly in strument which would bring boy to tha plac where ha waa incor rigible stubborn raballloua and dlaobadlcnt hla parents wra to bring him to tha elders for final judgment autan if onj ulinke tha panalty too harah he must remember that it waa estab- llihad in tha early daya of line when it waa necessary for god to uaa tuch draitlc remedlee to atamp out incipient evil it mutt be remembered that in ancient greece vveak chlldran were left out to die and in roma a father could at will put to death even a grown up aon tha point of thla scripture for ua is that a life of debauchery and it can atart with just a glass of wine rods to the ultimate destruction of life it la far too high a coat to pay for a sinful indulgence ii tha social cost prov 23 20 2d drunkenness and gluttony lead to poverty and raga the intemperate man cannot keep up with the high cost of supplying hla growing appe tite even as he tries to satisfy its inaauable demand it also renders him unfit to cant living so tha vicious circle works its way around and stops not until tha drunkard tottera off in hla raga un less perchanca some loved one or friend take a care of him do wa not all recall how famlllea in our own communities have been ruined and bacoma charges upon tha county or charitable organlzotlons because of the destruction wrought by a father who waa a wlneblbbcr not only does it bring poverty upon families but it reducea able and gifted men to shambling wrecks and thus deprives society of the benefit of their uvea and sarvice a presentday illustration is the unsolved problem of absenteeism for days after pay day in our essential industries again we say the cost is altogether too high let us get rid of this monster before it destroys us iii the eternal cost i cor 8 911 money loat is serious life lost is for more serious but the saddest cost of all is the eternal damnotlon of the drinkers soul we quote from dr horace martin these stirring and meaningful words it is my calm judgment that any man who names the name of christ should take an attitude of horror and disgust at the liquor traffic and the use of liquor as beverage there are at least three places in the new testament where the bible aaya that no drunkard ahall inherit the king dom of god if any man takea that etetement arloualy h muat think twice be- stw ha rarer to tha uaa of liquor to a joldng manner or in any way con- donee the use of alcohol a a bev erage lesson commentary drunkenness la a foul and sinful thing elaassd by the apostle paul with tha lowest of human vices re view tha list aa it la given in veraes 0 and 10 and by tha way notice the other sins mentioned there and place drunkennae in lbs proper classification cau it what it really u aln and then call an tha one who can save from am you will then be washed from your tin sanctified and justi fied in tha name of tha lord jesus v ii la christ there is hope for tha rbtjttkard a eeirltual revival is tits leax answer la tha liquor prob- umrjmm aaak to prctnots it even as we thus give our- jars of our nation tjfhir- f as we see itj atiiuj by j a strang clock in montreals hw central station precision in timepieces is a neceuliy lor travellers- accordingly lectinloaj expert engaged in planning numerous conveniences tnoorporatfd to the cans dlan national central elation had uiu it ijoosvj at tholgh there may be tune relief from rationing uuooi our nrlihbon to the south in the war future hoaxer at home feature included to their many musts th situation u esactly the oppotft acrueved their objective ome- vd avmay be to lor more rrtrttlon qumtly slatytwo ctoas big and little ipwllry a nclbly going to tostaurd for service to the public and ijiju mi ijj continue to do to szrfnmia to tbr mot coat lian er v w w jtiin tnu earant the pouluy the autlon u opd to traveller nrn hid incrtiiej their flocks to or- j der to meet uu m txuln ho- u big job to set three score and oer the demand to here 1 home t i v kr- n liukler kuoat that to in hl on home lias tocrral greauy due parbaps o iloon mulnl4lm ul the fact oust then u more money m c tmiutlon aiu ulao uur u uirai rj- tlcnlnkj uuu iot into trirt uauiy iut uould jtiriilf tjt naorr nuiat uin thilr jliulninit vt cwupurn calls fur ruibajtutro b uuii njorr tv i u a irult mr air ujurl to lull down tn our iiiljwnrnu to hie ou1 latind ct- iliuu orr urit tur aulovl 0c ts ix r nrrk whrn htiik of all umt ilir luivr brrn liiruugb durui uicrf u- li- rur it might nut br ml lu ua uu uithk tmior brforr uilng niofr rial thu r har brrn in xit hftut of duuitf wr tmr rnikli u br uiavnauul lor hrrr in canavtla com mtnl ultti th fou orr thrir uul r avilm dullkir to lhtnk truil mr mny daulg euibu2 orr xhrir out of uirlr rru rv h4vivg h htux in lantori ajd uf ubnmd prior to lb tr and ho urrr o lurtunate to tu4t winilwr cab tr 1u recall tin iiunibrr u tlocau ttublt in tlit rxiutiu 0111 to thr puuif it au uif pnkid umui tj uir vulfir that wlndsur cuaijj- clociu numbtrtnif nutinuinid in ttorlluik unlrr avnd iiiulnttluiro li muitank urdrr and uuund dally or urrkly tluit utu tn- urrd ixik urltculauly to knp trirm uccurutt- tlirt- nrna canadian netionul tulluk cloiki cvotarratr at all timr orcaatur vie tur diirtttd by a ul- ur ttldrd b rult tdt tlwr iloktrr luoka ukr ti ttrraiinujapd rdluon ol h uruimlfatthrr clock but it thorctiiilily oxxlrm ajvd rontatn a varut of itadiru unknovn u tht older grnrrutiun 1lch pruducrd ttkoar adnurablr oirchnujn now rujtnly rr uaxdnl at nicturnqur anuqut st watbrr during the past mf contlnuoui oprrallun thr dr- htunt brrn 10 avormble for lbeprndj on rlrctrtc currrnl rmlhrr than ob tn crop u heavy and it may all uhr chain and balance ol thrcjiclfnt br nrrdrd for thr atork duruiff ltjvarthy ttir evamc povrr dlrrda all comlzag vilnttr aa both corn and grain i other clocxa trmmina from thr uaa crupa do not look aa food u thty uaually do lioot cropa took wll thoucb if wc wxmtmvlu correctly of all thr tmatvlona that huiory rrcordi in nirctioo wtth bartly only oor ha f aurd and up to tha umr of wruin thh invauon which u now tn progreu haa mrl with vtry ulur oppoaltlon thr laland u aomrwhal liar the uland of vancouttr both arc more or 1 trr 1 thr iave are minor boaara carry ing out instrucuona imparted by the hatter true they poatrja a technical name each being in control of a cir cuit of cuxkx but theataf f dubbrd thtm alaet and the name clung the maater clock u in the atatlon tetr- graph ofaot on the aub- track lrvrl i la mormenta rrguutr the circuit let us go forward flat along the coast line and then both i clociu which are t in an adjoining are mountalnoua in thr interior 81- panel ctlv of court ha a much larfr popu- cjoclu fur thr iravellcra and the ijtun lhun haa vancouver uland aiull havr be 11 placrd in piomlnent ctl haa around four million inhabl land convrnlrnt locauons uch aa thr ixu ahllr vancourr laland ha tonccxirm the around one hundred and twenty thou- utttnc roonv rrl room avhop rettouranu lhr nflvra and include a public cluck tlmble uut- ldc the luuon thu uttrr ttmrpleci ih in the vat tovrr lucing dorvrietrr street thr fun ul ulilte jrlaj la all trtt uur inchrn tn dunttter aiiftcm nd- id b a iui iron rtti mwii let i ant tnch in diameter thrrr orr ro nu- imrnli hour and minut ntvtmis br- pttlii titrv ol ruht iron tmiiri7 exitrthe comtry of tli rlock u1 h hlnmnitd ai tin sand nnd ot that number about one- hall ue tn th cit of victoria at the ratrrme oulhrrn end of lhr ifvlund boh ilandi prou conildrrablr fruit the canadian troop- tn sicily are ll1nu up to the rrputallon of the ca- nadtana of the last a- and lire giilnlng omr aluable expeiiince een though ho opposition f hm not bxn fts murlid b in lhr c nc itm two iart doubli- imi cixks ar uimiidid from tht i ii in txtiiv iatl read from any piri ol uit hull i is true that not nil that ttliturh i tuld likiuim- it tnu metal is really sn the cava hourlnt the uorlu of tin mnooiirw clockh urr not munufacturfti of brow but urr made of a build nt board iiatl known to curtadlan thus uv one ol the wartime hutxitltutioru necrsltbt- allied trnonfi to blctlv corwjtd of ionic three lhiiiand hhps and muat 1 hair been quite n muht ilat mall has not been coming through as rerularl lu it had been nnd perhaps wrnir of s j that not everthinn that seemi to be tin- boats that had been bringing our mmmtnt t i rrutll may hac been twitched to odd to the sicily convoy we can scarcely matrtne the amount of arrantttrnentr tha aould have to be made long in advance to convoy an lnvaalon army en an errand of that kind war -r- mrarcltir toinly cornea under th heading of huuon um lm rh cl nic bualneta f tnc cunil ntlonul rallus ure revulated from mcoill unlvermt ob- writtng in the globe and mull ofl uulff chvked every day laat saturday drtde nroder tua of thrcugh the nudluni ol a anerlnl le ft pamrnt in bed ilronplnu her fork u clmill miuur clock at whsl eating a lrmon pie and of using montreal and elseuhera uirutighout lhe ahoe hom to finish the ob it an astern are used to check watches deu at least f ralln ho ure concemr in the movement and operation of trains there are more than 17000 such env ployeoa and they are required to huve wutchtf checked tulre monthl mi hat their timepieces must not vary more than thltry second in 7 dnn while the clock in the medium of oampnrlxon the actual ch celling of these wauhett in imtformel bj- flatch tnsimtton or whom 250 have been nphlnud by the company for that purpose clocks controlled by a master arc motor operated uielr hiutdn moving thrnd one minute on ever electrical impulse pumpink atuin aa the minute expire at the centrul btatton at montreal to provide for tmergenclrs there 1h a standby battery syatem maintained hy a trlclde charger uhould the power line full the bntterieh will fumlali electrical imptilken to operate all the clock mo tore for at least three day fthould it require that much time to restore normnl electrical service together to all ontario people vrbo want our province to matte us aealeat p eess- iritmition la tlte war effort and who are alio concerned about what w99 hap pen after the war the ccf now says let us bo forward together during the war and after the war let us keep faith with our tnea overseas by giving tbetn oar utooet support now let ua keep faith with our men overseas by making sure that there will be jobs and security for all when the war b over the ccf is close to the probletae of labour and agriculture so vital to ear war effort to these and to their allied problems such as health and bousing tha ccf wuj bring new and vigorous action hundreds of thousands of ontario people suffered in the last depression and ar fearful today of what the postwar period will bring a postwar depression mutt be pre the ccf alone presents a clearcut constructive program for af- lev the war the steadyswing toward the ccf reported by the gallup polls shows that aa everincreasing number of people look to the ccf for the solution of todays pro blems outstanding men and women have already been nominated in most ontario rifl ings and further nominations are being made with edward b jouiffe aa ccf provincial leader these men and women are prepared to form a go bow and introduce a genuine new deal for ontario the ccf depends upon the work and dollars of the people it urgently need your work and your dollars write the secretary box 638 burlington if you wish to support us with work or contributions let us go forward together for a better war effort and for a better pro vince in which to live when the war is over your candidate john wilkinson rrowtii during the prehent season has been unusual in many iyspocli during- lhe early port ol this scason we found ii dtfflcult to bet the plants to stow even under glass pernor ine scarcity of sunshine had something to do with it as a result iluntj were set out mnaller tn else than they would be ordinarily our mrlng boons irrew perhaps more rapid ly ncenrdlnu than did many of the other vegetables and the outlook was 1itcourofflns however even if plants lid look well they huve fulled to pro duce the usual abundance of beans and we can not blame this on the lack ot cultivation as they huve been well looked after tbmauxn arc later than usual this year but promise a fair yield as far as we can tell at tha mo ment cabbage seem to be very slow in heading in spile of the fact that they have been well cultivated and several others have told us that this has been their eiparlenee thla season locally potatoes look well however this happy condition doesnt seem to be the opi nion of other localities and potatoes may still be a very valuable crop this reason we only have to so without potatoes for a few dinners to learn their real value and of all vegetables we would miss them the moat if we didnt have then locally plums and poors are ssarse however early apples teem to be plentiful enough and crab- apples promise a rood crop lite abun dance of moisture ought to ensure a good crop of raspberries of good qua lity canning menu to be the order of the day even if sugar quantity has to be reduced and maybe the fruit may even have an improved flavor because of the leu amount of sugar that is be ing used we stm think that aw might be a good deal worse aft uk chart hllowm rations in canada oenerolb a survey made by the ottawa farm journal ol the rationed foods in many ul ihr warring nations shows that ce- nuda li giving one of utc most gener ous meat rations in the world tile journals chart shows unit tin french are trying to get by on half a pound a week and the itallana on only onethird dread flour cereals cheese and eggs which nre rationed in some of the countries still llnd an unrestrtcteo market in canada compromise cnn never take the place of confidence in our lnductrlal relations w h long think before you traveli will yet tte occupylrvo seals that wa needed for those on leave or those who aiatt travel on war word mmnm 80 down on the farm thomnh craig has brought his true- on drlarwood farm the uoy they tor to a hull for a little consultation made their loooth broadcast to on- with his wire martha nnd daughter tin to and quebec listeners in cbce janice the fourth party is of course dally farm broadcast at 130 pas erie hired man par excellence the edt camera caught the oralga down gray coach lines whv worry over rationing our forefathers existed without sugar till the 13th century coal fires till the 41th buttered bread till the lbth potatoes nnd tobacco till uie lth coffee tea or soap till the 17th puddings till the lbth oas matches or electricity till the lbch automobiles and tinned goods the 3lh so why worry over rationing or ahortsgesr the old boys managed to get along fairly well tor train required to carry the bnv thh first armys supplies when at landed in north africa last november would have stretched for s35 miles q miles f trucks loaded to capselsy vtth supplies turned out by a gtgantat nonstop effort by men and woman who for the most port had no experi ence in that type of work the tisda- port system carried these supplies from the pitheads ant the dots of tha baa torles down to the docks where sway met the supplies from america she osrjo vessels and r certs seued ta the longu journey to north africa teajeiiikaisj

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