Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 28, 1943, p. 5

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proclamation ivic holiday monday august 2nd where the corporation of the town of george town have in former years eel aside the first motsday to augutt as a civic holiday and whereat the member of the municipal coun cil to comply with the desire of the citizen have d- eided the 2nd day of august 1943 thai be otvd aa rich therefore i do declare monday august 2nd 1943 a civic holiday for the town of georgetown i recpectfully rwpieat all citirens to govern thenv accofdingry joseph gibbons mayor coo save the king uutcn july sflth ims holidays liukos barber beau y salon will be closed htaa august 2nd to august s imdaafare phone 278 j gpsry t h e a t re friday july 30 home b wyoming gene autry w revue jerry calami 1 vera vaxae fox new saturday july 31st matinee at 3 pm hello frisco hello in technicolor with alice fay jehn fayae service special rear gunner cartoon the last roundup chapter 10 king of the mounts tuesday and wednesday august 3 and 4 random harveaf btary by iuh hulaa with greer ouaa bull oilaaea disney how to play baseball jobm wtuinuon c c p oandldxle for lull what tub cjcjt will do what will happen when the o c p lake power at jn park lura are um of the things your ccj oov rremcnl sill do to the btctor of halloa county seymour pensoit 92 has interesting career riianri u maasxlti palalsd geea- 7 at cmx far vetra nil i3don of the oca euuried a 1 lieat grancdxugrrler of the other i btxiythre year ago ur penson ur hcymour penica celebrated bi ue former flora uirrtmh wnd birthday recently at hie home ooutu d chatham ontario she here a resident oimowo fur the j a three year sae there ere three par five year ur fesion u in sod children two eraooviilmmi and three leallh and derte great pl from hi favourite putimr reading ur proson has had an interesting lllr he sat bom in london england and ln hla youth foiiod in the foot steps of li faller snd grandfather aho were utrxvrupli artuta in thlv way tor became very pjuftelent at drawing and thus laid ihe foundation for hla career in canada he came out lo ihl country tn ltd when he and hu parents flit irtilrd tn the uus iota district rreet grandchildren a cousin of the lite tin- prnson ur rldurd ooutta au principal of oeorfetoam lujb hhool for anentrn yvara with the bowlers special notice to proxy holders for active service voters hour of ipectal uuna of luvulng offlrcn tn the battoral uftnct 0 ilajton for tbr purpoae of conflnnlng prohea of bora pro vincial antl semre vetera lor th esiulnr daction to be held under tte dcuooa act iiho 4b77 on tn fourth day of auruat a d ims tale notice that special bluunfa of hrvulrn oibcan for the bectoral dlativrt of llaltcn for uve purpoae aforeaajd wul be held aa louoan by hb honour judge mukro cxajcvuilx baturday july j1u 10 arn to ii noon council cnambar oascvlxjxtueaday aurint 3rd 10 am to 13 noon council clumber bvrunotok- oaturday july 31u 2 pin to 4 pn council cnambar uuh1jkoton turtd aturuit jrtl 7 pm to 4 pm council cruunbtx unxtom saturday july jltt 7 jo pjn to 0jo pm court llouae itmon- tunda ausuat jid 7j0 pm to jo pm court llouae by w x kk esq k c axrron saturday jul slat 10 ajn lo 13 noon mall acton tuenday aueul 3rd 10 am to ii noon town ilall odoroetown baturday jul sjat 7 pm to 4 pntom iuu attroetown tueda aubu1 3rd j pm to 4 pm tvram hall hilton baturday july slat 7jo pm lo 030 pm town kail tmron tucaday ausuit 3rd 30 pm lo bj0 pjn town hall and ptjrtlieil take notice that any bolder of proay or jromlea from any extra promncial active bertci voter or vottra mar apply at am of the aald alltlnga to have auch prtmy or prortea confirmed by the revlatna otflcer pursuant lo tnr ptntlona of the active bervlc election act ims and pdktheb take nctice ihat all prooea muat be eonftitn- ta by a bevlalna qlbcer betorr the prrary can vou utereoo w n munro chairman of election hoard county of llalton gejotgetowrt wwi apokajtea to our liberal can tor ualns hla metnod of ap proach i mould ulta lo aak your indul- bnc for a few mtnutee in anaver u thuruiay eenlnff aaa lilua nlgbt ut ihejocal ren ten prtna tn all av donated by ur and urt ii ul timo eiitn frea for the jlinry waa turn- nurie they cleared thevl mtlrtlv to the clurconrra and y- dlkap- lirtlc mm jack arnold ura er tn ura it clratr ura e tyera tr- ii ijiuco oni land and attempted lo farm k0w- u aubalanllal aum realljed winner ikap rer upon flnctna the land polnilnsly unprudunir 1t wnwn relumed to an and by waicnlng the mora uf a crltbrjud actnlc arlut taught ttlmarli ttir ue of colour ahuh atven combined a 1th hla draw- certain queaucna and lha c o talent made mm a much ougtit- atand i stll not be able lo aptraa mylaftrr rrnlc artlit for 40 kara be art quite aa fluently aa our friend i pulnted the aornery in the canadian unfortunately i have not the help of muonal exhibition at toronto often any lanl and rrprrtertred pou ileal tou reuer at all coal- to be proud of the liberal record v are quite certain aa hla own uiu mem uy leader rlnt or wrarar proea and atial the balance of the record la i am at a loaa to know what n matnt be wllh frral pride they point out we hare tarmaed the old me pen- uona 10 per cent thla i aay does not rvtn cover the ooatoflrrlni bonua whloh tn llaelf doea not corrr the tn- trrw of llnnc oondluon today we u1 ralae the prnttona immedla- urly to iso 00 they aay where anil the money cume from what about the aurplua of tie mlllon dollar oant e afford aeten to eutht muuon dollara atlaa tor thoae who have rtto the brat many urn ekndr tfaompoo em tbom aon w o bell h cleave h lulios tueeday of tnu week the oaorietowa entree in the ptovucuj lawn bowt- wg aaorlitkin playdoim weot bacat to brampton on the aeoond lee of the loumr stcjre double and rlfiaw ch eliminated the itmllir entry tfocb suwuville last seek ltut nltnt bos- vtr the rink s the only entry to tt- furthrr in the playoffa in the ilntlea n tilbury oi fort credit proved miasb aupenu- to b p rtiinrnin 3vtfwb to uhe tunc of 71 a ceorgrlora double entry era thompacn and jaa rlchurdaon akin afier an eautmly hard and h loujbt nuttui sere basted is the last end by the doe margin of j4-j4- xsile wax a lourm malcti to loae but a thru- irr lo saxtt fort credit wax the oppo nent nere ax weu- tne nnk entry however fared belter advancing to the nrxi atxe tn the tompruuon oeorgrlown rink of w o bell j w kennedy j j oabbaox w u ucduwtll aklp tlny imprrxlwly put awsy their ulmvro opounrnt by the aoor of ki lo where their next play will be 11 nut kikn aa yet the acta svfe over 700 feet long and very hisri lie became aaaoclated wllh lie hand flrraorka oompany of lla tnllton and sua bualneu mxnacer of the company until twelte year aso dunn that time they put on ahosa in moat of the iradlni ouea of canada from halifax to vancouver often ira- vrllinr in the iua aa well after hla retirement he waa their corrrtpond- ing aecretary for acme lime until he retired completely xlr feruuin la a member of the church of enulend he drew aketchea and aaalaled in corrmtllnfj the uuakoka in order to do thla he travelled miles by canoe in the parry week end dancing at huttonville park this saturday jack macks orchestra dancing 830 12 midnight i bound dlxtrtct he told a great deal iof hla uuakoka property for aummrr reaorla although he 11u retalna eome while en routr lo canada the prn- yeara of thru uvra to hie tn a mud died worldf the uotherv auoweace even at 30 per cent tncreaae u far from enourh unfortunately i haw not the apace lo enlxrer on aame but do axeure anna met up with another family re- the uotbcrx allowsnce a much better lativra of the honourable alec uan- ss jvj o vatvcouvtr for four genera- c c y a propojau i will aertd on requcet tl1 lk f in hu airand letter he rrlrre to the w proftreulvr conaervatlve prthmunme between the famlllre jual ncnuy a rather a elrange thing of course i do no have to remind you that thrtr 22- j point platform aocncihtng to be dlx- ajbjbfjajfjfgrebfjfjbbwlhb mantled altet the electtrxi la juat a cheap imitation of the cc7 proirram- me and i am poallhr that no conaer vatlve convention would have appro- ed he aaya that the leader ur drew thould have brought up theae mxttera on the floor of the house i think and t am sure you all will agree that there were a lot of things ahould have- been brought up tn the house by both bides but no they both axlt for an election and rush the votrra whereax the cgv probtamme and n a inattvl la the atudy of ten hard years rot together by some of the finest brain of the country and even ccs member who tx free to vole and dlaruxa any and every point at our yearly conventions and i aay that when we are your elected gov ernment both in toronto and ottawa every ccj member la tree to vote according to the dictates uf hla or her conscience and judgment and not ax a compelled member of hla party or leader it la rather atartltng that he admits the monopolistic control he must be careful or he will lose the support of these concerns and also be an outcast from his parly you know what hap pened lo hepburn i offer our fifteen point pragra in for study t plan immediately for the em ployment of all alter the tear j organise for the full use of our natural teaource and the develop ment of new lnduatrlee the minute the war rnda s free the people from the power of the monopolies now tn control of j1 important bualneaa and industry 4 bruiff theae rnononollea under social ownership wllh immense savings lo farmers workers and consumer 5 encourage cooperatlvex and re- frcunlxe marketing board to gtve farmers ful representation so that they ran bargain for fair priors 6 pax an effective trade union set that will protect ishoura right to bar- train collectively for fair wajre snd working conditions 7 increase old ace pension im mediately tn 30 per month and also mereate mother allowance a brine imrtlxh health rvlc within the reach of ull thus saving thousand of uve ax in new zealand 0 provide equal education ofmortu- nltles for every child by mean of aoho- lannlpa and grant to munlcpa lltles 10 revise the tax law to remove injustice and lighten the burden on farmers and homeowner 11 anollrm patronage 11 reduce the cost of bread and eoal by aetung up munlclplryowned utilities is ftjbllh munlclnal dlxtxlbutlon of milk to benefit both farmer and eonxtxtera 14 reduce the coat of electrlcito by reaoulng the hydro cvmnuon from the grip of private eornparile 15 build more and better housee to the full extent of avmllabie lxhour snd tnateriaji the old way of life ha become the way of death a cycle of wan and ivrxnaavutl the old order is paetna aarsy throughout the world and ootario can lead the way in canada pteaxe do no be orvntuaed with old parti be careful of the untried and dont iqvrtient all i aak you to do on aiutut 4th 1 to renieatiher atlbtra- ia and hbw zitaij t theira to the proof of a eu ny thalrj john wuuruwn ocjp oattdita midnight frolic sunday wght 1205 ajrt jack macks orchestra dancing i20s am 3 am admiaxion 50c come and hart your holiday right ajbvsvatri a solemn challenge to the electors of balton county the frillowing picepaurtixan letter froa gratton oleary cajaas mott out standing jownaliat author lcturer and member of the pre gtulery at ottawa to eleors of hakon county should be trughtfully read and lieexiod by evvery man and woman b is a atrring call to dtidry and tocoiscience vdiich ghould not be ignomfi to the peofle of ii alton countv ii ta a dlalbralni thing t learn that many people in year part sf use frwr- inrr aa i fear grexlly in ether parts may net re eat te rale after many years of vralrhlnc rrltaaarit and ftjolc life team aa u were a klngasr beat i am convinced that thla aerl ef indlffeeence the fallare sf the people and especially sf ear leaders in vaiiaa walks af life t exercise the iranrhlr is the iretest peril ef ear derjwexsiie insutaxlxaus w are fighting ihla war to avoid use tragedy ef dlctxlarahlpa which en- galfed ss ranch ef enrape fthtlng fee the right t vwte and shape satr own hesunlea vet many ameng us refuse to exercise that right ta aae the grexl llerl- txre which ear ferefaihera gained far a with their used and which ear hans are axfefaxrdlng with theirs we talk ef a belter werld when ihl war b seer a great pari af that new we id mast be determined far as here la ontxii by use character af the government we chain best week lit will he a sf many ef the laws and ajxu aader which m shall have te lire fer at least aame years after uus war i area hence ef terrible imparurtce is all who hue a atxke la h gelng sat an wedaexday next in an effect to ahase iu eharaeter awnaaally shsll like te see nettling belter than erranhuulen sf eitlsen all seer the prevlnoe lupreaalng apen their neig hkere the uou1in cvmllawob that thev vok obatton oleakv lids is the stfajguthitildiig cafauvslghted reaaonlng of i a call to arms on the home front to onarsaa men and wo men who bedleve in canada and who nave her ititeratr at iteart to use ftotxdota moat prklew gift by getting out to vote aex wethsesday aitguat 4th

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