Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 25, 1943, p. 5

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the gwnytowa herald wedawday august 25 1943 social and personal iftu agues cole u apudisc v oslloa at lak mate tin o stlfon of bora 1 vtstttng law starve streaks so and urs- cukw kennedy cbippew an vtaulag la town teat june fbeken i holidaying in wttn bar aunt u rank airs a bstttna of tsarrtslon vistted hut week with he daughter ura 0 facer bmtecub- ur and ura r baker of tana- to spend tha week end wttb ur and ura walter pack ur and ura ii n walton of to- recto most last ant 1lb u fjauules watson qaaaa si ur and ur 8 tvnnsnt ajbert and lamnl hv ra altar sp week at port rwlhtvsrw ulat hssel harrison has baas visit- lag in toronto wtth bar taatar ura j alurjonlry air and ura j oubert and son of toronto sre vtttilng ur and ur arthur run tnls araefc oerrard wuccs vwled si in his aunt ura wunam uacarthur la os- baaaa last weak lira o sudd and ton botsnv have been vtstttng is tbrooto wttn bar au- urtnlati afla edit sodd ura h of toronto visited bar saotner mra e ooinsn over tha aoss tullna luertngtan u vumasg tu icu linda cunabm at uusfco- ka lasts this eeofc ur r w uuu publisher of tha ertn adaoeaar wa a eabar at tha herald ottor on morntaa uat wit ura j e btart and daugnters beenor and nora of windsor visited laat week with ofd and ura waher ur and ura chart fcstott of lame ontario utss wlnniffed slots ulu hnvtlw brook and ur wo- frad bui of ahsaan palls v guests at use ham of ur and ura t s hill at tha and of th seek ulu severtjr detrburst daughter of ur and ufa prank dewnorti spent list week vtctting ralatttaa in yihirnvl las tabe iwhthantad her aunt and ancle ur and ura percy barker brampton on tb trto urs w utile of dunvul a former resident of oweisetosm spent few dsyt uat week with ura a tvnnsnt- iss uargaret tronsal brampton ha returned bom alter spending a month wttn lots bell tannanl ur and ura but seronrtsfter and ton paul of uinwood itoad ibrobto am lurata at th bom of bis parents ur and um a uionraser i ur ifum ourrt su knon 4u- tncl trucarr u urtoual ul in tvron to ornrra hospital ur ourrt under nt an operation last wakend and hit many friends in tb district slab hlw tale raeoacrr ura ii k urera of llat ukhl an and rturatn blstar jaiaa p vounf of tb roaj bo ha faaan atiilntvad at traolob apent tb last two wafts rlatttag tb mat your atokatstir kkws tmtandad tor last ak laat tnunday tvenlna nearly ifwp paople of all ace from tti and near found their say to tb horn of ur and ura lindasy neelands to attend th fnai community oarden party held tn tb intereats of tb brt- uab war wsto pond tb lorn boot heinul band a pratant to randar tood band mutlc and a tretm of food eotrrtalner from bus- nytld vm on band to dettafct the lam f ttb thetr rvotramme ad was taint u d ercryooe bar- ins a caod time when uat before in- trrmltavw was armmmril th vea- lher man teemad to ba entpleawd with lomethlnf or torn one and sent thoaer of rain tote vat soon louoved by another and heavier one peopt had to scurry for abetter and the pro- pramae as dlawctlnuad use raal wldlar th hand continued to play in tb rain until they and the muav ser thoroughly soaked eatorr they o- etded to tall h a day and atek tflter people rutbed to their cart to cet aamy home but oontlderajble difficulty wat espertenred by many tn retting thetr ran ctartsd en th alrroafcd abound ft at all very dlaippolnttnr eape- rtalry to thai eho had sorted to hard and palnned so eu to max a larst deal of money for th fund however a round of ar wat held and it wa derided to hold another garden party in tb imptovtd uhirolm ihterhattohal sunday chool lesson lcuea for aug 29 wrjlela snvb betfobanon lsaaow tfarrrriri t la ha ta colds t3ttt ui4 tt leal sbw y awku talsbttj aaa inaraam u outsit at th recent uanararaold vaddtaf in arten included th foue- tag from oeorntosm ur and ifja e u arceid ur and ura p p sisift- bam ur and ur oeoraa arnold ur and ura o o bream uat uurtt thompson mr and ura j j son ur dacney ohartea howard kuletk ula uthal porarwra ura wuusm tyndth tad stra caara bad rrrntng ot thu week aufutt jolh no god is righteous and cannot look with approval or la forgiven upon sin until his mrey ha bn stirred and et free to act by repentance then h whoa wrath is hotly kin dled aiatnst mans transgression shows himself a th under and gracious god kptfif lovtsf und oes or thousands fortlvtnf iniqui ty and transgreaslon and sin this free of god to fully re vealed in christ and th redemption which 11 brought to man but is presfured la the espsrunce of tare under the las i 0t wrata kkaaud eod- pur on prtday tn fata jefferta and son keith ejf toronto are gpewtlnt a waaka ho liday with ura harvey allen and daughter barbara woo horace hurley and ura hurley and ui and ura u jp htortey rlattsd tussmra palls and cryatal beach over the week end- mr and ura lloyd jama and son howard and ur jamas tleroey of crystal beach spent sunday with urs jack whitney ura wm hyde buddy and baverly ura carl ifyde anne and rodney are spandtng this week at happy holidays cottage waasoa beach- ura h j- uorae of oomlle ssasv i tpmiht two week with her litter ura w e parmore rockwood and ura j b uackmxle oeorgetown vi earl benner and daughter ura vernon nablo and judy of buffalo ny spent lart week with ura jack whitney u w b pord and ton donald and mist doris armstrong nave re turned after vacationing at the 8 t parums cottage bobcsgeon ulss preda herbert and mist hssel burkholder of toronto have been vacationing with the lattera mother mr d u herbert at her borne on sta ple avenue squs and mr jack turner ol north buy ur and urt turner and ur and ura ralph of toronto called on opl and mrs wslter blehn on sunday ur and urs j a johsneon and two children june olee and kenneth ray of detroit michigan spent the week and wltzt the lattere parents ur and urs cha hoar urs james richardton and ura ethel uuyck ot whitby have been va cationing at port dover ur snd urs preesle ajax and ur and urs draod huyck pickering were sunday visitors with ur and mrs jamea richardson horms last prtday evening a snod crowd ga thend to enjoy th paht commu nlty oarden party at the bom of ur j l keelsnda a my pleasing program was grteat by local talent with asm help from uoten uany en joyed playing bins amd he refreah- ment booth wat wa natrentssd ms rain fell snd su had a srjod time ajto- wtther more than ooa tmdsd dollar was realised for us brttuh war vtc- ums pund ur and ura ralph pleraon of to ronto snd ura n bayer of usnltoo- on tinted at the home of thetr niece urs wellington fitrtnger mtr the week end on thetr way to usnltoulln mrs usthleton of toronto is visit ing her aunt urs akxrnbth ur and mrt stanley learmont rnent the week end at ifurruvule ontario mr and mrs bailey and family npent sunday at the home ot ur and mrt jamea ba3ey will tgain be present and a short peo- mme will be green there wm be tea cap reading bingo and the draw tor the lucky number tickets let us all hope that the weather men wui b to e better mood this rim jvtt joy eyre it spending a fw weeks at the home at her seethe 1ft stanley str sit barbers usekkstk ot camp- besrrulr u vtshlng her aunt ura clehert uotjeeed- th freauent rain are deuymg th threshing of altlke tn this tseafty mew aviitisa4tms auttshu for rmahiss gtrt appry it box k iditald wantcd experienced looper or girl to learn apply lnvoie knkung co ltp 2nd floor brill hosiery bias siewarttown st johirt bundsy school hsd a ery enjoyable picnic in the school grounds last saturday afternoon games and larea were for an the children lunch was served by ur and urs oolehrook ond the s b teachera mm lawaon and grandson donald w having a few days holidays with trlrndi tn moral ur and mrs p r bally of hamil ton ur and urs p manhsll of to ronto were vtsltors with mr daily on monday we mustnt forget that we all have to get oar new ration books in oeorgetown wednesday thursday prldsy and saturday of tills week br sure and take your old ration book pobbznt thre room apartment with bath oilier aoconmiodatlon lyssinlnn en sept 1st apply- tf herald opptoe wanted wanted to purchase pulleta all reed and ages four weeks up to so eka high price paid write for full details tweddb chick hstekerlee usshea tf pergus ontario igesry t h e a t re ftiday august 27 tahiti honey dennis okeafe blmene utuen houm of mystery detective ysen with kenneth kent jady kelly fox newe saturday auguit 28 matinee at 3 pm cabin in the sky mntlcil trnsstlon with bscheaur ethel water canada carries- on gates of italy cartoon dumbhounded chapter 2 the sea luiders tuesday and wednesday auk 31 ami sept lit white savage laehnlealer with jen rail maria mantes basel musical 3 cheera for the girls cartoon barnyard blackout passing parade dont you believe it ho tar are those who would have btjsrvht hans o ood bvrjnt old wm b ohsrted the jt ho u taslry noodwinked by clever siabsr ran talk fast to arm their iniquity evan if h do see it he kt supposed to be so tendstbaertsd thai he overlooks their em gutti folk had betur read the words that my wrath may nu hot the wrath of god la real and awful affection ef the divine na ture and it is revested kiot man who sins sfalnst hi holy taw th specie sin of israel on this occasion was idolatry which is the setting up of some msutial symbol to represent th tnvtsjhl god uose had been with god tn the mount for 40 days be had been the lords repreaeautlvt in their midst his presence had evidently been the chief stabilising influence having their eye set on man or a material object to take hi place they had lost sight of th in visible god bo they proceeded to establish this idol which would pro vide a center of worship at first it wss evidently intended to remind them ol god but soon it led them out into heethen revelry esod s3 s h ib wholrtcr e man rult between turns 1 und gc even though he may at first in nd it to be but a reminder ol g d will irod him otoay from god itituul symbols theol ogy scholarship all good in their placet may become the idols which reparole presentday man from god 11 gads mercy lavlled esod 34 40 aaron had only a weak allbl to offer the golden calf had prac tically mad itself see esod si 14 how quick man is to justify himself lnstesd ot admitting his guilt ko doubt our escuses sound just as silly as aaron tn th ear of god uoss knew better th sin wa dealt with in drastic fashion when on desls with wild ravenous bestt there is on remedy shoot to kill hot only were the uadera of th wickedness slain but the ground gold of the calf image waa put into water which ad itroel drank thus were they all marked as sharing the guilt of this idolstry there is a lesson her for us america la far from god we need to aeek hi face in repentance but let ua remember that we that is christian men and women are a it is our guilt po bale modern cltre jewel rsntre iroeli with enamel iron nearly new call saturday evening above klrby store apply ltp john wafuxaw bov wanto a young man under is interested in learning the printing butineaa good opportunity for a boy to equip him self with an interesting trade in a weekly newspaper shop apply herald office oeortretown weekly report crop conditions below will be found a brief synopsis of telegraphic report received at the head office of the bsnk of montreal dated august lath uu oeneral to th prairie peovlneee tight to heavy reini over many dis tricts during the past weak hate be nefited latetosm crept snd warmer weather it now required to hasten ripening cutting of oats snd barley u becoming general fairly good yields ere expected where moteture condi tions hsve been tsusfsctory but tn the dry treat of saskatchewan snd alter is yields slthougb of generally aood quality viu be light stem run it pre- sslent on oats snd hot sppeered on barley in usnltobe bavfty climige u teportrd in parts of saskatchewan snd alberta sugar beetl ore making good progrecs in cie province of quebec grains are making satisfactory pro- tress although some dsmsge from en- retjje moistuir reported cutting hot rommrncrd and etcrtge yields sre in dicated rsln hat continued to deity ilsnetilng of a hrtvy crop of hay and qusllty hss been ollrcted tn many dis tricts pastures are m ery good coo- cltlon canning crops are below aver- tge roots are doing well the tobacco crop all be considerably below r msl oaing lo domtrc from rain and to cool weather apple promise an rage yield winn dry weather is needed in ontario continued inter mittent rains base retarded hsrvesting which is shout tan weeks later than normal tn most ana indicated turns lor pall wheal snd aprtng grains are conslaertjbjy below aserasa oom roots snd s oup to bask good piutues entiaqy grape and early apples are fsrenltartt but 1 thanavermge yields are for for most other tree rniila in tb atari- urn provinces haying operations hsve been delayed by sdverse weather digging of early potatoes is under wsy other roots are doing well o rains sre well beaded and peospects for the spple crop are good in british oo- rumhta favourable weather oonrnuont llr crop development hate continued during the put aeek apple sre sit ing normally fleeing ot early varie ties of peers snd plums hss com menced root crops sre doing well you oweitto children your childs eyes oefeetlre euion retards th school child seriously it most see to iram hate ut examine our childs eye we iifccial1z8 em rve exahtxatiow if aeed tye keevtee yew ceasait as s year eye 0ywikrr0 evxmgmt htclalwt sho wo teat has offls ees th ssad telsnhan on asata estreat oeofwetoeei th second tfiittm way of en ssocub or yon saoty sonsoat o t veassw su kss otfieeta phone mnhijtj m brasnptea sss twt tmn m mm um f canadian soldlrrt cnerteas hare old chum vs pragsiratlont for th lanainat f troop in north afrtos lrnrjvd allaev ation to over mo ordinary sssechao ships lor use as troop canters float ing workshops etc oil of which wa completed in short tint snd in th utmost secrecy wsrte paper collected in use unit kinrdom from november i ism to auguit iso amounted to nsany 3 snd one quarter million tons would have required 4w ships each ot married an estimated eight thousand 1 8m0 capacity to transport english and erottlih gtrll catu irontpnr highest wanted un and dressed poultry market price apply a harnett ac boh phone brampton sal r 14 p of america revert charges waniu oouple with child age s wish to rent apartment or small nxjs by october 11th apply ltp box it itersxd kleerex a quick keauno halve por skin ajiatentb sold in two ttrenguis medium and strong relieve sunburn poison ivy mosquito bites burns cuts also heals ecirme phiiiatis pimples impetigo itch sac si 00 s3 00 recommended and told by robbs druo store fob kens two or three roomed apartment comfortably furnished with ad conve niences around door with separate entrance other large housrjceeptnc noma warm insulated apartment apply hera1d opp3ce if or phone sss rob bale wood kleottie peed orindera milk ing machinea milk cooler beetrls pence also mount poreat t mahiim district wpe wfl- lougtiby parm aasnoy t khkwhom oeortetown phone su tt p a aos an piles sufferers of bleeding and ravjtrudlnst pues fshoultl know i bunldeni herbal pius treat th cause at its agurost monty hack if the tint bottle toes not satlsfjf buy from your dnnr- tts and we ought to be on our facea be fore god pleading for gode mercy upon our land motet was now reedy to aeek the lords mercy for his wayward people he i the intercessor the intermediary god hsd a man who had compassion and love in hia heart and the lord heard him lovingkindness and tender mercy flowed forth in place of flaming anger note that god haa not changed he la the unchangeable on hi wrath ia still hot against man in but man haa repented and moved lout of gode wroth into hi love and grace that too is alwaya being shown to his obedient children lit god covenant renewed exod 3427 28 moses had broken the first tablets ot commandment the people had sinned and were not then ready to listen to any word from jehovah but now they wet prepared to re ceive it and god renewed tha cov enant as he again gave moses the law there la no need for despair in the heart of the on who deals with god the missed opportunity for obedi ence and blessing may b gone for ever but god is still on the giving hand ready to meet the returning prodigal ready to glvs beauty for ashes isa 813 and to restore the years that th locust hss destroyed jo13xs amailng grace in tha keeping of thsss command- msnts tarsal wss assured of the blessing of odd as wa pointed out last weak tha teal shiuulrnent of the law cams in jesus christ who did not sst aside its requirement but met them all for all who believe in bis asms coalwll be scarce nect winter prepare your home now for adequate warmth with smaller fuel consumption 70 save coal chick these p0ihts how to got more wat pipes and furnace muit be clean anil in itood order lfmeorrwdroomiuharatkeat you are watting fuel a minor aduitstt ctn fmiheihly remedy thli ilavt competent man check your beating yem and auk necrstary repair lnauute your furnace end pipe when ncceury how to avoid heat losses storm window and door mutt fit snugly and he wcatberttripped tack of norm window cut cauie at much a 20 heal lot caulking ihould he done around window door and in crack in brick work tome hardware mores have caulking gun fur rent ilrokcfl gist should be replaced and loote panes puttied small eapenditures on such work will save much fuel how to save stttl more you ctn sat fuel sod motvty bv hsvlag your home properly lasulsted it is a proven fact late la maay homes isck of sdsquste iosulstloa se cluding storm windows results ia tsaaecetttrr consumption of fuel up to a much as 50 wstch for later inuructloos oa how so tee your furnace properl ave totlb bomb u fob 1iuww and dittjunoh dxricts gat athrlm aowl skilled workmen and guppuag ara scares b you daisy in rjottirirj your hottvs raatsy fer vrinlar yw ssisy bol ba able to gat th aarvioa you naed sowfe cmttt t fg uni of munitions

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