Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 1, 1943, p. 1

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herald matysvh yea of ptt 200 p asumsn 5c pet- cee everything points to r fair here sept 10 and 11 tax collector reports 9000 in taxes stil outstanding crklkfa wbs khmloa u ckaag wuy eutf uv our kings call to prayer oauiirtl mrt la spatial sraoaao lost r with lb mayor iters brocm and coudcluon uiffwiiui uhew hill bradley thottpaon and lyon pffjaroi la hear a rrpon oo lb or- inn ul tun and water rsun and to dcid oo what anion should b talso with respect lo thw k- u langrtnn ofrktu valitaat re ported that ol tb imjuo lo current uia duo mlo tod bo coukud which inm a balance ol ivooo hill out gunning after both th sun and tax imui bad boon daah wu ha d u1l councillor 1u1i tnsigtd a du- outaloo concerning th hour th uu collector thould be in thr municipal office to reett payment ii eao tended that llr lanjdon we not lu- ing up to th terms of the umoni under which he ni hired it ltng don in replr stated that there only one period of a we when hit secretary wa away on holidays that be had dot been able to come up to the municipal office but that at all other i tune be had done hu beat to mm the who is commamliiui cmutr of the public at all time he staled 1 uruvrr poji conipaio vlrnas guard ol that the hour as wl forth in the art- canada mliich mill be tamped in ttlnal agreement were not suitable as lnreton ui rwpttnbr 4th 1th and they aere not conseoient for mon of ui mar plcalng iw orvuilrd and the toaiispeopic at this point merie cunimuiilrd the tsnth fsasalrhia brown outarsled that the best a to i itranmrnt ulti flldsy srul be fjrlij anrjwf- ir ol isttliudt dxlartaan ox co atmuj tn4wr thtats bjgern ed to rn nations thereafter rjnf una i nrlf tn dtre peril hi rje imnie care to her aaakuum oaraula wo r at r vmh u ov peril darker paused the united auh enlend the nj alter the irearrierwa ajtack by the jboponrt oa pearl itaibar ptanrr j oat uf me hia tuplne tirarr tle iroo rlckino irene hinmrlr youoteot ding iter ol ur and mra a lunoark jr ol oruraruisi r r and uac ocara oumir ii cat cauuy ouaer too i u ara ur rej ouaurr oeoeja loam vet ubltad in maittaje at a prety ornerauny at the bride hose en toruiay ajurnooo am jvk at o tor ile c c oxkhxan orneniad the bndr glteo tn eaarrtaie by trr tmiier u eharmln tn an aflrinooo dm ol stuia slk rat o toil wo mode vtji e nocslirve bouf fant lain stilu oitwswhv wllh a halo bat and ihoaidrrlcntu tell aheuonfuci earned bouqast ol tswovoon iwi heel and woe the tft of the troom a fold onodj3y the irte aallan rmtd iniuir bui a rov tbxon ulu jth tlda- and pjmkiuy brcmn to helen hanoork uater ol the brtde iiiru taxliy the balarw ol aimed was her only attendant veartri tpoaer la tn our haiaa ahd the vl- heamdy blue ohttr wool drama h i roeire-rable- roesiy b being lorrd vo malxbug aonmsortm and a roraase of i iefenuie vlrtury thoush not yet brurruif e rou lao ralph rvaiher- u tai urn rcay calaan r home li chnuan peor rwrywttr have in 0llle a arwotjnan hu silt un ihru luuet we hair rom the rrouen waa an rcap diary lihl ine vhe old ol almwhi and ihe brid- ee her aiundont beurrtht that he u an our ude ijlue rijial netalafr and rtrtetam to be on hu we will a reveiiaii aas held at live tirtdet j w htu that ii has ahaarn ilia lirniie llh mrs hanork neelilns tt usu in a na arid alille enamble isnltil lj mn lilnur mho more a nll and brvmn enthmble afterword lie coiiui h on i 1r1p north uie itililr nairliu- l 1 sjii nl urlone t i rh mi irrvric upon their iim lc nnl mis ollmer ui ine list ol special prizes announced in herald columns this week on- i cl hi- on dpl 1th he in j llr r aa lo hu mj njploi iiitikr cui a rrla lu ol hour till mr uangdon affrred to do nd ur nmiuri icfl for the iuiu- brtnii it wtu u exit lit that to oo n ion and uiing crt ptwrrssinn in a comiwn falriy tvtuactr matuirr unatr the prtwiu aitianseinrnt the armirt of vtrr ri amount to 74920 mr s p chapman wna mialn pre- aent at thr mung with rrum to xhc petition or thr chanacomt ot thr hall ncuday irotn tburday to wednrftday altrrnoon in addition ui in iindrvl nriri 1ft i mil kn uilon clnlis hiid l ut fjin time it it rixt1 prldrnt of ontario and a mrnb r uf tin- dominion kxtrutw co irvrll in lllhin life- hi prtvidi ui vrtrun i illxhtnv the weather i ii l hiit i n iini is urk n ln- hnuil not bn i hi laura bell has pretty garden wedding 1 wrill i uhjlilm iiinil itt litirn liiruioiih if nir itn ni ptriiii irniiiiiii tjrmj- ii i r n itinl titkiitk th- winhi im- iuri- i in u llil mip- w uiiitt i ihjmii ttumvittir4 r nd tikjnjr luv tt itc thunkfl mat i all ofr mil that jium liriin jt un nstiin ill minim r hr old nrr mare u brtur inn ft no lhil mimmr 1a orr niul lull will and tbal it u im uuukk u ufiitfth to ftvttt to work to tuwrtlvc tttid to tn if ood br tr u k t ji bt- atralnat mt on blir1 kirnr ru- nulfrrni th l ciilr ttiiiiiinet ho rxnjl privilr it- iti u in thr rtpiit wi l-lorv- imifti mhirli jnl a bnu iun imijr chnin nniimiti o jm kiti ri sur ttir kinr ind rw1 tw lor mih i klnn r- oir klin- ll ii m of 1 i nrrili rsnplff li oli-arn- siidi h i ii- n di if h 4 j mi fi 1mor niul f prvr nd lut n ii olrninl offcrd n nil mlii of mir hi dm tin fonij if it ton in hr- nw and that it m m cmr cltiiic cirorvoin mtii nun mil hildttn hrir and miart hr ca id iii- clrudmn majmy xm t nojir his il uhlcrta fall to tie in omirt lou- at thr rail of thr king it enletuiaewnl catiseru waat say dtfctorr big prta llu eeovf cir ttiutjllc hitb jtimiwnf band mtstk bly skow ajiftjrh itsmat onbiuilr in datr of vtt vtth annuai efatjumlny acnntkaral rurtrty rlr at 0ot- ton u jua a ay wwrt pvux au 1 u4turdjr bx it and u w llr da lo ctoot and nd- lrt to ujr a baf day lidcauqfu from tttorr than on tudpotcl aurur aril for ln kj0m of th 4bev fmpjj dtlira ar rarr lo tarutv a prtv urt vtikh uu all thr rrrnta and aurarticn and cofdjy rniavtatncbrfcit ha tmo vtaiv ihu amjtntouf and nrn tn ajum on ndi a brrak from thr dall rush i ih var plant factory or offior th sotwni wcllon of thr prta liu hu brm luur mtsrd to taar in ax branch of thr war rffort and tnli to tlir part th ladir arr moat tnurratd tn thr olru oardrn brlfan vul fraturts bn rahlblt in th 1uu that will br aril orut wrlnf another fraturr thl rrar u th victory oardm duplajn by thr local i und rural achool rhlldrrn valuahl i priir- arr offrtrd in ihu mttaon and ii 1 hoprd the ho and irl 111 taar advnnlar and rntrr ai many dup1ai ol fnill rwrtdblr and cofiiniandaaug thr canadian ttarhm to thr aulrd tu vtjiu h riip4rd ttir uland of in uu akutoun chain la urt wiidur 11 w ivuf ishjun hnri incnn out mi lt i ol hi- urn- mtludi- mt la ui iiur unis un- m orull- r nd ntlnr troop- vrli iu br puh- of mr and mr lnonnrd j fkuh rr- lomparr mdenca on charles st hrn laura lummii ailcr dauuhtrr of mr and mrtv w o i spriiu brll wiu unlrd in marrtasr to ur inoniul harry mom ton of mrn a moaaj mnntlis ultli uir nrraur ol uthrr millaulna an iiiuisually art r hjkc lad idlshtl lev than rain foil for thr pact to rhi- normal rainfall for july ifrrv mom uon of mrs a uoa mrmihs mi- normal rainiun or jiu mcku to tutr thr oincrra train- w t auth c lat sstheva fns mtm of toronto u 3 00 inchr and r il onl johl n ln thr armv 1 0n c chni c la autlc it nt nl r fjnchronr offtcutrd the normal rainfall for auuust k 23 lbolit 1taj cump c pr auth 3r uomp a 4retx uraduat of r auth i oejmonp fallowing are the local record for the put week t and l dale wednesaay aiir a pretty lateauinim eldliit as ihl petition there a another on klrmiiirel at tour oclock iturday btviiis nii ihe npt of heirtcmixr e aimed by a number ot merchant ho in the lovel flott jarden can wn up th- records and w ho it wanted the half holiday to remain a i a ird j nellii re- tomptire tt ta at prernl dy ui three quarters of the hopkeepen must be in favour of any eontemplaud change before it can broom law and aa many of the num appeartnz on th brat petition alao appaared on th second it waa clear that lor from the required num ber were represented doth petition wre filed a nqueat from the 80th company veteraru ouard lor crant of 110 or fit to buy freoh reaeuble and wood while they are encamped at the park this weekend wo refuted councillor macdonold chairman ol th streets committee reported that a contractor had been brought to town to make an estimate on the amount of work to be done on the sidewalk two councillor accompanied him on his urveynd it wa found that he would have to put in a total of 41ss square eet at concrete hi price quote wa 33c per oq foot the curbing re quired came to 09 cu feet and the charge for that is 88c it was decided to send a confirmation of contract with work to beam within three week the sidewalk is to have a rolled aur- face b a requeat from the soldiers oom- foru fund to hold u tor day sep tember 11 was uronted tvro rcpreunitutlvea from the good year tire co had been in town with reffard to renting the arena to store now tire in the clerk wni instructed to write and tell them that the arena waa not avultuble for this purnose letter from night consuibl fillouui it mllu t if aed tor farm oiid later ajlmhthont dori tatir oomp klin ul mod lllit a alii 3 tlnmi j clim c lut auth c lne barroa hai been p-amot- tail curnp c ir auth 2 ft comp 2 l lnce corporal iiraulky manrunt anc hist 1 cuict john hiiman lias ikvii tranit- phy c 1rred trom oordon head dc to luloa beatrice en oomp 1 ilrockiillo to tike the officers train- ens tat 1 mod hist 2 alu c hclel oflorrs ris slblc ii raii j jprritjnj ijjt fj luhllslled elaihirr in tilts ifcauc and ilurr is i mldc sarlft ot clsvj- and ln s to chose from thr pedal pnc ll 1 mule up f donations from k1 dtu ns and btmimisvnen and it 1 oped that their interest in lr fair utll tr stiriikthened by a larve entry lor tin nnrs they have offered there 1i1 be eihlbila ol horae eattl silne sheep poultry sraln loot srfretabtv and flovers of all im an- hie mwuk bchool klnd a1 h rthlblt rnuit be placed me riults ol thou- atudeuu f diy 0 u f j outataa i lll lw uub- 1 it w h- nh hv middle school results active service notes hill father was gowned in leeblue em broidered taffeta made on prtnreu line with matching fingertip veil falling from a headdress ol gardenias 3he sore a corsage of baby hyacinths and rosea her only piece of jewelry wo her grandmothers coral necklace the couple were attended by mr and mrs a routhlee toronto sister and brotherinlaw of the groom mr routhlee wore a graceful gown ot pale yellow taffeta fashioned on princes lines matching flngerup veil and headdress and a corsage of tea rose itouowmtx the ceremony a recep- lon was held with the brides mother receiving the guest assisted by mn moss mother of the groom both la dles looked charming mrs bell in a rosewocd two piece ensemble blue flowered hat and corsage of sweetheart loses and mrs moos choslng a violet ensemble matching hat and corsage of wctthrarl roses mrs a mcallh- ter toronto nnd mrs stanley cross nlv of toronto poured tea the table utnrlnir the wedding cake was de corated with blue tulle candles and tiny pink flowers for lining away the bride changed to a flrwcrcd silk jersey dress with itroy acctfsorus and blue coat with nof trim after a weddlns trip to northern ontario mr and mrs moss year i nellie xuynord a gradual ol oerm auth 1 oerm oomp age dally temperature tor the past inmlom achool and bhaws browne joanenif comp two months has been one degree i ltu colleite toronto nas enlisted bur ut 3 mod hist f alg c which li just about normal the eslra in lhf c and is stationed at oram c phys 2 cnem 2 lt auth rain in august has kept pastures r m woaliock prior lo enlist- c uu comp c pr auth c ft meen with llule or no let up on lawn shp mm cmp kltchrner comp o mowing all vegetation i greener than mlt juk b rtanklne and ucpl cixave norsh dig oomp i fng usual at thu time of the year rjouglsi h ranklne of norvnl enlisted ut 1 mod hist 1 alg 3 oeom 3 in the army in july and august of chem 3 lat auth 1 ut com 1 fy 1940 and have now been overseas for auth i ft oompl oerm auth 1 two years both were bom in norval oerm comp i btuig educated at nerval public school and oeoraetnwn high school i they have a brother who waa the c op candidate in peel county in the previous provincial election also a ilatcr who has been a secretary at military headquarters in toronto for ihe past three years and another sister working in war industry tues aug 34 wed aug 35 thunv aug 38 prt aug 31 bat aug 38 sun aug v mon aug 30 toes aug st temp 7s m so m 57 53 3 s3 70 ea 74 54 to sa 56 rain fall or oousens barbara eng coran 3 juat summing bng ut mod hist li al 9iw taht sn how a fordycc coniplulnlnr about the ultll- w tion of 13 hours onto his worklnn w live- in toronto week was read and given consldera- 1 tlon council decided that his hours of tluty be silently chanced with week- end hours to remain as ut present councillor bradley broached the lirownrinae vuulliiu maucr of the usual tyrant ot 150 oo to the fliumcn for their annunl oonven- tton and it was passed unanimously bury petes helbaao in acton cemettrv a funeral service was held for peter mclsaac lifelong farmer of tho esqueslng district who died thursday in hu tstlt year rev forbes thomp son conducted the service held at the home of his daughter un john bprowl of acton interment was ln ftolnrlew cemetery at acton born on the third line ol esqtieslng tvyarnshlp he fumed there until about a year ago moving then to his tuugh- tefs farm bt aston re was a member of uw acton presbyterian church and many year ago mi an active membs of the banf of f iibdge stuarhrmg are his wife of acton a aister un ale kolnue of norlh bay a daughter un jbhtt spmwl aoodb over 4000 new ration books issued here last week 1117 applications received ihe first dy ititiccriilutc tlit tilling out of the ap plications etc wen- conlonnid with inurhlxfir than last time which re- 4i04 new ration books were issued iilied in a snifllir job belim done bv tin- volunteer workers of the local with a lo less confusion tut urn buuid trom aiiriisi 25th lo the there ure tifirin sheets in the new union imnk one itreen sheet ten and htlttt in cltahii first horse and baggy accident in te renin in a ikvade horses killed the first horse and buggy accident in toronto in a decade occurred mon day night whim a pair or black homes were fatally injured following a col lision with an automobile nt avenue road and lowther avenue toronto the horses were so severely injur ed they had to be destroyed their driver joseph drowrirldge aged a of brampton was seriously injured about the head he was removed to the toronto general uoerjtta police report ur rjnywnrldge waa driving his team south on avenue road when they came tn mluoton with a ear proceedlns in the opposite direction and turning west on um- ther avenue the autrimohlle hi op erated by leonard oook of orettv wood avetwa ihtu inclusive with hradqunrterh ill tho ualrworks bulldng under the supervision of dlstrlbuilnir chief mrs w r wiitsnn and the deputy distri buting chief mrs clarence hayes the workers despatched their big job quickly and efficiently the board was on the job from in unlit 4 each day except saturday when they remained until 10 in the evening tho work they did was not cosy for in addition to actually issu- trur the books a lot of time had to be kpcnt chocking the number of new books received and balancing this count against the number of cards taken in during the day when the tally was balanced the cards were stacked in lots of so and sorted into alphabetical order no book or card can be lost surprisingly enough the busiest day on record at the office was wednes day the first day when 1417 applica tions were received the last day ba- turday only about 709 ration book hold earns in although then is stm plenty of work tawlved mr ro bert turrit sacretary of the looal board stated that the rstmatimia i if fee i oiinous 1 pink sheet sutrur 1 oiiiunis two orchid sheet butter iiuwins three butr sheets meat cou pons luo sheets c coupons olio sheet tl coupons lo be used for imi ope sheet d coupons one sheet f coupons one card marked ub00 one card marked nn137 0110 sheet marked application rb140 altnucthcr across canada there vere 250000 workers who gave their time and effort grails to tho ration board in order to issue the new books those helping in georgetown wore mrs william macdanakl mrs h o wrlgglesworth miss marlon william son miss marjorle oault ur ralph ross mrs fred armstrong urn harry logan miss beatrice hume miss a ryan jltlss may langan mr w townsend mrs percy cleave miss prairie uagulre norval ulss grace maglougtilen norv miss margaret russell norval lit oeom brawn norval ulss jean twddell mrs gra ham pamell ulss kathleen lyons mrs jack stewart ur p a rtantson and ur jack reld assistant deere tary of th ration board oeomfi 3 chem 3 lat auth 3 comp 3 pr auth 3 pr comp 3 orichton richard eng oomp 1 eng ut i mod hist 1 alg 1 oeom i chem 1 lat auth t lat comp 1 pr auth 1 pr comp 1 dobson mary sanc hist 3 early jane anc hist 3 phya 3 faram barbara eng comp 3 rn ut 3 mod hist 1 alg o oeom o chem 3 lat auth o lat oomp c ft auth i fr oomp 3 farmer john anc hist o phyn c hepburn marlon anc hist c oerm auth 3 oerm comp 3 iiuohes bcrnlce erur oomp 1 fng 111 i mod hist 1 alg i leom 3 chem 3 lat auth t lat oomp i fr auth i ft oomp i auth 1 oerm comp 1 ahtblts by 12 noon the second dsy horse rsclna has ay been the big attraction and a urge entry of th fastest race horses ts erpected spe cial and valuable prise for hlgh- lumpliu and saddle horses should see a tame entry in this class also one of the grandstand attractions b the baby show which will hav a large entry prurs are also green for thr person attending from the treats r dlsunce the oldwt person en th grounds and the urgent family in at tendance during thr entire afternoon th newlyorganised georgetown otrlv plpe bond will supply music and en tertainment on friday evening sept 10th tta big pair night dance will be held tn the arena with deris hulls owlus tra supplying old tyrne and modem music alter summing up the prngwas jee how you can afford to l georgetown pair this year th old slogan stm stands good com and meet your friends at oeo pair leslie ethel bug comp c eng llt c mod hist 2 fr atith c pr fornp o miieuan doris enr comp 3 enu lll 3 mod hist 3 alg o gonm c chem c lat auth c lat comp c fr auth 3 fr comp 3 mlellan muriel anc hist i phyn o main joan ane hist 1 nielsen lois eng comp 3 eng lit 3 mod hist 1 oeom i cham 3 lat auth c lat comp o pr auth 3 pr oomp alg t paul elisabeth eng oomp o eng lit o mod hist o petclr ross anc hist o phys o williams joyce ane hist s phys o mu op thanks tin r a edwards withes to thank the many kind friends and nslgtifaeun for the kind inquiries and tor flow ers trait guts and rjards sent to danny during his ant weeks in th hos pital and oonvalssolut hbapltal in our mail bag toronto ont 2dth august 1843 the editor the herald i georgetown ont i dear mndam tills unit with a warm recollection of the splendid reception which it was occoided in your town lost year is looking forward with anticipation 10 the visit which tl will pay aeorgo- totin on september 4lh 5th and oth this year as you know we shall bo under rtnvas in the park while we shall be engaged in manoeuvres during ihe morning and early afternoon it is our intention to throw tho comp open for inspection on sunday afternoon darting at 4 pm i should be very grateful if you would publish this letter as an invita tion to citizens of georgetown to visit our lines at that time we shall also have an exhlblton of modem weapon on display which will be ejeplamad to them by members of the unit may 1 at the same time msko a warm acknowledgment of th fin co operation given to us by your ueyor and council ucutjookmel oordon oousens tho president ottoers and members of the legion cfapt mb- cuure and th member of his com pany of the lome bool and all those whose effort hav made our vtslt to georgetown ya stnomety p x pfokmo major erosrttumding so ootnpany veterans quant of ouiada

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