Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 1, 1943, p. 4

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the georgetown heram wednesday sept irt 1943 sotj cby vtteraa guard m tewa ovw mtxi wcefcjatj vcr the djv iiav for rntrty years a fights ry camp iu br eafahjuhasd in gcovrtown hra thr 5th cvtrnaany veteran ourrd cf canada pa a re- tarn uit od brpufbtr 4th ub acd th the soth it will br mcrmbd vujted geototj uu ear and fes- toiarxl u thr park coopvtatlajt ttl trit d 1th thr oecrgeown com- peo erf ur lcmr ticoo in deles- s3r ixhrojr tlili r thr ousjd till go under tenia tvmuirir nulitr imp be ing v up cipoitr thr frrand tand and uj ttuo remain in osorgelown tor an catra day jn place of armuitf ui ue town by tljli l fir unit will t r m r i tn mrch-inl- cal tntruiort and the to7i will br treated to tilt- thht oi a full mrcluui- two forte nuuiirf alcmv trret pirwrit plan ralj fur thr arrlv cf thr rh in clroryrowm at 6 p m on baturdai hvpiembrt th t rnvp will b pltrhrd tmmrdutrl tn tte park and the tnrnuig mril wned lat trr in the rtrnlnjr the unit u1 march 6c 11 the man tjtfu whrrr lib kalute 1j1 u takrii b oolcnrl orduci oou- sen mc iu msr and members ol the cuiiclj and thr pfraldrut and of he ol trr urgkin branri pollom- trit tru a urrrt danrr 1u br tlagrd on gondai the khh will takr pjrt tn ft tactical tchrmr tn thr lrtnlt of 8tr- wurttown ftrtumlnf to town tx thr latr afternoon thr oooipaqj vto th throw ha line oprn for tnjfskttoo fry thr frnrral public on of tba alt torn wuj elf drmorjtratlan of prr- cukn drill hilr another ws iljo tnt phtjl tralnlnc and firvt aid work an rihltut of modrrn avapom 9tth vnkh the unit u rmd wid br hrrn by another croup and the ea- pona vlu br nplatned to lntarytted fcrmbrra of the piauf a bonfljr in the pajk la planned for 1u sunday eirnlnjr and a hnwwif of oldunie htnnt and sonjr tn wtikj i thr public u aurd to oln thu h br atarted at duak i on xlonda the company vtll mote outlde thr to7i b lu mrchanurd tranort and aill makr a crom coun try adxancr culmlnatina in the art- sure and drfrnrr of strategic potntj wlthtn the town ltrlf ne rrturo to toronto irtu take place in thr evening progressive conservatives reduce cabinet size m6hc ooldejj tto twr ina lira tsiauam v wn a too od jcday t 3rb at ivrj utocril braapxo ix wrwniium i j in kntv niaory of a 6ttf viir and mrwrtfj elufcftb buu kiu 1jo nuxtd any ymi 1j3 jtil wr iu nut lorgct oj nor da a icuid wr uiuu oi jou ojue and sui la id te itj 6f u oar oirmoo wj ttt vji te jjij oiu3 iun dur oorouiy aid arajulacn bobby mil viu31u in luuyj armur of lajiiijr ivin lrotrifr jojin vto laiuly fnrrrriurird b uoliirr ixj and biktcr social and personal prrmlrr orurgr di i ji txr mrruundrd by ui ntjv ebtnk mlnltlrr at lrrlr dnt rajtunct mrttlni ut wrdnrulav tn lir clbinrt ooanrtl ruam ai ur pirliarrnt iwlmui l limi ivra torunto htaixunc fnan irlt u nttt jttr luin dr r p vkun hon llopr pbnjoan wtio u uuuurr oi hrilui anil public wrljir llin cjiilo ilr ht culiimm mljt arid rrtau rror ulnutrr it utujr hon uijn r luntttu toronto utrr altornav- ororraj lion o ii ixmrti ctrl- ti ilwr inauranrr tutuuu and urmrr uinljrr oi hitrtik nl l-bli- wonu lion o ii chalnra uorrubura buidnru arrutlf xluiltrr alucil l rltvjio tiid ilrrhalrmtn of uir oiuilru lldro cuuntvjn in c ii uinktr ottaaa lluunra oollaer nfd pro- tlncial linrrtao and mlnuur ol uunrl atljtri km w c tnonipion lurnhrtm ioj bran romrr ulnujir ol land and pom la and ujniiur ol oamr and rubm planlunc prrmlrr dfr arr at lr5l lion t l liriinrdy ixair farrorr wlnitlri ol ainrulturr and rlafit lion lraur 14 prok tindtu uwir pumnrta trraaurrr and ailnlusr ol ulnra social and personal prrah rertab aalada art an al most dolly crnt for troopa kuuonrd ftt llraata almourlra in calvary tnr aourcr of aupply is a largt arllkrpt plot tn tile hutment area uir chief cardrnrr brlna corporal j thompson thr founh strains of radlihra arr now oomlnff alone aril lrttucr of both thr iraf and hrad varltllrs u frowlnjt in abundanor pea wnra art orer five fret tall and thr men have had wrr mrtrordrtv in lh men ol new praa jt oorp thomnaon too who carrn for numrroua fkrirer plota tn the barrack arra on oc the moat tolorful of it kind in canada clearing aictiov bali auction sale cf brclktred atlle honm farn and dairy tqalpmrnu hhaw harcr ealp- inrnt trt rtkigrt i has recthed ln- ajckrs from sous campbell tc s oy public auction at lot tt otwrwion i tonhlp of taqttrainf tih kmav slptcmbcr oth ii jr- uclrick the lolloulntf cathe am iioitskh 35 head of lukjntro acrlitrl ilohtein cattle 7ft milictri and spnnth one bay fcrt cldfc on wuron marc 7 jc4 old paltm equipment mukaey-llar- rl urfjft 7 fxl cut nfccormlck- deennif foar 6 foot cut massey harris hide dclherj- rake dnln hay- loadcr frr at wood rnke mcoor- mlclcrkcrtntf team bcuffut with moulders one wacon set masscy- harrts sloop slelghn piourii fleury 31 deatty fitd ducket neu oock- hutt manure spreader no 5 new beatty utter carrier with bucket and 65 feet of track with huruiert new set of pour section harroun land roller bel drill drnir sprlnrtooth oultl- vator oravel box set of short sluis 320 feet hay fork rope hny pork beatty electric grinder 0 inch plate set of farm harness bet sing heavy harness binder twine log- fflna clin ins porkb shovels etc dairy kqotpment dftlaval uasnetlc speedway milker 2a also 40 ump oroh fl con muk cooler mof- jltt hootropftil salters milk seal- milk con barrow rtrainer ond muk fauj iron stand for muk palis elee- trlo ollpperi above equipment in prac tically new condition show horse bqtttpment mc- oaffrey show buffgy complete with top pol nd ahafta faber long shaft joflslnir oart road cart set of single hamaas set of double har- neu pair of sheets pair of quarter soou bandages berapefli if weather u unfavourable sale will be held indoom vrjufx fhi0b la s mra t a prrry ol toronto lalttna mr and mr u t hurler mim anna bujmant ol hilduiut tprnt the eektnd miui mrt jltn wood mrt t c bolton erf trronu sni wrdredy lth ntr daughtrr mr j i omrotri mr w a ttrphrn brlh munmai ii oij l- ujunk miw jiiuu eratn thl wrek i c sjrvtn hjn rrunifd irum windier hcrr mir vuitvd hrr ciaunli- trr mr dltchflrld mr und mr orcrvr pitrrr ol lon- dun mvjtro mr and mrh t ii scott om pnda and saturday mk- b oilpin and mb r c lkrt- ittt ol toronto arc ullnp at i he homt rf mjt- tndall ihl wrr thr rbakohs met n thr ome o mn- w o mcdorll lat monda nuihi ml b and oinrsinu rut ol toronto 1mted with mr und mr oeorgr burt hut week mir 6hlrle burt smh a aeekf holiday with mr and mrs ro bun ut oaxnpbeuvllle ulm jean ballr and miss jean va- jade haw ra after havtnt tperrt a aeek at sturgton palu mr and mra jamef blair pnt the ttetk end nth thur daughter mra thorn a wuaon in toronto mr co ran o of sraforui is mmtdlnk thlf woek mth hrr dauphtt and wm- inluw mr und mr thtm mackenzie w03 and mr ii hurley left lor north sydney last tuesduj after pendink t k- it the home ol his parent here mr herb ilirlovi sr n- turned u ttmn after yprndlnk n neck in st thomas iltlnk ulth her daughter dorothy mls normn wlmley of toronto is simnding a lew davj with her hlstir and brolhtrinluu mr and mr bill thompson mr and mrs thonuu allen jr aiui daubhter joan of ohuua spent n couple of dayv with mr tlofnis allin mrs harvey allen and barbara mrs william boimthan and daugh ter judith ann have returned aftvr sjieiicunk a week in toronto with hei luring mr and mrs ii hnyward itev j e ostrom is ut mcmumit university hnmlltnn this week aitcmt- nik short course for minusters con ducted annually by the unherslty mr and mrs sim mackenzie sund and mnrnn tsitfd fit lt and mr kenneth mackenzie at port bruce inst week mrs gordon pnss and sons david and peter of preston ure visiting with mr and mra william bulllvnnt mr gordon pass la with the ymca as fcupervlsor at the clinton roap training school miss margaret bvonb attended the golden wedding celebrations ol mr and mrs goorge h troyor which were held last week at their home stone haven form woodbrldge mr j a wlllotibhby left on tues day on a business trip to western canada mrs wuioughby accompanied him and they plan a short vacation in vancouver mr and mrs fred mather and children beverly jieajueune and oajl of qtietoh visited mr meihen pa muk mr and urn joseph had over cuitrnr cjit ho rerrhrd trrvu injun hrj crujjird unraui a or lus irtunied jinm- frvm hi jotrph jiupmjl ukh and ls abr 10 br out uid inilijid afsln mr- hj l- hurst tuid trundion kavr ifr hollda jil irk lth mr and mm k k youiik prterbo- ruimh mr and mr funa urmjiunt iid litrrl ini rirnt the rrkrnd 1 tiir wmf home mr jjiim irmiry til hunumur m- rd o jtx ij ut stk to attend hi- lunnil ol thr utr mr- ttxkl hbr iiiteil lirr on wlliam and mn iu- tn in limi iii id irft to mrrt mr chk luiir f detroit mich euu ijr j una mis jurti mararnar munil wliitrriin an- wmim- in wrt kih mr hid mr walt r whitmrr tn iju mtkiuwi lta bet it traiu- itrntl lroni iiiiuik n b to umdon ont tliei mill wnd his lurloukh licit- misi r- bill mid limn tminison rrtjnied to tn after irndlng a r da mvitimr ith ml norma wii in ttirouo mis wlialry ac companied the bor on a trip to nla- vura fall beforv thy returned to or oirytoan i friends will im lici to hear that ris nejuf kentml ho na been imiihikd ii ourlph itnerul hokpttal is a result ol injuries austatnrd hrn hit bv a ar ivcml vitrks han re turned hotm and is making sa tlsf oc j ton recmcry on friday iinmu mr nd mr hurley ent named lor woj mid mr- llurlc a their hotn uhen about i lony friends isxmhnd u itm r bs m-1l- n he nwlvuids all hiul m iii x lhlr nor aliiiiic rl und hivink muk srnu sntiie of the if morn s frlnul- hnnutht ki which were ij much npprrclaltd amoik thr mii beiutilul und uilul uilcle nuiiul uis u loe wotil ihrw i roni the knitting club and a j llier tia rui fiom oher friend- the hotis ind i unlit hmch at je tiuulu inn of the ewnlin i aiiioui ihc aniulliui hoops iini- landid ut a british port weu a utlinbtr ol nitidis and nihil i inks ot canadiin lientil ciiivs inilndim- oinplete dintal ompiiny midnight dancing ryan auditorium guelph sunday after midnight labor day mon sept 6th johnny boyds orchestra admission 50c person dancing every wednes day and saturday ucal dunists sts war stamp ofivt iil br aravn for at thr lgion blno ihu ornlng 1j fijkiwing wire was reorlvad on turjj ittfardlng thr ta of lhrtr war aunrjs i charnpan rrrfrton ont i am ui rrerlpt of thr fouowlng rwcr frnm thr hon mr j l hairy i rhall follow with lnurm thr pro rrs of the ft tall drumtuu bump during lhc month of tieptrmbcr thr lural drue buirri an btaglng a war txamp drlir to furiher the ulr of war saving slampa and ivrouar uru cuaiomri to lair thrjr chanvr in limp- tluuuvhout canada uir drug- etita air cndcaio-mru- to m 11 iccajo pirw ramry to our mrm orth of hxaaip durtru upnnbrr uth ni pr pprrriation ol thrlr h- prrku to bi usd io pur-ncfriakin- thl la a and rrr chaaa urdlcaj suppiirs for thr armed i ior mcreta rirrr i hi rai- our muhn and dojblr thr on nery drue storr countrr is iu- qt pliei1 a rtid vholni horn to obtain 16 war tmif vn pur h nn ktamp at 2v n it i jmtrd on ih carrl vhlrh drawn frrm mhni filled and the lucky wunrr riiihr on miw juir wrvj of hiouffvillr has jnu homr ajirr apriading ih hut j c ounrunj rrojjifc with mrm lax and paul mr and mra p c ljwnpon l a pulling and vrm- and mr t1jxipjii rriurzwd on morula- afltf buit utp to pen wiiliam ui to honour lha rnt womaia army oorpa on tta uoond birthday churn of kjtchrtr and waurtoo ontarto are praaaotlng a ht nina- foot tatj btrthday ca to corps ti bm stationed at thr kirxhacar minta ecfitre n wtu br draws through th straats od a iu scat and uur out by thr mayors of the two munfclpautl at a btrthd party and strw daner good ciu nrli of stainpa although hi- dnt 4 for t- ptimtmr siiinr ef thr druvit hu nhrad old uf fit lent jtamiir to rnabr them to make a draw chaimian- drui htorc led ih luradr b ine ti full raids of id wir taiups drimn or at the legion luruco jsuturdav nitiht and thesr arrr wi b mn f1nd varr- and burba m may allen b- th of cirrvrton mr chapman ha anothir lot ol thnt- lih tnrd that faafnrd c i utxdtat mtn irufgu war 8alnj 6taxnp campaign h irnjp horr ha thrr ntajnpa n dlvplk and infcirmed thr writer na siartm todav esprrta to fill in i iw rarri of 1a fttamn m ir cormark s drut btorr ruu nl- nad disposed of one full card of famp and thr lucky winner vt thl card murh 15 00 a mr alf collin ttir herald lll tladl publish urek- l the names of the winnera from llnve to time if thr dnigglti atll up- pli i with thr name of the winner cltfvs katkt ef first rvstias ef voters list vaim urt ltu haajrlaajur at b walar ctwttj tt hatua nottcx la harrtr flvm that i hac nrnipum with btction 0 and 19 ot th voirra llat art and that i hat poau td up in my ofrkr at araitttm on uu 10th daj ol aiarnt ims th um a all prracn rntjuad to votr in tha uu- nlclpality or uarabm of partlanuct and ai uunlctpal bactlons ja appear 10 te cnutlad to wu anoordlaf to tha lan ravuad antfmtni roll and thai urji im rrxnalna ther for lnapaeueo and i hrraby oatl upon ad rotar to lakr unmediata rwiiinajltut lo mt any rrrot or nmlaalorm oomotad ao- cordtns to law appaali to h in wtttiln tl dajm tram th 10th day of aueuat 1mj datd uu imh day of aatuat latt t 0ut njwnahlp ef btruaatn national selective 1 servicf exiiimion of miiul9iioiy kiiiloyiiioifib 1tissiami tiik filll oillilllinr kiiiilo hhiii iiifri i irlrr imioil miller imlliorily f niiliinuil tiii- rn irr i- iliuil itfiululiiiiin riiiir iiiliiiiic mi llir limn iiutnlur bill it aflfr lliul iliilr m riuplovr iiuiy roiiliiiiic ut employ any mail aowrril liy llii onlrr imli- tinilcr itiiil prriiiil till firnl lite oiiiimiikiu tnnirrr orlrr liolcil mtii pntioiih nnil riiiirml iniiiliiiiiii li all mnlr iliipliicci in iiiohc oitiipiilioiix if ii in uu nn mill niaritnl iik iltoiriiiauil llliilcr llii mililnr jilllip or if ii 16 17 or lit eiirw of ufia the sixth orilrr repeal nil oreiipiiliiiiir iiieii in the fie earlier orderh anil repilreh all olher men from 16 in 10 earn of ajjo bolli ngeh ineliiive in lieeome nvailalle for iranxfer lu blglier priority joiih by rtiiitcring at llie neareil kiiiploiiient nil selective service office 1 detail of llie sixth order were iilverlleil in daily bewapapcr at the end of august copim of the order mii bo ecurcd from any employment and selective service office i if in doubt as to the coverage of thin order or the pro edure under it ask your nearest employment and selecliva si sendee office all men married or tingle employed in rlraipnafcj reupauoiu afml iff fo 40 ore noir covered ry iir order to avoid peiuilllee ihow who hnve not yet regulered mull do to by september dti 1913 uttrauby hitciieu a haanahaba rartmil silettiw smite bb

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