Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 1, 1943, p. 7

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hie georgetown herald wednesday sept itt 1943 big fleet of new locomotives for war duty hravub wartime rrtght ad pit- cram- i r j flic on i nro of i he co dun naltoivll kilt clu lot more potf and r c vaugtun ouuttuq and fmidrnt of hw nattoful syttrtd tu toocaad i cfalivrry of th brrt of jo powful 6200 cua nofihrrn typr locoak- tiv tins nrv 6jjs ia oirrdy ia ttrvhrv carrying jr mibt twdd by thr arrortl srr kcr unj a en iucrredng main t ncrnrd it will be promply brokm in or r duty three locomo4ivt are natty rnon- btfv bring h i ret 9 inctwa ovtall and ruh6778 pounda in aofkiac ordrr they carry 1 1 600 gilkwia of watrr and is font of out a frjturr of ibrce vfiginra is a vjnimi substi tution of itfvl puta brll manulac- tttmj la the fompinyi moairril thoo for the tradition bronse brll the bron bnna rriutrd or vir amis mr vjugkjn uieprrting th ant of new crhgtnrs sat in thadnvrrs cut as r c pik tb driver rs- pumrd th use of tb instruments how tha cert of living index works by jim orrcnblati in lh house of commons jul 7 the honourable j iv haley dominion minister of finance gwe tome unir to uie explanation of the cost ofllx lug index particular interesting in uie ujjht of present dlvuslons of food prices jim orcenblat gltea the put or mr oaleya remarks in non technical language as follon the cost of living index us rt luted to the coat of living bonus docui t direct ly worry the farmer small proprietor and such like but indirectly everyone should have the low down in their minds about this important part of our national economy if the dont wtsh to set too provincial in their thinking lets review th matter informally so joull remember it without any effort the cost of living index me a sure the month to- month change tn the cost of living of the average typical wageearners family by the bureau of statistics it is based on full year record made tn 194738 on ijhjo canadian families averaging 40 person with an average income of 1453 the index was in six main groups shoving food to be 31 per cent of the income fuel and light 6 per cent housing 19 per cent clothing 12 per cent home furnishings and ser vice 9 per cent and miscellaneous 33 per cant keeping race folks may know that living condi tions have changed a lot since 1937 33 true i the bureau knows that and it make the necessary changes for example after sugar rationing index was reduced ttien when cheap lines are off the market making you folk mora and more expensive articles the price of these is considered in the index the index records variations in the ooat of a fixed standard of living in urban areas it does not measure the increased costs of people who improve their standard of living not without logic some people ask why doea the index only show a rise of 17 per cent during the war when ouch items as stewing beef rocketed up to 76 per cent lard 73 per cent for example the fact of the matter is of course that all foods comprise less than a third of the whole cost of living index and e have to look at it in that perspective many foods too and im portant ones have risen much less for instance bread sugar and such foods have remained fairly steady and milk is reduced in price food prices up it is interesting to note in passing that cost of food rose 41 8 since the war started most of it mnce the coll ing was slapped on mrs housewife obviously is more aware of this be cause its a kitchen and personal pro blem but on items hubby pays for mainly the rise shows in the lower brackot i e fuel and light 141 housing 74 clothing 203 hie total oast of liv ing index rose 170 since august 1939 but only 23 of it since application of the price celling to keep track of changes the bureau not only relics on price reports from storekeepers but uses information from their regional setups and dont think for a minute that representa tives rati to visit small centres for feat purpose ttiey do definitely qtttstlofui of quality mom complains about changes tn rjuallty deterioration of clothing and home furalalng iiotlceajale to our wurthns tttotumy well the bureau thinks of that too and treats the re duction in quality as if it was a price increase- of the some amount you can see for yourself that thty cant grt dirvel price quotations on ttr item in the family budget but what they do is get the typical and w tight those prices sufficient to cover all iwnu in an group to get a tin on the problem lets look at foods many foods have i wide stavunal price fluctuation as ou kno then again all vegetables artnt bold on n weight banl some an sold in bunches and o uie price ma i xar according to the quantity if some average hjsuni aunt adopted j the lnd x would cert u in 1 be leu than more uccuruu what u do is pick representative prices month- lo- month which incluovt sunn 4t lood items amounting to jut about 75 per cent of the total cost ol food well no uc come to such item as clothing this brings up unother difficult problem and no fooling its an erratic thing you know hat it ri like ounelf youve gone in and bought a ladies hat for say t4 95 sure enough a month later to save carrying it over into winter you see it advertised to clear at 1208 ft docs happen with dretuc coats und other items therefore the bureau and rightly has selected a smaller list of some 29 clothing items of fairly stand ard construction which have no pro nounced seasonal movement thrsr items represent all the more important materials tn making clothing such aa cotton wool rayon rubber leather just one more thing income taxes are not included in the reckoning of the cost of living index these taxes do not affect prices although they do of course reduce the amount available for spending the whole idea of hav ing an income taxe is so that everyone can contribute to the cost of the war according to their ability to pay if income taxes were included tn the costofliving index that would raise the costofuvlng bonus and those people who get the bonus would there fore get their tax or most of it paid back to them but some people farm ers small proprietors domestic ser vants etc didnt get the bonus so they would not get any tax book you can see how unfair that would be as we see if j as v i by j u not a lent or rut a expected it to b and fas plica is twbmc 1rn town of uroadrltv which was uamjr named because of the fart that one ctnim loaf tnttaace la that taction doe he on tb idea of ihtn belnf plenty of room in thr seat- again tance lamrj to fool a ted th next door nlthbore tsdot took to be to mile wj thet they cutesd out it wu prhc the moet lauitine dif ference in the wet would be the re ception that t handed out to vullor out there eftvfyoif to wlcoco and at any time we celled in at a fara beat to leave rrrtf for a friend that e were vtiitln ltad ve done the time errand here in ontario tt mlim hate taken ua a couple of mi nute but out there they wiled to know where w were from and vhea we uld ontario thry wanted ua to all come in and eur for tea we told them that we were on our say to th nest luwn to then thry wanted ua to come in on our way beiit and ate all night all thu jutt because we came from ontario we are not in the hahlt of tmlilni everybody that drop in with mruex to ttay all nunt and no doubt you do not practice that habit rlthrr aialn while drtrtnf in ulnne- ftote which u partly prairie country much lute our own weet w dropped tn to tet tome water at farm hoe u we were drtrlnj by again the lady wanted to know where we were from and when we ttld ontario th wmted u to come tn and hare tew with rehuits announced in peel oath competition clurk tount the otnclul judge of the standing field crop competition in outh announced recently the results of this competition us follows 1 john williamson nit no 3 brampton mabel oats 88 points 2 harry laldlaw tlr no 3 brampton erban oats 80 points 3 ii a dolson itr no 4 georgetown cartlcr oafs a huang i a ml t muuvtanii tiivt tin not victor uxtn will tm undtr uj ouoorr and tt bn l uio cul to u the kld im nni isule ut tliil loan tile umtmiiti nitjltihl tills nun- urmr ttutn rvir to i kill all liave to dlk uon m oriltr lo rath thi ibjectlr wi all ciiuum tlu uu tltit mone ia apent b the oowrmm ill liotr 11 we trr in control ol tlit- ihiuik ti that same mtint- 11 l- llkt l utut omttkkl mluhl be luund thit tttuld itntt iitult mltti our method of six tiding the imbllc funds rlkht nun there u a ur to be won and wrtr cannot be carried on lllihit mitit to flnituce it we are all in favor of uiiinlni the vtir and htrrfore un olnll rrsjion- luble for gitlurliig the vttitrt ullhitll to win it ctoods to sjm id niolie on are getting scarcer eer day and anywu e can get along ttitlitiul tliem the mone lnvtid in bonds today will come in very bandy after tills world war u won it may help provide a job for those bov that are now overseas those very boya that vou may be especially interested in it im alwavh intcuxutinr to no tice the way that conditions change rrom time to time it isnt so very long ago that houses or sale or for rrnt were quite plentiful iq almoet all of our towns and cltiea and the city of toronto wm no exception it was possible to rent a suitable house or apartment in almost any location when wanted but the scene hat changed and houses or apartmenta are very acorce last week we noticed an advertisement in one of the city pa pers offering a reward of pifty dollars for information conoemlng an apart ment or house that the advertiser could rent the same day another re ward of fifteen dollars for similar information was offered and the fol lowing dav another reward of ten dollars was offered for nlmlllar in formation owning the roof over ones head these days has its advantage tile weather has been about per fect for harvesting lately and with the light crop of springsown grain the harvest is about over for another year many of those who have finished harvest are considering going west to help with the harvest out there as la bor is sconce in the west this fall it should be an interesting experience for any one that has never been nut west the methods of farming are quite different from those used here tn ontario and of course everything is done an n much larger scale than k 12 mints 4 ucy mcklnney jr br no 2 brampton ajuc oats 83 here the usual number of ncres in liolnts 5 d 8 dunlon r r no a farm here is from 100 to 200 acres nrumpton curlier oats 80 12 c 13- while out there the smallest would bo iiln laughlln r r no 3 oalodon cu tler oats to points 7 carney bros rr no 4 oeorgotown cartlcr oats 87 points 8 prank dolson rjl no 2 urumpton cartlcr oats 77 points 0 lansdalo bras rr no 3 brampton alaska oats 74 points 10 w p laid- law rr no 2 norval cartlcr oats 73 point uwalter fleming molton oartlor oats 73 points 12 w mc- caugherty btreetsvule oartler oats tp points 13 harvey omrdhouse ml- ton held out not cored 14 cyril mcklnney erin odd out not scored judge young reports that ha is well pleased with the oompetluon despite the weather hand loans that were ex perienesd during tha period of tha contest tow oompeutlon was apjnord by the county of peel agricultural 80- elety section which means 640 ncres the farm is not n fields an here either and a ploughing- tow a mile long is quite common the combines that they now use out there arv ruge affairs as compared with uie smaller ones that we use here in ontario again the amount of grain and the method of storing it and handling it are all interesting to one who has never been out there before again the neighbors are not as close as the are in our province and uie fact that one is able to see such a distance makes us think that the world u lar ger than we had thought it in many districts trees are soare and tha land marks ki tha distance are usually elevator tt is interesting to count tha number of them that one can see from a green point and to learn haw distant they an tftywever tha pram september 2nd a red letter day tuak to adm mm l oa uadwtdfcirfcadfcpet0wwr tuptejutn gaijuxa twt- kmee wib be abb to water laird ator el tfcair favoarita tab bm mlb el valium wry tt rrrlfi inataarl l wmy them naturally we thanked bar for the tarnation but told her w were camping along th way to thn ah wanted ui to ramp at their place for the night in both of these instance the folks had ortgtnauy ttved to oe- tario and were hungry for newt of their old home province at another ttme we were ttaytng over sunday with relative and the number of vi sitors on fkinday made on think off a picnic no matter how many arrived or whether they were stranger or not thry were all invited to itay for a meal we are not criticism- th west erners way off welcoming ttranfsrt at all but are only mentioning th chf- frrence we noticed tn thetr rtotpuoo off u a we drove ihroujh their part of in nnmtnlnn tykcx oaorgmatffjrms ttjatm orrr arcast jn uimtmm there is to danaouto m taw tut ropa works which ha btaat aanaw tog out eolu off tb lanwaat napa i in th nnrnlnlon for three i and whlob has bten owatd raillnijaaw ly by th tao family hep warhtawat inches tn circusiftetse eoro bwaai the loom ia great calls rdy to faw loaded into nsrvarrtan kaiional btigiat car lor thaptbent to distant th astad war ehort- tfcb tnl has bees uirotd os crcab us loosu of th company wows incbe greater tn machine have taken tb plae ef its old hand loom and rope walk and kw the to day women ar taking wveff from th men then being an ineiwasv tng number of wocao the plant uom ol th i that are part of the equipbaent on oe nadae oxtroyera eemtu and i weeper and on th i lal ship lady niton forcote quawa of th cniin- hauooal litawaawbae weat indie fleet cam from tfaaat works mrtmnmrmmmeim f old chum ottawa saptambar ut 11u3 0r to effective september 2nd preserves and sweet spreads are rationed by coupon the products affected include jams jellies marmalades extracted honey comb honey in squares honey butter maple cyrup maple butter maple sugar molasses com syrup cane syrup or any blended table syrup apple butter or canned fruit on and after thursday sapmmbir 2nd 1943 it is unlawful for a consumer lo purchase any of th above listed product xcwpt on lh i turrendsr of a valid ration coupon conptuu 1 ia bation book 3 at to b tuotl for thi frarpom conpon dl bocotttavs eood boptoailmr 2tttl staatuba sopuijiboi- kut two conpotu tocom good four wwlcs zsbshsbsi- theso products ar being rationed so thai than will bo an ocrual sharing oi tho available auppli parson who do not uso iho coupons lor those products may use thorn to sccjuiro mora sugar in addition to thoir rogular sugar rauon and canning sugar allowance one d coupon is good for ht itfavw tkmm uu jellies mmnlajiet ictetl heaejr ayfjc battef hayl battex htae battel maple sagu or ceaut baaejr b saauu r 6 nuto ozs vilrift 10 fllllo ozs com snap cue swap or any bleadetl 12 fluid ozs r 10 hmd ozs vz ib ntt r whon purchasing goods in containers it will not always bo ponsiblo ior tho consumor to got tho oxact coupon valuo example if you aro buying jam in containers one d coupon one 4 8 or 6 o container is good for or two 3 ox cotttainoni son 7 8 9 10 11 or 12 oa eontaminor or two b ox or two 6 oz couuinera or tluttr 4 ox frautaiiwrgm or any combination adding up to not more than the total value ol the coupons permitted suppliiers separate instructions which are similar to the regulauona ol applying on sugar rationing ore available bom any branch of tho ration administration or quota user industrial users and auppliara ration administration the wantlme prices and tnvde bofilld

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