Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 1, 1943, p. 8

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the gji5tawa herald wednesday setft 1st 1943 local news nest monday u labor oar georgetown fall fair september 10 and ii the wet cellars along uala 8t- riav shown much improvement atnot tht storm er has been repaired arrange to meet your friends at th fair sept 10th and 11th ura r h wright will resume her eltu in piano teaching- on saturday september 4th the lome scots brass band wtll plav a concert on usln btret on sa turday evening commencing at sjo pm juot ik case you hsveni al ready dona ao wed tike you to malt b special point of reading the -edl- tera corner thla week attention all bandsnen or th lome soote please report at th ar mouries friday sept jrd at s pm for flrstald and stretohrrljeartng prac tice 81gned bgt herbert th oounteu of stratlunore chap ter iodc u planning to hold a ma- tmthon bridge thla fall anure for your partner now pull partloulara wtll appear in the herald later thla month therell be fan for everybody out at the nark sept 10th and llth with midway refreshment booth and bone racing in addition to the fine eilaplaye a meeting will be held at band room town hill friday bet jrd to njlauptov dublmms cos urgantrc a brau band all boya lege otter a complete onor in bu- vtshlng to join please attend auo pa rents interested are especially invited there are atlm a number or prue ustn available qt your copy und help legion notes ouamtaun taue roay from uonitlth and ut ronj ore fctved- ing a holiday wttb hi and urt- wra rotwy par th out wttfc th leftfon club room haj bwomf the hdquirtr for nhsbitiaa pull b1u brought in by members on urge one v aivldrd into ilx parti and all hid ml meal of th tasty food oomrd ruu uccluie who farms ntir norval had the muturtuna to have hi hand caught in th blndrr monday morning his hand ru badly crushed and two ftagrrt brofcfn lie mas attended b dr drydon of bramp ton your comrade wish au jp4y mvwery hui oumrudrs and xlrt t p ortete had a their vurat last r4 nurtlng bis lr ttary fvrrur ol lumuton she ami un live amr tjf hospital during lhr ust ar as mr ortmr the imperial bcttou of the cn dun lefflon are holdta a awtlng in tlir lettton room on uanday oept ttih at 2j0 pa and th fu2rt to be discussed u in rvfrrenc to increa- ed fronts for pre itqi veterans all inlcrtated shoujd attend uil apecla mrellnf oomradtt of the leon and num ber of th ladua auxiliary u th ecaeral public r ivitited to laite not that due to th vult of th wi retne from toronto on fiatumay that th htno wul be held oo pit- day next instead of saturday the recent ir-docoraun- of th club rooms are now complete and prttchlt a very on appearance th table and chairs with their nev oat of blu and told paint th new flooring etc adds greauy to brighten up the rooms uumds the us cost of vhite point o awhed to the vaui and credit u glfrn to the cholnnan of th procurty oomrad tom ortne for the manner in which h handled this x quit number of lglao member from th barre army horn on leave paid a visit to the club rooms on ili turds to renew ooquatnlanoe with mroobrr of the brmnch ttie larvkm cmhcer 1u meet at th uunlinu office on llaturday vtnlntf hrpteenber 4h alonji wtth the uaor nd member ol uir council from atiut pulnt coarrddi cuuiael oonlun couacna kl c will uae the aalut in a march pat by the 80th company veteran guard und i the fw of xtsor p j vcung thu oompany will br cuniprd in gwomatown rum sept to 6tfi tncluuv after the pa rude lw compan wtu mxrch to lekn club ruonu and tie the utt ol the local branch of tntrrrat to tb unitiii aumben and tlifir itiniu u that mdrr ui- rvmncll ujtjlwhid loit auuiui in ctuhi- inrvi tralnlimi oradujtri avurcd of dun war ordrr t uid ui-uljuion- hmmoruj day school now open nurht icnjlnljit to runmit nt cot-unliv- scliool befflrw flvt 30th unroll tmrl i in bonus to all htrvtrr mrn df-cnd- i tht accommodation u ureltei tv- rnu ajia an ntnhl ui a numi furupvherloircutn uiehnll llloe dramplon vil h i dnd 8 lloujiu 11 iiliuiu prvomlj ith your eahlbltn ttie prtfi wtll rwj aiarenlly hie iluu ho i- for our effort notwitruiundlnu the i inn to be a illeonlrtrd huh ul hi rnjonient ou will et out of io loltur oeoretouti inuli school ulll re open srplcmtht 7th all mudenn come 1 ulct nnd tnmll at 0 olock stud nt en- vared in farm ork mn ix released itlter ti lr tnrolmin ir 1 short time pruwdrd u buiiut im w ntuj itioiis urt nt it id to i a nutting or thi ciuaus called for prtd i tin 3rd of ai mber jt 80 pm in tlu llbrnn to appoint a commit tt for he fifth victor loan jt is hoihd that uu re tll be u tood number prraent a m irithon fnchri ill be held by the ladls auxllir of the cana dian lckoh for four it its btarttnk septctnu 10th anonc wlshliiff to oppurmn and s whjt fine join plias4 u the commltuv icno uttaraa jour s cll ur jua u contact mrs hewitt mrs pnrton mrs i n j j p n 10th and preston and mrs kuy nth nmtmbcr impis around tlw judki s stinl tt plannlntr a wrddlnvt it v wh not dmii into the htrild of hit md 1 t us who you our ampici of urddm imti ims and anno nut im nls tlu uirkimn htp i tlw ftr s th v nil i hul t quliu ind rvic i 1 prlii tlu tm willi in r tuiild voi isk thi n in n n bit dt in ind for r- ill hitr ptl i kij and t d n t woiidtr it ml i niurd luf iiunilw i hid qu iln in prit tlirn in still i i u i ft vii ui in fi yoirs it tin church news 1hrr r of the lord are in rxrry puir behutdtne th rvtl and lhr ood lror 1 school days school days good old golden rule days another school opening is here make rvtaccormacks your headquarters for school supplies scribblers exercise books pens pencils erasers rulers text books etc good value large stock maccormaclcs drug store phone 327 georgetown llrvl luptil t berth k v j 1 or it m hi ti i bund i sep h 0 4j u ul unda hulool i 4t pm i jm i biiiktln 7 p in l- nnit srue dypu monda tin tric for iliathip in praer nt n tin itl n in edmjay at 8 pm mr 0 unn wtll sj jk and sing re sl gerfe charrb woo thompson rector tflt makt s cull to tliunlutrlvlntf and privtr aevextlh tjunday after tdrl- nlt i sunday school 10 am holy com munion ii i-ra- everuorik 7 pm kt albany rharrh olen wuhaaw ttic ktniia da of tli irvtugtfftrui and intcrccialon eleventh sunday ufter trinlty matins 0 jo am sunday school 1030 am narval and itnten preabyterlan chsrehea re j l self da minuter norval 130 pm sunday school 2 30 p m public womhlp union 10 urn sunday school 1115 am public worship brampton fair sept 4th 6th 1943 horse show saturday evening hkitfcmiult 4th at 7j0 pji main day sept 6 labour day trotting races running races monster dairy and beef cattle show special programme and entertain ment for ladies junior farmer club exhibits midway fun for young and old admisison 35c children free fredv secretary haddon pegc president i p o a i a n rtmil w a imo hov me pucp6ffletfdosmy pstvgooova8wbos for itiu utidir uu i n mi th r ptiboils i- lr this ear wt u brt that s r tntma to t nurnatf aluaaiu ivmt the ladlis on t ml ind uiclmlliik rvwi win uuinuiiia a of proud honu lor tin il nd nt i litldn n of a il lit r u o li i wul 11 r nr wli i u has lilt tilin ur 1- in linn i in in s itutlou clt i till ixttllshml l is- iiniati l it luoooo i j tr luidid a- llw n u i hnhi t a 1- um 0o0 in 1 a run industby or canevda sl son lire solldtho hohtitll si john f horrti hlewanuwn llii r calctirook rector flrwiiu sund i alter trinity and lj u natlunul praer and triankb- klvtng 03o am holy oaramunon 1030 um sunday school hi raata ckarck naenl ham iloly omnmunkon ml stephen a chareh luraky 3 pm evening prayer and 8undaj auiool baly oraaaoramk ha v j uorraa uau at soo ajn ted and 4th day it 00 ajn 1st m and stk day the united chorea al canada rev r c todd ulnlltet 10 um sunday scnool and the ulnutera bi ble clau ii am pub lic worship national duy ot prayer m evenlnic flervlce till bcpt 13th tueaday sept itn italton pmtrytary will 1 meet in oaonjetavn united church fuhrrty mmrd aaa at fit joarphsmlm wlnlired polklnbhome oc to- ltuntill turnnto in his 76th yaor i nonto ere recent vultora with ura arter a long uliirna lie aa a aon of oale um scn irm mr und mm john flaherty ol ertn mr and mrs klrkpatrtdc and ta- townahlp milt rpent the aeekend at thorold capt t e delaney of dranrpton lu been promoted to the rank of captain aorordlns to a cable i en ml by hi wife he enuited with the lome soota shortly after the outbreak of war and went overaeaa tr august imi a aflgt hart koute otapel waa the letting for the marriage of mlaa wllrna floal- llnd richardson formerly of bramp ton high school teaching btafy to ueut iad1 norman robert btapthn- aon rohva cruahed beneath the wheet of 2 auto and a heavy transport truck which pasted over him uarttn j wa- honey to of the balratkn army hos tel toronto waa killed last night on no 10 highway two mtlea north of cooksvllle conservator and oarstt vvlnnrn at cords at a euchrv at mr 0 oolenuuu august mtn war mr a klrkpatrlck and ur h hen dry all enjoyed a dance aftafwarda to miuac supplied by ur w prank and museo dorothy prank and annie black vultoes with ura itotethurst and peggy recently included ur and mrs c a oram of toomto ur and ura j a qknrthurflt and jacqueline and cr and ktra uoooy and daughter of budbury corporal and mrs harry 8methurst und corporal and mrs pat treanor ur nau orron with ur and una mark ohren and family acton mrs angus mcarthur quietly cele brated her 05th birthday at the home of her dmiklitir mrs arthur arlffln on august 31at sgt jami n ruin rt uoble clifford ufllclally rciuirtnl mlhslng august 18 as tho result ot air operations aooord- lnn to word nulvml b his pun nth mr nnd mm jamcti doble word hns been received that acton bomber is now in operations overseas rxcuvuttniik for tlu- new addition at i ho plant or the wool combing oor- liorntlon here caused a wall to ool laivse which carried the electrical in- htallatlons for tho pi sir msult tho plant was to operate until uio noocsfy ropalrs lutd boon made 4 a practice or tho acton plro brl- xdo lust week the flro pumper tnrow lour streams each flits feet rugnrv press norval on sunday evening at st pauls church of england rev a r cole- brook held a upertat service of dedi cation for the honour roll on which were the names of it men from the congregation on active service and one woman nursing sister edith loree n s loree was present for the service the rector gave a special iddrchi lor thi occasion mrs b loree of ijoydtown spent the wk end in norval mrs c clrtmwood is spending two eik with her father at bar river nursing sinter edith loree spent the wink end v ith relatives in nonnl and lift on monday for new bruns wick ns loree is a graduate of georgetown high bchool nnd also of wivtern general hospital prior to lliung she was taken on the gen- r staff of uie hospital upon her graduation she has been on active service since march glen williams pus uervyn klrby is spending a two week furlough with his parenta ur and ura wm klrby ur and ura wm everaon jr ipcnt a fen days with relatives here- lost seek on the way home to tb nonto after spending two weeks v cation in northern ontario mr and mm arthur beaumont turned home on ruesday from pivav irlp lo quitxv oltj and montreal lac irwin pranenfeld of edmanton and slatloned at no 4 wt8 ouelph uab ti week tnd visitor at the home of mr nnrt mn r williams tin xintrrtfnillon and sunday school membi p ot bt alban s church luld ihrlr nnn ml picnic on saturday iiflemnon on tic church grounds mr tom neoumont arranged for the clilldrrii and he tuo donated the un attractive prtres me ladlaa ot the conittcgatlon provided the lunch which as sorted in the parish hall brampton a prise of ism in war bonds was handed to pte ivan o slater at brampton no 34 basic training cen tre his reward for a suggestion that led to important improvement in a delicate apparatus used at research rnterprlae ud where hi was ployed before going into uu army a lares number of mends and icbunh of th isle ms flaherty sir umehouse mr and mrs 8 m wright and mrs bowerby spent sunday with mr and ura w wright ertn mr and ura prance of toledo visited ur and mn oowdy a day or so last week iiao lorno norton is on furlough with his parenta pte j l euerby was home from stratford for the weekend rev o o cochrane has returned front holidays near ofttlas bam r lane visited in g last ttie caw lookout club met at the ur mn orlat of larenwonf andl

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