n- i wafcr 5mi the georgetown herald how the baby has crown jttts s5 years aja when air mall txrn in cmla uith a ftijitit sfiettte by capl drlan peek bun r trc it and ton n to ihc tfcul load was 124 icttrr t ay tr n c n air i nr errl marty half a million uttn in r in fiw an t c a plancs carried mmi tl in i r on j 1 which at ihc poat o i i itl r t i r t i wtcrk out to more ih n i its t n n do n 1 tfc cargo hand line ripjcm m it it i it c er icc sjr c y00ft 5 the paratrooper takes hit life in hit binds when he descends through alien skies but first he is hind- picked nun rocs through gruelling training end receives the finest equipment yet devised for his nd your security as his stuck is our defence gainst axis domination so brantford roofing defends many a home against the beating of the weather but just now because its built of strategic materials the supply of brantford roofing is limited supplies available for civilian use are rationed to dealer to ensure so equitable share in each community to stretch raw materials as far ss possible sll brantford roofing lines have been standard lied on s minimum range of styles and colours if you tre faced with roofing problems ask your brantford roofing dealer to assist you he will i kelp you make your present roof last longer and t affect urgent repairs with a minimum of new i material he will also help you plan now for i completely renovated roof after victory i brantford roofs baaatfawl roofing company limited mmrani ontario tin ftrnriiinimlieajiii fii lal a wttsdy editor looks rt ottawa fij jfea obrafitit recent tltgawrtitv rkarts occurred to ottawa wttb lb arrtval of hat tlfcertob tfa bot unued 8u16 mt dale to ciraaa tad th fir ft tii najfiift- to tfcla country per wukaan they prcld their to the ctoveroofoafitial tfeoruy ajur antral ur alhiftoo who tot her on a aanday ffratswl tha lau ol hi yrary tram uat- rj t9 car o a oot to dutuxb otfl- culs vtth the naceultj of a tons re- ttfklod at utr train lie will he a popu lar eslniitr here at h flsvt pre conference he rot omi ui tih cewimro by u un them to ci him 1h marshall nro thr met turn on the aired and he tailed io ircccnur uuxd it wtute ttodt iaxurifcokj united utate kltoo 1u ou glory haruij in irccu direri4y iaud the main irate uf tht pruamrnt bulkj- lajv to tnr ji tytstfle the two friendly utiu with hand acros in atrtet u 19 it jajhaaa1iiihriv fmfatf to vlaf haftr tvart an to 4l ain o- lw of thtae u tw fetead the bjtuj bat the in imtiwili be4 lor b9 t u fcar4mrd llr a lrn5j in tne i mujr omhhlni w mualnj the tg trutullt tkrt htfh up u tht- ivne ttwrj toe a houilay for a rw dr and totvnl llabtt t a queen ere lure thouund hq ruth to wfc try thai clota juat ait aooalns and looa- lng at ihr umr recardlraa of it evi dent tnrrua it finally fot totnc to tne tmmenta rtiief of all of ua thoufb raou people oarry a wrtat tch tny- shortace la fruit crop dperted higher pikcee are rmnoniibie for tne celling to br tacfced on pearv praxhe and pluau stun thry hit the martet kocfc of canned fruit and saaafclaa with exceptions like iama and lua were rroam on the national thelf uat for the ume reason houaewlfr leave her ceuar tota alone wttlle taalna ad- vaniagc ut hit irrh atuff evaluhle cokj and rt vrathrr raily thii rr alilrd off a lot of pevch trrra in taatetn canad 11 aprtng hurt itratrry and ra poeity cropn iuurorrrir rrr hrav but faced a labour thonafe chemr arrr por tnc canaoun tutai or apple will likely be down lth u 23 per crnt incrr ostr uut rar in nova lirotia but rrductlon crura 2 u 29 rr rent anr rvprcud in nra dnuusawk and d c about 400 000 buriru it v thr irur crop look like 3a0 0oo ixutrlft irv prunr and pjuma onl rjlkhj oil prurlx rjtom u cuoi ut uri ind g7 wt cw al incline boji d c and out irk riok uniirt tkrv tiwcd to be xi mx cent brio ish3h nrvrd lnrfii i n thr tunritt iiunnli is iurl i ihinl nnirr tluin 1 it rit it tr ui r im ft mii 10j6 uv 1940 utis ur u tnv muli t an told tl ht sm if tin r ift irr cinnrd ouof tfaalady oceaabla the oon- suser amueck tftlfift ateut us oon ievauan procrma tnya u rij2y h4 ua orlgsa to ih hacfc cwhbafgii uara canadiaa vceafia baa aj bakd ov- their or cot tt doa jor the children kow that rytftw rvi rirvi haa broom a ngltmtl aaoaatty do to fvenirli of the areud torc oo the oojntrya tentte axnj of the idrtu of theae eajiy experjenlcr tn maktcrtte arv tj in and oontn- buung to the arjoraa of tfc miiajai tine li that under the kadmhip cf cadrr sxtmrn thr youztsf fry axe tws ltklraa to the idea of iffii uaftf gjjtmfnhtosi wtilcb a not llrwislj iue ilrtntke oentraa aj pnntnsi to oprn uifj- ictyiolt for ervlnf inaruc ttun in tite autumn will ail uu ajfect our iuuutiai hocne coonomy after the teuf that an toetauf potot pirtr ha btwn uxor nrvpaprr tluor reaction to thl oolumns auo- wct matter and the handling of it jew obrru to anything that mitfit or oonatrued a poauov another aaya frankly aome v do not aaree vtih but mutt of it u ox 11 ouvd not be right if anyone could write vomr thing out fifiyww agreed ailh which tounda iruh fkeldirr dxaiud from army training to help with the harwi wui be paid at 14 a day tn weatavn canada ww tn okoat pan of ontario 0 tn quahaz and tne lurtttmsa famara also pro elding room and board according to hatmal difcnre ii q where thry arr granted mmnfcrttf ta to af oo their own farm fir tha farm of tun ptuut aoldirri grt free tran- portation up to w0 mllaa tare wtoaf nrw sexxl tlktugs trc chbkman saence monttob aw i i iif 4 saftv keree directory f r watson 08a ban s is s e wlx burns uilke vkqsoii sii mif 1 in irkrd llll 11 n in- 111 it c i n nil u ii lot t ulumk tin v- a ui 1 iklii ik oil lll tatluii lu ii i 1 is ii 111 uxl ii il lf gill u fmil months mipji mi huid hkh nt mj much ivrmtirv he rrs onothrr angu because ol itir low u a ration and rr- ldtlfl htcli coffer rouimn alur tin luttcrh cajnhumptkm is up s per cent over prcar nor mi i while tea is down b a hilf it mould be duhcult to tli- mlnute one ultlout the other they claim wandtrlng oround evlc inlorm- ation offices ou pick up lnterrtttlnr items for lnataiwe a wren the flnu day aboard ahlp haa a talk with a trained beautj ipcciolist about her hair etc incidentally hhe paa about a third of chilian prion for ham- poo and wave all of which hoc back into the fund for ship beauty par lour equipment tlie girln do look well broomed and smart pood rvcerru to hnc been in the spot light around ottawa with many an nouncement concern inn an luin which takes about a thin ol cwrj fu- mlly income the war han put a bin htraln on our country n productive capacities thin ls shown b lliuires that food production u now more than 25 per cent ubote prewar levels hop marketings are up co per cent chccne 60 er cent feed tiraln acreage rjiot up 25 per cent to meet hie stock and dairy products incrcoatk that means our producers hae to work harder and be ingenious the department of labour btatlsttc show a net decrease in male form workers durhm the period march 1030 to march 1043 of 350000 at the latter date male family help only aver aged 13t workers per 100 farms pay increase recently announced tie up with the strong campaign ra diating from ottawa all over canada to induce more women to take their places in the services and release men for active duties there are some 31- 178 women now enlisted but they ay they need 69000 more in other fields women are needed high priority plants will be surveyed to increase em ployment of women even looking for an increase in halfday work by housewives as the strain on our manpower in crease a shortage of sircrew is also noted by the royal canadian air rro accentuated by the steady aerial rymndlruj gieen germany a potential and ttowint pool of course orgmnlaod tn moat owtrw of canada i the air cadet leacue wh tome 6w lads if ottawa evw crta a nuisance air raid a poaubiuty but not a probability oull know about it judging by tht urrna which go off tn untaon every morning at w o cluck they seem to be installed at sirategle petnta tn ot tawa and hull and are thr mrtrdrtt hound of a long day a the mournful but penetrating noue nsra and fall thouaand do thr laat teg to ork tn a fclunjned lnoinelall it u etlmauxl tiiat around 30 000 people are in ottawa do- in timpuriir murk ui onikectlon with the mur look it ou the atrret and in thr itlng plarta itouslnk ut btrn a ur problrm utybe you don i know it wt tht rr but the porrnment built a i lace called ijkurrntlan terrace es pecial for orade 1 girl oftve mtirkersi til h takes rare about mo it 1 olnl and rr comforiabl furnished and the plrts p m so ckl iiich licliidts mrals hrlp sfin i behind the sornei plans sem to be i uld for repatriation of nrrslc mm for lnstaner repatriation depot no i w is nrntly opened at roeaxltffe ro af htatton near otlann where men tire taken care of from the lime they luid in canada by ship until another pi ire is found lor them in the rcntcc or to their return to civilian life a the case may be a wincant item the number of male teachers in eight prmlnces ex cluding quebec declined from 17w0 in 1030 to 12 600 tn 1042 due u en listments and the fact that higher salaried employment was found else where about bo per cent of this loss as from one rcom rural school where ihe teachers were younger and lower hold uie duretiu of btatlstlea indleatea ost oiftord red turns tl llata btn 0et oft s e magwood vstsminabt 80kocon 1 am nielsen mtb tsj ettnettas qaarenctev x4tay dwtjlm ttsawpht t caaad nraaii ui otnc datawra dtruloo oonrt clark otsc and tha haw uunl- ctpal buildup at tha eoraar of uain aod u btnrla ttie army show u let up an a com plrte arm unit from oommaruttnf oinccr on dowi leroy dau icc ml syba bennett bjl bantitan ul bastsun uinstnrt oaorsalavn pbona 1 radio repairing we specialize m this work u taan bqsarlaas j sanfordson okkorrowh urn kenoetli m lamfdoa bantiur sasbuar natairramit pint uortfats uonajr to loan xbct offforr ttsaatra but uu otnat misna m oeetgttoam almost 50 years of lswdattnlp in business courses dayniorlt correspondence ceasauffclal 8onf4lx 8crttrui unj aqnaaav cflmw thai pwpslf cm all ik rnlad akaavliuttotu sh estplfttaual baraaa urvlca a afijiniasii lnj tmcilaa ftaiww rp4t reyn cnaim ihintntt i 12 schooli in torohla ww sat fea owlftw whiwfclml ltavfctlawkt jl shaw schools frank petch ucsmutd auoiioncn and all clamxb op dreubamcc prompl banrk ptioau ml oaoraatora po bat all cjbma t ibofl9fiaasj tstvnascm mvn pin auta wlndataisb o p aoamr ajvl ajraf bumuni exourbiokb pbooa hsw or j oi monuments uarkkkfl and letthuno pollock a ingham oalt daium on raquaatphona ims inspact our work tn araenwood oamatasy gray coach lines timetable how mutbot dajustit 8avtoc ttma usavb oeobortatm to toronto un ajb mb- ihsb bjpjn- km pjn b uuobpa to london j iajs ajn a ms pjn uaaai bubpas ulaa ibujipu baim and baudsja onlr ato ousldb dsttf to km- tttaaatasw soeoro ralph gordon tha tcrsatlla cntartatear far pour nert pracnm niustratad circular pras toionto addnsa cud crawford at oakville monument works w r edwards maawauala ctwmttj lstttrtsw 1 daalcns submlttad good display of uormmsnta as your patronatt anhratarl saw oajnmxx c n r timetable daylight bavins time gains kaat passancar tjsi ajb pasaencar and stall 1010 aja paissenger and mall tib tun pasaeoaer sunday only sjl pjn pasaebgcr dally 0js pjn this train was formarry tha flyer but now stops oatat wast pastenser and mall mt sub pasatncer sat only xu njn passenatt dany eaeept saturday and sunday us paa dally except sunday tm djbl paasencer sundays only ujipjm daily ixeept sunday ufl ajn oataf nartk and uall thi y t kttabanar s ilto wialcold