Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 29, 1943, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday sept 29th 1943 mm otaaw uim o h 8 btcdeny exkcvtrvs school opened latt with d enrolment oi 63 glili ud 66 boy to tal of 11 two esoi than lut jr the inn atalf u u year are tsaeai on uj jab on wednesday beam two very inureallng address on th etie ol the eye and the prevention of iininj by llr weticy stanley field ury for this district and llr d lawley of the toronto exvue for toe canadian national lutltuu tor the blind- a donation oi more than seventeen dollars aa raurd from the school to help in the work ol thl agency cadet officer and n c oa r appointed a fouoav officer com manding capt bill kruy lia jnn farmer norm lens r burns c b- ii- dick crtchum clilu bob laaion ualjlrd by ken llarruon bjt flou petch jim bums oven llugbe the student exrcujtr for the ear err elected at follow prm- ouk cnchlon vlceirr norah cleave sec jane early trrua norm long porm hep v dob la ion es old- do rvi llouy hrpbum snd lloa jean dickie and boo patay robinson and jim eleanor urnllft and oeorvr louth petch ih fcunu id pi imrna il de limehouse uji j l elifrtj was confiior ol a euchre and mraiurtng parly held under the auiplrn ol the women institute at the home of ms fur jjcott on friday evening itlghrat score were held try llr lunry ucdou and airs r mcvey cocuouuoju going mr 8 14 wrtgjit and ulu olue ohvn 8een table of cardi rrt placd while the children and a num ber of ad ul u enjajed croklnole thi entire proceed will so tomard gilt for oui local men in the armed forte llr p denton drew the lucky num ber from the money bag mrs e uiller being the lucky hold vita bkkuj wrftht ulted in to- ronlo during the 4esd uus uram klrfcpatrkfc spect the week end wltii uiu joan ucfjtn- uan at stevtxuoam u and uix w orrlwa and children cf ulllon vlntcd mr exd urv a w beoion on sunday mr o a kink of mn visited mr uthtrund one day lut wet maxtrr aun suuifund u with bi fiandmother tn trrhvp ajrxordlns to vord rccelted from piper r ucvey by hl vue he b had malana fesrr tinor his anital tn hicu out u comalrarlng govlhvutst ishhxtiwu firing bock again uiow ruppy daa of carur qrutua hector they bought and bcld aiul lived and died with never an trupector in other di- out tn the park vtt luw uji tll aitd luxked hrr today ou tr it in our cr a til hrrr comr an intigecior we und cur 111 lie tftrl to whool to leach hrr nd corrrct hrr tint all the day it mrtn uut they uvamlne ard uipet her they ai vrr rr hrr teeth hrr imx unit iti r almott titxkrd her voud be turpfued tht thuigk that ibe unit tltuw to an lniprctor the larmrr ha hu tiouur too rr ieeda and apuda and nectar muit fjtiijy in every y trie oovemmrnl inipector the co mutt not give up her mlu in bref juj cant dlttect her unlrfib the unell of all hrr porta bulla tome darn fool i rupee tor when all ik endrd and old nuk lta got each malefactor we rwrpe in each hot pot in hep there mclr an inspector author unknown oce ondera idxt tieo the time is npe to dupow cf the brown rat me nice in georgetown bomt cfuirns and a gieat many txuune men on ualn street xild more than loume a modem pied piper u thr could be uxurcd of cotog into their cellar cr rm to their bei aitboul the er of a j atvaiiurard rat urkmi in tome hidden corner thrir comiajnlanfc the un damp h alaa been iitfl i1jcu and rp i irjjj breeduv pir for tnre rodenla but it i at-xiyri- n s tot ttiib liujr umju utn that thu year the menace hajy uvjfjr caiuidun rfr ctxi- j tprrad far and 1de throutfikoul urimi rrr iflvrn to the- rul ca- i 1847 06 year of progret t943 woodbridge fair saturday and monday october 9 11 lost day thanksgiving day the biggest rural fair in the dominion bis horse show on the 11th hurdle events pony classes harness classes the finest show of horses cattle sheep swine poultry 9 trotting races boynton weldrick n geo wallace pres secy does georgetown need a modern pied piper hlhi tie beam wtth the army ima gine mov log the population c 1 a clt u the orr ol hamilton on to an island in the ueditrrranean taking with ou the mean to pnvde food lodging and frviind traruikjta- tion and having everyone ready to to ti nvik laimrduul fiound tnapt- uue vrt ttk ik ku lulrin b csinadiinv id trn lhe ii fcpt common tutit to rome dot toan lnjrm the ule renlii arid ee a rat or tmo ttrr rhajtf ctouimi in ne of our tloir mukyrvv women thy from nvoat cl- un on the tnnln drtf and r are luo totd thit enr vvjnii lad found a rat having u nip tn baby lj irfi tn the oprn atr one butinrta mn tvo 1 interested in srtllns rtd live rat fiaa enquired from oovrmmrnt aulhontle ju 1 hat to do in thu rrgard mr w a poaur turrit dutrvt invptrtor ha jili to t about rat till bowu ob holhi rat llattufc norvelcu krilrrn tlw tnoti furmicial4r and ihe mort idrly dutnbuted of live prclr of ro- drnu ahkch are detroej- of ftxd u ue rwimun brcrarn or iwute rat it invad house ktorr marrhoumft and marteu and beaide dftruln fa brlca and leathei kkk1a it attarka kind rf food tuln meat tirocert- fruit rflrtabl etc in ton and country u attacka poultry drtrolng ecu and chlckeru the foundation of building uuo art damaurd by its activity krrhen it dmroh in- iejdiurl id rt 11- prrre l to- irjoied ik mils i h uijhijs jivtructtoii ol itkai fcuptiies ilir bromn rat it- a tt uu miiuci u ivtbhc hi- j 1th it u a cairtrr ol bubonic pljhi one of the si deustlni ul human dejmi mhkli haj- brrn carrird b the rat all uvr the aorld in the fourteenth cen- iur ll i mlmaud thit about trnt- fhe million proplr died in kuroi fnmi ihr dlick dtath oa hun dl-aasi- u called anc 2 0o0 000 drutls are ultl to have occunnl durln ihr tpldrmlr of the plairue in india in 1001 dubo- nlc plaue 1 irailsmltted lion rau to human brlnns b mcas and nvklim metliodt ol preventing the nlfl ol puur involve 11m- mot vlcorous era dication uf ral and the precntkm of tjitu 1 indlnk in m-ajwru- fnmi ociin- polnn vewcl control canadian ordnance ceirv mpunubility to we that thr rmiion e trotv rrr tujitrl ith buth rai nuitmu uf ar aidj rslllrs ul lllr and tllr yaj tlld not tin telth ihr unudii- vt i- utdrr flir at hit otahl hrd tiliir tlun th- have had t ji- il in unliltrrli tijm of nutruil to j ilj ihealp dlvtaon a uatir a jiijlht it nvklcm matfjir unltkr tie tlj f wt rid wir i arm tj- il tiix hjd s mi vrtnuiw nr u1j f ujil bie u virtual nn hr-l- and ulimil la on the nvje vt ti rr this 1 mile 4abutm lnva- euxi could br lauichi- thtir irr tk cl artful parkin- teou t vtvitk htfliuis ur iui idta tj ihr wr aitd drtull cf the ob tht rr an ttr halt a million lurm j1 mjilkn lorr- morr than 2v1 dllfnrnt kirtu ol imrnunlthni a tink m conm1 of about 800q rcplacciblr pare partt- und jlmiv nrtd ubtit 00 ucrtrls bfloir it ctin ct into act inn ls rrlci ml rls iuiut ifcfto und it ls out f af tlo4t if thrtr are rvo riplacrmrrtto for a bruktit vnli cotlntt atjout 13 00 a am ruler nun ctmststh of 2000 n tlaccful nurr partf and needb la ar- ctatrii tjifurr kolnu into actlcn it rus iimit i4 000 and et tlvr iryt of a ontdulur firing iin ntt nns tin pun l ule so- the parklnt it vjr puiv i tin hist of thi pi-ln- vtltn taks tlun think of tlte jb ol kitunt fix i it rrm tl quant it of i upjite doan lo the dck and suxlnk it atyard hip an inlamn division rolnfi overma iiks vviih it 9 loriv f lank iiid vi jili l one 2jlourh r ini ilune i v n hi ii t ratd jcrupu 2qg mill fet l i i vhlppini pu v i iimh h fur to0 oranges 1 ammunition for one nirm nl kiu- i pies 5o0 ublr feet if stilppn pan jniih for 100100 frocks itnd three j fit m rtvlilients in an hours artlllii i barrage cuntume 00 tnis ol amnn- autumn shower r head better have your umbrella repaired umbrellas are definitely among the things that are getting pretty scurcr thats uhy its m important that we make the most 4f thowr -t- have if your um brella needs recovering if it nrrdj a nrw cord tip ferule or rib bring it in to mrrran 61 co well gtadly give you on estimate on repairs it may take three weeks to fix it so dont delay mcbean co georgetown phone 64 j ratri should br denied acervs to place where they obtain food and rear tlulr our to accomplish this build- ins klvoild be made uitpniof and hf best material ol construction lur thlh purpose ls loncrete in the con- riictl ol bultdlnks in widen food b kept and ritv ore llkel to find lodg ment special atentlon sliould be paid iievirendink i to tlu- closlnu of nil nmrturrh tf-pc- trucks they daily in foundatlons where drain and other plp enter doors ui such bulld- iiiirs houtd be bound wiu strong khcet nieal constant vlalunct should be exrirlad uh a mew to checklnr nny jliriids of these pets th holes of rab or mice can b- stopped readily by a little concrete bmken glass or crock- fry cement should be used for found- minus of nil klndfi of storthousev gmiiarlet poultry houses pic com inn- ol shipping spnr wire rr- quired lo transport necessary mieiian- lt ti iquliiniriit to hictl thousands ol tublc feet were occupied b the food liik oil and ainnuimtlon and il all had to bv unloaded sorud and ent on to us proptr ilestliuitlon a dlvlslun ntttls about 120 ions of loot p4r day a similar aniaunt ol witir mure food ietnl water and stoies no up to the luhtlni units in a stream of 1 1 c a a c return with linrii aounded tins mid salvage 11 c a fc c supply convos lmlud- ing itcoc mobile uorkmiops and tow 1 1 neks are itkinsible for ihelr own pri leetion ol leers and men have to navigate by- map compau the sun and the stars they arc armed with rifle brcrus ub- ma chine suns antl-alr- naft vehicles and antitank guns 1 hey must be competent radlo-telc- ptunlsb and must know how to de- notice oneeaweek garbaye collection starting won oct 4th collection route monday hiin st north to wildwood ll streets running of mnin st over wlnl- hridge morris chapel west nnd east and vicoriu streets tuesday john si college view rosetta caro line paper mill road 9lh line water street and mill street wednesday all streets west of main st in ward iii and george james and draper streets thursday queen mcnabb emery king union murdock durham allxn and guelph streets garbage must be wrapped in paper and out by 7 om sbbbsbbbbbaamssbb ritrtisai gpgry t h e a t re friday october 1st mr big gloria jean donald oconnor call of the canyon gene aulry fox news satumday october 2nd matinee at 3 pm bataan thrlhlnz wtlh robert taylor thanua mlubell disney olympic champ chapter 7 sea raiders tuesday and wednesday october 5 and 6 dr gillespies new assistant medical ihrilur with lionel barry mo re van jtohnun smuun peten novelty little ielea of freedom traveltallt on tke road to ivfontcrey pete smith scrap happy convoys must be prepared to light ihclr way through in the field the question ol repair und maintenance ls unswered by the hleetrlcal mid mechanical knulnrent mo the it c o c mobile workshop crcub in canada ordnance media n i till knulnrers arc employed by and are directly responslbli to the royal ca nadian ordnance onrpn in the meld however the ordnance serkes arc split up into two entitles in order to conform with the diitlm system and thus simplify matters when collnboni- tion with drltliui rounterparta is nc- lcssary thus in sicily the llcoc ls res ponsible for the procuring nnd issuing of supplies other than food and mo tor fuel nnd the electrical and me- chaulral engineers assume responslb hty for rejwilr nnd maintenance crlba can be rendered mt proof by en- u rt i t1sc hu rlnhu them in heavy galvnnled wire netting of halfinch mesh storeroom should nlwny be made rntprool by the adoption of the foregoing con structional methods civic authorities und particularly the health authorities should adopt and enforce sanitary conditions in townn and cltlea cleanllntvs and the prevention of the accumulation of re fuse and garbage are essential in the tridlratlon of nits the maintenance of garbage dumps is one of the great est contributing causes to the abund ance of rats from all point of view the immediate incineration of irhage ls the only proper treatment and me thod of presenting the increase of rata and the breed i nu of flics both im portant agents in the spread of infec tious diseases one of the most effective methods of destroying these pests lb trapping the beat traps are those of the spring guillotine type such traps may be baited with any of the foodit preferred by these animals such as meat fish oatmeal cooked eggs or fruit it ls necessary to use a large number of traps the more the better the wire case traps also ure excellent when rata are abundant where there is no danger of food beeomtns contaminated or of other animals eating the bait poisoning is a speedy method of destruction the greatest care however must be exer cised in the use of poison during recent yearn powdered red squill has been used with suoceu in rot cxtermlnntlon campalrma in the united states red squill has the ad vantage over other oommonly used raticides in that it is relatively harm less to human and domestic an i mala but when preprrjy applied ls highly salvage collection by boy scouts saturday oct 2 all the section of town west of main st ie park district george st etc metal rubber paper needed no fats or bottles please householders kindly have salvage ready for scouts when they call salvage will be collected each month watch herald for particulars tvv4vsik mlb 1sisj jgleaned fr0m the past noynl nsjtcnt hiui been granted by her majesty queen elizabeth for adoption by the canadian womens army corps of queen elizabeth as lli rciilnirntal pine march toxic to rata the following instruc tions have been summarized from us ua leaflet no 05 hsucd in january 1031 chopped fresh fish canned fish freshly ground meat and cereal such as oatmeal corn meal or bran arc re commended as balta in preparing uio ilbli or meut baits mix one ounco of pondered red tqulll with enough water to make a tlun pnsto without lumps and add this to one pound of the fish or meat and mix thooruglily in mak ing a cereal bait mix one ounce of dry red squill with one pound of cereal and then add one pint of sweet milk ar water itlrrlns thoroughly iks twenty years ago mr ha- olil c black of drnmpton has pur- chimed from mr a norrtngton his confectionery business o w davis and son were prlzcwlnners with their poultry at the toronto exhibition dr webster who wns displaced by uio drury government on the cvo of the recent oloctlon has been reinstated sherllf of holton born at norval on sept ath 1033 to mr and mrs t e hcwson a daughter at port arthur nn sept 11th 1033 to mr and mrs charles gordon nee nellie roe a daughter fifteen years ago miss ruth olfrcn left an monday to attend the normal school in toronto or dickie attended the alumni gathering at emmanuel colege in victoria univer sity toronto mr bruce heath left last week or chicago where he has accepted a position ihe arena soft- ball league was organised for another mlimin mrs t f grieve was elected prrmdent of the womens auxiliary to l lir canadian legion some adver- tlsrra wragrettes drug store red ar white store a b wtllson arthur norrlngton a l thurston p bmnr- cellls porstcrs ten years ago rev rosa ca meron of streetsviilc preached at both ervlces in knox church on sunday rev dr howard preached at streets- ville arlon lodge officers elected in cluded noble oram harry walking vice grand ralph trlpp recording secretary a b parr financial secre tary j t armstrong treasurer 8 walkcrspeakers at the ca7f rally in the arena friday night will include mr j s woodsworth mj capt elmore phllpott m c mtss agnes mcplinll mp died at eastern gen eral hospital toronto on wed sept 13 1033 clara thompson beloved wife of a b brudley of west hiu ant five years aciowe are pleased to welcome mr and mrs janes orab- tree and granddaughter tkathy- and mr and mrs ivan orabtree and daughters ann and susan is ettlseai to our lewn esrjuearngs tax rate has been struck at 3ft muta ass i m gov eminent subsidy-

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