Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 29, 1943, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wejaegfay sept 29th 1943 ontario food problem tsdckd in kg way by peel member sryu u wiui mur of us foikw- feg u editor o th ottasa fun wjth1 ob of tb most lnttrestiog of outdil farm ptrtraivsrii tn dory avbbearad to is ouava vimil on t by bryan l whttc wbo i atand to writ ihra oik about soze of uir eua who r oow wnirr oolato la th nrw dm cibt- ot it a th tnio- uoo to uik milnl about th uun atro ontario imcrfcrrt dunbar drxsnrti and crial- ua bsrt lhi u on j ciarwvr acton at 0ou3cu matting it sa daeled that coosptrl suhco jt o uk mivti m ted heart offlc at the par should b don rauarr than paublng tor pram atueeo- ur a uuod brads filth victory lui coemtu la artoa- acio w wulard of lb wtnlmj ixhycl ouatoh f torlm to in acwmt on in riyhsay jju rati cf anon no saturday that rraoiuxs to r4a oath abort um alurr bring ad- coiiuxl to chniixe tit iiosuatal in to- i run to milton ililtoo held opeo house or tb wo mens army and auxiliary 8mce toll put wee end and naltora r brr froo mar and far lira- tom brora arranged hmtwaca for writ tlru frees us butedoa vtjo anr ok- log thrtr basic training at th c wjl o crotr at kiuhrorr ontario thau glrtj btaoog to uu auhlury trnllo- rtai smot and ar arcs to rnnip jj tnt uimt training kcuh from bet lfcjy ui fo to the anuah lrga- uoo la waahlngtoo to do lenal sork tntf 17 third nnni kowlty fair un der ajvpcra of tb john uuu chap ter lobi aa hrld to th ujbti irl uat thuraday with rum brtnj- jjjto on th atirt in the evening ttil aa vary auoonaful nmt and tb crtapura lunda r inrrrased by fir ahsen aj rnx noticed about four omoca on tnniay aj teraoon 309 deurofd a iuon ot tb taoua on a commui ity anoarr bu hu on vkctoru aou shrr ur and lira j wrdnnday rualit at ihr kcr of ur oojj rrid th tel and xln alan pattrnon in horr of alrurtur saa lhrralcd with deauurltoaud ooaund and uua jmauun bowl ajtb a ay tan tjr t abort urn a tron wind fleoiam onr man had acu tn bbol rear uvlicn vaa 3uu of flam fyr ptm boa t kcnd7 b cannot b nuctd oj u ium jrostrm to tt uubn at tlw ttu u thomaj t icnnadjr ta u dran of tb umr ihr alarm au tumrd in and oabtnat by rraaoo of ml lit m yrara vh fu artrad had rr ached tb ha 40 yoara in puttie ufr brcaut n ww daputta for 001 dm trbra in laur u avay but y becauar h i vflnlatrr of artlrultu and food u potn to b th blnnt problem in on tario tola wait a tbronto navvpaprr tn otbr day aid nrrybody raued nlm torn rtti popl vno bad only fcnown turn a snort um x dont tnlnk tnat ta trur h la a farmar a food on and try wnoj tturmif taar plar plon gln williams lnirndd for la mil i air arul ur harold walln at iu icauiutnra and ur a j will alnmlnj tank for i0 tt i11hi5 aa rooipaird vlth 1100510 in 1mi iflaa llay r huuhlnton former nral of ih rifllah and llhtory dr- pannvnt at tnr flrampton itljrh ucciaaful and b looa tne part it ta ivhool pxunl awjy at the home of of tn moat alfabl and eatu h nlm ln p uinn bluurtpton totaj rtcrtpl from uv floulr ftrt d ourlprt wrr ttuturt on oond at i brmron doltng club rt toumamrnt hrld nxently vat bl trrnl trarru comprtrtl hied ooeu to pubuc lift hr hu a futuri deputy a klnthj attitude and vy ol fuuaff rfprct without ourcenj vtoliuy utblng it oiv ruturelly cu him mjorwl if he u tn krntock wrrbodjr voold a catty htb4 f cbuua- he u to cnthuuaiuc that pcroru tvoihjrds hli age mrctlnjj him for lhr llrat umr muit njturvlly mart orn- lnif about ihrmwhn wonder if thc may not b alipplng a uttlr he u rn- uuutaiuc nrn about fairminti at j time whn moat urmera uvt it for g7mntrj thi ould hae a grouch nno carry a chip on thrlr ahouldr djt it 1 a conn kind of rnthulatm there u a neat deal of hrrwdiirv brhlnd r and nobody ti eolnir to uic that en- thutloam to put actorvi any fancy dfl he la rry liable to pt an intfiiw dia- uite for fomeonr he thinks is not on the level 0t lrutajee the other day he uakrxl his deput to aend in a certain official m 1 a- tiooip and food to be vn and added ba a hat 6 the matur alth that fellow he n been dodging me for week he doesn t like people ho by too hard to keip out of hu a the home of alx nd un cuton alien alsu recent tin tor at th imr home rre ur and urt bun- le latjhalet niagara pall mr and un andrr jvnr of iur- rle tpent lhf meek end henr irar- the home or mr arul ur ja- cram- ford mr oeone allen who hs been a patient in at joseph lloplta retuniri lit the mlfi double and the winner oueljui for tli juit mmih f ihr aruiur o ivarn mimorul home liit tutda rrupti wiri mlu ada iluckwell nnd rv a w fvjrxman uf najjln ifdd iijit opxoule of nrumpori till uim will tht miot pnarhr tit tin cord m points in three wtnn uiilttd church on hundiy rrntnir owing to the dlflrull in obtalnln mhln ij41u11ont who is ttkln u in lp and ihr effect of lower prtcri ro iffirrt for fval ujp the iirampo flnl ctis if rrq jitt i mr vr kupsm jnj vjn ut ilrinitiii i1vik i an tn pa up fur the r crorui in he fuiin ons4tiitor and cltu iu- ctiunr at centnl trehnlcil tfa hool toronto sim tit the irk tnd uil h num mr and tr m iumont j rm un hitthn hehi nk cwac iit ixin s inline i m with lur pimnt mr ind mrs wtn lhhnk t john wataftr who i a pilent in s jtvpl ifnspitil omlph undrr- i went an nprrutlun for apienf1lrtl lui wpk anil l ro pnurc inp fjixour- nbly 1te donmd mrcleod of toronto i waa the guest ol mr nnd mrs jck add for the week end mr mccleorl a the pn icher it th unlt 1 new schedule preserves rationing effective sepremaea 30 1943 ryawv r aivm ma i aatir ililm ba w frttitf md aiiaa tl c utmu ha wad rauf ft cttlajaw aliaa aj mao rihrfia u buyufj kaih mas c at wo aaimaay a4 ha tytaac ut ti kaa axtl hat tult awtuahiaakrt afc fcai axyihiica mw akl piaaarvaa ea m a aa f aaaj w at it asialax wall aeata utraaaaa u ceupoia va tv naw artaattttl it waauatwl katw 4 it afarhv uptaaabai soha fk kw da a j raaia a fa faoaataaa aaafvraa a4 aa tetaay w4b waut chhhiwi u aemt k miupai d tfcaa ava t laaavy t bwy am l tktl u aaatifti fa iwt ukut h lal timmaai la uu ik irafa4 o taamain la far cauaa ant miai tabl tyrvp aaa aastl tytvp aa aualad ta bring favpaa vawa aaara claaaly ut laaa uui mat crtay af ela tliaa faow u ira nm old idr i alll hivi ft 1m diatd- id in u hurr both in hi otmi liwrt- nun md at ottjw i it it m1 to ake realism to ret mlliclinl ttunl ht j sirrtthln nion than pi ins nnd t la id pr- this i loml is nc- trvir to wtn tills war fol hrre a irom hen church on 8unda evenlntr ovensra in man respect- it la a tl ite nnrmiin pick wis rires imimnant as aildlira and cqulpimnl d alth ft illrtllrri wallet of not s war aurkers must lute sufficient on supdav ufunimn at the united food or tliey will be crank and tils- chureh mrs jaek add made the within half n hour of walking into f d mnl nol mk a present tlon on behalf ol his conerrc- the lr otncealready len ui m w j hbvc mr who ton n ijti 55 jfth ood and lust ut present it is hard u eharve ol the olen church for the pst asrtcultur beforche caued in a i hs j mm bomlujll monlh hlls no fnr dpartroent heads and told them mu haxp o d a of moilc lo wr canada musslon field frankly orr acre going to b no u mmc dniiuc nlu wren aarah bllck is spending fur- wholesale discharges or ring do th ntcts kln u ls hor mr and mr work and you hat nothing to fear and ad ln oeors mick rl01 rlvuaa frtf atn rvkhv in th h- n stifflcuut quantity for all u an im portant factor evljon badge a token for special worfcara he would like to sec the farm worker klven a little more recognluon like to sec the boys and girls and clt peo ple who help out farmer- get home- thlng more than paj for their efforts tlli tn the de- somethlng that goes for excrjbody pirtment he told them new for queen a park the thng t hate is inetnclencj and i wont stand for it around here that and election day are my two pc worries like a get oat and hee for lumuu ool kennedy he commanded a to ronto unit ln the last war and uas badly wounded ln the face and has a twisted grin to ahow likes to a out and see for himself what should be done and what is needed only a few das in office he had already toured part of western ontario met many farmers and did a lot or kronal in- tmtlafttlna he is com inn down to eastern ontario in a week or to he is pretty worried just at prtsent and thinks a lot of other people should be too the overall food picture is not too bright he says and it is olnt to take a lot of fixing to get the people of canada throuiih the winter without a terrific amount of kicking he has an idea the situation juit so bad that umehouse intended for but week pteld da at llmchotise school wo held on thursday afternoon mks jean ruddell was in hanre of the sports extnu mrs h devereaux hould hae a badse should be j judjrwl the displays from victory oar- ronsldcnd like soldiers or munition dens which resulted as follows 1st workers margaret spttjer 2nd david mcvey not that the people of ontario are 3rd marlon morrte mks helen dccr- lllol to po hungry mind ou he says eaux judged lhf srhool box lunch 1st there will be plenty of flour and pota- margaret klrkpntiick 2nd marion ttes and apples a fair amount of dairy norrle nnd dlnlngmom bouquets 1st products and meat dut a lot of other rom norton 2nd marlon norrle 3rd things especially canned goods arc allan ellerby 4th margaret klrk- golnc to be decidedly scarce the wca- patrick prlws of war savings stamps ther and labor shortage are the cause for there three classes were given by and col kennedy has called about miss ruddell mrs j r fllerby nnd 400 of the best farmers tn ontario to mrs a w benton one d coupon is good for ft uu itllief hubtbtuf nlt ictttr applr batttr et hoy ittlef 6 fluid 0l r coafc hoaey l sqbirh om stjadtrd jtw v cat coab boacy 1 lb net tr exlrietfrd beaef er kipl tjnp 17 fluid 02 0 ii ii kill hape sorjii i ib net v moliliei 20 fluid 0a 0f tl hmi cera syinp cane synip oi any bleotjetj tabic sjnnp 14 flui0 02 v canned finit 10 fluid 02 er snfjai lb net coupons z4 and 5 now become valid september 30th the validity date of ihcao coupons haa bten movad forward from ihe original october 14th lo soplembci 30lh this hat boon dono lo accommodalo purchaser of tome hem which af ihlt aooton of iho yoar aro normally boughl in largo unlit coupont 06 and d7 will bocoms valid on november 1 1th and th original tchodulo will bo continuod from then en with two coupon becomlnct valid overy four weettt ration administration the wartime frices and trade board toronto to find out what the answer is he is prepared to spend money to rt the food but wants to be mire first ihe money is going to be well spent during the summer the wrtory gar dens of twenty scohol children were judged twice these w ere planted from seed provided by ltmehouse wo- heres the new easy way w- healthful family meals sjtomen everywhere acclaim eat-h- worlttowin authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition its practical timesaving easy to use i and theres a copy for you free simply by mailing the coupon below authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health as an aid to victory yet recent government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of canadians is deficient perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health stamina high morale to help keep them fit on the job i so learn the cosy way to goodtocat meals that provide every food need of the luxjs send for your copy of eat-to- work-to- win today mail menus for2i tneumaslv 2t i icltrnus t dim- ilj dtitl4011 uuoly nan ntirh this coupon mcna institute according to a act plan seventeen proved fit for judging which icsulteu as follows in order of merit allan fllerb vivian hill margaret hpltrr rotvi norton jim brown mar lon norrle helen shelboume wll- ina drown riiistll mil lur bruce nor rle david mcvc neil benton allan noirle minaret klrkpatrick douglas v tkott oeore cotiscns colin coasens twelve dollars worth of war savings stamps were itlvcn by the w i as prizes for the gardens hot dgs and lea with soft drinks fur the children were provided nt the end of the events the ladles were wi ii pleased with the efforts put forth bv the children mr s norrle and mrs cvrnnl were highest score holders at the w i itirhrc luld in limehoiise school on thursday evening while consolations fell to douriils mccallum and miss helen devcreatix nine tables of cards were plnved mesdnmcs elterliy milter and mcvey were the committee in charge and the entire proceeds went towards the library fund fol lowing lunch of coffee and sandwiches nit enjoyed dancing to music provided by messrs garnet norton and carl kama of olen williams with mr dorothy and mrs and mm s olsby 1 m smws iiniloav for wren three former members of the obc now in trutnlni with the uonumtt di vision or the iloal canadian navy paid a lslt to the halifax studios re cently haiipy n could be tn their new service the trio nevertheless said it was like old times to sec the fami liar mlko left to rlcht delores tln gey national office marie orona and marie elder toronto stadialj tlie rlrls are on leave of absenoa i oi1c just like their brotlioraln who left radio to go into the forest nutrition for victory box 00 toronto canada rlmimlatyrajcowcjtuowoatowla spmmui a timbmbwttjoinouirnivorriuuo aaafaaarksaaaai aaauiovkunr j km joe mcdonald as floor manager mrs oram of toronto spent last week with mr and mrs a hall colonel lindsay sutherland spent a day with mrs j r a sutherland and family last week mrs lindsay sutherland remaining for a week mrs w i newton of harrle spent the week end with the newtons mr and mrs o c meredith and miss helen visited the lookers at orton on sunday miss mary appleyard visited latts shirley wright on sunday mr and mm wm dabble of cleveland visited relatbws m the note- munlly reoently we welooma mr and mrs w oor- aj visited friends at milton and ash on sunday rally day will bo observed at llrao house presbyterian chureh next sun day a number of the ladles completed a quilt for their wmfl bale on friday afternoon llmchouse was well reprented at an ton pair on saturday miss ruddell and her pupils of 8 s 0 won first for the rural school vic tory garden display at oeorgetown fair theresa beeney was second in orade 3 penmanship margaret been ey first in orade s penmanship ruby mltaheu tint in orade 6 art and mar- norrle third ln orade s art mr and mrs r w johnson of thomloo and mr and mrs du1 duma and children ol lurkiantt lake tutt ed friends in umehouse isst week r rationing umr don and sans and ur hall to thelgaret beeney third in tne same class village- they have recently moved these ijrrwwmie children attend s b into lay and mr mulleree house u bsanor bpuaer of 8 8 was first ur and mrs d b modonald 11111110 orade 3 panmanshlp and allan taken from dunnvttle ohromvle a north carolina mtlonlna board reports that one of the mountain farmers living nearby baa just about found a limit to bis patriotism im trying to do my bit patrtotkv llke said th farmer who had mub that he and bit family would ahtd by sugar nttaima ntluulons but sta marrlad have eight ehlldntn and haa derned it i can affetd to atstdoat abuymf all that sugar

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