Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 6, 1943, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sevebtyseveetit year of ptttatke wednewlay odofer 6ib 1943 200 pet anbttaa 5e pat copy altons fifth victory loan quota set at 2250000 seergetownesquesifig district must provide 370000 of that objective arena to have alterations as recommended by out fire marshall cosmrrrtx afvoorreo to deal wttb rat nuisance hnow rtscao purchased ill rldda ol oeorg st addressed council at their regular monthly monday night in the uunlcl- rtiitmtny ssfclnff that tn town quantity at blow fencing a uut th htjb wind from the open country nearby would not render the toad on uut street litipmimr in th winter tlmf councillor mscdonald shew iu11 bradley thompson lyons reeve drawn and mayor otbbon m present- they decided that approxlma- uly mo feet of th required fencing be bought and used where necessary th traffic and parking bylaw and amendment for oeorgetown were consolidated into a tingle bytaw wad for the lit 2nd and 3rd tlmu to b forwarded to the mlnuter of highways for approval in it specific mmix and definite rulfns of the new but atop were tncorporated no parking by other vehicle will be allow cd in thrae conet among the correspondence was a latter from the fire marshelli depart ment which tec forth the alterations which were nrceuary to the arena in order to conform wrh fire prevention regulation tile recommendations included door alteration both upstairs and don the building of wooden tp at a temporary nre escape measure the installation or illuminated exit signs and are extinguisher contain- ing nonfreetable liquid at atrateglc points council unanimously decided that the neceuary alterations and ad- dltlotu be completed a letter from the deportment of health with regard to lauon be at th neat meeting to dls- cuu detail of th plan th main buetnea of the meeting being over a number of until matter war dealt with the included the buying of a license for th arena the granting of an advance of isoo on hi contract to th contractor now at work on the street and th draw of name for the court of flevtilon this last will be held early tn november with counduora kail brown thompson uroonald and bradley forming the court the purchase of a anow plow vu again broached but nothing de finite wa done tn thla connection before adjourning council decided to hold a special meeting later in the month to discus matter ocrulntny to the arena the following account acre passed mrs u elsen rebate ii w hobos rebate baju motors nonluud pavement qu bell telephone co lulton county 8t p p bluckbum police calm ourugc w a marshall postage 8n dees cartage p b harrison stamps lldro electric 1 is 3 to 3030 30 75 3006 1740 60 00 1020 100 36 000 accidental death jury decides ivquejjt heu bxme last wed- wtsdjly wight a coroner jury enxjulrlng into th death of c w wuiard who died fol lowing an accident on no 7 highway on uaturday oepc uth brought in a trrdjct of accidental death and a rider atucblng no blame to the driver of th truck tn inqumt waa held in toe muni cipal building on wednraday evening last and wa prrtlded over by ue coroner dr 8trrruon of ml ton w r dtefc kc acted for the crown bu wltneuct including dr crb toron to were heard by the jury which wa cornpovd of sam waller foreman ii salmu c roiel o ucouvrey and w hyde ac 2 c w wluiard of the wlrrteu bcliool auelpji niavtained injurtea in an accident on the highway just cast of acton on saturday 6eit 18th that resulted in hla death a ahort time after being admitted to chrutle street hos pital in toomto the acrldrnt occurred at bo in the morning en the curve of the hlithvto at the hetenth line four mueii cht of here rtrank l thiron drter of u ruenm transport of 84 s tenth ht new toronto was stopping his truck to w thp alrmin i ride wllllunt up- 8107 iparrntly mn along to ret into the ci mart kcsvy at maple leaf chvb oct tlit thanka nlffht dance hi thr ma pit leaf canteen dmmpton is the talk of the town and uf jkanicular inteicst u the announcement this eek that there will or two cry dls- ilneulhed lltoni mki warwxrktr meaiure to mlvk toronto thrv cry ottrac- t jokieh v k htkviis 1 ommim1 mmtt at i muh fred akmhtroncu be uaed tn killing rau ww read h and ciiannlng iing ladl will thfrewa some ducuaslon on thu m the prerutlon of award to the matter and a committee wiu appoint- nembeni of the army basil team a i il rtth the rat nuisance tn champions of intermediate a on- nlmtlnsn in msnonse to oomnlalnu rl0 b association jlace a frnctured rluhl nnkle luk in- hi iii church i eiikland war ftnt ritlienvln the town praturlng at the dance will be can- june ond suffering irom mkvtic aenlrn committee met at the home ir mmvivrtostjiute sent a letter d p dance band directed by and internal injuries wlllards home is of the secretary mrs prcd amitronii toincu advocating the ettabllsh- l kenny with judy richards m cohm imja nl mr thomas eoson ment of a ladlev public rett room in t m j h the new municipal building making i m canteen fund it is no idle hels and before the machine aas stoetl htmiijtkd to climb aboard in some manner he illpped and frll beneath the heels and wu ditkvii a fr frt iilotu thr hluhwii liin tlie atieels and uie roadway dr w o c kenm y acton and dr c v william of teorneiovin attended and rendered flnt aid nnd he was lakrn to chribtu- street ifonpltal in toronto by tin- johnstone a rumtrv ambulanre he died at llli just lifter rrftchlntt the lospiutl in his fall beneath thp truck willard luitalned a number of injuries he had multiple lacerations on the jend mofitly on thf right side of the face a frnet tired rtuht ankle uwk in- h turle and was suffering from lkkk ikrl ham will iuwt twice monthly at oibrtr mbtrg holding llielr regular meeting on uonday evening georgetown lion club dined as usual at the ucolbbon house lion chief ralph rosa occu pied the chair and there were four teen present indudtjig three guest after the nilnum corresuondence and central butlnaa uon j d kelly in a few brief and witty remarks pre sented ucn u brill with a post presi dents pin and lion o uctta wm long ralph ross waiver carpenter and d brill kith 100 per cent attend ance pins mr kaplan of the firm of kuplan bprachman toronto architect wa present and gave the uom a feiv ideas and information on what would be required if the pro- kjvcd sis liiinllnir pool for ororueluwn were gone ahead with xtr kaplan said ttu uuiu uwned a vco fine lot which mas centrally located and that he- thr t pool wa build or not could be mad into a lovely park the lion club have rrponsored the boy scouts for the past year dim rcouunavter albert tost wa preaent it the niittliui to discuv ucout niil- tcrv und itlve hi report on what wa 1 1 itu done for the uoj bcmilmiisler tot rtx rteel a ineniberslili ol tne la boys and said the troop wus uolnu i as aril as could be expected in the length of time he hald the bos hud null rtitktit the collctum of suluuir the procetds of which vrould ito to- aikls bumii ullkolu 1111 i tulpillelit it was 1 t ided that a lviv ccotlt niht b held an october ibth i irnn- tin lill and winter it hasriiurs spt been decided that the uon club meet kri oct i twlie niontiilv it a llniier luevtuik isat oct t tjie next me- nik belmr on monda oct october ibth mon oct 4 the weather by ii l lluu that old law in phyalea about kvrry action has 111 reaction equal in nuiiinltude and opposite in direc tion apparently applies to th wea ther a to other things this bring tlie cose e might eipect a period of drought to follow the ctreu of rain we had last fall and again last spring at all events we are now getting the drought the rainfall for the month of rtejlember was only 1 03 inches con siderably less than half the normal rainfall of 3i tnchea it has provided ideal weather for such fall work as corn cutting tuo tilling apple picking etc but it has been hard on the chap who wanted to urt on with hit fall plowing parttcu larly on the heavy land there is ilcnt of tune for that yet if no time t lost woen thr rains do com the ull wheat u sulfertrst most because of th lack of moisture und in many place may be a failure uhere it hsv isen too dry for germination tlie imrtft dally temperature fur the past month has been sllithtl above iiormul 57 7 dcvirees a against a normal of 6041 ivihosltiii ure the local records lor the past week date tues tstjt wed hcpl a ii und u temp ruin- fall uhxo tux victogtv ulooam fo nbw loan in less than two weeks afoodsvy oc tober lith to be exact ilatton county along with the rest of canada embarta un it fifth victory loan campaign toward this loan llalton la asked t rau uj60000 a urgt objective box not an impoaelble one georgetown objective ha been reduced somewhat for this laoan and our quota ha bacfk set at tno000 part of v township which l also tn the oeorvw town district it asked for 10000 and thl rnakaa a total of gyioooo for oeorgrtown and the nrrrciujidtrsst community on october 1st the following figure were released from county bead- quarter i 7 06 70 71 o 49 64 64 13 43 43 so 39 37 use of the faculties already there the forecast that e spacious floor irutrueted to write the wo- accommodating 1jo0 wul be crowded 1 to capacity clerk men trurtltut asking that a depu- papers nearly century old reveal unbelievably low prices not thought that the truck ireusunr prcsiiilrt the rininilil re- pnssed over the yomii man jmrt it was hoped that a few more but rather thnt hls body was pinched contribution would be mace so that beneath the wheel und the pavement uie fund would be siifluhnl to m t thut ns the truck was being brought to a every boy and girl in service from the full stop traffic officer ray mason congregation of 8t otcorge be sult- annolncement mr and mn robert olyth olen williams announce the rrvarrtase of their daughter plivllts manon to cpl ivur jamtss dohen u s marines corps son of mr and mrs patrick isiherty albany n v tlie marrltre ook place in the fit johns episcopal church bcthesda mainland usa on january 19th 1043 of acton investigated the accident hank road fbom weston village v b civil war is headlined can you imagine a time when eggs were selling for 13c per dozen but ter 13 and 14c per pound and bacon s to 8c per pound believe it or not that market actually existed in onta rio in december of the year 1863 old copies of the patriot and new of the week published in toronto were found ttuck to the wall partitions by the edwin idcken family when they were remodelling their house on r r no i georgetown the papers contained many items of interest in addition to these almost unbcllovably farm produce prices more won- of wonders included chickens ling for 2jc each and duck at 45c per pair the headlined topic of the day was the civil war in the 8tates and pick ing out a few they read campaign in virginia ended meade back at his startln3 point lees entrenchments too attong following is an interest ing extract in this connection from the paper dated february th 1864 some few months ago mr lincoln is- gued- a thanksgiving proclamation on account of retreat of insurgent force from east tennessee it turned out however that confederate were still in east tennosaee when procuv fruition was issued moreover they have nover left it since and are now knocking at very walls of knoxvllle from there is very meagre and oomm ut to 3rd of last month outhe 15th oen sturgess with a large cavalry corps and some infantry under oen fwifce advanced from knoxvllle on a reconnoltering expedition meet ing confederates at danville some 40 miles from knoxvule a fight took place which it now appears resulted diltattiouar to the federals although at brat tt was reported in their favour tvdbrali felt btuac but on the lbtti oen rjsmnter and infantry torn marohed out ram knoxvule and when twentyve last dswpatehas um on rd a battle aruttt have oteultd water work to was wawoted to take plao at iwfas- rlngsmip bk in nany ntoarlran wta ht am or w mllm from tfaswptralnmc wasvtna vine yet simultaneously came state ment that longstreet was within 4 iillcs of knoxvule where a panic wa prevailing next news may bring some important intelligence from east ten nessee theatre of war the weather it is said hat been or a character to dry up the mud and make it fit for cam paigning oen orant does not seem to have expected this for until matters bepan to have a threatening aspect he was quietly spending hi time at st louis everready confederates were nn the alert however longstreet had probably a force of 30000 before late movements commenced since then he has ben largely reinforced but whe ther from johnston or lee is a mys tery some of prisoners taken are said to be fresh from richmond in one issue nn auction sale was ad vertised to take place on the albion and weston plank road a short dis tance from the village of weston brampton made the news in the pa triot one week when the appointment of john plcknrd ns tax collector for the village was announced accord ing to tho statutes of upper canada on december 0th 1b63 home thieves infested arlmsby and put the farmers into an excited state and heres some thing which makes us bum with envy the best coal in london is sold at 1800 per ton new york central rail ways decided to guage the wonderful progress made by locomotives the past few years and proudly announced that the average speed for express trains including stoppages was so miles per hour the average number of passengers carried dally numbered si the house in which the papers were found now oeoopled by mr and mrs edwin hlrken and family was origin ally built by mr christian barnes and these papers nearly a century old till bore the yellow label wrh his name printed thereon iialton rural mail coiirieks ilfcct otnccrs the annual meeting of the llalton rural mall couriers association was held in th council chambers bte- warttown on tuesday oct 5lh a representative attendance of cour- leis from all parts of the county was heartily welcomed by the president mr willard drltton of acton sev eral matters come up for discussion during the evening including the uy- ment of incumc tax the dominion secretary revealed the tact that there- were only two rural couriers receiving enough enumeration to render them hublc for income tax one lovers a os mile route and the other 75 the 83 mile b the wuy is in llalton county serving a total of 376 boxes the election of officers for uie en suing year resulted in mr oeome oreer of freeman being elected presl- tlnt with mr j brown of oukvllle as vice president miss nora krnntr of ooornctown continuing as secretary 1 rei siirei a vob of ttuinks to the council for the use of the room und the acceptance of an invitation irom mr george bridle to hold the janu ary meeting at his home nt burllnit- ton wound tip a very pleasant evening ably remembered at speclllc limes a number letters wire read thanking tlie committee for the gift sent last kaster it was decided u ienc the men and wnmen in service special fat cieorkcs christinas cards for the yuletlde so that the gifts could be sent out at easter mem bers felt that those in the services would be wellremembered ut christ mas and would therefore welcome the cuts ut easter when not so many would be received mrs armstrong served tea and rc- lestiments at the close of the meet ing oeorgetosm part esqueslng tnoooo 140000 most burlington twp nelson o 8 350000 250000 500000 ookvule twp trafalgar 439000 280000 700000 milton rwp nelson n 8 ti- trafaluur nfi rt w pan esqueslng 175000 65000 73000 40000 359000 nassagaweya 05000 03000 acton n w esqim sing 200000 30000 230000 u33o00o bpecml troop train takes lornc hoots to lovo branch a fpeclal troop train carried 100 member of the lome scot reaens c company to long branch on sa turday murnlns for two days rngv work at the lonff branch camp altoffvther there were 450 btroaf in the lome scot battalion encamped in huu from saturday noon until sunday nlffhu the mm practiced so 100 and 200 yard rifle ranges and bad an opportunity to fire the bren fluna in spite ol cool weather the training wa enjoyed georgetown bowlers win first place at milton tournament tlie men of tlie georgetown bow ling club have shown no abatement of enthusiasm with the coming of cold weather the much sought after orant trophy which the b p chap man and w o bell team defended six times and finally lost to james richardson and em trvrjrnpson com bination has been held by the latter champions after two challenge games the most recent challenge match wo on monday night bowlers from the georgetown club won first position at the fall bowling tmmiarnent held in milton last week em triorrspson and w o bell were the aulful rhatntaoni thereby win ning for themselves a pair of six pound irajlosatns each hugh dickie 8 t fa- ram fred tionion and b tyers also went down to milton to take part in the tournament esquesins council petition game and fisheries dept for open season on deer private harvey allen son of mr tiumas allen and the late mrs allen will celebrate his birthday on october 7th a member of the lorne boots rehaent this win be the third birthday pte allen has celebrat ed overseas his wife and daughter barbara join with his mends in oon- veylng best wishes on hi birthday atl t in twjctuudian amy are barefully atodled to dmsnata the oause and prevent reourraiso penalties to be colected ror inpaid taxes sheep claim h paid enqueuing township council held their regular meeting on monday af ternoon deputyreeve o w murray councillors o e cleave george cur- ne and wm a wilson were present reeve o h may presided minutes of the last meeting were read nnd adopt ed a number of ratepayers waited on the council presenting a petition ask ing council to petition the clame and fisheries department to issue license lor deer hunting in the township mr brav county oame warden was present and gave an outline of the rules and regulations for deer hunt ing moved by currle seconded by mur ray that accounts be paid acton pub- he utilities comm crescent street lights to sept 17th 1800 bell tele phone on h 70 jenkins as hardy re audit vrrillcntion notices 12 co h robertson stamps moo carried moved by wilson seconded by cleave that relief accounts be paid s87soarrlrd moved by cleave seconded by cur rle that board of health account be paid o e smith trip to bt mich aels hospital 13 00 carried moved by currle seconded by wilson that the oeneral accident assurance company qeorgo o brown agent be paid for township road liability insurance for the year ending october 13th 1944 ttssmcarrled moved by wilson seconded by mur ray that sheep claims be paid foster brain 1 lamb wiled 11900 1 lamb killed to him spencer wilson va luator 300 dr a aaxtotlllotstti 1 lamb killed 1300 aheap kflled w00 iho0 a n stark valuator 3 trips mrfeitid moved by wilson aeoanded by cleave that this owncu petition the rjepartment of jam and wlaaariaa or an open win tar providing the tovnshlp of nassaga weya do likewise the tame to be un der the rule of the department carried moved b murray seconded by out- rle that road accounts be paid 121 10 07 carried moved by currle seconded by cleav that leave be granted to introdass bylaw to empower the collector of rates to collect penalties tor non payment of taxes after the 31st day of december 1043 and that said bylaw be now read a first time carried moved by murray seconded by win son that bylnw no 078 to empower the collector of rates to collect penal ties for nonpayment of taxes after tile 31st day of december 1043 be now rend a second and third time and passed and the seal of the corporation be attached thereto carried moved by currle seconded by wil ton that john standlsh be paid at the rate of 65c per hour carried moved by wilson seconded by our- rle that thla council do now adjourn to meet monday november 2nd at 3 oclock or at the call or the reeve carried fire drill at schools as a special fire prevention week observance fire drill inspection was held at both public and high school last week fire chief donald latimer mr clifford bradley oltalrman of water and fire protection mr jd kelly chairman of the publlo bshool board and rev w o o tjhnmrvsnn ctsalnnan of the high sohool board formed the board of tnspeotora at the publlo school tw ptiplls filed oat m an ottfcrly nuftbar and obeyed command whh precision while at th nth sohool hi ajboenu also turned out of the building auaiily and to re cord urn not iaysmounf the drut poke highly of the one serk don by prttvapahi b o wt and letter oarmsttor atvl wsstr staff of dltn ib wssbsttsg the ptvaei haw outtttttt ttsnli lit oat of tt jj

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