Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 6, 1943, p. 4

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tjgjsgotaetowfl herald wednesday oct 6tfe 1943 georgetown herald ncws op ohmanowh ftoaval glem wuxuuu ukeboiee dttwascrtowh axhgeove bjuxs4a7ab jou cotta axyov btimon ttwros 8cb8criptjojj rates gaud united statu and atiwu rjoo a yeai single cot e ajhwtidai u u1 u saiut t ttxetooke na waltbi o b1eun pikiuhf oajuttld l uxollvjlay uajiy it anaiw editor j ootxv of the canadian wtj krhu0rr auociauco and the ontario- qurbrc duaxm 01 the cwna rie editors corner speed the victory last week we saw tome of the firs moving picture to be released of the landing made by allied troop on the beaches of mountainous sicily the pho tographer must have been right in the thick of the fray and we wondered how he managed to keep his presence of mind in the confusion of men ships gunfire und bursting shells in order to do his shooting of out standing bit of action if anything were needed to prove lo the people ml home what a tremendous job our men in army navy and airforce did when they took sicily those pictures of men disembarking in the face of a veritable hell of enemy bombardment were a boldly revealing lestimo- alal moving pictures brought home the meaning of that phrase they gave their all in a way which even the most vividly painted word picture could never do knowing as we do what those men out there fighting for us have to go through we cannot fuil to heed canadas fifth victory loan cry speed the vic tory beginning october 18th the people of this coun try will have an opportunity to lend their money to the government so that this end may be achieved it was only through our superior numbers in planes guns tanks and ships that we avoided a second dunkirk in southern italy and won through to victory these are the tools of war that our victory loan in vestments helped buy the bravery of men alone can not win in the mechanical warfare of today they need our support as well to supply the weapons the war has dragged through four long years while we have been bothering momentum for attack the offensive has opened on the third front and the hour is almost here for the beginning of the second front attack the men involved in these battles arc doing to need every tank gun ship and plane that the 1200000000 to be raised in this fifth ictory loan can buy georgetown and esquesin jeorretown dis trict have been allotted 370000 dollars of this objec tive there are a great many boys from this vicinity in sicily und italy right this minute depending on us at home to help speed the victory and we can do it hy reaching and oversubscribing our quota in this fifth y ictory loan common sense needed in an effort to do a good job of conserving scarce commodities the wartime prices and trade board has issued a few orders which make one wonder if that good oldfashioned attribute common sense could not be used to some advantage in their offices no doubt figures and charts proved that one- pant cuffless mens suits saved a tremendous amount of material but the fact remains that it wastes just as much if not more everyone who has had to keep an eye on the budget knows that the suit to which there are two pair of trousers lasts twice as long ns when only one pair is supplied then theres another fact to be taken into consideration no matter how many orders are isaued from the wptb they cannot prevent cloth ing wearing out when it is worn for any length of time this has resulted in an enormously increased sale of odd trousers and many and varied have been the ensembles wom of late by erstwhile conservative males it seems that the only saving effected by this order has been the saving of odd coats and vests on the jiangers in clothes closets however these errors of judgment are bound to happen but it occurred to us that the wives of the ad ministrators of the wptb might be able to whisper a few words of advice to their husbands when a problem in conservation arises november first at the latest dont misa the boat dont let your boy go nptyhanded this christmas send his parcel within he next few weeks by november 1st at the latest fc ensure its arrival in sicily italy ceylon north africa the aleutians or wherever else canadians may be this year post office officials have asked that the size and weight of overseas parcels be reduced for men and women in the services the maximum weight is eleven pounds f for civilians five pounds postal rates for men and women in the services 12c per potind for civilians 24c for the first pound and 18c for the next four pounds in addition to close friends and relatives plan- send gifts to cheer tralr absent servicemen hushes cleaver mt name in the hews huihos olrawr haltont ubtra ufixbr r in the dominion pttrlumrat coun by lul aturdy night u the prctoeudity of their name- in tbr nv i ritur thrb tdxli at tr hltilithls promlnnu mm in uw itniinrct of canada cajolyn xu kuif wntrr 1ul curo um rndrr of hiturjjy nliht an tntrrruicg ta sjm into ihr work trw lullon up u ckilnji lu ou- and tjutchwj the ikmuluul baj kit round lo his political runvr ghr hb this to uy wttr la war cu u wrwb huht- cuatrr u oulrmaj o uu- ujr ijjm i dilute orfiutihur il thr itour ol cnimum hlri u unrntl hiuuliti ihc ckiirnimmtn varumr tmnvk tlotw lh alimliium gmipuit i c1 hi j mld ujitr jlnilclll irullla uryr and null tin- funiruur jrup 1 thl cmimtltrr it mt ul in- iirii mil tin jtiuvntiiit ji1j- in ihr utlumi filar tjurrunrry no cabinet tinnibs r ur othtf j- u nu li hlmt otlhf b thr uni mriii til oh- i1j nth on 1m- com mit m it oorrnord tfillitl of raiiklnv tktrku runrv rommunl rr- friird to s t1k rdiik iirnrhif1 lu fijiftun t- to rnqultr into n tr rrj niljlurt- n mwirt to tucklr ol such at tr bniupht to it trillion lth thr iijit of rrcommrndtm roaijmlr ii rt up as trtuu of crltlfljn oi thr ftojr of the hoilr of thr thr pmrnt oormment liu pnidtryi thr tupujrtv monry in the premnl mar had no counterpart in the uu r comnoftlton of the committee auo a retonnllson of thr fart that a inrur number of up ho be ion ft rlttver to the ofmiovltlon party or to the other troup in the lfoue not identified mith thr oormment of the day are at amtoua to i jay kxne part in thr country war effort ah any cabinet mlnhtrr that jfom auo for mrmben of the liberal inny ho are not of cabinet rank nor rt mlnuterlal as- lstanu thrrrfore the little frlloav are supposed to har a knot on thu oommlitee as it ha happened the oni trprrvntallvr of tlir ccp fftoup by no means a little fellow but m j ooldarll the clilrf hlrruelf and to sucresahe chairmen pttlou to mr clrarr s appolntmrni vacated the chair bausc of belnw elevated to cabin partt trs thr hon t j thorfin ftnd hcn the hon aphontvr kitumler lluchrs clrutt h ritrd cntnpr- tcnt puhv rrvint t krlm one for punishment vthrtf uorlt is cnncinird nn individual vha his ciinil thr rrn pttt ot his fellow totinien ind he ldv ol tin- hoiii- m ouiui bv rstjindlni up to i ouuh situation wii unusuiil cuts nnd thirtictcr a mitlw of hirllnuton out lit t one jciri of r son ol 1 livrr lie h the liw jin his nwii profession afcr public sdioftl umi roluklatf in durliimtcn lr cntrml omumkic llnll without prrvuiiislv pismin- thnxitth vitmtv bcriusr that was tlw only tiling he could afford tr do took his d a extramural as lie went uloiut hh ua was articled to the ttronto flrn of mills palney and hile after he ftils called to th ontario bar in 1914 he returvctl to join his father in burlington where the two men prac ticed ns law partner for 10 years in 1316 cleaver married ariel shep herd daughter of a local shoe mer chant he pitched into municipal po litic nnd puhllr work of various sortk served on the huh school hoard nnd municipal council was a reeve in 1d1b when he decided ilurlnt die daitc hourn of mnnpower shortnrr in the last war that married or not it was time to ffet overseas enlisted as a private in the find cnnndlnn tank corps he trained over in fuiland at uovlnkton with a unit of knniffe mechanics nnd the like who had it nil over htm in practlchir mechanics but the lawyer woji the boy to wilte on exam cleaver came out on top of his his o c rave him hla rergcnntn st ripen nnd then came the ajfnlaloe thu vr clearer baa thr daughters of te to in th army tndea bchool in hamuttti oca orkln la steel company of oanda prjrriswra wua iurfc from the aur oeaver took up hu or ai reeve a wuj uaor of biruortoo in ib30 ened a turn u hrcrho of the ouiadun lelckd too lie ffxt iy trtereated in development cf the quite beautiful country round about plunged into real estate txulneu and hiabaay pavtrur rontracta and the whirl that rose up in thr twentle with thr ctah of cvjvtr loa tvrry thing in ia hr drcldrd lo blow off ktram by iuuidlng for election a a ubrral f jndidjte in a ctwimltuency flfjlton count 1 tht had been bolldjy tory ur w jrjrvl itvunthlna 111 wrunjr it eenixl ikit iofdr kit- cleaver found 1 here und ivom- many could afford to cut u ntutve abogt matter fulminating in 1923sor tley tent husihts clravrr u ottam tujurti tle oimltunc upude dviam lor him and f j fmrvd u u fellow hut know all u bo ut ou but like u cteavtr fount his damn hu may a thr uindb of the aea ittnve tniuble on cleaver a mind a hen hr rullrd into thr capital aa a frroil elected mp full of vim and mror u thr lghl of the country pavum out tlity million odd dollars a rar to krep on rrllrf men erurnged in thr bulldlnc trade mhen there was a houtlna hortajte of forty thousand odd hemn and labor u m per rent of the com of building a home he burat upon the party raucuf ure the pen umirn were only needing to hear him in order to atari on his tcheme and met the determined no with which uich augtrvion from the newly elected arr traditionally peeled however in- trad of nunurur hu not ion on the back bene he he toted them back lo nurlliibton told them to the town council started the bulldlna boom in durllntttin that provided a practical drmonfttratlun of how hl notion would mork it did huorerd and the tuence of his whtmr apivrd b the hon charlri dunnina then mlnlitcr of n- runcc beame part 3 of the national houlnif act of 1938 ktodlea hu wata a cleaver moved out uf the quut bewinnrrr period in the house hr was lut on standing commlttrc whru he md hlini if on thr ilankliui and cumnhrre 0mmitusr lie rharactertn- tlcall had in a professor of econorruch to yiv aeeklv lewsons to himself and snn other mis in order to dal ade quately with consideration uf the bank i cimiot mtup and me llki other oimmittees he has worked on iue mls- rllmituis private hills divorce cxim- mltiri stmial security atul pensions he vrrsouill ww throuuh 22 pensions apmals ol veterails felt lie got a kitod ob done ciovemment set up tlie war expend itures cotnniittee on ulniost identical iliwh as that of great britain where midi an orian has proven extremely valuable it is designed in provide tx- luury eaijle eves on the kownimcnt departments involvetl 111 nuiking war ixpuiditiiies keep ihtin on their toes and keep the whole business ol the juinmittec uut ol tlie political arena llouls are heard that hearinns of this commute should be public thvy urc actually done in camera on the ttround that were they public li no body uuuld tell them things that might give inlomuiton lo tho enemy 2 no body would tell them much else any way and i3 political sides would in evitably be taken member would tend to in their pride demanded they a tick by any stand they might take in the begliinlni- regardless uf whether fur ther investigation might otherwise lead thtm luio uuunimity with oilier mem bers continuous unanimous rooom- nieiidatlous from this committer that have been coming out do suggest there b truth hi these contentions there has also been crltlcum of the rcpre- directory f k watson bjuhbi oefea bean s to s sestet thtisdtr sfunsaes dit a burns hois bcwt4l bumoson osortptoss pfaoe is worked unremittingly all year so that extra comforts may be provided for our soldiers sailors and airmen these men and women in addition to raising the ne cessary funds have another big task on their hands that of obtaining the latest addresses of the boys in uniform perhaps the most extensive list compiled is that of the soldiers comforts committee a small hard working group of women who endeavour to see that every man on the sea and over the sea from george town and vicinity is remembered they expect to send a christmas gift to over 300 this year so that no gift may go astray because of an incorrect address if you have a brother or husband in the forces overseas phone mrs w v grant 236 mrs sidney mackenzie 106 or mrs arthur reeve 275w to either correct or confirm the address they already hold or perhaps add a new name to their roll this particular list is often used as a basis for other lists prepared by groups send ing parcels overseas the soldiers comforts committee isnt going to miss the boat theyre planning to get their ship ment away in ample time christmas is an especially hard day to spend away from home and a parcel arriv ing on or before that day will help him feel happier make sure he wont be disappointed this christmas or clifford re ldldjxs dmot ptxb ut iula btrwt owrtslawn am nielsen sttb tartotutti curopfhtet xkay brctlha tbtnfht u47 ft oset ew rvtt- cuts o i bam 1muisb ootid thotdy nans zm or s e magwooo mtunut btrosom ffcm u ocbos bitvtro dtrwon oxot clerk ottct tut uw hn uunj- erpal buildup t uw tmtt of itoln sadtrsl btrtttt si iljuu dvohqf hui umetrtm o ictsaetfa m laafdoa pint uortfs uon7 to osot oratory thmti bids uui btrsh run ts qo frank petch ucbmeo avcitoncn tnd all cxasses or oisukancs prompt service phone 1 otorgetown po box hi c n r pa the timetable dsyught savins tims oetaf tut pmtenser va1 ptuenier and kfsil 1010 puunstr and mall tjos puienser sunday only sj1 paaaenaer dally sj9 thu train waa formerly oyer but now atop oatbf watt paauncer and kan ass paawnter sat only 118 so passenter dauy eaespl batorday and sunday sjs ua dally except sunday it pss paaiencer sundays only mjs pjs dally kiotpt sunday ubt sb oecasntrlk puaencer i uau us lb oetaf pstsentar sod icbd depat tlekat tjttpsa 1 repairing we specialize b4 this work u tears ispanabds j sanfordson aixmaerfpint ms ctlwi wsusamcs a p phtb luhr or oood duplay hand your patronac coktoix monuments uarkkrb akd lrmamo pollock a ingham qatt deeuna on raquaitphoo imb inspect our work in oraeswaod cemetery gray coach lines timetable now in xppxct daybtht sartns time leave oeorubtowh tot01owro 7 in ssf m am m pin am djb b itsspsl to london y i0j6 sjo tj pa yiaopjn buopm uonm sbllupm b sun sad hobday only to ouelpb dally to kit- chener 81 bun sod bl y to botebtaar sto etnktord trntatlon of the committee the oppo- nltloti fcrllns they have not enoush members membership has been fixed iiecordlnfr to tlie proportions of each groups actual representation in the house cant evict tenants during winter months tenants of houses duplexes or apartment may not be evicted during the winter months from soptembor 30 to apply 30 under the provisions of the new rental order of the wartime prices and trade board which bocame effective october 1 tenants of flats are subject to tho onomontli notice at any time landlords are nermlttod to apply for a ten per cent increase in rent if the tenant is taking in roomers or boarders who are occupying more than two rooms tho new order pro vides for the appointment of erntals appraisers in canadian cities and towns whose duty it will be to fix and vary maximum rentals as under the previous order all property used for iters purposes are txempt only one communicable disease in two months 1 the m o h presents the folk report on communicable disease foi the months of august and beptetnj ber there were no communicable dlj cauw in the town during august following i the report for beptemj ber chicken pox scarlet pever measles german measles mumps infantile paralysis typhoid pever whooping cough v ocrcbro spinal menengjtls epidemlo tuberculosis the tsltstt man tn tht ann bsbfttt utashts htt4 itw around ths ebsss hlic waw and hi isntws et 1st i mtnebss

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