Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1943, p. 1

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the georgetown herald s yet of fuur susrw wcdowky october 20 1m3 200 pw afittst se per cep iflh victory loan campaign opened on monday uesing agricultural fair at one time held alternate years in acton tracy wu ftni secretary p w 3ev hu beea treasure 21 years maay presltltels have led lite society ttvousb v7 year of exkteace chats about otisi aim this tcas 0by oarftild l ueotirray rbo v hod finally dddd uu to tafc m the secretarial uum of th pvig agricultural or better known prrbap a rail fair board w hid gtrea much thought u to the hl- and background of tnl tnsutu- we hid been auung u director th board th wo year previous whu kww th society hid tn existence line ims it wu 1 y to uy that w were em- on our nlnetv seventh year thout stopping to eocjrlder lust bo r thit length of time really consll- ud not until we hid reed couple of i in th acton fro pret of umber sfxh did re fully rrslls t the society did hue history telling to the public it seem thit over thirty year ago number from the village of acton re members of the eaqursing agrt- tural society and at that time the fair wo held two years in aclon than two years in georgetown 1 one fair served both communl- however just thirty jears ago the ull meeting of the society decided t fair should be held every rar in rgetown as the pree press savj ere u on use going into the grue- detlus of what took place alter motion vent throuah but the out i that acton fair was organu- on lu own so while the nrlghbour- falr 1 just thirty years old it too past tfaamfig back into the fylm we dls- rered that the first secretary of the agricultural society was tracy father of the late a tracy of btewarttown who later over the dutlea from his father carried on a secretarytreasurer many years following ur tracy believe ur w a wilson was the secretary and he too cave many of faithful wrviee to the fair retiring a few years ago three erent secretaries have been tn since mr oscar lerch and mr fetch if our memory recalls served two years each and preaent secretory while we have no record of who the first fair board we might that they have been numerous continued on page seven loan salesmen out to mart 370000 objective furciiaukh bond prior to ooino to hospital georgetowns fifth victory loan emen are enthusiastic and very umisuc over the first two days oj of bonds they report being very ell received and sales arc coming in a par with other loans one sales- tells of a man who made his ap- on for a bond before entering ior treatment which shows a small way thut the people recognizing and doing their duty this loon v speed the victory they also brought back rumours headquarter that filth victory t bonds would not be bold for three 3 this is an unfounded rumor should bu squelched at onoc loan bonds the tamo as all her bonds mav be cashed at any e the government have also called in qj coming due in 1044 and 1646 hlcli should be converted into this and not be held bonds of the called in while they will still be will not draw further interest we say dont forget to have these ndj converted the first days canvass in canadas loan yielded subscriptions 10773948000 the national finance committee announced is more than four millions greater the sales for the first day of last which were 1830375000 a average ot wermo0000 is re- to reach the loans objective oeorgetown and district objective is 70000 no stone must be left untum- that this objective be met chve the en a welcome at your door and a bond to help speed vie- and bring the boys back home local salesmen who will be calling you are w deans p kent w wilson hedley shaw oeorge c and l b oiegg po i c wftftltt rtgllntnn 8irt united church in tbroato wu jw vom of at loiy ruty october vrdiuns when uvorl rsxfcfttl uooatff duhtr ot xlr and ltr ales ftslccalf georgetown bream the bride ox puoi officer emm o- tv14 wanlrt too of it wnl tud th uu lalre luiry c wanlfu of iv- ronta th church wu drcorld with frnu and ptnk and vhli gtdlou lormlnjj tvty background or the cloubir rtn wrrtruany pcrformrd try iirv w j johnston ur hodtn purd ur vrtldxng mailc nd durtna the iianlna of th rrfllsur ur p j bhortlu u ororuftors una th buiuhtne of your 8milv oicn in marrufir by her father the bride wore- a jvvn of mliitr lilpprr mittii mlth a nnsrrtip vrll caught to m bktttiirart hula uhr canird a ct udr boixjurt jf ittcr tlmr nv and lub h brraih bjir a attrndrd t hrr slater llclrn mud of honor ud jrannr ciimphru hridcmrulld arrlntf drrit ol lycncii hiuc and dturate pink fchrtr rrtpocthrl 1th rrutuh- ina shoulder- irn t h vvlu held in pi are b halos cf ortirrliff roe and earn ina bouqueta of the same floveni te ifihlard allan rcoc klnsmun ujj the best man and the uhcn werr marihiu and jame mccau bruiivni ol the bride at the reception held in icaddon tall the brides mother rrceled in a blue and vhlte pxtntrd eon lth black accevudrlc and a ooricr ol american beauty rose3 the roocn mother in a black ault with black and hlte aoreaaortea and a coraaf of american deauty rose r their wedding trip to kunlrffl the brid ore a broim tailored ault with raatchlnff accasoiie camel hair topcoat and a coraofe of talisman nwc8 on their return they will reatdc in port dover ouesta were preaent from toronto oeorge town acton and ktnffiton family hljlki rllmon lcured auoe rr icirmir itmrtmi of oeorelon cadet llrufr zimnurimii and ui ms r brtt bruce urrhtd buck from otrrvaa lat mirk after more hi- lj ut wnlrr nh tin- ifjuhland uh infuntrj ol cjnud chi arhul luund lt ivtt ill read to mini paper to oln thi w mi n a duuiuii f ihe alrfurcr mi1uhk kllrhmer their home tilt us le mart thi ar lionn jmll all- r un iwpm reunion at the cit iuu recrulllnb ontre home from overseas brother and sister meet bruce zimmerman wui take officer training courte at broclorille suter now in rcaf wd father r vetermru guard of canada trffi weather bfllu huu aftir the loiiiru irll of fir thrr many of u have ixen for yean the rain raroe at latt and they vrrv rrul iookr and wmt down to a plow otvlti ao the boys on the heavy und can now art aiirmd with the fall plow arcornpanytni the ihowtrt hid ronudrrmtle drop tn tempera tura ttm ttegc diuy tsrmperaturr latt mtrk wti owf mtrn dcttr be low lhl of the week beforr which mao nuny of u- turn to taking off the fly bcreen and putting on the double window hut dont br loo much aurmed alnur u not here et not- lthiunutn the 4now flurrte report ed on filde of i the weather reporu for the continent which are now allowed to be published sus thy art ln1ntr fuie mild weather out in ue nltoha and if we do not mtu our ttuess wr are likely lo be enjolnti that a few da later kojoiliirt are th local records for the acek ixik if and i lutn temp full tui- ot 12 77 33 wid fti 13 70 33 tltun oct m 8 40 kil on 15 i7 43 hat oft 16 41 40 1 0 sun ort 17 40 34 m wm or 18 41 34 00 iode frtpirins christnus boxts for crew of adopted ship tlie oountes of stratnmore chap ter iodx met for their monthly meeting in the lesion hall urs a orelg recent in the chair ur wal ter carpenter principal of oeoraetown hth school was present and asked the chapter to donate a second nrlse to be competed for at the school the chap ter agreed to donate a tsoo prize mrs j l lambert reported that re ceipts of the tag day for the ullnd amounted to simj0 and that dona tions received amounted to i339 making a total of 170 73 realised the wool convenor reported that a number of articles had been turned over to the red cross among them 8 baby jacket 1 bonnet 3 pair booties 1 pr alrforce rloves 3 pr seamans socles 2 lonffsleeved sweaters and 2 baby shoulderettes the chapter are preparing christ mas boxes for the 31 men aboard the adopted minesweeper already pur chased for the parcels are 4000 ci garettes 31 boxes smiles n chuckles chocolutca 31 decks of playing cards n number of cumes and a quantity of chewing gum and chocolate bars a donation or 14 pr of socks was also made to the navy league the dedication of the iode stan dard donated by the late mr joseph beaumont will take place following the business part of the next meeting in november the national anthem and lunch prepared by the hostesses mrs p p blackburn mrs a beaumont and mrs w port dosed a very interesting evening prom lime to time the herald chronicler tor dolrun and laiuknlnif of jocal bo and girls in the sen ion and this week a story comes to hand from up kitchener way and con cerns former georgrtownrnt druce ind betty zimmerman the ztmmermuns are son and daughter of roy zimmer man and the late mrs zimmerman and wrrr both raised and educated here their father was emplojrd with j n okrlll and shortly before the war moved to kitchener beforr going to kitchener bruce was on the staff of the local dominion stores and later was employed by the same firm in kit chener ouelph and oalt where he had become manager of one of their stores betty was still going to school upon leaving oeorgetown but the war came and the family became somewhat separated bruce enlisted with the highland light in fantry of canada his father joined the veterans guard of canada and ulster betty made her home with her aunt tn kitchener last seek however there was a happy reunion after two years and three months oversea cadet bruce zimmerman arrived home he natural ly went to visit his sister upon arrival but wus surprised to find that betty is jimiiiu the cundldatet reporting to ihe r c a p mobile unit rrcn itlnii men and women at the kitchener clt lull tlni it was a public meeting then the above pklurr wo takrn lutein thi du ended he had utrd mr tels and wu 3 member of the ulrlom to make ft on allrlcc ismll i cjdi t uruce zimmerman joined the lltghlind light infantry in december 1 1x btid arm oerseas with that unit ubout a ear later he say everything it pretty much routine in england and stressed the fact that the soldier i ovrrncu grt a bigger kick out ot a lotut or parcel from home than any other thing bruce leave shortly for brockville a here he will take a course itha will cventuully lead to a oommls- vion blvler betty leaves for rockcllfte tvtur ottawa shortly to start her ba- mo turning and by coincidence th two stations are not far apart so sister and bmthrr will have opportunities to see each other on weekends the zimmerman have many friends in town and they can be assured ol a call from bruce nlmont any tune now that he 1 back from overseas a oeorgeiown holds a warm place in his heart active service notes mrs edna dimcan is m charge of the office duties at headquarters and the following citizens head the oeorge town and district national war fi nance committee hon chairman i e pleek chairman ralph ross vice chairman vf p bradley sale committee k ii langdon chairman p whon h cleave h may w t evans o pamell ii dickie public relations committee w carpenter chairman o l uocluvray w p bradley p d isonally dr j b milne employees committee n b poulis chairman a beaumont j d kelly h dickie d p orlohton w b ford 1 oeorge e brondford an employee ol alliance paper mills ltd ha en- listed in the air crew of the rcap he is stationed at present in manning depot toronto nellie mavnard of the c w a c london has been in hospital there for the past two weeks but were glad to say has made a good recovery she is at home in oeorgetown now an two weelcs sick leave we certainly put our foot in it last week when we reported that pte leonard rayner was married overseas it turns out that len i still a bache lor and the item should nave read that pte thomas rayner wed the former patricia mary spittle the error is regretted puslller clarence kennedy has been seeing canada these past two week prom nlagaraonthelake he moved with the boots fusilier to sussex n b prom sussex he was transferred to bt johns where he was switched to prince edward island highlander re giment after being there only a short time he was shitted out to the west coast at prince oeorge b c ac cording to word received by his wife this week 8gt bud james is to be congratulat ed on receiving his three stripes re cently rising from the rank of bom- badler sgt james has been in new foundland for a year and a half he enlisted in january imt- pte ciorilon jnmcs will celebrate hi 20tli birthday on october 10th oord is averse is with the irlsh regiment of icuiuklii huviug transferred to them from the lome scou this is the first blrtlkliiv he has spent over there aiiorrilng to a cable received from oversells by his wife last friday p o leon e cowtan has been promoted to the rank of plying officer p o cow- tan is on ferrv command attached to the n a f how much has been saved it has been calculated that for each increase of one point in the cost-of- living index canadian consumers pay out something like an additional 34000000 a year had prices been al lowed to rise in 1043 as they did in 1017 it would have cost us i3so000000 more to live during the last year should prices remain stabilised through 1043 instead of continuing upward as they did in 1018 there will be a saving to canadian citizens of 1850000000 the wind and ram of the weekend brought down nearly all the leaves making lots of work for one who wields the rake and broom horn is mosquito net undtttolive trm vtnnxh rrt k d nrrscz from hicily pte k d konplc fiprnrr of the hasluiknn light infantr formerly of ltr lome 8ots ha mn plrnty of ac- uon since notrir ovmca in jun 1040 on of he fc to comr oirouftti un- srailud from the dieppe raid he l no in hc front llnm in th xfrdl- terra neon thratre of wr wrltlrw home roenll to hu parenu mr and mm wilfred spence pie flprnr kvkv them home interntlrur mdrllffhts on hu imprrmioria of sicily iiw are omp excerpts from hla letter i pies ou know pretty wrll b now jiurt where i am yes in blclly vou nere worried for a wtill trit we nerrnt allotted to say a rteat deal about here e ere until now the invasion ol italy ha already niarted aa i write thin letter no it may be mime time utrajn before you hear from me i haw no lighting here in sicily not getttna here until it was all over oordle lane wu all thnoush 1 thousti kv lane wiu wounded ot dieppe- ed i havent teen oordle since i saw him in scotland but x know for sure he i- o k itfc not here all the time and the rtuui ti all brown and burnt up and the dunt in terrible the towns and the people ore very poor there ore very few people ho can say they have a pair of shoes or a decent suit of clothes the germans took almost every thing they owned away from them when they left can you imagine n donkey and a couple of goats living in your kitchen at home there i guru no t but they do here there is lots of fruit nere irungev flr lemons grapes bananas oluea and all kinds of dates nnd nuts ie been swimming in the mediter ranean since i tame here and boy was it nice the water is just luke worm im all tanned up now like i never wnn at home bocnie nil i wear is a pair of shorts and hacks and boots it never rains here in the summer but they get plenty in the winter the only home i hnvr her is my mosquito net under an olive tree malaria is very bad here k im dnnrged up pretty well to keep it down bert and bill tuck are both fine and dandy and i hope to see oordle soon pte spence enlisted in the lome scout reserve and went active with them in april i m0 after arrlvinff over- sens he later transferred to the saska toon light infantry he wan employed at smith stone before enlisting victory bonds greatest security safest invest says dr stlcex victory loan rally well attrtvfed aturas u feature of evening pipe band drew mucb applause thr skirt of th pipe mad a fitting uitumlniry for ui fuu victory loan lur lo u orteory theatre oo bun ds y rmumi thr ootugttosri otrt plpt hand in ttr toart uniform paradrd to th thtr and nbdtraf wrral srlktlon prior to tn pfna of lb victory uian program thtr ruodotn brrr rilxhljr rjprrulml by inr lrg auduooa its ralph ross chairman of tb mjlh victory loan oommlus la ororcrtovn acted a cnalnnsn of tn nrnlog and after riplalnlnj tn aa turr ot lhr nliy csllrd upon sir wltr cuprtitcr chairman of us puulc rrlsuons oommltu who in- uoducrd th gumt sprakrr or tb rrnlnff dr c c hllcos of toronto ur bilan l ouuunduig a spraass nd is u outhority on both rrllflous and publir alfatrs llr u a mrmbrr of th ksmitur ol the lraiiu ol nations hottrty in canada on the program committer of thr cundlin institute of public alfiir a mrmbrf of the ca- lucuii liiultuur of international affuvi ooimor of the society for crtpiilrd chiitons vlcepmldent of i hr toronto lrjuue for race dctter- mrut rrcrntly hi as bern used by the canadian durran of luollc informa tion hxukt dimmon to tell th mor of canadan wor fjiort in ca nada nd the united states dr sllcoc tn hli opening remark aid that the greatest social upheaval in the hltory of the vorld wo the re- milt of the accumulative poaer of evil this war aa changing the entire map of civilization 1th four or flv iconllnents feeling the full etrtcnt of ihe ur millions of people in europe asla and africa vcre beethtng tn war end unrest 160 000 000 chinese wer vanderlng throigh their vast country homelcvn the native of darkest africa watched the planes of destruction fly ovrrhrad and the big tank rolllnt doan their native village street trying to piece together inoohert inhumanity of civilized man on the americans are safe from romblng today said dr sllcox be cause thousands of our sons have fon over there to meet the foe our war worker and civilian workers are aaf behind the farflung battle tine to turn out the needed equipment we do not know the privations and suffering of the peoples of the ukraine and russia the anxiety ot poland and bar massacred the halfstarved people of orrere the plight of jewish peopl the world over and the degradation nf thr people of holland and norway and france what have we to talk about who are living peaceful and al most normal uvea while many of our men were paylnf with their lives on the battlefront so too were there those who were endur ing heroically on the home front those who work in factories in the schools the public prcss were all doing a splendid job all were also heroin the war effort through taxes ha ex plained how canadians were m more money today than they ever made before haw the potential pur chasing power of the people far ex ceeded rood and services that could be purchased thus said dr bucox instead of levelling still further taxes which might work hardship on soma the government is asking us to loan our money in victory bonds by loan ing our surplus cosh we are helping to keep our country on an even keel uvoldlng inflation and economic dis locations following the war the united nations are going to win the war dr slloax sold and the greatest security and safest investment for your money is victory bonds- backed by the resources of the great est country in the world we wlh need every cent later on which we invest in victory bond now vou are only fighting for your own integrity when yon purchase victory bonds h canada is worth living for worth dying for then it must be worth investing for said the speaker blr ross thanked dr bucox for his very flne address and then called upon miss alva oripp who rendered a beautiful solo miss orlpps and her accompanist miss norah cleave then played a nleaslng piano duet the presentation of the fifth victory loan mag by dr bucox to llr rosa followed by the staging of ood save the king closed very worthwhile meeting and set the fifth victory wson played e acywrrvparfimest for georgetown teachers bonorud at the annual meeting of the feel- halton ieal of the teacher federa tion the following officers were elect ed past president r e peterson brampton president o e bennett oakvllle vlcepres miss e f luke oeorgetown bectreas wis if e finnan georgetown publicity repre sentative w carpenter oeorgetown rep for district meeting mis o b uaekay oakvllle delegate for pro vincial annual keeling a buckle streetsville the final number card of ltunkb ur harry preaswood wishes to thank the nelgrkbour and friend far their many mnitrmaso and flower in the sudden death of her- father ur wills

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