Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1943, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wel october 20th 1943 gasjrr uacoomalo noted canadian artist mhott draings tl n of quuulss armed forces haw aroused widespread inteewt in mi throughout ilia country hae started work on anew mncadcilna fuuiway workers engaged in the bag task of keeping the rnuntrvp cixm war trube movtsg lie aelrcted for the subject of thia krlrh lijrt i t caaadiab national itauwara awiuhmaa fach day apfemimatrl mux can an ttawuh through canadian national urminjuj and a many w um car tr rteaiad and despatched from a aina terminal ani a nll urmy pf jafdasaa awtlehmeo checkcra ewiubcnxioe crews and maintrnfur n n b at rark batht and dajr aaatahlnt diaaiirui and sorting the rolling stuck blah curias this bog wax traffic a weekly editor looks at ottawa arr4 ij occupied by wool fibres tetter tnrrdtnjr proper care and feeding of he anlmala mrtn more fibre- dftottmrd to irjn out wmr of the contentions ah btwn landlord and tcntnt arr wmr n rrntul regulations reoantly issued a change has been nade mhlch seta 6 month instead of a rar oa the notice which must br ylrn he tenonl of lhe hom hcn uic landlord wonta the accommoil it inn prv dirm he purchase the propert lnce us december lotli lotal rent al appraisers are belnn bet up to h ip application and knotty bj jim oreenblati capitol chitchat there are ij 1 fcscjcjes ucenod tn ottawa and among the handlebur riders are air murhal bu1 bishop v c and member ol the ruffian legation adding to the hall of fame in the main central cor ridor of the parliament buildings are new bronae busts of sir wilfrid luurler and filr robert borden some of uw wln reiund to persons ho hae overpaid pota income tax are already going out but some wlu take time palpabl because theyye sure strethln thla rubber each one of the 1500300 tax forma has bul fcurri to be oaessed and thats tome job department wants more and more milk weed for experimental purposes among the famous stars who will be py 3 cent a pound dry wclkht heard via the airwaves during the vjth erecn and frozen stuff accepted victory tioan campaign oocordlng to too it should be sent to i a senn ottuwo headquarters will be canadian- i national research council john st torn walter pigeon james cagney loborotory ottawa cm on kid aciioiaarfijar thirtto tl if ttud in uvr art of rniulr and the atatie is vtist lira ahrad of 18-rir- id fsrn puvn 1kxw oli ha been ftuluifd on many of cllc nskmat ndvura pro- itramd duriiik the fust rar the 1- urlou ills l24rit 1la iuii u lmjlar- jilp at vr julllljio lirttool of uuvjc in nn vur tuid hrt uth of uung look bright hume 2m nvmbrr uf the canadian army hate been drcurate for uan- tr in the ft rid or mentioned tn tv patches alnce the war betfvn of thrae 3 arrr for campaign in italy la an i rm from the army public rrutktna they on 193 dercrauoria at dieppe including a victoria crow to li col urrrtu hitlers latest same ux ulloolm sjtvknaim bilusb ilun cnfnfnlnwtfr to cansis ha placed bis fliuer upon crucial point which the public in ail the united nation ifcould understand it u per fectly clfasr be taya that the oermxxl an on the defensive that they plan to make a much of europe a they can hold into an impregnable fortr their detljn of couw u to bozd on in the hope of so prolonging the wax that they may be able to make a oom- promue peace uany tijm of this have been ob- ltrrted lately uth a the pattern of the oerman ir treat in ruula the druytng action in birlly and again in southern italy ifitler tn fact ha re- amprd hit prugrum the new nazi ojtxuve 1 a bitter drfenuve war crn- turtng upon tortrm curope for the f i u 1 on ol pi opug mndd deilgned to rrrale ducord brtuern ute united na- uofu arvd wo to promote a htalrmaic peace it tiu kith thl- potulblllty in mind no doubt ttiat prime xilnutrr churchill and prrudent floobrelt nailed the flag of uncondluonal ttur- render to the mast ttere arr armk opoca in the nau program of couie poc exanple uw touted portrru ol europe ha no roof strong enough to keep out the blockbuster of the r a p aj the nails withdraw further up the leg of italy great airport aitea like those centred upon poggta become available to the aulea even southern and eastern oerman y u1 shortly be tn i ange of the heaviest shuttle bombing service but here on the home front u is vitally twiry to take not of the kazb preicat fctriucy rhler 1 play ing for r wosrin u feiuw lth on our tide- he 1 playing for a letdown in allied production- ue u pinning hi hopes on dluentlon within our nation and betwen the allied nation the beatt news be can hope for 1 stoppage of worit on our aide and the easy optimism which might lead to a lt- don in homefront effort such a the forthcoming fifth victory loan as between the united nations he want to tee a minimum of agreement between ruula and western powers and a mlxlmum of irritation for example betwern british and ameri ca ru in this hope he is preaenlly get ting tome help free gratis from hot head liolatknuts and ultra nation sluu utti throughout the united nations the burly isolationist pa- tnots who arr busy defending oen- tnl uacarthur from being njppoiard- ly ftubordlnated to lord louis ltountbutten provide one example thrte utnr patrlou ho take eisct- ly the opposite tack when they charge that trie american oeneral marshall is being made allied oeneralloimo for uie fieeond pitmt beraute of a ilrt- tlkli plat arr uao hrlplng out oorb- bru if oeneral uarshall la indtd appointed to head all the anulo- amirlcan forre in the field thu mill j be done for three good rraivma pint- ty becaue sir roseelt aryj sir churchill thtnk he is tle man for the job bercndly because he htnuelf is willing or even anxious to do so and thirdly because there u no one with hom the british oeneral otaff and particularly oeneral 61 john du1 the brttuh representative on the com bined otaff would prefer to cooper ate with in lhe field sterling silver military bawes for sailor solr aad airatttt navy taalc stgruj medeadat ao op wjla aad many more gtfts teat out of saim f t wibieet to 25 wa tax the ideal gift store l a keuleman main st n brampton the homrfront ajuvrr to illuaili utrst tactics u tvofold firstly ma almum effort in vmr production ma almum drle brhlnd the loan cam paign secondly no rumor- roongertna aliout ipllu brrmren ruiala njltaln arrrrtra china and toe united na tion generally thla la a time for ao udanty at home and abroad wlnrjj- pe tribune and norma shearer auo barbara btunujck jemlca dragonnctte oscar levant and others the st croix des troyer disaster brings forcibly to mind that bll canada has got to take a real istic view of this war that the end la a long way off and that while the boys over there are giving we are only asked to lend oosh our kids there a lot more cackling going on everywhere in the country as meat ra tioning enhanced the importance of poultry latest move by the prices board gles producer a better price an increase of 2 cents a pound on dressed poultry the mark up of re- taller is cut from 0 cents a pound to over there are giving plenty and not 2 per cent of selling price not to ex- calling it sacrifice either as wages paid to hired farm help 60 up an interesting recap of the canadian situation comes to us when the employer provided board for the hired man the average wage for help by the day was s3 61 in 1043 and uio the year before no board in 1043 brought m 14 as against 13 is the year t before wages for day help were highest tn ontario but all provinces ahowed an up by the month average with board was 14136 at august is 1043 as against 4883 same date last year current rate of wages for farm help more than double that paid in 1040 when the federal minister of agri culture asked farmers to refrain from marketing unfinished cattle during the fall months thla year it was because the expected nog output for the next few months would probably overtax slaughtering facilities besides they jalm it an uneconomic practice when there is feed available in the country bog marketing will sot new records this fall while it is known that in the first 8 months of 1043 beef carcasses dressed an average of 30 pounds hea vier than in 1043 this idea makes tense doesnt it a few agricultural notes feeding tests at brandon manitoba show that millet mixed with other grain rations is ideal for market hogs feeding it almost equals barley pound for pound in a mixture research brlngb oiuv some uncommon stuff for instance it is reported there were 68400 fibres per square inch on the skin of a highly tied merino sheet even tho only 3 and one half per cent of the skin ceed seen cents a producer selling dressed poultry direct to oorutumer can add to the none celling price the markup which is allowed a retailer a quick glance at the order giving priority to empty coal bins requires coal supplies dealern to give priority in coal deliveries to consumers who have less than onequarter of their annual fuel requirements on hand this is limited to the onequarter and applies only to consumers who use less than fifty tons a year facts we know canada is a great food producing country but did you know that the gross value of our agri cultural production has increased from about 100000000 in 1030 to more than two billion dollars in 1s43 exports of agricultural and vegetable food pro ducts tobacco and its products animal and ash products from canada to the united kingdom last year exceeded 330000000 as a major source of war materials our export trade last year was more than double that of 1030 imports an the other hand havent varied much in the last two years we have a very favorable trade balance right now nearly as much for the first seven months of 1043 as for all of iso maybe you dont know how tho cast of living bonus is arrived at 25 cents for each point rise in the cost of liv ing for all adult male employees and fo roll other rates of as or more a week one per cent of their basis weekly wage rates for male employees under 31 and women workers employed at basic wages rates of less than 2s a week every employer except tn a few exempted classes must pay this tw mlnlatr of fuuw of ihf ikualnlon of canada osra far fmjhllr muhrriplun 1200000000 fifth victory loan dated and boarlng interest from 1st november ims mnd offered in i wo maturille the boj of wbkh la optional with lb aubaerlher follow i is yer and 2 moo the i honda dae ini january iftaa callable in or aflrr l6 lntrrr1 payahl im january ad july wr denomination m si oo ajoe siooo avooo 015000 mnii prices 100 3 years and 6 month iv flood m doe int may 197 nonrllahl lo maturity lalrnvl payal4e lat may and november fuarer denomination 11000 13000 txs000 100009 inmae prleex 10056 prlnrlp1 and interval payablo la lawful manry ocanadai the principal 1 any agency of ihe bank of czanada and the intereat eemlannually without eharge at any branch in cjinada of any oiartered bankeirepllng that the 6ral interest payment on lhe3nonda will be for an eight mnntha period and payable lt july to bonds may he reaialered a to prlnrlpal or to principal and inleeeat as detailed in theofueialrvoapeclua through any agency of the rank of canada fully iaid subtrriptinnt sulwcriptiuna for either or bulb matuntiea of the loan may lie paid in full while the liala are uprn at the immc price in each case without acrnird intercut ilearrr iwinda with ooupona will be available for prompt deliver inmalmrnl subtcttptioiu subscription may also be made uyalile by instalment plus accrued interest as fallows 10 on application 18 on lat december 1013 1r on 3rd january 19u 18 n 1st february lmt 18 on ll march 186456 on the 3 bnnila or 1837 on the u bonds on lat april 1914 the last patment on lat april 1944 rovers the final payment of principal plua 64 of in the case of the 355 bonds and 37 of 1 in the case of the li bonds rrprcwntinr arrrued interest to the due dates of the respective instalments conimian offer holders of dominion of canada s honda due 15th october 1913 and dominion of canada 4 honda due 15th october 1945 the latter iaaue called for payment at 100 on 15th october 1913 who have not presented their bonda for payment may while the subscription lists are open tender their hoods in lieu or cash nn aulwcriptiana for a like or greater par value of bonda of one or both maturities of thia loan at the issue price in each case the aurrender value of the 5 andor the 4 bonds will be 100125 of their parvalue the resultine adjustment to lie paid in cash tlie minister of finance reaema the right to areept or to allot the whole or any part of the amount of thla loan auliarrilted for cash for either or both nulurltle if total aubaerlptlone are in eixewaa of 100000000 the caah prorerda of thla loan will be uaed by the iotemmrnt to finance esprnditurre for war purpose sulwrrlpllona may he made through any victory loan halcaman the national war finance com mittee or any representative thereof any branch in canada of any chartered bank or any authorised having hank trust or loan company from whom may be obtained application forme and roplea of the official proaprrlua containing complete delalla of the loan tlie llsla will open tin 18th october 1913 and will close on or about 6lli november 1913 with or without notice at the discretion of ihe mlnlaler of finance depahmtkt oj finanrr malta ills october 1943 r

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