Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1943, p. 7

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the gwwtown herau wed october 201 1943 ifehttfj alyyrr bailed as smmrs atrcksabio ot cots cixrt otofyttowa and ooper clttj haw closely eoanaclad th part fw on th sportls front du to on bo n atbxle activities kvfcsl batt and alio bscmua th twynrht both to baaabal bockry that has taken pe be- 0ortcowb teams and teams lb north hoekty season w reprint tt ltewilh th hockey ecvttuisuu fronj cop- t csih haw stoles tb loop on th nicks belt- why you may ask do w say tbatt it ti a parfacuj natural question so well tall yea- th copper culf athletic astortilun htld s best- la thursday night and u didnt tak tbesi long before a shift bockry lea gue was totaled no urns wasted no word rarvhe no hemming and hawing tbry want- d to form a puck circuit and without any furtbrr ado thry did- which u certainly what we us to u hgnt trams wll compels th loop and cam will or pud two nights ry week starting at oclock- wartlm has put apart mar or lew th nights havent as yet been elected bwacoa after au whan your teams tahu a dean an id of ab ttuw bast- ball title in th nickel belt it is really teased to tcnoc cord woo nunaar tb copper cuf ii4 cusc had his eanlon jja- jiitiairiai al capture tlllee up to laic night his senior and juv- nue bad htm uj i cbam- rt ca their belts and than last nlgfst his yaslan took and tt d from sudbury orads in tb awond and final cam of th hicks belt junior playotta you may say said oord that tb emm of the nickel belts athletic crop 1 la cofvr coh rw known that all alone but now its a proven tart three champloruhlp out of thr mr sad mfepcter dick tb bom of ur and lira t f mc donald georgetown was th seen of a happy catherine friday nigh last hen a larr number from the entlr community cathtrrd to say farewell tb background in georgetown tth all arallebl lalrot in tb aer- or busy at civilian jobs- up ottb howsser th plctur is dlher- and sport continues to boom th summer baierall competl- bas been keen new from copper tells us that that town own all nickel belt he eerie ii lu junior and ju- beeldee that eleven teams oprr- ta the copper culf shift boft- learo now they ar ready for line in the budbury dally war been has some nice thine to about a former oeorftowrjrr rdon aloou who managed all cop- cus t i ifwall and softball trims who ts now rmharklnc on the lo sir and sirs- petrr dick who are soon leaving to reside in brempton- also tn honor of ur and sir lloyd jlvx 5ni butnolsldeathssbeenmorewhu ly rrt leonard seu of korvaj acted m fair work than lb chairman for the eterung and on pdent ind erlctoun oontlcumd tens ono nreelcwnls down tfiwunti tb years uolsg back twenty year w find that ux ben fetch was th pt prrml- deut on a numoer of occasions others sbo have beaded the society ar ttaoe it cou jorm a- miou c t eeoffal t l lcellr ed ucwturue- oeorc bouir jeme ruber thee j brown- ndge prank peicb and ileroert cleave but outside of this ewrythlnc is arc hardworking tony demsrco who did such a swell job of kreptnc thine in smooth runnlnc order as secretary of thr conprr curt bhlfl boflball lfur will also h the organis ing dull for th pueaxhasrr and his running mat will be none other than gordon the oreal aloou who li thr loop pror 1 incidentally when aleott walkrd into our sanctum rally last night we thought that someone hod just switch ed on a brilliant floodlight oord lust radlsted he would have made ern ihe sun look to its laurel dut whro we heard tb story couldnt blsmr oord lor bramlnj ka twice lust for although joe warrtneiim coached thr thrrr editions of the redmrn it was aleott who did eh ihe arrangtng for umpire schedules detea for came and the dewrn and one things that hsrr to be don in short aleott wbat 1 commonly known as the brain so ur brain coach uacoonald and member of th three copprr cuff teams you can lair a bow no one can ray thel you didnt earn it l4qlruag lowiulilp lermer craig itrid ihr decided succeie of the 1wj ibow was duje in no small way lo tbr and itrabkk ihon by tbr president wiule it tsars new oung blood in organiratlon lo add lb tnt on loclng ur and urs dick from tb community also offered happy fe licitations u iu and urs- cretghton un their marrtsge ur were presented with a magnificent chime cidc thr aodrres bring reid by umou eny imrtovto wukm ihitkhailomal sunday i lwaaa f cw oete 24 b0n0uno ocm rabemtw usson twarr lk n sun t u j u v coldoi tnofia ews ceisees s ts tee ssr tses ie hie kit farts i urs prrd ljonv whllr ihr presmu- ttura trt u mw orgenlteuoii uon was msdr by un uirrne thornp- could no function properly wlihout son ur jnd ur crrlghlon wer pre- the oldrr and more eipertenoed mm- trntrd slth an occaaonsl chair and a brrs thuk ir find in delving into thr cbrsl of drkwrrr thr addrese bring lr tireiurer of uir uo- rrsd b ulu ornnlr wslson while w clravr nss held this pel- uemn aivdrrw bmllh and jimi hflxncc pixamc bettrr a moment of stlrncr itrsoundlng to your credit than lo spend s stormy hour dplslnlng why ou ssld it rortrr msdr the presentation all re cipient rrolled sultsbly to the cts snd trienkro liirlr iivsny frirnd or tnrlr tlxujihtlulnru st uiu olpurtunr lime a tihcuil frsture of the evening wst tnr tnrrrvllng progrum prefcrnlcd jkllrr ulrh u drlrclsblr luncheon en srned be ready the victory loan salesman when he calls on you t i a victor sec asuy n mop vrnb soon- a0 t v a tot ouvac to au wor v vouca tviert money bortw victor bon ds boy ba can by them tovv ras t tot sa bo mot on fmontbs ovet tcttv uep v oot attai com iboot ontty victory cv otsav th victor w in tbs 5 v saved top and e oney m 9 rxzr ovet spee dtvie ranada to s hcr things v uictoty the twa ends- tot gftt s45 riiv viciory bog3ds wwu v wafraw rswfrawwai toslv knn commiffj w clravr tsji for 21 ittn this u an envtabl rvoord and utr uocirty and commu nity art kiurly indoord o tiiu puulc vtanlrd clllern itir llourd ul dtrrc- ujrs lv alto cucojoud ui a number of t precldrnu wtu lievr wurard iwt nisriy rr in the inlrrrtt ol thr isu rihliilllon- isirs veoeerdsy srtd tedsy thtv sniilr hss alrredy pi rrschrd loo grra a length but we sould iikr to uy tomertilng shout thr lair itvll tlu- lair ol today rullrrs ui msny sjvt irum fslrs of yesleryres otic big dlflcrrncr at mw rurul isiia djiikjugh ukrre are a few rsceptlons l uir kulr rrc iiiu in tcnjllnlnng an old caoi buuk ul uir iijclrty of ttttjvt jurv ajo unr flrvdv the getc rtxclpu unrilnv tr siooooo at kurkcloil fair willr ukij gloo or sioo would be rtinshi rd bl getc rhen ntln the niuaj ur uldtlmr fuklr ut i in fall is lnist ii jilng of tlir paj1 mil lji mill uoatcliv du not rati r to hi r l t nti rtulnnwnt outride ol in 1il iiotdw vtanii urid tximball tun tin lklr ins lud his d i tin i- f tlmuttxl to hrr vulilsii i i u ill rsiiur is tin- iltsjil i- il tin i i nits and oitld flmvs ill nnii riilii in ijua 1h1 inl thr load ami it has llki lunnrii ohltjltloii to visit r if li iiin ir i i li t as many uf tlis- li tin v is- iu mil nit uli inri jhsiplt i ui t iki iiliuiti of till- lirii liri i li- ittimd fur lull rxhlblts i l ills mi h- hoiiii uiklnit lills wurk imi i titili dlsjilass allan in in tin thrill rf critrlii and r luinv h-ij- tout think rl- lins laiaild lx tii mintinr if thp niiit i- i hw asy it is til pin up li fi w txtra itullars in prtr mone hn- fur inlss th- ixhltilts of linal linni-i- and tv hsmsiplr but wi- b 11m tlir tlmr is rtturnum and when tin- war is mm uil tin- fall mil onci- niurr ennir into it own other show thru- arc a number of fairs which stand out more pmmlnently than othirs in ontario for mil- day fairs and nititl as topis amung them in the titsvvalrr shotv it is rstlrruited that 1h0o0 m-o1- attrndrstl tlilv yrar and the rate rvcrlplii amounlrd to over s3oo it is said thr novrlty attraction and the show of lluht and heavy horse are the i ik cirntv at tceswatrr nest in tine os far as attendance kocs is thr hllhl ruuon belwweo duldj and parent hav much to do wrlwi th psc and prosperity of a eara- muntty and nation runew has darnocurtratrd that to b tru but even rnor baale u lb fact that it is in accord with tb prornl of g on of th bad buskdowras u modem uf u that of propr honor and obedunc to parenu by chll- drrn in all too many homaw ood order has been rwrd and tnateaa of honoring and obeying lblr pr- nts children both young and old hv tkn the plac of bos and mother and father must obey li they want peace and rest thr nerd for our lesson of lody is both great and acuta th future hpplneaa of hundreds of ihoussnd of children and th present welferw of thousands of neglected and boss- ridden parents will depend on th intelligence and fellhjulneea with which thla lesson is uughl in our churehr and the hontily of hcr wllh which we oil receive its irulh i tb cemaaavd and pro mis eiod 201 we ore told by paul that this 1 the first commandment with prom- ise kph 8io tru- lord wu not mulling a bargain with mun or seeking to druw out obidlrncc b a prlir but then- is obviously a rnut n ivurd in the observing of thin ran ittundmrnt then too as the children of god if wc arc such through jesus christ the first and moit importunt iimdrrotlon to come bcfori us n what is the mind und will of the maker of us ull rekardink this mit- tir of the relation bttwriti pirmts und children his words lire plum we nn- to honor our father and our mothers the word honor curries with il u great muny thinfih but perhaps the three outtundink elements arc respect obedienci and offection our lord jehus chrint who is the saviour and then the kxumplc of believers presents a beuutlful pul- tern of true obedience to this com mandment ii willing obedience luke 2 48- ii john id 2527 the fact that jesus was god mani fest in the flclh only enhanced hi conduct he who is divine presents on example of obedience and con sideration both as boy and man which we do well to emulate 1 as a boy luke 24851 th boy jesus increasing in wisdom and atolurc and in favor with god and man v s2i had come to hi twelfth year and with his parent hod gone up to jerusalem to cels- brotc the passover there moved in his heart the con viction thot he must now be about hla fathers business an altogeth- rnckton frlr rockton is onlj a small- jki crmmunln between oalt and hamll- und commendable pur- ton but it was announced over the ampllfvlnn system that over 1so0o were in attendince with kate nelpts over h400 drawing a record crowxl ot 11000 iieoplo frln pair was the blgnent jam evlon up attended had there been many more at erin fair the agri cultural rtounds would not have held them the lluht and heavy horse show was oufitindlitr with five teams com- pellim in each class over a hundred head of hhorthom cattle were on ex- ilbltlon thrre werp 100 swine in the market host division and all down the line it was the mime story erin pair is really a miettnk place for falrroers but ulven half a chance the nocalled smaller fairs could be built up to un believable helrhus milton munv mllliinlons attended erin and vvondbridkc pairs the depiirtmerit of national defeliri announces pie c s jones uinie scots loi efficiency medal p leonard wliltp visited ills son prank r wlilte and family in llstowcl over tliaiilcsirlvliig day the rniri sum of f 13231 was raised at the blnno and dance held in the orange hall hornby on ocuioer llui to provide christmas comforts for the patients at the clirlstle st hospltnl toronto champion asthma chapmans drug store will be glad to show von a loader in the asthma field not merely to get you over ar attack but to build up against trou ble now 13 s weeks supply davis asthma remedy 7805 eczema uchlnn piles insect bites psoriasis ask your druggist for davis prur tus cream the new colorless odor leas greaselcas effective crentn 60 1100 and economy size 1105 try i for babys ecsems pose but one which resulted for the moment in separation from his parents this was far more serious than a physical separation for w read that they did not understand him v ml trogic indeed are the conse quences of our failure to understand our children notice however thot jesus did not withdraw himself from their watchful care nor refuse to obey them even though they failed to understand him equally tragic are the results of hasty and bitter sep arations brought about by the dis obedience of children 2 as a man john 102527 the vuluc of our lesson will be greatly reduced if we see only the responsi bility of children while they are young wc are the children of our parents as long as wc and ihcy live one marvels at the carelessness and hardness of heart that will per mit men and women who hove time and money for everything else to neglect their aged parents and even shunt them of into a public institu tion for care iii hypocritical dlsobedlenea mark 7613 such an important commandment naturally held a high place in the thinking of the community to vio late it involved a measure of shame which men sought to avoid so the jews of christs day devised a scheme which made it possible for a man to appear to be very religious even as ho deprived hla parents of the honor and help to which they were entitled by the law of god the man who was so avaricious that ho did not wish to support hla igcd and needy parents could en- ircly evade that oodglvcn rcspon- bility by declaring that his proper- was corbnn that is dedicated y a vow to god thereafter no tatter how great was the need of s parents they could recolvo noth- r- thus do men make the word of aid of none effect v 13 through liolr traditions the method dliyors but tho spirit persists even in our day

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