Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 10, 1943, p. 2

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tbe georgetown he wea november i oth 1945 sfclnsssasslssswj eklllljbnv idfluha mcmce to crestvoks in hi bstot of jaueb bdwabo cumfbaxl uuoltti toawafaip fif ty suing fat th oouaty ol hilton kitiid rvmtt rleraavsa all p having ultras agajrsst the attai of jama edward fisrnptieli 11 of th township of tagnealng id th count oi halloo rtbd hnur ilwiwl who died oa or about tb 11th day of jot uux u hers fio uflcd to send in to lb imserrjgned executrix o th estate ot th aid de ceased or her solicitor on or baton the srjth 6 of noeember iml lud particulars of their t tmrrntlil iy alto- th aid islh day of kosem- ber iso th umi of th deceased u1 b custrsbuted amongst th par- tint entitled ihtnu basing regard only to th claim of welch th old kxsculru shall then have notice dated it oeorgetown ontario thli ftrei day of nowasbrr imf uaroaiiet j campbell exeeutrts of th estate of the uld drcrtued by kenneth u lanodon it oeorgetown oct btr oohcltor notrce to ckewtor3 in the estate ol huue cutuiiz ut o the township ol lnquralng in th county of halloo fsrmrr de- nuol all person having claim against th estate of hum ounv uu of th towiuvnlp of naoueetng in th county u halloa farmer deceased who cued co or shcut th ms day of october uh aft hereby notified to tend in to th undrntgnrd bucutrli of th ca- lu of th old oaommd or her 8oll- wat on or fata its jslh day of kcxxmbtt iwj full particulars of their rjajfsa imm after th aald 4h day of november 1hj th taut of tht deceased wlu b dlatribotad amongst th parties totltlad thereto bswlral regard only to the claims of which th cald qscutru shall than ba potlo dated m georgetown ontarto this im day of november 1mi ocrtrude aoneo cujuue bucutru eaul of ilum cunt bj kznkimi u lanodon m brr solicitor notice to creditors hi in the batata ot adoaide ualt- 0iu hue ol the town ol oanvuie in tb county of halton widow dswaozed all persona having claim aoauut th eatata ot adaide uahsell ut of the town of oakvtll in the county of halton widow decanted dud on or about th xd day ot thbtember 1m3 are hereby notified to aend in to the undcratsned execu tor of th estate ot th said deceased or their solicitor on or before f astb day of november lu lull par ticulars ot their rlstrns immediately after the aald 23lh day ot ncohnber 1m3 the aaiete of the ueceaud will be distributed amongst the partlea an titled thereto having regard only to tb claims of which the said executors shall then have notice dated at georgetown ontarto this tb day of october 1m1 jobepu p urerry stewart obman rraeutors of th eatata of the said deceased by kenneth m lahodon tt oeorgetown ont their boucttor notice to tiwroia xrf the estate of acaiox i irwin aplnster deceased all petaona having claims against tb estate of lube iv erwtn lata of tb town of oeorgetown spinster who died on or about the tint day of sep tember 1043 are hereby notified to and particulars ot same to the un- ihrrilgned on or before the mtb day ol november ims after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whoa claim they shall not then bare notion dated at oeorgetown this loth day of october a d ims edward p erwtn administrator ot the estate ot mabel l erwtn by hi bolldtors dale m and bennett oeorgetown out uol iuvy ufcgtt sum lft shitmmmt oa thofaday th oeontum branch of the nvy taagu ahlcced the foumlag article to haadauarter 14 duty bags 1 or day socks seems j pair seatoot toons ii pair mavrmwtaut took donated by ix dx 1 helmet i or of mltu alarve- leu sweaters of th dtuy bags ji an tereral woollen article were donated by tb towuu ladles 6 were donat ed by th local owovll of women and 4 donated by lb nerval udlea th rnembera of the local breach mere very pleased to recele a dona tion of o form th college view laclee club last ween they also ain that anyen ruling dtuy bag and wish to hit them srnt for chrulmas hate tbem in by november 1mb a th utret 4ew aivertismehf s foat ale oood uprtgtu piano enquire l deviuca pone ci r 1 p wotted to iwt a house with all cocnrnun apply it prion will wanted a ounp or mlddlragrd wvman to tfciui aim housework small family good borne ad wage apply herald oppice rost ratc one bow due rtovembrr jeth also chuokj apply alvtn btarjiet it phone nr1 social and personal roktuiat iron range for coal and wood child folding chair child t blgb chair apply una a r wiuoirr itp oeorg fo hum i rnom driest house with all con- tenlencea on king ot oood range price reasonable apply it t w treanor stove to hale bjuhtl used range with high shelf burns coal or wood apply phone s3 r ii it oeorgetown wanted to but a small acreage elate to oeorgetown must have hydro and rood small house wlu pay cash apply glilng full particulars u boa if herald omci wanted a huh school girl to assist 1th mr and lira ed hoar of oehatae called on relauvea in town on buaday urn e- sims from islington oot spent last ikt end in town th guest of un- dolly carter urs e kabart from brampton spent a few days wtth her aunt un robert buchanan- afr and un iteith planders of to ronto were bunday esltors wtth ur and urs- calvin dark cnanea st urs n cowtan and son davtd are spending a week at the home of her parents ur and urs c qargent- utu jran ucalluter of toronto was a wenrctd vuilor with her parents dr and urs a ucauuter urs p kldd of inglrauod his re turned to hrr home after ipeadlng five weea with un d kldd ben carey was removed to the fuck chudrrn ltohltal on fiaturdsy his frterid wuh him a speedv recovery ulu v w rlchaidion of ht cth- artnr u a guest with ilrs woo thornpn at the rectory ur and mr andrew tvvhun toslr and itanry vkltrd ur and urs fxstd clark north toronto for the veeaend un o tlarttrnt received aord on liaturds that her husband hjgnstmsn oeonte oargrot had arrived sairly ovrrsraa tit robert woods ol nelson b o now in training at oamp borden prnt the weekend with ur and urs prreman kersey cpl victor torrenc of petawawa and urs torrencr of orsngevtlle spent the werkrnd with ur and urs w o uanhall ur and urn oeorge whitney called on urs jack whitney on uonday w are glad to report that ur whitney ha much improved in health the election ol officers ot th ladle auxiliary of the lome bcota vaa held at the home of urs j barber on thursday november ih th election of officers were as follows pmudrnt urn a collins vice president urs w science oecreury urs kldd treasurer urs j watson bodal convenor ur wames bingo ctomrnor urs shepherd axustan mrs banrrnt slrk visitor mrs c b barber urs o brown wool con- vrnor urs oraee we were sorry to hear that a former rrrldtut ol ihl town mr oole u very mrlouly ill in toronto omrrsl homiltal we a1ah him a speedy recovery mrs william r anderson and lbs e mroulsan spent a few dat last oakviux bsrtoal ltakats om b mlstjw avfxalostni itsuy friends throughout tb coun ty fed deep sympathy wttb ur end un oeorge c atkins of oakvlll in the lots of their tan oaort a th result ot a flying accident whu train ing with tb ux3jl9 the funeral of l a- o osorw atklru held from st johns united chlrch oakville on tuesday oct- cber itth extended oakvules mourn ing to the fourteenth graduate from oukvllle high school who has given hit life for the cause of freedom to this war ur and un oo o atki s how- jid avtnur are the first among th bercavred parent to bare the comfort f a funrial at h the community rsprrjud its sorrow tn the lose of j nlor uv deep lympathy with his tjrtntb und rrrrrtnbered too bil ot thane smo have fallen tn the service lac oraw c atklru curd lr his tarntlrth eer from injurlea suifered la j riwn accldrnt during a night uvow storm at vorkton sask on prl- day october 15th it eras bom in hamilton ontario and came to oak ville twelve years ago durtnj hla school yean in the public and high schools he enoyed to the full the work and fun of the youth of the town tmehoose rintvaunn ot hoxio each star voted th o0rston branch of til navy lavasru of rlanail tb ronsmen ullk tor btttub cbodrea pund tb 0tr- leagn tobacco read and tb central pund of the pedarated w l of ontario at their ho nsastmst held at the home of un w ultcheli on henh paudm dvtxo gar plastic baa snany naea and child dliaqtey and kxtractst f row tb cmohrat aid act- urn bkrby fad a cbapur treses our proeincla w l history tforty- years of orowtng- the rrvjtttng clos ed by abvglng th national ajitlianl ueadauea etlerby otsby ultrhew wright and benton rtcreaebted ltmaw boon women t at tba wednesday urs- anhchell conl convvertlon held te jof r of navy league work raportad o united oourob nor 401 and tyone dluy bag filled and d- llvered to th oeorgetown branch w litat ft the local w l paid for the wooden h tor th article in each and members and lao lorn norton ma bom trtsat friends provided th other comforts uountaln view for tb setfcesd un 8 wright convenor of quilting mrs e ulber vuhed to oulph laa reported two quilt don for cua- weak tomers during th month it was de- idrd to cover used woolen blanket on hand a ccenmlttee wsa named to arrange lor a hot meal for the con ference in car of clothing- ladles cf nrlghbourtnt branches were in vited the was fund was increased by tllto cleared during october the library fund commlue have taken over for this month and rlan a party at the school soon the roll raj wsa answered by description of each ladys wedding drrs end an sntlqur dlilay included vklrt hoops drought from scotland earrings ol earlier daya a 300 year old covered cut glass butter dish and great grandfathers watch chain brampton the tomn of bunpton tu b terry to lran that iwa otntb fv nuj and wldfly tucpvn mmmftr vs tfa local branch of th roytu baijt of cansula l iravtng here to rrport for duly in calgary on kovtmber hih the hlghutttit of the rrtrular mtvttns of thr town council held on uonday rught last wtu the paaiing of dyu no 1uc thu waa a byuw wtttty th elosttns hour for drug tort in tb i tom of brampton ocnrrauy niltn4 the town drug tort will clou on itoc- day tucadisy and thunday tsrtilnca ura e hartford rrad currrnt ntnu at 7 o clock on wcdnravdayft at 100 tn th afiarrnoon on nndaya at i ocloeie en baturdajt at 10 oclock and at 10 octodk on raxh day prrafdlnt a holi day ootuarrvator and oartu and con mora of gftandlng ootntnltusrw rrad cunrnt rvmta sxinorrnlnj hrr own topic of tody th latter in cluded tip tn rooting to tane ut- light dutlt in exchangitfot comfort- i uw oalt at the home of ur and v aaasi i mr william xtorly tit ot ended able room and board apply i mr william uorfey tne mrfl- rubsexl kuu1y tne olhtrmorley wedding last 8a- emcry 8trl ouru at the home of mr jack fob hale oloat cupboard imitation oak iiain in good condition alko good hd u- gor kettle apply ura jautd carlisle it ailvercreek for bale 7 tona of wheat straw baled 113 00 per ton at the barn apply nxswrom imotsiers norval btatkm ltp phone brampton 303 r 31 to rent cm trlreerooined apartment in the preston block immediate occu pation for particulars apply kenneth u lanodon oeorgetown orrt for bale chrttteld suit 2 chevieraeld tables 7 piece dining room set 3 piece bunroom set wicker 3 plm bedroom suite sewing machine washing machine apply tp box no x henud office found two sows strayed to the farm of d o h wright 9th line georgetown owner may have same by paying e- pensea apply on premise to farm manager it whitney on sunday rre mr ond mm j e keep jr of st catharine mr and mn oeonre slephrnson ftnd mr and urs w uckay of toronto vlmtort nt the heme cf mr and mr alex kean over thr fteefc end were mlvs helen maruuod sgt major j cameron mr john dixon toronto acs alastalr kean lachlne que and mrs kean and ronnie toronto mr douglas mi pi end en anrt ann ol acton v lilted with friend in town on wednesday lost on saturday they left for toronto where mrs maplrsden will join her husband lac douglas j maplcvdcn stationed at the etiungton hunt club with the rcap band several relatives from toronto spent the occasion of her 82nd birthday with mrs susan colman an suturday november oth among the guesta were mrs herbert ambrose mr and urs j oolman and daughter marjoiie mr ii e ambrose ol the royal canadian navy and his wife urs oolman has two olher grandsons in the senlces mr lawrence j ambrose of the rc a and isr ernest colman overseas in the rcap one son mr a e oolman k overseas in the koa the oue4 way to get more poultry and egga with both feed and tjuip- ment tcarce u to reduce- poultry tntim there are many things jlocontrt k an do to reduce flirt i ueu old hens not needed for uedcr or else house hrna and pulleu in separate imifif 2 bcrap we4pv acrub and acald the laying house floor before putting layers in after floor u dry uw a good dlaunfactant on floor and walls clean and disinfect all equipment 9 orve tyn tubov roobs four aquare feet of floor apace per bird for lltitiveda four and a half for heavier ones provide at least 30 square feet of mash hopper space open on both sl4ee for cwery 100 birds have one neat for every ala btrda if trap nests are being used one for erry four blms 4 bee that layers have at least five to seven gallons of water dally per 100 birds remove chiu from water in cold cheater eather so birds will drink all they need water is the cheepeat thing in a hens ration eggs are mostly water 6 provide ventilation without any drafts e uelect pulleu carefully at housing time reject those that are lame un developed and those that have grey r with irregular pupils 7 keep a clean supply of grit be fore the layers at all times alio oyster shell or some other good source of cal cium 8 to maintain body weight feed mash moutened with water or skim- milk or maith pellet at noon as much as the layers will clean up in a half hour 0 cull hard and often to save feed and reduce lave birds wont be dis turbed so much if culled at night with a flashlight 10 act promptly if disease starts oet on accurate diagnosis from a vete rinarian or a poultry specialist who knows what it s all about remove dead birds from the laying house and com pletely bum them or bury them so up that doe rata or other animals can t get at them 11 oet rid of rate they waste feed and spread disease 13 don t let chickens have the run of the bam yard and hog lot styirih cusses vbb jour lja should be mad to lit your particular type a tsoa we gqertavlse tn kisvmln- i atlon uid preacrow ettreetlre uaaam at etty cetcea for expert eye bervlee acd new style in glasses consult 0t walker r0 brmoiit ancuimt who situ be t hl ottos tw the bell tejephooe do utta street oeetawil the avmood wectaeaday of ctb month tw you may constat o t walker tt bit oraoi in brampton i ossfgst aswiwglasi asw pcbsonal klberex lor skin ailments sold in two strengths medium and strong heals beretna bolls psoriasis erythema impetigo itch chaps etc while you work 50c moo woo sold by roues diwo store rensonal relieve nervous disorders with page- ottfflths betamtn bcomplex tableoi once t day macoarmaok and robb drug store to bent one fourroomed apartment in the front pan ot lie preston block avail able december sth for particular apply kenneth m lanodon oeorgetown ont wanted live and dressed poultry highest market prices apply a baknett s son phone brampton 343 r 14 roverae charges fob sale woods electric feed orlnders milk ing machines milk coolers hoctrio fences also mount forest threnhing machine district representative wh- loughby farm agency t ehbwson oeorgetown none ss3 tf p o box 3ot iinitcd church wmh pageant present the november meeting ot the wo mans missionary society ot oeorge- town united church wns held in con- junction with the mission gird and the c o i t on the evening ot friday the sth mrs a m iielsen as in the chair after a snort business period the members of the mission circle assist ed by mrs howard wrlgglesworth advisory president of the circle pre- rcnted a pageant entitled all for christ mrs robert harris president of the group took the part of the lead er this feature of the program was very impressive the guest speaker was miss wuma thomas mrs a r speight introduc ed her as the secretary of all of can ada for younger a roups she is the author of the study book for the mission circles what is your share miss thomas based her very stimulat ing tnlk on the theme follow the oleum of the light that u jesus she took us in imagination to various countries of tho world showing what is being done by mission work to help girls find a hotter way of life mrs norman burns moved a vote of thanks ai- the meeting was brought to a dose by the president offering a prayer for the young people of our church more farm machinery to be made available production of farm machinery in canada will be increased in 1044 to so per cent ol the 1m0 production it has been announced by herbert h bloom administrator of farm machinery and construction machinery wartime prices and trade board because of th importance of the domestic food program and the need to back up th food program for our allies and liberated countries farm machinery is given a high priority tn canada mr bloom commented under rationing new farm machi nery is granted through applications made v th wartime price and trade board and in alberta about 33000 applications were approved the ad ministrator stated mr bloom pointed out that through price control canada is the only coun try in the world where a farmer can buy new machinery at the prices fixed by the board in the basic period in countries where there is no price con trol tanners are having to say as much as 40 or 80 percent more for their new machinery he said it may seem early to talk about buying christmas guts but not if you have somono overseas to shop for a number of men who spent last christ mas with the canadian army nt battle stations say uutreadtng matter comes at the head of their christmas list among other thing they listed cigar ette lighten hard candy cum email games shaving articles stationery rotor blades and sharpeners and hunting knives in appreciation the georgetown lumber company withes to ex tend their sincere thank to the georgetown fire bri gade for the great work they did in keeping the fire which destroyed their planing mill from spreading to other building thu preventing a much more aeriouf lot all cut our telephone talks one minute 55 jrsv smu war calls must cone first which means that tve hiiouiii mlncc our non essential une of the telephone to the minimum present facilitich cannot be increased your co operation in needed if war cnlla ore to go through promptly x please remember that the wasteful use of telephone time can hold up war business and that every second you save counts garbage collection change onceaweek collection now in effect collection route monday mom st north to wildwood all street running off main st over white bridge mom chapel west and east and victoria street tuesday john st college view rosetta caro line paper mill road 9th line water street and mill street wednesday all streets wett of main st in ward iii and george jnme and draper street thursday queen mcnabb emery king union murdoch durham albert ond guelph street garbage must be wrapped in paper and out by 7 am

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