Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 10, 1943, p. 4

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the g httul wwl hbujaa iqtfc 1943 malta cowrty c an a milhg eaaaaon ot hahon county cbtesdl waa bald to ushea last tiua- dacy ltt an mealier ptwnt with the oaraptlm ot luur brown oeorg- asd ivcalyb flulth ot sir w if btekad tforonte victory baa euapaam btnagtr tor the oocn- ay of hilton addrerwd the tbeactng the tha counts council ttnwywaty to the pttannt xrtolory loan rhe rattler wu utr msrnsaril la opib cornea uid wtuj ih maniac win bgnwd that the parch ot vle- wary sonde would be a sound tnveet- auat tfcay qwnwwwi whether useyj ted the authority to thue as the imbhf nancy 8ld the warden if asthma ctispmin drug more win be tud to ibaw oa a leader to uw asuubb 814 not merely to get you oirr en attack but to build up agatrat trou ble how u u ti aapptyr oavto astasia tumadj eczema ttehfavg puee tnwet bttr peortiii ask four druggist for dart prert- tae aream uw new cclnruas odor- lata tiiiiiliii effectrr eraam war tua and many atct 14s ty tt tar 8nr mini w vara to boy victory band want bob- taken two the 1i haa ia than e saw pottle a lead en the baopb tmlefe i doat tusk w ue entailed to rate blair of tha nance enmmrh was of the opinion that tmee tha county ot hahon had no surpiue thay therefor had bo fund villi wfcfafa to tavaat tfaa fadwtat raeohiaoa was pita sabred by j blair aaeobdad by m orile ht ootmty otebea find tt imrrafllt to eubserlbe to tha praaaot victory loan dua to tha tact t iiu is qo wwwj fund or eurplus nsooay on hand a gnaartnn rgerdtejan open art am for deer hmttina to hatteo ooonty waa railed aeeordiaf to eeaaraj ot tfaa nxembert ccenplalnt had bun re- mrrad relitrre to tfaa damage and dae- traeuon batnc eanaad by daar parti cularly in tha bortrjam part ot tha ctxmty oat tuajo- hid oompliinad ttiit his tumlna and com hid bacn coouleujj dntroyrd arjolhrr hid hr hid im u minj u tu and aarcn oetr in hu cabfaacr patch a on tlnv out th qucauon ru raurd u to whrthrr the reguaat for an opea an ion wn mora daalnd by huntrn thin by firmrn- a moluuon m finally paud lo the effect thit oounrll wu not in fivor of drer hunting tn ltilton county it thr prrcmt uror a dyuw vu putnd appnntna a hyuw puud by ttafiijtmr oounou to cloir pan of thr ninth vtnr trm- fiuir tn cortcrcaton 4 touth of dun- d itrrct ucpulyrrrvr itlllmrr nt oakrult uld it wu tha optnton of miny tn thr touth end of tha oounty that a raw inluittre hid been 6an to oilcvlile by tfao ommm tt o by cteafa tfaa fwlifaw otto to tfaa tova tlsaraby eaaaataa n tecon- heltth to bvhawl waltd la that diatjiot ttsa furhiatu i jfllirhnn waa nharrfow turrl laowd by c tirtvar aawmdad fay w aearay that tfaa do minion o b rtncalad to raopan tfaa ouatoaaaf otto la tha town ot oeasfil ebtn of wfafc baa eanaad wmx tnnontanlmna to tfaa tsany caototwa oofioarnad mr ttwwuar a ate ot tfaa ecualoa that baiton county wu beta nadact- ad by tfaa fact that than wu no uouor dor tafwgm is tha county attar vary ttttl iharratlun tt wu esorad by c tasmtr aarrwwvd by c h badop that tfaa odiimffiait b raanaihil to epaa a uoaor atora is tfaa jfewn of union thr motion earrtfd aesoonta puaad tor payment war u fooowi ptnanor u1sm iiocpluu aocounta d500 pruning 6177 county fhlktlnan xtt46 acrtcullure ut total xxuao aim the account of c r paaxen for 15 73 for group picture of the county council lallrn with the puour school children ho were rr- cn tly the ffueti ot the council fierce illilr aa chilrmut when countl went into conunllte of the lklr a folder wu g1rn to earti mrrnber ol the council to itudy 1ui a view to duruulon at the neart meeuna the folder u luued by the cluieu joint national committee for lt war or- itanuitlon council adjourned the avemce price of a mail in a 01 uh oovrmmmt mtaurant 1 twenty rent tnrludln- tea or coffr mss joarif at illirw bbs ms feaom xanowtat aa ffttnta ot lona duration from paniytir ttmasa jaaat walkar balowad tf of john k ifelauwa pam1 amy at tha family bom in bin on tuerday october m la har lath yaar a etanariur of tfaa lata ut and um- john walkar ah hi bora la avtn toamahip oa jun j imr aba uniud to marrtatw with jobs k uo- latrea eo auntrea tfaa i alio aor- vtead by two aona harold of oeonge- towa md at home aad a atap- dacchlar obra atrs tfaonai m ot toronto she u a mwnfa of barea frcabyurtin church and bctoht her tllnaas wu aa acura mmvher of the ladtaa aid tha funeral took plana on tbtmday afternoon when aawtnw were con ducted tn ham church by us john llckemlr interment brln bad tn ertn cemetery the pallbcrci were june bin- nle normin oavu oeerae fletcher duncan ucdoujnll oeone nodweu rtoben rowan the beautiful floral tribute wre carried by oeona bln- nle rtor frxsuuun archie ifxolll and tlnu r turrancr ttie floral tribute wetr pillow the family wrraih mr and un j o cettenll otuva mr and mr thomu uutton toronto mr and mm archie mclarrn toronto mr and un w mclaren and mr tyjncbn ifruiren flpra- ur and mr robrrt lawion alton mr ru- icll waller ertn mr and mr oeorgr ulra and roy orannrmlle mr reter dlnnle and oeorgr mr and lira j a walker ormiemlle ladlar aid duma church a l nil 4kvl usi i ta m tt wi m r i i 4al i i u m m ta ifillllll lfai hearttf hydro hydra la a living thing it laku peopla thalr handa and braint and haarta lo heap ontario uppliad with power in unlntamiptad row producing powar or ontario a naada it hydro a auiabar orta job a varlldbla army ol man i required lo haap thit powar towing ot paok afflclancy for hydro l much mora than mighty power plant much mora than tha rrant- mltilon una you taa ttrldlng through tha counfrytlda hydro i tha employee who heap the power plant producing who guide and coordinate the conitanl low of energy through tha ttaittformar ttalion it i tha employe who patrol the line thai cany power la aroff mill and mine lo roaring induttflal plant buy ttore ana officer comfortable homel peoceful arm hydro i the amllle ol thote employee who have tet up their home in city and town and country and perchance deep in tha bolatlon ol wlldanwu and loretr il i theta and all tha other cooperative man and women employee who have put lire into hydro made ii a living organliotlon devoted lo the benellt ana tervlce ol ontario jutt now thalr effort are directed mainly lo producing powar lor victory and atsantlal use but after the war they will be ready again lo provide tha lull paocallma tervlee to auanllal to tha development and progreu el this province veil the heart ol hydro it peopla amployee and eontumer allk both naceuaiy both partner in a great public enterprise for today a in the pott and in tho future the tucceu ol hydro i dependent on both the faithful tervlee of tha employee and the wholehearted uipport of tha eentumar the hydroelectric power commission of ontario uectricny ts a war weapon savett i as we te c m jlrxtatos g mmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmf vis ooix tmumm ta our cm w4 bcn v fju tfal dltin mmnl bbk kby too food w n- ttrittj thica of oar ld in th my wofclisf for a t5uvdy teull ury ooeocrtj to stilt th miaia tmrn and tpilart uu4 us tnsy boy jy f aj from bos usd lofid one anj are catiltyj tapon to ctular hardhlr thmi cab only b f llo f ud- thxt th ooj mlqk out vctt rully hm bo tfwo a rtw dj by th ajjlboitl vto ha oaetlaually paud uw hutk u it crv when a atrtk occur tn eatmnxlon mh ooai tt it 46sat ux ih oobtxtin try ktv to tsau tiutroctloca rrcftrd- lag lb ui irualniina oi the uoclu lhat oi dralrr ou tiavr on hand at thr tlmr and orden an uiimd lmmtxiiaxrly rwurtcttrig ulr and olnrrlt- tjir lurl rcirkjvurr utm io br iteht en the ob alright bu wtatn the miner o- rtlf to au thr offitrul at ottaa txut thrir grtr aincrr uwy dont rrl thr action that r ajhociair with thr fur contiuurr k tau that a coro- rntuion a jjhtotnud to iook into thr quotbun oi tninrr wtre tlvr pro- runj run bomrtiilng aitrr thu tic thr rammlaulon rould ut thtn ii aould rrport to thr oorrnmrnt at ot tawa thr buitninrnt wvould think about thr autuation lor ranr ufflf and lhrn may bt thr irli iould roovr them and thry m8iit ithrr nport back to uir cummlujon or prrtupb rttn to thr minrrv anyonr ho ha nrr had anythlnf to do with thr trov rtnment vtu har an tdra aa to how long this arlirn ovht tak naturally thr mtnrn wrra pa urn t but rrn pa- urnor has lu llmita and so thr ralnrra dctdrd to brtrji thr iltuatton to a hrad jnd thry mrnt out on trur liaybe r ihouidnt blamr thrtn rrry murfi wr dont know anyufins aboiit uirlr wara aa rotnparrd with thrtr llvlxm rinrura tn thr rt but re rntunr to say thry hacitt brrn grtttnv anv too much whrn wv conjodrr thr kind ol work thry arr doing it lanl lurl that thry tvcjdrd to atrur atlhu tutir ol thr tar brcautr of thr wra th rr bring in their favor for an early rttlrmrot but vie delay in u uink action from thr authorttir rrall tot ihrlr coal and thry drriord to urtkr nd are if that aould n t brtny rrujti much qulrkrr in fact it noirrd ahrrr one of the striking miner had upohrd for cool for hi own home t4nc jir mrikr ftarted and waa lniormrd b ilic deojar that hr had no foal in tjfc on iuxuunt of thr coal itrtltr thu rril aa brtnging thr trur imultav rlpht btrk home to tiir mint i in qiirfuaii thr calendar u that uiia l koarmur und 1th the 11th nun oi lun tinythlng nm happn in hie froftt line tpecliul in thr rt it rill im luertmlnn to nutrh the rt uta of uik mrlk and to note the uc- tion ur lie if it fnmi 1m ndquai-cr- i ottlau tiu llll vklohl loan uuh a nl mtccc v und canada can uill bv pitilti of ui rmil obiuuttl nttuiilk then urr fionu- communitlts thiit duln t quite rvuh thtlr oojcctlw ma thre un- otht r ronimumti uii wirikised thtlrh thrie rcmill are nothnik to tm jmnwd of mcst of tin moim rhmd during ihru- dnu ln lrnt rlht hrrt in our own dominion ujkh1 uur nxirk borne ootmnunltlct rt- nhr more of it thah do othens and it naurully follow that uom cummunl- tltti that oo receive more war work mtmej will be able o pur chaw more hoi da on the follow uig drive the ub- jectle 1a nwrcl iui ttlmata by lomr botl or uroup aj to what amount thry might think that particular com munlty could rolae thry have no de finite way of arriving at thtlr rmlmatr but likely arr ffuldrd by the amount that mime community ralaed during thr prtvioua loan of courac there it iiothltik omiulory ubout reaching pu objective lloneirr moat communltus do like u rulc the amount that is ex pected of them and moat oommunltiea do rale that amount and uhlle e arc on thr victory uian subject it might be timely to irmtnd purcnuaera of bonda that it ta a good idea to keep them in a safety box and not to hae hem lvlng around the house the bearer bond are handy aa compared with the registered bonda but on the other hand they are valuable to anybody thut might steal them or find them and ho we auguritt thnt you hae a care ax to where you kiep thow honda another huggeuon about bond is uiat you hang on to them it u true that if the need arbea you can very easily dla- pone of them for cash but the patriotic thing to do is to hold them for their life time or duration it has been the custom ut times to purchase bonds during these drives in order to reach an objective and then dispose of them right awtiy it may help the objective alright but it rcully doesnt help the dominion situation at all had the dis poser of those bonds hung onto them the purchaser would haw had funds to hao purchased more bonds direct from the government instead of buy ing them on the market unifoftm iwttlwattowal sunday i chool lessoir ltuob few ffovwasber 14 lawaauraa asaataavuitaa alaal m4aw3jw tatgo wa- tx camcfltt twsk bsacs i ixmcm zzreaae tau autaww tlfm htlt icob jfe 7bbclc4u for a mild cool aa taa divinely appolfitad center el maoa ut the borne hold a place of tucb importance that ii la tha tptdaj larftt of satan ortea- ilve that ha ajwaya been true but it aeema that in recent year the ontlaufht af llrut the horn haa bear lnteruirled book play movie mefuinee oil conulbute their hi thy etfort ta tjrtak down all aetue ot moral rw- tpuruibility sex ta macnled and rwt in any uteful or normal aente but rother for the aumulatinf of un- loy deglrea and purpote the brtaking down of cbruuan atand- ard ot uvtnf and the ultimata proa- iitullon of the molt ucred of all human relatlonihlp to the loweet irvrl of which animal might weo be uthomed all thi mean that thl iruoa ihould be taught with a holy bold- net and plaloneia which will maka it effective for god tn our homra we do not uke to talk about adul tery end related ilna we mutt peak with car and tact but per haps the time haa come for soma traujhtiorward dealing with an un pleasant situation i protect ika parity et ike rama eiod 1014 uatt st730 any violation ot the divine plan for the marriage ot one man and one woman in loving communion for the founding and maintenance ot the home la a direct violation ot the taw of god ii i alio a violation of the law ot man it bring serious result in the destruction of tha home and in the ruin of individual life physical moral and apltitual the words of jesua broaden the interpretation of the commandment to cover all sexual impurity in thought word or deed we are to be firm and definite in our dealing with thi temptation lo morol uncleanness even though it be as painful as tearing out pn eye or losing o hand the command here is not nccibftarhy to be interpreted lltt rally tearing out an eye will not help if there is lust in the heart thi point is go lo the root of the mum t and get rid of it even if it hurt most of ui are far too rosy on our sinful impulses we dally with thrm hn v hhould destroy tin in ii kecofnue marriage as a dl- lne institution mark 10 28 tlu phiirimes vwho had devised onu 11111 nious bchrmcs for getting 1 11i of in undtftired ulfc u anted to ti i j us involved in the question thi put him up ugulnst moses uho hid iilloved divorce jinus made it clear that this win 11 t in urcord with goda plan and 01 1 look place because of their sin ful hnrdhcortcdness a a proper background for tbe dihcunslon of divorce he set up the divinr origin of marriage he made it clear that marriage was ordained by god and that it involves a holy union of two indlvlduale which makes them one all those who look forward to mar riage should realize thnt it la not a coaual thing or a merely temporary legal contract it is o union for life be it for better or worse in sickness or health in prosperity or adversity all who ore morrtcd should highly regard their sacred vowa the high place of marriage in christian teaching dignifies that re lationship and denies the mislead ing and destructive theories of men 1 111 fellow goda law oa dlroree i mark 10012 failure to observe goda law u these mottcra may involve a person in the guilt of gross sin this pas sage and other teach that divorce is to be permitted on the one ground of adultery matt 531 divorce and remarriage other than on ground permitted by god involves the parties in the sin of adultery men may make laws based on the civil contract of mar riage which provide differently but man cannot remove marriage from its place as a divine institution nor con he add to or take away from gods law concerning it aware as wc are of the laxness of some branches of the church in such matters and the almost entire lack of standards in the world wo cannot but present the plain teach ings of our lord and urge every reader to follow tho commandment of goda word there can be no question that di vorce is a major evil in our day statistics are positively shocking but they are cold and quickly for gotten but who can fall to see and who can forget the awful woo brought into american home life by divorce bad aa it is the awful effect on parents is nothing compared to tho nervous moral and spiritual shock which cornea to children in broken homes and that problem is every where

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