Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 17, 1943, p. 3

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the georgetown haau wea novanb 17th 1943 legion notes by j jj ffearadea avabte you u woajtfis br tm wj is dihrrwit ull wta brr are 11 lacta oa rar ao today your ugton rctjorur arrotr his fins leloo story fcr tla parr and today ar etlrtwuoa our ffcermrj aad irylfi to b a luur fbsrrmt our umidity hu irfl us and w art coins kuvnf ajirr oar er and altnoufh r tniftit hate madr tcjadr it tua mir a frv intrji left sb read on alnd inrrds hrrr cor v oomrodr llrrr ptt of bodbury oct va a rftt at uir latfou uat tnd ben a arcirlar ct thr iocj braruo fcr a ntmur of jrar and mi- urrnu of hi fortnrr officer and frtrnds and dicuurd tnr trajuievma uon of uir club room rodpturd 1u1 ulr qururs u lnficn ucrutfd wiillr b was 1j of flcr im u kmainj food and m0rd ku tlul v rwittbixnovh uii ac obcvco comrsdtt itrabr brar in mind trial our pupuljr ratrrrr com rad dies ultrhru photo at fl lrf bu rclj hu lntruc- uons irvm thr intrtn board as jk to anal his djtlr arr duk in und carrying ihrcn out so do not cmharraat ntm try aiaina any tatourt for frtrnds- uunply md tar iun aboit ctnlna door it lu tnr tso itory v couradds did ou purrhasr our tkfcrl for thr bta partjrt thr oora- mlltrr in chanjr urvr that all ihoar txuhtng to attmd purchaar ihrlr ur- krts at ok to tnr raurrr to ihu ban- eurt may knoar bow much food to pre pare lrl ua mair it 100 prr rrnt at tendant at this bta tnr comradr in whoa honor this la put on has wcsrfcrd hard for tnr lrlon and o- arrrea thr support of tha comrade v bob in the dog houhe kouzritlmr to csow abouy fuhtovtd unifotm ihtelhatlohal sunday chool lesson sfumtb u uthdotrbt d d lemea for nevembc 21 we all know by now tht hot b put a chain around hi nrck ana li in the dog houie but e cannot let the opportunity paa mllhouout extending to him our but wtihra on the eve of hi forthoomlna marruffr- tha rotlre branch wuh you and youra dob all the beat of luck for yroxa to come v con srntulat lona to the ladle auxi liary for the part they played in du- poalnff of itoppte on poppy day pull account appear euerwhcr in the paper v the spirit of comradhlp truly exist in the levlon here 1a only one of the examples comrade wm roney last saturday raffled a bushel of apple the proceeds to go to the ct- rare tie fund no preparation of any kind a few sheet of paper with two number written in pencil were offer ed for sale the rcuvult in one hour eloae to 1000 was realised for the boys cigarette fund v harold ov tiie rampage no com ra dost there is no fire the picture of harold stnltord nppfurtnff above vos taken inst armistice nlrht en he wns runnlg after his rucsu ntertrtln them in the inrue hull ua mute here boys that u real sur- prre awaited nil those frrquciitlnff tho club rooms on nov 11th comrade harold 8 ml ford entertained about 35 dicmber thu vluk not un invitation affair and the comrades who were not present mksed one of the best parties put on for a long time from 8 pm till 11 pm nil tho enterlns the club rooms were immediately ushered direct to harold and mode welcome to join the party and all soft drlnks were freebrat is all present when called upon did their share of enter taining out of town quests included major and mrs ii u hohson of brampton mi f ci wier of qmmp- ton and mr tom yns af aielph 7bo plnno ncroiuiimlnnts were jnated hy mrs kuhtn anri le iwcy hnts oft tu you jlniom 1jj the ffrand oventiik of armi dnv v the writer of this columri lerets the omission tost week or- comrade tlob mulrb name in connection will he joint banquot of the leiion and auxl- bob oa chairman of the enter- alnmcnt oommlttue was resiionfilble for tho success of tho banquet and iu- eht and we take this opnortu- ty to congratulate him adwjrmiamrrvjmjits to i-j- chxw iitag chican srifbt fiozn to 10 lo acjt wm ltocry at 1 u- kloo clb uaxuxa itha thouu lijir pixit in our lijsd nou 1u r llovrtrr let us carry on tth the klcry it hsppend that win vanud rhkaen for hundy dinrarr and mdr amuixtcrnt with com- riir plrnch o to jipy wmf tw do wuuatm a 1vt tie ful via cr- ou i rxs rrdy for ur om hich a ou anott usrumftjit uae avltftit doan firvori accsorcd cf jprjuir iiti m lrj of rhick4n itili piirntl it liot fil erkamh tuuxl u kjaj uii hi riinnt ntul-ti-iu- 11j not alio kuunf of p4tuaa with out a prroitt alttr the ir4r onlay the titer orrhrrd thr onuiutiui iliat liiil hid a wxj chvan tut ufraftt tkind ruemtng baton and rmt uurr tlur of toa ix ptixf of pie aiih hfje arul four cup of tea ajirr consuming thr atxr bu romplilnrd re a still hungry but ul soon but a itop to thu thrtr- fore on headtn u in ordrr can n mecchrr beat this rtcordt v aroa af cftjtlrthu oit pouii the rner anuld luw to brtns to the attention of some ol the oomrad 1 the unvarrant- rd crtuclim of the doing of offi cers of the le ctori it u all trry ru to find fault 1th thr work arrompuihed by our ornrrn ho by thr way are dolnu ffrand ob tn the intern of all comradr but bear in mind mrmbr that in all clujba and organiaauocta there u bound to be difference and these ran only be rectified at a nu- lar meeting by bringing up their gtirvancr before the whole organ hon so a everything can be thrashed out the officers wrre elected by ou and i and ther deserve jour support anile in office those elected have pledged thrmsrlves to work tn the in terest of the legion and haw bn granted power to act a they see fit in any emergency tbete remark are not made by the writer to take one aldr or the other in any controvrny but the legion rooms la the place to dlsrm legion matters and not outside v olr mahter of ceremo- nith ltr the htao comrade wm carney will ls have full charge of the dolnn i lit at the titag party olve him all ur ooope ration to make ri this a real tjangup party vi luck to you dffl v v comrade president pred wccartney aas very well pleased with the gnnd turnout of legion men for the re membrance day service at the ceno taph the comrade in return wish to thank dutch for the wonderful hot coffee served to the boya after the parade v y r the hhort man p it funny that all grlev- jih ances are brought to the ef shortest man in the legion dutch is not very ull but has the power of his office as prrmdrnt to back him up so we must abide by his decisions eh i what v legion notes are read by nil mem bers of the legion wont you help the publicity comrade by pavnc on to him or lenvlntr nt the canteen any news you would like appear in this co lumn thank joe v another welcome guest at the club rooms was comrade osorge potter of the veterans guard and life rnem- i erhhlp of the brampton branch oeorge is stationed at toronto and ex pects to be transferred to port wil liam euly next month v comrade johnny oliver has been asked to pure now for the legion four steel supports for one of the tables in the club rooms the woy harold stnl- tnrd and saxon chapman pound on tables plnylno- euchre reinforcement ire surely needed v the siren must have had a cold on i unlay las as only one short bias vi sounded and barely heard durlnp armistice day sorvlce v uowtsttg vi a1x tbxhos irwm ttxtzmxim li t ii t lot t 1 1 a a collto natr t ojj net stl- b3w44 ml koneaty wems to b so obviously nfit that one might eapect tt always and eve rya here if bitter raprrl- nce had not indicated the opposite to be rue a a matui of fact dinty has become to common that a prr- aon who 1 strictly honest is o bit of novelty born vn think he peculiar under such ctrrumitancta the christian riam to b vigilant lri he also accxmmodal hit osti tdrus of hunraty and begin to justify liltle evasion rather than being absolute ly upright the leaching of flcriptur on this matter very puh i baaieuy a4 fau drsuag tluod 20 1ft law 1011 is thr vary comrnandmrct gatntt ate a 1 leg trnplira that met have right to that which they have made earned or aavrd if no one had property right ther could b no stealing some of our modern limi deny aurh right but thtlr reason ing ls clearly not biblical cr chris tian thou aha it not steal forbids ev ery wind of theft and the pasaagee from lavltlcua lndlcau that this in clude more than robbery or ordi nary stealing it re is tea to avery kind of falsr dealing with another such us op pression or tha withholding of ut wagea that too la stralmg tn godt tight perhaps wt ought to be more ape- cijcil o hloct i a t the pmi are you losing your hearing u oti are doef wtit until joa tit to bud ct bearing tint joo do cot eooy brisg vttfa family am frirois or are hindkappoi la buiioxu or social uiv- iout innoruiudvcarticaoihe u scrtt- r y -t- f rvvj whxs maar powitvlr lb w i i f tearing find out about tnr krw symphonic axouiiuoa ghkb e ma ettutt6ynwmvr nmim coot io or it ujaonc fur nite ifeartox tru and pti xxmuauratauo ii your borne or our o ko obligation atuuunnrn rxwut lrutlrruicijbtsribf aid em saeud tm mt an aaai tn fcaa ua lutituu ot tumiefla hsraj 4xu hut hisajhm mk1ii k1u im liookit r dtxiltilog llsc ifliiiw tnjli l4llvfrmvt surety acousticon r cwimra- ti nnr 1vw in uiuaoitn in- ji ii iiifi tit fftrn tlr fmit if isij ull tir a htul mtiih nt tlt ijtn it iii ho4l vhk hutrl tiiinu yndmi fiimlii lui li r iriivn pjrt ui uar tiijj it dl r ijit ll iiujjtfrfkr 14 pllnt lau f tt fkiatft 1 ikutjsllr mnfr ib cliililtajii ul thr it juitm ianmiutt at tin wiimls tyntttkki iialton luuidijtx hiv avt ktu t rutvwrron mji lislton county llouf in brrrovif took j prrvninrfit xirt brnh burif and ullnv at hr pui1h annual till srcul tur hrd oriobrr bramp ton e begbworth aon i irunin r celvrd j60 for a ourtiroi hrlrr and glgft fur a tr n- muni hr old bull ealf whllr w h ifatll ojkvilr hecuitu g3ji for e torr4ud iwlfer flnu- cirnry craorv trn nuld 345 for w rlghtrdroh1 mm j t imnt hil ton ui0 for un rutitmontluold bul call w a wlimmr campbrlmui 1300 for 1 ttiuroid hrllrt albri o hunter pi for i lio- aots 1itvi1 f urtu art suag h ciflc and apply tha truth to our on taroid hrifrr jnd a h mrki diy stealing include such thing c aa loaftng on one job borrowing a refines t to all parents of men or vmcn on active service whet1 cr a un in her of the lelon or not ur ked ir thoy hnvo children tip to the ic of ten to leave their names nt chapmans drug store so tus they may particlpato in tho legion christmas taii party v p s comrades it ib now one oclock im and time to hit tho hny sec you all at tho party friday night at 730 pm chorrlo job money from the cosh drowt tak tng good from the stock uith uhuh on i working stealing uncoier mana sermon and preaching it on onea own lifting material out of another mans book without rdit contracting debt which on ran never pay using false weights md meature odultcraling food or oih- er material watering milk for j sale selling worthless stock dodging taxea or lying to the taa amssor or utrog a slug instead of o nickel in the telephone to escape proper payment one might add gambling which is taking another mana property by akill or by chance making an un duly large profit on the labor ef an other making money out of the sor rows and failures of others etc to be honest means to be fair and that has broad implications d baaesty an staataraliaa luke 19110 the reality and thoroughness of zaochaetis c was indicat ed by his willingness to restore all the money ha had unjustly but le gally note that i taken from his fel low cl tit ens and that in fourfold measure insofar aa it la possible to do so the honest person will make right any known injustice to be right with god must mean that we are to be right with men the testimony of many christiana could be pre sented to show that they have only entered upon real peace and use fulness as they have made consist ent effort to right every wrong to pay every debt often such actions open opportu nities for christian testimony and point others to the redemption in christ which makes a man live right as well as talk right iii honesty and religion luke 1043 46 one might think it unncccsknry to urge honesty upon religious folk they ought to be honest dut here we see in sharp contrast to the quick honesty und restitution of zni- chocus the stubborn dihobrdieiur and dishonesty of the priests in the temple jesus had already cleansed the temple of the trnlbc in mnney- chonglnr and the sale of unimals for sacrifice practiced there sec john 21317 on that occasion he re buked them because they made 1 1 in fathcra house a house of mer chandise had they known the chance of heurt of a converted zacchacus thoy would hove heeded his admonition but they did not believe in christ and went on with their ungodly deuu- crntion of the temple area until it became m den of thieves v 4b whut happened so long ago needs application to our present dny so apt is the quotution from the les son commentary which we have used before that we repeat it now hreoldni of the quint on in our own churches the writer says is i church honest when it assumes ob ligations that it cannot meet and is then forced to use all sorts of ques tionable means to raise monoy for tho benefit of the church is a church honest when it turns a build- in i consecrated to the worship of god into a restaurant or a theater is a church honest uiat turns its pulpit into a lecture platform for tho discussion of current events or the rovlow of popular books or plays jeoryrtomn iisi jhd 1230 for poll i msture cows- a total of com iv nmllrrd for t 74 laead mild the 1 finitlr avtfr sj146 tthlh ih bjllv inotly riu avrrard 128 thr tot pricr v von wld by nnruu fumi vunklr- 1 hill for u thrrtfiroid hrlfcr con- iknrd b john ii omrr thmt fmr iiuthrm prln for t bull a tlifl cured on tin bid oi huch r bjiiih 11 a- abonn thomdilr for a wwn- monthaold rf conlitncd by timi haven farm woodcock seven fi males brought 400 or more place our out r mllh thr hrril for p nionat chrlmman cvrds mhllr tli laelection ls ut ll bst me 30 40 50 wut konrul pp ita vifw alrri tuntrtsi 1 mrn dtavw kill immsiww jl it ms sbcftad ait r ill nt lawkm ml it 1 j w a i ajiauimai u ulmi o l here is a way of making sure santa visits tu girls and boys overseas and in the army camps in canada send thuvl the georgetown herald a christmas gift thai will inst for 36s days those on active service would appreciate nothing better than to receive the home town newapaper subcrile now and we will send a greeting card announcing your gift vavy marine engines made and carried by cpr help i k io meet the uikeiit need ol the knyat canadian navy for main murine euiiuph and ifidoneis tn be used ill escort vi tie canadian iaciflc uall- wij- aiikus siips it montreal no bus n hleailily inffeiisinjf flow of ilue inl ol war otuitik from tiiit srclioii of the k hlmp w iiehyahirrfiiniivtod llie uaiiu- iatiuit- ii thftlu of more than i inn vl -ntlik- tuilvs mainly for fvlco in uiirsii thf inaiine eiuiue plrttired abav 11 a ciu oiv-id- xi iit tar nior tnbtinu- pre- ii or sliipiiniit weiirtis st 1th liiiki i eis ami licd- iiiludiil li tuv is iletium- i j iii tlie ptrtuv on the rijibt rtoimau bo it darfeil til tlio liuje eoiiiifctinu ilundliiuv of the eitknen to ihtiiiatinii comes uiulcr the hiult mill wtili iran lutl lf illkll 1 ituiou with tiplclnl udvico from cmiudhm iaiifich enirlnecrinir tlipartnuiit bring follovveil to nqueeze tho inads pat biiden and other permanent intiillutionn as vus the caso with the valentine tunkh the murine enineti are heiiipr made at the tmme time ns anirus shops hu tulles the greatly increaiil repairs on loco- nioiives and cars necessitated h wartimes heavier transportation load all the jobs are helm tbmt without aw 1 1 ii ill links or extensive mlditioiis tti the ektlmr plant a further ilenuinstrat imi of tlo- veihlitilily ii f the lepni 1 mint headed by ii 11 ibwea chief of nmtivo pnwci anil rtillhig stock to reach mariuo engine piwhn- tioti as early as lioilile inachhi- uk of parts aiul fabrlcatitui of ibassipiblieswas starltd vvlrile tliu tank work htill was innceeititii at tho liisr canadian pact fie shops ah machine cuiactty ami floor area were released from the tank emit met they wem utuiil rm tlv tiats- munu tniiu uoik tin itrst 10- ton eidie in plate was luiduwn a little nver two works after com- lhtiou w lie la t tank hull on the valentine cnntaa to earn tho ciimpliment in an official report that the very beet efforts veto put forth by all norsnns reknon e for thui worlr

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