Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1943, p. 1

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the georgetown herald jttoiy 1 wwii s w o rwdbcmjoo gcorgitewm oet worwimruy nt 24tfe 1m3 200 pet abbsms 5e pa gop welcome the navy league canvasser comrade robert mulr guest of honour at legion stag patty aalia ef war venn a at t th stag party given in honour 6 onmrart nobtrt uulr who marriaga to ufa 17 thunaob took place tul wrfc was ooa of dulinwl of veterans ever mntmiil in th l- igloo nao cwsr ts rasmbsrs of th le gion enjoyvd upper and entertainment that wul b imbrd for a lon anting at th bead table n olfl- eere of th local branch with ooi- o b a couscra aa chairman of tha ban quet and ui robert uulr gueet of honour to craning crmonles rtartad with th fathering limine th i leaf followed by a word of waleome by th chairman th loan la th king aa proposed by ool ox mth all sunclmg to attention at the staging of ood bar th hang- a loatt to th fuaat of honour hi mulr waa proposed by coarad ilarold ulford bafbra th tcajfwas respond ad to ool o d a ooun thanked chauad utrlr on behalf of th legion for th wonderful work aoscennllshed as ctnlrmsn of th cnurtalnmcnt rrara and wished him and hti brio many year of happiness and atraamd th point that h hoped that th too work don by him would a in th firumaa in th past oomrad president fred ucoartny responded to the toast to oomrad uulr in a wry hamorooa minnar on uulr thankad th gathering and all joined in tinging for he jolly rood fellow- set ore the close of the frm the chairman moved s vote of thanks to the buttss who looked after the meal the lion cjub for th use of thetr eon sheets uu herald for publicity to th donors of eel- and the taruaa an invitation was aatanted to the laaue to arcaar to th ban and this ms beaded by ura jim luslr and her committee composed of sirs vtn honey mr 8 tennant and urs to- hewitt they entered the hall armclat a thunderous round of ap plause from the gathering in a lew mil chosen wonts the chairman thank ed the convenor ura blair and her committee for the rand meal served urs ntalr is to be congratulated on the splendid meal provided and knowing too well that men love their eat as convenor nothing was want ing the plates were overtlowlng with nicely fried chicken vegetables etc cooked entirely to their satisfaction with all the trimmings the tables were very beautifully decorated with legion colors and what greatly added to the appearance waa the grand dis play of late autumn flowers on all the table all present had nothing but the highest of praise to offer ura blair for he manner in which the banquet was put on mr robert uulr gusst of honor later in tm v vmmttig was presented with two gifts the first a sift fcr the household an th saaond a very sub stantial gtf nvttte form of a govern ment war bond and eertttrateo comrade uulr expresesd his sincere thanks to the comrade on behalf of continued on pane three scarlet fever it has ease u th thiih ef bear at health that ef bearlet revee aaee at a iifilil fcs esreaea aft a sheet stay at bass alagi with ethers sad irml the ftmi fa sasa laetaeses the cysaaasaae are a sam that the aeasikiurr u at aware ef the has us agala there b eftsa a cfasay ef day aaf sr a aluirfili b by this tha the slga east mug tasaa area letigahe that a ela- gaasle is cufbam u sash every ease ef sere threat ifcrafl a issseas fee a rag fash ehtafiy aihnilli aa the thee aavi sbae- asia liaill eafy vwue by gaad aataral sight uud sasal- ateaa a ahyililia shaeu he eemej wilatal deasy the khhe health art r that ab ranlrtsas rase he traatai aa seerlet vwear t aratset yasj- testify aaj th utm ef ao nartrat c v wtifjamfl uo ft uwlman rtxahc note due to clrrunutances beyond our control we hate had to dtteir e number of news items from this issue they will sppesr next wrek hivy usrgim irtitrvijgf of support this week koeamber ii a to 17th inclusive le known as navy wk when pubuc attrnuon is being focused on the hsvy the uerchant nsry snd the work of the navy league in rela tion to both this week canvassers wul eab en you on behalf of the navy league and we urge you to be as gen erous as you can in this the rrat drti for fund to be made tn oeorgetown by th ksry league the work of the nery league em- bracas the entire dominion from aea to sea since the outbreak of this war it has increased many fold fhtimatae arallahle for last year indicate that over two million men and women of thre servtera and allied merchant see men have made use of the hasv league dubs recreation centras and hospitals thousands ef betty bi uagartnee and knitted comfort has been euppued to our seamen as well ss survivors bundlfw in ell three as pects of work the oeorgetown branch of th n svy league has contributed its share m fsct its record of achieve ment is outstanding slnor orssnlca- tlon was incepted only a year eo all the servtree of last year includ ing the important and everlncrrsstng 8ea cadet movement must be dupli cated and greatly increased in lata 11 is for this reason that you sre being asked for financial support the ns- league needs the help of rvrry last man woman and child in this stupen dous effort so that our men of th aa continue to stay on the see delivering lo britain and her allies ell ihst it needed to bring victory with your rtslp and the hlp of others they can carry on for all uieie reasons we ask you tn welcome the nevy league camaaarr when he cells a utter to th citiiens of georgetown on this the eve of my departure to join the canadian army active i take this opportunity to say so long to the many frlendu and business am- clatca in the community i am reminded of the many kind- neucft done for myself and family by so many of you in the ahort time it has been my pleasure to call atorffc- town home and i leave with a real tsg customer who havcl bickerings over night constables duties got council nowhere ity la dleaesed ef rssallag ef areaa council held another special meeting on thursday evening laat when two important matters were dealt with firstly a technicality tn the manage ment of the oeorgetown arena now owned by the town u the airing of lome accusations in regard to the nigh oonstable uayor ombons was in the chair reeve brown and coun cillors uscbonald lyons thompson snd hall present last week it was mentioned in these columns that in order for the muni cipality to operate the arena it would be necessary lo do so under a board of parks uanagement going back to 1829 i was found that the socalled ccmeterv board was really a board of parks usruurement according to the original bylaw with this man agement already intact council felt that they should be consulted fleet tn regard to the management of th arena in other words they were tn- vltdd to meet with council last week in openlnt- the discussion slayer olbbons said the purpose of the meet ing was to discuss matters vital tn both the board and the corporation he considered that the cemetery board had made such a fine job of running the cemetery tliat they would make i dne management for the arena pall intr to do this they could resign in i bortv be reinstated immediately as l cemeterv board and the council could hpn appoint a board ot parks man- nttcment rrpresentlnjt the cemetery board were chairman ed mcwhlrter e w cole miss annie ryan and w p brndlev this committee cxprnwed the opinion that while they would like to continue opcrattntf the cemetery they felt that to handle the arena was more than thev could handle they decided to rcftltm an ruaoested and give the council a free hand in appointing depended on us for their feed require hunts i say we will not let you down ity business will continue as usual under the capable management of my st ably assisted by mr outre wu- on t feel sure that you will give them the excellent cooperation which i haw been pleased to accept from you in the past to the ueyor hum and fellow councillors z extend my appreciation of the splendid job they have done great credit is due in particular to isajror aibbons who calm fair guid ance hag helped us over the rough pot ob mot than one occasion leay the owning yiuettd saason bring to all of you peaoe haprjtnaat your mi truly taotmtmum mayor otbbon- then said that if council had any matters to discuss with night oonstable fordyce re- crardlng his duties as night eonstable he had arranged to have him at the meeting coihidllor rail said he for nne would like to have him there and vet this matter cleared up before nomination mr pordjee was then ushered in and the board of enoulry let loose arlth a barrage of questions to which nhht constable rtadetee seemed to supply the required inrormauon although not a to the aattaraebhn of aome of lb number vniau th inscuaslon beeame too heated itajor owwni oaued order and said the irlsrusslnn mutt continue tn an orderly manner ivi sou of th matter the moker- inga bttwaan obuneu and 14v msrdtw teauglit out msjmnv of impottoiies to ahosr that he we not otmduetina hts duties as h should and the accusa tions and srguments were toon for gotten snd the business of council drifted on to other subjects of s morr healthy and enlightening nature nomination meeting friday rtldjy neit u nomination day tn oaorgrtown and opening at tjo pm in the labrary nominations will br aeritfd for the offices of usyor steele counrtuorv hydro ocenmli sloner end luhool trusteea in adds- uon the counrtj of iso wul dltfuaa stth the ratspayers matter pertaining to the munlclpshly during the put ywar it it eiprcted that a large re- preentauon of ratepayers wul be pnsent snd it is hoped that aa office wul br ruled tn order that a further nomination meeting wul not be aery coptra of u im3 interun statemem tq be available and this statement wul br dlacuwd by members of coun cil rrttorte on the hydro txnmlsuon and khool boards wul slso be 1m likr our waatherman your poliuail rseortrr has been under the weathrr the past few days and therefore what we wtn baa to aay further is more or leu off the record said unofficial wr generally make it a point of contact ing ell council membrri end aspirants with s view to retting thetr last minute drfliljin but this year ihu formality will heir u be dispensed with msor joseph othbons has abeady ftated hit inentlona ol retlrlnjr from the publio life of the community for a tune st trait sfter fsllhiiilly servlnc the coktsilon for thirteen years three as rounclllor snd ten ss mayor this is one office ihst the rstepayrm must e tilled snd filled sdrquately oreat reaponslbuiuee rest upon thr nmidirut officer of eny town snd wmlle we feel oeorgetown has many capable mrn it ts the duty of it cttuans tc see that thetr names are placed in nomination rumour has 11 that reeve brown will not contest the reeveshlp this year due to his inability u attend county gouncu regulsrly but wlu run for council in wsrd in oounctltor k it uacoonald e be lieve hss slmost definitely decided t enter the field for reeve he has spent number of years as councillor and mb and usui txlih ttchomxo honovbxo on mth wedding anniverhabv a delightful aurprlse party was given to sir and mrs bus schofleld on the occasion cf their silver wedding sn- ntveraary by the gtrls of smith a btone pottery isat thursday evening the girls assembled at the schofirld home and the guests of honour joined with them in a program of songs and games hollowing this miss dolrnr he- enrfy read a ihort address to mr and mrs schofleld which concluded with the following poem msy aq the joya you two hate shared together on lifes way be reflected for you on your silver wedding day as countless huppy memories came back today to bleu both of you and fill your hearm with perfect happiness mrs pred yates then presented the couple with a handsome sllier flower basket filled with two rinrcn baby mums a buffet luncheon was served from a table attractively decorated tn pink and white centered with a mi niature wedding cake mr rchnfleld extended hli wlfer and his own appre ciation to the ftlrls for such an enjoy able evening and lovely rift mr and l in our mail bag ibday wedrwituy nov juh thirty he or forty of our twjttn ejtunj art jummonrd to appear at the muni cipji building to uuwtr to ft chart of operating a radio without a llornte as one of the offenders i amild like to makr a protest and brine to the at- trillion of wir rradrrn thr sly man ner whtch tiirnr radio licence hv npctor ufvcd to obtain conlclloni u111k thr tlnu- of day when uic mrn trr biihy at work they upfttarcd ftt ifmdiiwes varbed in lonii font cwver- tuls inqulrintr u their radio were in kka atfrlilntf condition unti asked to be udmltud to liiapcct wime altvr be- litu admitted to tiomi area convention of wi held at juelph early this monfji avoid late copy vv ssimlsll th latrrrk ear rv sr tsaiag la the asasr sklih is si w lb i 1 ef new items tfcry saa la far it e susaas wtlee ataara thaa lud u nt itn s b tfcs ss a ft stag as is which w easjig ash sal aar matrtbatsee kala hhahag af is- car aad a rwah af sb wseh ha saaat ii asasey hsr u gel th asarr a usae these east few wsaaa there u ealy aa way t iiai the s tf yea luv aa uass fee the aaew k ii a are aetv seevlae aste er a wvttewa b trunk year ea la kavtag h sa by asaei ea tarrfsy si thr isteat this wul gaans agslasl a ual- auaate rash ef reay aklih atwaya ties thlags a sad ifcit th paai 1st aa gnss lay ttuaa yea has decided to step up m the same ward councillor thoa l lyons is not eny too optimistic shout thr town securing a mayor if lays if no one aanu the meyorelty snd the position tv open he might consider h or a year but that he would probably end up contesting his council eet in ward iii oer in wsrd n rr hear there ti quite a mir in municipal matters th- question doesnt seem to be to secure he reculred numbrr of asnlrsnts but who eolna to run both counctnore jovph han and cltfrorrt bradley seem undecided whet to do this time but should they decide to drop out it looks as though there wm be more than enourcti to flit their places there will br st least one vaeaney in ward i with councillor itrdvv anew joining the active pbrces coun cillor w p thompson win we believe enter the held again there doetnl reetn to be many seeking office in this ward although dame rumor hss it ihst a couple of starters sre probable after being nominated the nominee have until 0 oviaek on saturday even mg to qualify for offloe in th event more than the necessary manner of candidate qualify an election will be held on mondsy december 0th with voting at the following places per ward i town hall ward n i horn- by house ward ttf municipal building following registration of and delegate of w i branch ta halton bruce ituron perth wstarloo and wellington cou tea th ftrst wsaloo of th 14 ouslpb conventloa opened tn norfolk at united church thursday morning here ath with area ctulrman ura p w uarry of ilomby to charta the program followed th thaa a th horn ts so i th nstlon seooa tng th opening eseedtea chairman address and a welcom from the mi nister of th craurch rev or keen ulu p p cadi lock eharga for th otrl session loss chtlintte ucoul- lough of cuonavtown was chairman for the de chief of btueti was entitled lets can tomato far vim rigour and victory which waa wvll performed by two junior glrte other topics dlsnitssd war itaat ta th ling- locker storage vaa sbles for pamily meals storage fa wlnur use the suopsr osub- thr or real ahelt and th tamrdaa brigade the last speaker staled that there were some two thousand bnga- ders this year growing up to twenty on vegetables each in her garden on tpraker displayed lovely crisp lettune leaiee hut cut from her garden ta bruce oounly miss ouve bcott of btuerrale tad in devotional esardses tn ceyerlng th aftemon session chnnemg prayer as her topic for dlsoutilon tn waicornlng the visiting udlee to ouelph ura ucculiouah suled ihst the flint w i convention ever held tn this are u held st thr oac tn ouelph in 1908 miss usry a otsrkr ouperlnteo dent of womens institute branch oept of age toronto was th ohlf speaker for the sfternoon her talk was siso woven around the conven tion theme as th ham is so le tra nstlon nne stated that ptthuc hsajth begins in the horn and ts carried throughout th nation children taught to shsre responsmfuliss and pleaaura within the horn carry thaa trait out into ciccnrnunlty lit th bom u the bglnnlng of education sptrkualrr and culturally bb urged th forming of homemeklng clubs to brtng tnto community life the people coming from other lands th fact that th w i it murwvertnslwial make it posslhl to include au a raae from an economic standpoint lh said each must balance her owb bojdws first bhe praised farm women ta mutt contribution to th national prodoe- oontinued on page thr georgetown fire brigade help fight 100000 blaze in brampton ron with in october and everyone visited luune cilatcly purchiincd a uccrua on november 10th our chief of lillrc handed out thee mimmansrs to p ui lit court ilie urlttr mould sutmest thiu 11 at rt jonies isji umr uiim niin should ukuln the sahkntnon turi to cuiieuiwu ulut they u- itimd iidinusliiii in uur hiiill- mid ihut no questions lw luisweri uulr tlll-sl- lilslhitlir- cllll pioiilkt till- pi eiiileiiiliil- unit they ore from uio itliillu dkisliin we uinild think thnl lii wur llnics when iieople are urited lo invest in will- umul wur siivlnva cvrtllicate- mill btanipn nuo the conservation ol uns and rubber tlut the rudla branch could make belter uso of thetr radio cars and tile men employed with the sole purpose of making convictions in more important war efforts no respectful cltlson of aeorcelown wunts to break the law and it was a residents of walton and peel conn- uiame that these people should tie heard with regret that ura james have to lose a half day to appear in o ford formerly margaret jane pord t court for an rhf motion which could pasaed away at the home of her sister ttavo been very weu taken care of with ura a ingtahart at burlington fol- the use of a past card reminding these lowing a lengthy illness aha was bora people that they were operating a radio at oataaji a daughter of the late an- gat without a license and wen liable draw and mary peathereton ford who for conviction early r of halton county it la not the hoo fins that hurts aa the tame of the passing of bar hus- our good cttluns it is just that they liand jamw o atord three year gga have to lose a half day to appear n she mowed to flurllngton wben aha re- court to pay their oh avlad with hat slater until her paido thanking you madam editor for the ta bar bv day the late ita rbrd apace allowed in your valuable paper roatvd hay ethamtlbrl in the omagh votu truly om ov thb vtotims tuelvc members of the oeorgetown in some cases p brigade unrethrr with brigades without nliiiulnit any rredentiala that rom weston and port credit answered tiny ere ooicmment inspectors emergency call from dramptoji they tuned in the radio to usmirc hem- i nhortly after nine oclock on monday slie thiit the set was in rood work- morning to 0mtit in fighting the worst mil ounihllon isked the owner ti pro- the hlslorj- of brampton when cluce their llwnse if yon did no hale urumptons 10oyearold royal hotel the llrense your name wiis put don was milted by fasthprcadlng flames in n little black book also advising the travelling the distance from here to owner thul u niuto llcinse should bo j iiniinplon a matler of 12 miles or so mcurcd u once al thfc nappencd carl j n minute the oeorttetoan brigade mrs sehnflelds serving in ilnly llpht infantry those present were nan collins el len vales ann ilenney mabel louf mont martin dolene mrenery norma nirutcr winnie wlllelt ethel mr- lellan onice beerman alice jepson ledda yates qslc rennle ilarel arm strong elsie slimier mary paster jean lockhiirat lillian knlulit annie oamcr may hall betty cudden pearl webster jean mcencry emmc keeler edna king dorothy mil sue oowtan ehmbeth bryden death of mrh james o ford stayed on uic job until 130 pm their job was to play the hose on the front ol the burning building and this wus done altli difficulty due to the dense eloiicls of bluelc smoke a solilur and u breadwagon driver arc eridlted with saving the lives of lliree women when flumes sill to huc lieen stiirttil by the colliipse of a fur- niic pliu rnced ihroiigh the old royal hotel nnd within a few hours left 11 u mass of smouldering ruins that repre sellted an estlnmled losn of 100000 neully imi of the co guests in the building converted into apartment about 10 years ago were in their rooms when the flames were discovered about r so nm they escaped only with the clothing they wore the fire was first noticed by lou ehrlg bread dellveryman when he nmelled bmoke in a lane by the build ing he gave the alarm and then ran imride going to the apartment or mrs robert robson 87 proprietor and owner and her daughter mrs fred howell and assist them to uu second floor balcony from which firemen took them down udders the third woman rescued was miss wen bostsriok a retired nurse who also lived on th second floor bhs taken to safety by bgt ft j atavhb attached to butt training osntr 14 and who was slayrng at th hot 35iy wan rushed to peel ueuorlal haitlbjal suffering front hwiasshnri ef atuat said shock raced up stairway and spread through all part of th threestory struetut the intensity of the are was so great that 33 minutes later the roof of th lnoyearold hoselry rollsnawl anct leaping tongues of are cracked win dows across the street loss by the are waa sugmeoted through the destruction of a restau rant a jewelry stare and a drug star and all their contents proprietors said that their businesses located at the front ground floor of the bunding were insured two weston nremen were injured lu the fight to control the ilamea ftrmuin johnny ronaldson was hit by large wooden beam suffering cut on the head and injuries to the neck- he returned tc the job after recelvlruj medical attention ptremait jajne amos suffered a sprained back and vias compelled to retire school nurse addrefibes local councft on november 10 the local council of women held their meeting at th home of mrs j b mackenzie in the absence of our president mr ralph ross presided after opening with si lent prayer the minutes of the pre vious meottng and the financial stata- ment were read and approved it was moved and seconded by lot nothrell and urs j b m that a donation of j be given to the navy league urs meakenils and ura wodwell nnmlnated miss a ryan to the pohuo bonos board cariiad urs ron introduced the ifutat maker uu w walker our gobou burae uu waucer gave a sfflrajttavt aa to what la dona bym 1st eaxtwitison vnlh hit pajraou ura ballantyoa movd martvot af thshla to uu vebltar and to shalr bmtasj th wkitl hmd twllaetlon tabjjri wtthln 10 mlbul afkirf the ntayjawthtee wis thsre werg lluy started whnaas said th rjsvnvs had in aunt w rflv- vsa i rtm n

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