the georgetown herald greotysvea ycttf of fu gecffttowb oat wetfeaadty becdb ltt 1943 240 per anmim 5c per copy elections in two town wards on monday next harold cleave and k it madfotajd acclaimed mayor and reeve mtailmtimmmtiftgwfll attawfed th library m nllsd to espartty last friday ntwht efasn nnmtrvsnvvns ess bald for th omoi of uayor oounculora hydro oosals- end public school trusters nomination period cu from 13 to jo whan fores were filled out by sponsor tor candidate to osce oo ttur towne muntrtpal inmidnl or uu coming year th etmnapher a fun of esrrtamens and he hubbub of epsrulatloo gs plsr to oomplsta til ao at t- wtoen ur p a harrison toam ctartt announced th mmfna- dona together with the notnlnora thay war as follow ro kayos josbh ofbbonb propoaad by p f taarttsim seconded by juan b v uaeooruack proposed by k u langdon seconded by john otb- tvms harold cleave proposed by jos nail seconded by w o bell thos l lyons proposed by john j otbbans ascondad by o p ortch- ton fo uzve k r usedosfald by n ii brown and k u fy to oovnc11xou ward x o ueoilvray by w p thompson and p o wlatmee w p thoupoon by john j olb- bena and k if lancdon ward n john t ajufbtrono by joseph ovbbons and allan norton josmi hall by oeorge louth and uark ourk b wilcox toy r rurtay and p ekxrea to0s eason jr by o p ortcbton ansl alia kaan o bmadley by joseph hall and a roh ward ni jalizb oooolet by walter oray and joseph otbbans illoft l lyons by k m lsngdon and waltar oray k it brown by j ooodlet and walter oray w o bell by d saw and p omry 8 w orr by k langdon and john otbbena hydro commissioner j j oidi1en8 by w p thompnon and p p blackburn h c dayfoot by p f blackburn and d crtohton w h kentner bv c dradlrv and d brill public school boarit ward i wss a ryan by mrv w nodaoll and mrs j b mackenzie ward ii john d kelly by jooeph hall and c drndley ward iii itti of ujocooo the lowest rat on record tn ilia history of th loam ten years sso it stood at so to strengthen his point ha that tha rwroui from the hydro oommlsdoo was higher than hat from thr total lues cousned in live municipality uayor olebwis paid irvbul to thou pubucfptrited ciuieo wt had given of their monrv time and thought to um fraction and msrhgjwnmt of tha arena its said council took ovti tir arena regretfully and dtd so only in tha interests of firm rmmlrtpal sov- rroment lis tald furthsr that coun cil u miring an honest rsorl to pro vlda an opportunity for good dean tport and iirmianrnt aapactally for uw youth of tlir tovn he raprcmad the hope that council in luturr aould carry on and mak 11 a aurcaol con cluding thr arvna topic afator uu bocu aald tha orwinal tntraxora in the arena dewrwd the tlianks of thr tcran a mnnbtr of thr hydro obomli- uon by virtue of hie office uayor olh- bona rxprrautd thankj to hu courairuc mr o pamru hydro oommlulonrr for hla hard aurfc in rrluchiii thr hydro relet in oforgrtawn it a at a dlfrtcult talk and one vldoh ivqulred iprdal effort for lis accom- pllthrnrnt thr rraron uir ret- rrr lovrred waa brcouar thrrr vat a i3s000 mrtt in the local commlolcin and thr mrmbcrt took thr vie that the surplus thould be handed or to thr ratepayer in conclusion thr uaxir pointed out uutt he htd crveo uirre tsr on council prior to being alerted mayor ahlch rualuori he had filled to thr brat of hu ability for thr puu ten yrart he further tlaurd that any measure of surceaa he had rnjoved had been due in great dart to hla colleagura on council down through the years and the cooperation of town organlaattons before ateppljvc from tile platform he aald it had been both a pleasure and a privilege for him to serve the people in the good old town of georgetown one of the hi for its alee in the whole dominion ceanly kate te be levmed reeve norman h brown addreeaved the meeting neat as georgetowns representative on county council he gave a brief outline of buslneat dealt with there as it aflecta this communi ty he brought good newt with the announcement that uie county rate would be suhautntlally lowered next year a feature of county council this year was the representation of the public school children at a srmton of council thu reeve brown felt would help the pupils form a good foundation for the cnderstandlnk of municipal uffalia and also engender an interest in them he pointed out ttial the children of today are the citi zen of tomorruvh as chairman of lit printing cammluce he had pro cured the county printing for tlu- oeorgetown herald a job which tliey had nlwr hud before rcpe braui suld he- wua dlsapiwlntcd in the way the proposed purchase of additional lmu for the old oiks home in urafnpton itd turned out av he felt vtould luuc been bougtit if the com st gcwfcs celebrate nobttyfiitt aaaivy st oeorges church of enfjand ce lebrated its nlnetyflnt anniversary on sunday last aim special serrtcet both morning and evening kttclsl preacher in the morning vat rre b a- kirk uilton and in the evening the rector archdeacon w o o thompson was thr preacher the choir had fecial music for the orca- tlon at ustliu and btensong harold cleave who rerrlwd an accumstlon si uayor of georgetown for the year ims ur clravc he held the offlcei of reeve and councillor for a number of years and hat also been warden of the county dr stuart mafwovd and marsart adams wad a prrlty wrddlns va ulcmrvlm at 1 oolocit lat nida dttrrnoun kocn ut 3ah in 8t ororgti church of mund fchrn uanrarrt esalnr daujjhtrr of mx and mm otcrtt adm orontkottti twamr th brtxw of dr huiati e mmrm ji of mr and mr wmlf m4t0 of hanover arcnlpaoun woo thompnon offl- cuid and ur w p dndjry puyd the ttkkhns muktc the bride vote a turquoe blue rmto- bit hair artemoon drea tui btax aoceuorlea and cam ad a bouquet of pink roaa ov waa attended by tin marrta ua4nraod drampton nuter in law of he room who choae a airy blue too tmck black iccetotlts and car ried yellow roaen dr morton walker drantford a fellow graduate of the ft room from the oac ounlph irnjorruman after the ctrrtnony the wedding party proceeded to hanover for the reception mr muuzwood received the gueata weurlng a blue wool crepe en wmble black acceaaortea and conofle of white muitia aaalted b the bride afater koaa yvonne adam who wore a navy wool writ wine aooeworlea and a conume of bronze mums aflr a ahort wedding trip wmt dr e v marcormack by hugh dickie mliue in clmrgc of thtn jiuu bee and jos armstronu hugh dickie by w i and a v kins unanimously elected chalrmai lor the mcjttriir p b harrison then call ed on mayor jotsepu olbbons to ad- dress the rtomycn mayor cilbboiv proiwtrt ttk their iwaidiiont and urt magwood orcrgetoutt will reside in mru h w orr and ma h u utnodon win ioje- rbidoe tournament ttie i ode ortdgr toumtroent has now been completed alter right weeks of pity st thr homes of various member under the convenor- thlp of urt r p lltrber aaltted by ui p p olackbum 111310 was realtied from tha event urt s w orr and ur k u lang- don won first prise wtth a total arare of 4wm points ueaara orahsm par nell and 8 t param veon eecond prise vlth bub potntt mrurt csmpbru aiiuruir and jim kennedy won third with ijgro polnu urt orr and ur ljuigdon alio won thr prlar for the high arore for one ntght making 210 points urt e d tyrn and urt wn uluiere won the prlre for having the ore nearest to half of the lughett total score msklng alio points thr tournament was a great succeis snd thcee in charge with to eipro their sppreclstlon to the partlclpsnu for tht kren intrrrtt thej- dlvplsyed in the gomes list of town accjttttatiot and those conttstins election monday james a davidson dies in slti year af gae rar t yaara punrral trrvlcet were held november 71 lor jsmrt a davidson resident of georgetown for the past forty rars u died at the homr of his daugroer while nutlng in toronto in hit glat lear he wot born in locaslde ontario he sat member of the st oeorgea church of nigltnd in oaorgetovn surviving are three brorhtra john herbert davidson of oecegetoam al fred of ssmla and wullam emmrraon of hamilton one titter urt rachel price of terra cotta two daugrrtera urt usmle kirk of toronto and lira e renny of oeorgetown and one ton william of the rcap and former ly of oeorgetown venerable w o o thompson of oeorgetown conducted thr luneral ser vice pollowlng are the namee of those who hate quahfed and will stand fear election for uayor harold clawea aeri por lusrve kenneth r use donald aoetl cocnotl ward i vauusa p trkosicsaa wotls oarartd uoolhrray anal oounoil ward u joseph hal cusord brsduy thomas eason jr john t armstrong council ward m a w orr thomas l lan jarsas ooodtat m r brown public school board ward i ulas annie ryan aocl bible hotiutv reelect execvrttvl the dlble society of oeorhetown held their annual meeting last sunday evening alter churoh in the bunday school room of st oeorget the offi cers of latt year were reelected out year with ur j d oodfrey chairman dr p r watson secretary treasurer tht re will alto be two repreeentstlvet from each church on the executive he r c todd gave tn sddres on the dlble nest sunday will be dlble sunday in all the churches activeservkenotes bert piddle r an employee of ahlance paper wlla ltd haa enllated tn the rcap and la auuoned at lachlnr queoec hr will be a sutloriary cn- ulneet pi lota wins were pinned on jamr p ruddejl at no ft optjj dnintiord on november 35th jim la a gradual of otorvatown ihjb sdwol another local boy haa joined thr ajrforcf ronald laatlmrr enlisted laat week he waa tenpaoyed at the uaa doavlen orowvnk a brother private oeorgv latimer la aervtng tn italy we were sorry to learn that pte uaioolm ormndford la on the aatk ujt tgfbln and la confined to hoapltal in oamp dorden with pnetamoola aco a corse brandford in training for a wlrvleam air ounner at man ning depot toronto waa home for the week end pte harvey allen home from overseas unexpectedly nu it ci ciioiikh monoy however he kenlner aid that jie home luseif uis u cutii ut he county belni clean warm and hixnelike he dealt with tlu- question ol riju- alirkiuon nusmiaweu had aguln announced he would not contest the mayorallty uils year and said it wus with regret thut he was withdrawing from muntcpal uffalni for the present after serving for 13 years fltlmli miey had lust pixthity ussess- ed u the amount ol tis0o which oii not be robutll and threatened ut put same in court if a ntnv ivualla- betore lioa ior lnc cotiu w1u iot promised tlu las umt tins lupienld it cost launchlns into hla business summary moyor olbbons stated i hlmll leave 1 75 this meeting with a fecllnu of friend ship and goodwill to take into private life favourable compmrleona uayor gibbons drew a few compari sons befaween the standdne of the town ten years ago when he first took of fice as mayor and the standing this year in 1033 the debenture debt stood at 000000 old loan in bank was smmft and unpaid taxes amounted to riajooo today the debenture debt stands at 7w with iooooo of that amount a direct oharea against the town and the balance consisting o the old waterworks extrusion mayor rjtbbons abated that the waterworks whan paid for will haw cost tfae town wojooa btul drawing the eompaii- aa he pointed out that today then ore no loons tn the bank end approxi mately only mow tn arrears of taxes in oottnebtson with the tax rate it la now levied at m mills on a total in court coat through his aunuest ing thut the rest of the muntclpullum absorb thu amount in equalized utt- tesament as now set uavjl the county expensive court ootn oeorgetowns share being only 340 yearly this was accepted by nassagaweya for the time being k h moedanald qualifies as reeve mr k r maodonald chairman of the streets and walks committee was absent from the meeting due to illness bat bad prepared a letterreport which he had asked mr brown to read i200 was the sum allotted for the core of streets and roads at the beginning of the year in addition to this a contractor had been secured this year for repairs to the watt and although his original contract was estimated at ttloo onot here nudmrous requests for repairs were received making a final total of 1480 spent for oonunutd on bsok page jantts young luritrj in erin cmttery at the private patient pavll- llon toronto oenernl hospital on saturday november 271 1043 jumes yourasr only son of the late james and agnes young late of erin township passed away he leaves to mourn his lovs thrrr sis- utv janet and faud in the home and annie mm d w moran of htrreu- ille out also iwo nephiiws uavld i oliver morim of uramptoi out und chief petty officer james william imoiuii ut the royal canadian nay idie iinientl wus held from the home hilllimml on monday novcinlxi ihtth private mlmre at 2 pin htt at ilallliiufad united ohurrli at 2 0 pin tlie seivlee was conductwl by iu mr j foreman of balllnafad avlscil by jriv mr m knvle of bunts prisliv- iilii chiuh liln of which de ceased was ii life ioiijj tuvinlmr tlie iiallbearers were messrs john mclean lames mrkerhnle jaimvt kirkuxwwl fnd cole duncan penruwm and i bandy mckay flower bearer tltonias molure and will mclean interment in erin cemetery pte kaney allen after serving overseok for thirtytwo months arrived home very unexpectedly last saturday afternoon hls wife the former bensle pollouneld of brampton had not heard from him since november ifllh and althoiuh he ha been confined to iropltal in tngland for the last couple of monttls had no idea he would be returning home tlie first intimation mie had ol the hajpy occurrence was when site received n long distance te lephone call from her luihband when he arrived in toronto saturday morn ing needless lo wiy it wius a happy family reunion when sle and their daughter bitrbara aced four ears and his father ttiomua allen rreeted him ills mojier dld uhlle he was over seas pte allen is a mentler of the ijome scouv aici prior to inln active with then in july into hnd ened with the militia 12 or 14 years he was on uard tluty in enulmd the tup orer was hue md they enfijed such luxuries as lurkis and strawheriles and le ciiiilil flue to such niuaiilatlons ius the red cms and canadian teuton pie allen will have 14 days leave at home before remrthu ltuk to the barracks two brothers are mill serving over seas pte hany of the 4rth llinh- landers und pte stanley with the tank slriial convs john ward n d kauy food ward m k v ujecoormack aocl hydro oouuuttuurfeu w i kentner factcl the voting for ward n wtu tolts plaoe at the realovnce of x hornby and for word hi at the uunletpal ocfloa all claims are uiwad to moke use of their franchise pte harvey allen 44 cases of chicken pox and 18 scarlet fever tito m o h presents the following report on oommunloaue diseases for the month of november ohlcken pox 44 editor follows canadian productn overheah rtoderiok stuart kennedy editor of the pumlly herald and weekly star is at present making on oxtended tour of the united kingdom during which he will prepare a series af articles on and will be exclusive to the pamlly herald and weekly star the first ar ticle dated merely at sea will ap pear in the issue of december 1st and will give an eycwttness aooount of the transatlantlo crossing of the convoy with which ur kennedy sailed these overseas articles will climax such vital timely subpects as how da- the efforts of the family herald to nodtan products are distributed and keep canadian farmers uptodate on used how british farmers havo ochlev- the panorama of world developments scarlet fever 18 ed their startling increase in home which offset their destinies both as ifmslea o production and how the boye in our canadians and as speeuhsed food german uessles o army and air force are feeling and producer living it will be seen therefore that now from whenever he happens to be in is a partlouurly appropriate time to england scotland or ireland ur ken- become a regular reader of this am- nedy will write on what ha sees hu tlonal farm journal during the yule- cerebroaplml ato il i articles which will run coniecuuvetr tide season special christmas rates epedemts o for tnro or three months will be itber- make it eoonomloal to do this and to tuberculosis o i ally illustrated by his own photographs give the family herald to friend infantile paralysis 0 typhoid fever s whooping cough l cemmaflcamaat draws capacity housa patrom jammed even live lobby of gregory theatre last thursday nlgbt to tee uie annual commencement of tue otorgtunm high school the prograat waa up to ita usual high standard and wokr well for the work being don at th school archdeacon w o o thompson ohalmvan ol the in school bsard ilao chairman for the evening the entertainment was vahed and ax- eeuervt including several vocal chorus numbers snd dances albert tost fa- oured with two baritone soioe than rere qusrtettea and double trio and duo piano duets by uolly hepburn and uargaret bradley between th acta of the three act play two bro thers miss thelma oappa at4mi of nrumpton music teacher at tha school led the choruses mas mildred d bason delivered tha valedictory add to play entitled two brother waa vary wen presented tha seen was sat in th horn of ur and ura greening london bngund the emat included mary lloyer mchard ortch- ton wullam kaoy roas fetch john fanner korab cleave baitjara fa- ram alnkd tost betty paul ernest peter the member of the school board were present and took part tn th presentation of diplomas and award as follows presentation of honour diplomas dr a mcallister uargaret c alexander walter f cook mildred d boson ralph j hansen william j long mary k paul presentation of scholarships ur o d dayloot form 1 r w robb shuuk kenneth r harrtain km in ii ic v williams shield doris hrowiirldth form hi ic b dayfoot shield mury c meclure form iv iw v oront shield rich ard r crlchton form v r d foulls shield mil dred d bason presentation of graduation dlplo masmr m h moyer doris u armstrong norah a cleave richard r crlchton wullam m kelly lois r nielsen michael deer joun p browne barbara param doris m uclellan beatrice drill m barbara oousens bernloe a hughes mary p moyer presentation of prises principal w carpenter form i bradley prue doreen uul- hollond n form n beaumont prlm brenda- roblnson form in canadian legion prise craig alexander form iv lobjs prise bernlo hughes form v lions club prise wiinam long presentation of totenneduvte oertifl- cateeor f r watson e booth r bum j diokta ic kelly j main j smith if clndaar p oousens p once u lorkpatrialr oontlnued on back page