Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 8, 1943, p. 7

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the gtorjttww herald wed dotetnbfer 8tfa 1945 j vmeuovst practical gifts will express genuine christmas spirit sentimentally and patriotically these suggestions can solve your problems for ladies and girls i lingerie sweaters scarfs ski sox dresses skirts parasols housecoats hose ski jackets gloves ski mitts handkerchiefs blouses footwear purses for men and boys gloves suspenders shirts windbreakers suppers sox handkerchiefs ski jackets scarfs belts caps sweaters bathrobes ties pullovers itr inmmn you can beat esprea your yuletide greetings in gift that are truly necettary brills dept store cor mb and main streets for friendly service georgetown tmmm to tlntisa of ttuse byrsns f ollowsd by us nfuur p cin uud in p tor lb d ratrtlsg of f hwreyms wossea to- sulut at un h mottoo on tbtts day lait la th ftmrm of th pf- uoeou ura w uuehtu 4e-prt- dest rcjwvro and eight ladlas attend ed th rou call was amend by na- tag aosnsrtun ralneral and u source ila uuchetl read local national and international current tnla bscofta of wij profitacjr uffl spent at th car of ctrnlwng eonlcreuc and short court in laodern dratmeklng were kkto dict cna t followed by far ther ttudy early to th new fmr our- rem mot war beard frem cosms- on of starvtlng mrnrnttitn ura c- uultf caw aplendld talk on to motto apd u luw att- ene u golden ura ucvey eoa tenor of th program tor us dseaav- ber mmuai read br topic csaoav- oun industrie resource and trod- ten dollar w donated to th obrtst- mat ow for british children md a food report was beard of th outsell area oonteatlon from th ura a olaby ura b wright named eocrrsnor of fubda or ber a lunani eootaat ennrtrgtsd y ura ucvey ni son by ura kirk- patrick- th mealing cloud with th national anthaa an eojoyaal evening of card and dancing via epenl at ifrrahfiaa athool on tuesdsy evening ho i 10th when la library nommma wrs tn chtn ur h uchowetl and ura it idler bald hathaa aoara and foninlatlnn prtau vent to ur jama lucliiac and ura r braare fotlow- 2 tn eoffe and aandwkhea ur j w nicku vtollnlit ur jo tarrwim floor msnagrr eetertalnad into the ae ana houra ft norman ucdnrtild ha fesan home on a fear dan iseve quit a auecroful baaaar via held by the olrla iroaout club at the horn of h nbrton on saturday leomneo baking vesrtabaes and articles aultable or ttu wer offered for aale afternoon tea was alao aerv- s ed m ura w i newton of narrle apent m the week end with the kewtoaa j ur and ura thomai uerrtneld of 7j uarkdalr or i vtiked ur and ura harold v boott and ton on sunday w ura a w norton rutted in toron- to lau week j f hushes cleaver guest speaker at wardens banquet t rfbt buo ii10usand3 t mm tad wamca la unlfsmi will be iclrphoning homa ihu hrittmm thu mttnt a huga dcllilonal loaj on long dtauka farllitlf specially ioa luut line already busy carrylag cucallal war rail so afdia oil yaar ua urgw you to ttmd your chrittmum gritimg by mail you ran help the pol tmlim peoplr too by arranging to tend tbcmcauly should thrre be an outoftown rail you nuit malir plraae telephone m many dayt before chriatmaa poa- aililr in lliu way ou wilt help u to i iiint in irtitnplly tlir fluwil of raker huliilay irrrlingit which will pour in fruni military ramp all mr tin rutin try thank u gritf ufatfs mfotofc aiioiiimimiiioiiipiimiieiiiaiiiifiiieiiimiiiwiiioiiioiiiiiai ma christmas fowl wan i ed for chriatmaa poultry thia aaaaon we will pay ihe following piriceai grade a special milkfed chickena per lb 34c grade a milkfed chickena per lb 32c turkeys grade a special per lb 38c lait day tor receiving poultry monday december 20th acton creamery c anderson main st acton phone ib continued from puftr l iuatrrlal we required for the war and only what was left ur our om needft this of counr meant control- und rationing so thai each would yet hut just anore what a peck of iroubu- e have had u a rrwill uany ml- laiua have been nude but loojrtnu ot the whole picture we mint admit uiat thia country has made a good war effort and we muot ajj admit uiat no one tux really been tn want we hae been denied luxurtea but rerxjne hua had the euentiau- aa a mull of thu fttir planning and our voluntary slf denlala canada war effort haa been ueacrtbed by churclilli bj- rooeeit and others aa aecond to none aa a result of our unpopular war policies this country will enter the postwar period with all of the neceo- rary r act on to insure a period after the war more proaperloua than we have yet enjoyed oir incrcoaed production acuities will permit us to have a atandard of llvlna at least ojouble what we today enoy now i would lllce to outline to vou the aiunver which we auouest to our postwar problem as i outlined then a few minutes ago 1- the men and wamen in the arm ed force we have nuvcd letflsla uon to insure that their joba will be wultlnu for them uhen they rrmrn i we have passed u new land hcttlc- 1 ment achetne any member of the armed forces who wtslios u lurm will be net up on a farm tviuipptil wih nniilemenu and foundation htocfc provlalon has been matlt for those who want vocational trulntik wt- luive overhauled the pcnmons act und while in home lilstunceb u wv not gone as fur as 1 felt ue should have i do say that wc have u jmnslons act jvhleh pruvldeh lor iwuhioils much niurc u be raj than tliose paid in tiivit i britain and australia and qulu as i ample ub pennlonh uld in the uu z the one million workers in war indtulriea peacetime job must bo found for all of these in my opinion the first requisite is to immediately re move all of the ncedlefut restrict i on a on induhtr bvery kassfble encoutr- agement must be fftven to mecd up the postponed demands of our people taxea can be stibstantlully reduced and this will help private initiative will not be enough and the govern ment has given an aaauratioe that it will enter the field to talte up what ever slack is left in employment we have planned for this not only has the ewenunent postponed the doing of neoeasmry ooniteufruon wjortc but we have asked ttw phyvlnclal ficovem- mente as well as tmrnloapahties to postpone all wortc which oould wait ect thia u not all spent where the houe l built but if you include the labor required lo produce the lumber the brick the plunvmng hardware etc for houavetaulidlna the total labor content troche aor q the total cost in launching a hoaang scheme care must be taken to do nothing which will depredute the alue of existing homes but a wise programme giving tax reduction on building materials temporary exemptions from taxation and money at low interest rates with monthly repoymenu similar to the national houtfrut act which was succesaful prior to the wur will pro vide employment for thousands of teople and will provide the much i needed homes buch a scheme will a lie yield between thtrty and forty million dollars of new municipal re venue to finance the debenture pay- mentn fur new sldewauta seuvrs u- tcnnalns and povemcnu uhlch will be needed to service the new home ti tum it all up the unrmcr to this problem is that prolltable jobs can mid nuiit be found or all who re quire work 3 then coming to our agricultural problem in my opinion this 1 one ol he toughest n wo will have to crack and u title rowrumcnt millc has nit ct been un mm need i belle vt i that moor prlfr- must be knurantctit to our turnur with rspeci to the uhh i which caiudlnni consunu which utlt yiiui the cot of production pais it lull irolt fhd or txport u another matter much of our surplus in tht imimdlate posiuu cais must be i uuni to ncrtly nations but uils is not a ihniuuieiit policy as ur us 1 iteritiuiient hi1i- is conrtinrd with irspix to mil suiiiliis fiiijh i thinlc i t must be prciiurtxl lo sell this in t lit- world market price kiery ias- slbli- tisslstaiice must be tuen our farimrs scltntlllc and otherwlhe to increase their rlllclency but i do not approve ol a mllty o suufildles tor ixiwrt llvlnit conditions un the fanns can be improved and prour credit facilities must be made avail able 4 and now coming to our final problem which arc nc rally spcnkiiib can be rolled tow et her under one hetidine that of mclal nerurlty pull employ ment which f have already discussed is of course the first essential but there will still be those who on ac count of old age sickness or unem ployment are unable to earn ft hvlruj these people must be provided for and this country is sumclently pro ductive to guarantee them a decent irving- we hve passed an urvemploy ment insurance tneaaure and now ore studying a public health bill and balunafad tbc bacramcot of th lord supprf ui admuilaured tn th church bun- day morning tn srrvlc waa vary tm- lrruur nlnr uf u youna proplr having rrcrntly otnd th church a gonuaunlon table prramtad to tni ctiurdi by ura w wury tn remetn- branc of her departed husband was dedicated for uar in th work of th nfiuur tlie wjlib meeting ra held wednesday afternoon nov 3uh at the home ol urm jaa klraood lb tuple from th brit chapter ot new study book waa ably taken by lira stanley ainclalr the tuneral of the late jaa youna aaa laisely attended morally alter- noon much ayinpathy la extended to the bereaved family ur rogeri of the danforth united church toronto gave a very helpful and inspiring addreai on th work of home mualona the white cult service will be in the church sunday am dec mb- the bllu to be tent to all peoplei ulahon hamilton cju or thanwji urm harry prraswood wtihe to ex- preaa her uneere thanlu u frtenda r- lauve and neighbour for aympathy extended and for the many beautiful card and floral tribute on th ooca- ilon of the death of her mother ura albert wulla u e brampton a tire which mlaht have wiped out the buildintrs at huttonville amuse ment park wan narrowly averted by the quick action of albert kennedy a 12yearold huttonville youth who discovering the ire in one of the cot- tiurcs ititve the alarm four toronto youths were urreated 10 miles north ol drum pt en ia1 sat- urduy by provincial jiollce after a bi h t hunt durliik which four shots uere llrel a nominal cliarue of n- rranty was laid gainst the four tht were arreste pistol jwlnt by ooni slulde p irnil of bolton and k atu brampton uoim ithitve smith who was mar ried last june to joan stratton tluikhter ol mr and mrs oordon btnitton bran fit ton 1h reported to have been killed in enstnnd archbuhop d t crvcn anellcan primate of canada officiated in the xi c red rite of confirmation held in the no 24 brampton basic training camp on wednesday evening twen ty soldier candidates were presented to hla anicc oanctte and conserva tor dance modern and old tyme modern aires orchestra georgetown arena fridee10 900 pm sponsored by local 626 united electrical radio and machine worker everyone welcome admission 40 centa swli rlkro mts lleve we should one again assert ttw fact that it is the inalienable right of everyone to work hard and to en- joy the fruits of his labour our en joyment of the good things of life should only be restricted by our wlll- ingness to work we should use all of our present produdoon facuttlea and we should use the same energy and efflelenoy to secure tor our people in the postwar period the ttaajhsts possible standard or uvinff as we have used to win the war treasurers sale el land for taxes township of esquesing county of hilton to wit by virtue ot a warrant issued by the reeve of the township of qques- tng bearing date the 13th daw ot oo- tober ims a sale ot lands in arrears of taxes in the township of esaues- ing will be held at the council chamber in the village of stewart- town at the hour of ten oclock la the forenoon on the 10th day of feb ruary ims unless the taxes snd costs are sooner psld notkjb ib herbbv oivhh that the list of isnds for sals to arrears of taxes has bean prenemd that ospiat of the ssldust msy be bad at my office that the list of all lands for sale for arrears of taxes to leant puhusned in the ontario oaastte on saturday november 9th ims and that unless the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid i wmnrosssd to sell the said lands on she day and at the ptaee abow menuoned tressurers omoe this ttsh day of ootober imt atawnrb o in uhbauy tssjattusr

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