Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1944, p. 2

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the gcprgetowii herald we ja 26th 1944 improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson harold iv unitbtsnarra d of ilia moody lsxnsutute o chloaxc rslssssd tqr wsstarn nswspapsr union lesson for january 30 subjscts snd scripture texts i jesus uses his power to help lesson textjtfarfc htl 8 1m3 ooiden text why miw r ko fearful slow la it that t bvsns fllli3fsrk 4 m help that is what man needs and nothing but the power of christ will suffice to meet bisfeara and sor rows christ appeals in mark as nqt only the matchless teacher of the parables we have just studied but the mighty worker this is the gospel in which christ is presented as the servant of je- hovan who came to use his infinite grace and power for our deliverance two great fears gnaw at the vitals of man s existence life is full of awful dangers and death is so dreadfully final and sorrowful he is afraid to live and afraid to die apart from his faith in jesus christ we find the answer to both these fears as we here see jesus power overcomes i fear of lifes dangers mark 4 3541 the long day of teaching had end ed v 35 and the disciples car ried out his request that they go to the other side of the laketo rest just as he was they departed and union church has successful year th annual meeting of unlon pres byterian church was held on january 10th in the basement ot the churcn with a splendid attendance of mem foers before the business session began a congregational chicken supper provid ed by the women s association of the church was enjoyed rev j l sell minister was chair man for the meeting and gave the r port of session mrs leslie young was appointed secretary if or the evening the- reports of the various organla lions were given as fololws y p 3 mrs arthur mckane wa mrs clar ence anderson vfuls mrs laverne thompson all departments showed substantial credit balance this year otfing to the lateness of the hour it was decided to hold a separate meet ing for the sunday school report the following wednesday evening the missions report was given by mr georgn leslie in thi election or officers lor hie comliu ear mr p l thompson was r elected treasurer and mr leslie young re elected secretary three new managers were appointed messrs bui i oung albert dolson praser macdonald a motion as made to replace the i prestnt furnace when materials for doing so become available again a hearty vote of thanks was tendered mijs nora lyons for her faithful work as organist tne meethisr uosed with the bene diction at the sunday school meeting the following wednesday night at the terracotta we arejjleased to learn that mrs j saves who has been confined to her room with pneumonia is now improving rapidly and her many friends her hope won to hear of her complete re covery we are also pleased to learn that mrs w f hunter and family are now able to be around again as usual after their illness mrs fusaco spent the week end with toronto friends pfe george stringer who went ovt eeas some time ago has arrived home again he looks fine and has some tall stories to relate about merry ola england word was recehed here recently of the sudden passing of james stringer of dean lake algoma he passes away on christmas morning deceas vos an uncle of john gordon suln ger of this place and we all join in extending our slncerest sympathy o the bereaved friends in lhelr sad loss wonderful weather for january we are pleased to learn that our sunday school is still going strong un der the able supervision of miss pearl kennedy georgetown we all join wishing her continued success in the good work here the herald regrets the erroi thut ropt into the terra cotta news bud get lost week and oilers its apologies brfore long the urd jub was hom and mr f l thompson w sl2s se- ff z know how we fee when we are clklcd superintendent andrew mc tired donala asst supt george h leslie as he slept a sudden storm com secretary f l thompson treasurer mon on the lake of galilee brought mss geo lesue pianist ethel deathly fear to the hearts of his asst planet mrs leonard smith disciples for the moment they saw cradle roll supt mrs a mcdonald only the angry waves the smallness primary class gertrude watson of their boat and the hopelessness of ass t mrs lloyd crlchton senior nil ir situation ss had fftb forgotten jesua with him in the bovj they had no reason fear they called on him and in his majestic and authoritative peace be still the wind and waves recognized their masters voice should we not learn that in this day of fears and alarms we may if we are christians count on his presence and his power if we look at the overwhelming waves of cir cumstances and think how frail we are surely our hearts shall fail us for fear but if christ is with us we are in no danger a now they were struck with awe at hi power sometimes the de liverances wrought by our lord so reveal his presence and power that his followers are more deeply moved than they were by the perils which threatened whether mas tering the storm or standmg unseen in our midst today he apptars to the eye of faith clothed in divine tn ergy and power erdman ii pear of death b deep sorrow 5 3543 trouble is a visitor in every home it does not matter how securely that home may be founded upon wealth or social position frequently death chooses a shining mark in taking a dearly beloved child children strike their roots deep into our hearts and when they are torn from us our whole beings are rent and convulsed such was the great storm of sorrow which had come updh the home of vjjfflitus leading him to make the brave step of faith and hope which brought him to jesus then as jesus turned to go with jairus a woman touched him he stopped to seek her out ond com mend her for her faith the seem ing delay must have greatly troubled jairus particularly when the scr vants came and informed him thit he need no longer trouble the master since his daughter was dead not infrequently we have similar exp nences where it seems that while god has promised to help us he has been turned aside and has forgotten us the psalmist in psalm 42 3 enex out my tears have been my meat day and night while they continually say unto me where is thy god our lord was not troubled at all by the message of the servants of jairus but he showed his thought jut consideration of the father by i reassuring him with the woa fear not only believe everywhere fear blocks the way of human peace and progress di vine wisdom offers a remedy for it all only believe we excuse our lack of faith by the conditions which con front us tut none of us ace condi tions worse than those which con fronted jairus his daughter was dead and he was told to believe he obeyed and his faith wag rewarded when he said the child is not dead but sleepeth our lord did not mean that actual death had not taken place but he meant that in the sight of god death is like a sleep in the eyes of christ spiritual death was undoubtedly far more terrible than physical death a man may be physically ajiveand yet being- spir ltually dead be worse off than a man who though physically dead is spiritually alive after putting forth the mourning scorneta be lord performed a miracle by stoipiy speaking to the child nd wftdf little girl arise ere than la the lord who can eftrimm enrary fear in both we and is4tv jta he do the one we ddftfnkml boys class mrs jack macdonald asst eleanor macdonald a begin ners class from the crattte roll up wil begin easter sunday with ethel lts lie and emma rutledge eeachtrs brampton john hooper reeve of toronto gore wa eleced to the hih office of war dm of peel county council at their opening session on tuesdaj afternoon a former pupil of mchugh public school has now won for herself a high place in the ranks of the profession al figure skaters on this continent she is diane woods daughter of jimes w woods who resided on guist some years ago mr woods was a former employee of the copeland chitterson ltd alterations arc ow proceeding a the property recently taken over by mr wally large on main st north carpenters are busy and mr large ex pects to move in in the near future dr o t walker was elected as chair an of the brampton board of edu cation at their inaugural meeting last night gazette and conservator stewarttown ashgrove the january meeting of the ash- grove women a institute took the form of a quilting held at the home or mrs george nurse last tuesday during che afternoon 3 quilts were completed after a short business session conduct ed by the president mrs r hepburn lunch was served by the refreshment committee mr bert beers brother of mrs geo nurse sanford manitoba has been visiting friends and relatives in this community for the past week mr and mrs fred nure of erin were welcome visitors al church last bun day ah hope turns ashes by l a cunningham mcclure syndicate wnu service milton r waller lanuess has been pro moted from factory manager to super intendent of the merrickvule eng co fyltnds and neighbors from ihe uttn fachool district honored lr and mrs alex wilson recent bride and groom at a gathering in the school when the building was filled to c pacit last ew rung toronto telegram carried a hur from italy telling of the heroikm of a small comnny of the saskatoon light trtrnntrj who went to the rescue of the 48th highlanders which had been cut all by the oer mans among tht list of heroes who went to the old of the 48th are men tloned two men from this dlstrlctt james wallace and karl frank both of n assagaweya a rehabilitation committee is to be formed in mllu n for discharged pel sonnel of the armed services a jep- rtsontauhe was requested from the wonrfcii s institutes the manufactur ers and the business meji s assocla tloh also two members from the can adian legion and two members of tht council champion at the special school meeting c ill i last week mr boss thompson wus lee ted as trustee in place of norman devereaur retired t4ic annual vestry nupiiuii of t john s church was hold in the church tuesday evening rev s r colebrook residhiij the minutes of the li meeting were read by mrs c g eng lili vestry clerk mr colebrook- re xirtcd 4 baptisms 1 wedding 1 tun ral a suicht decrease in church at tendance which was accounted for oy the removal of families and men go ing overseas mr j sanford people warden reported a good ear llnar ciilly all apportionments and obll lira lions were met and a balance in all depirtments report of the s ind ly ihowed increase in attendance and offerings with a balance on hand part of which was invested in a vic ur bond reports of the w a junior wa nd little helpers were given all obligations met by the w a with a bilance on hand membership increase in the juniors membership and offering increase in the little helpers mr colebrook thanked all those who had contributed to the limehouse georgetown the hooked miller the wns lnereas nor mcdonald of ibeld the winning ticket oi donalcd bj mrs fe limine use wi war find td bj ovu 17 in he r itri millcc ind mr huflust scon r the lmc of mr and mrs w mitchell friday evening fight tables i lned ind proceeds were lor th local brni rli of the wi we extend sympathy to mrs w mlluerc who received a cable on sun jti idm ing her f the death of her sister mrs goring at london eng mrs ii norton is out again follow ing an attack of pleurisy mr and mrs a w lane and daugh ters of toronto visited his mother on sunday mrs w i newton of barrle spent the week end with the newton s mrs j r g sutherland spent fow hours with mr and mrs a w benton on saturday mrs w g marshal of georgetown and mr and mrs a fi taylor oi church during the year in time talwtjblpjcy clllpd mrs f benton or money mr john bird was reelect ed as rectors warden mr j sanforj people warden mr c g english lay delegate to synod env elopes w ere gi en out on sun any in the church for the reller of the indian and chinese people the wa meeting was held at mrs hunts home last week it was a sewing meeting r g appetbe was taken quite sick last friday we arcglad to know he is somewhat better and still improving jiev griffin thompson of ttamnt who is staying with bis sister sen w i jjqbsfton in georgetown was a welcome vteftor at cfeunsh bobff teraoon mr timmpssn attaaded this py standing on tiptoe and clutching the window sill caleb garton could look into the big un tidy room where brian girard wrote his novels it was deepening dusk but the afterglow of the sunset through the windows showed caleb the typewriter the papers and books scattered op the table and floor the great pile of manuscript in the wire basket that represented girard s work for the last year or more dust of the temple was the name of it pleasant fellow brian girard if he had been patronizing caleb would have liked it better he hated girard hated his success his competence caleb had said i ve written a book myself spent five yeats at it have you now i girard had finished the page he was typing and turned to stare at caleb no luck about having it published none said caleb tried it ev erywhere his face was sullen his eyes hard too much work and study and sense in it i guess deals with a great shipbuilding and lum bering family sort of a dynasty in the early days of new england sounds good let s have a look at it sometime girard had said with interest but caleb knew he wouldn t even read- the battered script when he got it the novel had been the rounds so often that the single car bon copy was better than the ongi nal think of the months the years of hard driving work he had put into his book and this easy going laughing fellow could knock off a novel in a few months sell it to a magazine a book publisher the movies make a fortune on it the dusk deepened objects in the room grew shapeless girard hadn t been much interested in his neighbors the gartons who lived in the little cabin a mile up the beach not until he d seen lenme caleb hadn t realized just what good friends girard and lennie were until day before yesterday whe n from behind a sandhill he had watched them talking so inti malely so eagerly and then len nie had thrown her arms about brian girard s neck and kissed him that was why caleb s eyes were darkly narrow now why he stared into that room with something starkly hateful in ais pinched face caleb hadn t said anything to len nie i m going fishing for a day or so he had told her and walked off she didn t mind she never did complain even though the in come caleb derived from book n viewing hardly gave them enough live on she was fed up no doubt maybe she was planning to get clear of him to marry girard caleb smelled smoke he looked wn the discarded stub of his eigirette had set fire to the dry gnss around the beach cabin already there was a merry little blaze caleb stared it it like a death s head ho could hear girard saying i think dust of the temple will go like wildfire sure it will thought cileb turn ing away- nothing in the world to stop it caleb uughcd he seen girard driving up the towards leufield a farman with him in the big open car caleb strolling away looked back every once in a while watching the flames shoot higher and higher until there was a pill ir of fire ind smoke reaching up to the earh stars the high dunes all but hid it before hi re ichtd his own cnbn it watt i a ill likely that lennu would hive notictd it he saw her sitting under the green shidcd lamp wlun he valked up on the venndi she vas reading i letter she looked up when u entered tinn nn to him ind lung her irm iboul him md k ssid i is 1 j s oh i m so llid jou e come c 1 1 c ncvs f r iu grind ncus get to it tie said fr ln him j self from her arms i i isked mr guard to noi i he d d nd pi mi his publ shcr i r id it list r was ismii l him c il h st rid it i er n wi 1 d i k ssed him cil go on caleb s voice w h irsh ou kjl li c p f the nover b th ct pies 1 gave him both worn jou ad road carrolls special pure lard maple leaf swiff or fcannani c w mum am right to limit quantities of al merchandise newport fluffs pk 25 39 for cookings mexican pecans it- z9c for etimvsa pecans rk 45c aylmer grape jam 32j30c aylmer dehydimted beans x 19c groves maple syrup 32 bti 60c keuoggs brmn flakes i pk 16c urspenuls flakes zpi7c chicken haddie u super suds x 20c palmolive lie coffee k muffets cornmeal s 47c 17c lemon ouke 15 dog food champion dehydrated mis ttli hoi wi iq size 220 navel oranges size 252 navel oranges size 300 lemons madntosh apples phone 357 georgetown golden harvest feeds results prove xu e quality scratch grain contains corn k j brown georgetown telephone 48 r 2 r id m d to u t h i u i i badl faunday the tlrt oi a series of classes care of clothing and scnlng was held at the home of mrs klrkpatrlck on mondav evening led by mrs ellerby the ladles cil the community are in j aitcd to attend these classes several local lads overseas have nek n owl edged recei o the christmas porccls sent them by umehouse wi mr and mrs a- w benton and sons called on her uncle mr thos mc bjwen at nassagaweya on sunday miss 31dys hall of ouelph visited mr ball and tie gordon during the wmfc mid and un 8 obav and vr d mwm visited ftfend at book- wxtod on sunday was caleb s mouth i ung open then were only two copies of his boi k in tlje whore world and she this note just come an hour ago from-mr- girard she continued i lerly listm cnlih mr hut tot is wild about culiu s noel al jlcpi turns ashes hell publ i it and pay a substant al dd i h wants a few chunges e i taking my story dust of the ti n pic up to the city tonight 1 vc kit liicb s novel in the wire lnskct n ny desk with a momor ind i ibo n he durations shi looked up from the letter and icr eyes flew wide it tl i s gut oi calebs gray face that had bicornc so sv iflly old and lined and hat tard caleb what tn god s nattt is it don t caleb don tl he had started to laugh he kept on laughing he couldn t stop it she had never heard such laughter it sounded like something out of hell bjb zsmcba m m m m mnisrqra for sale stucto house in georgetown 7 rooms bath and furnace and part hardwood close to public school and high school hydro heavy wiring low taxes pos session at once reduced to 3200 1200 require balance on mortgage stucco house in georgetown v storey 6 rooms water inside good cellar two blocks to public school and church reduced to 1 500 taxes 46 00 closing estate a acres georgetown fruit low taxes frame house 8 rooms with hydro cellar and furnace 4car garage has possibilities price 3 000 frame house main st north 6 rooms water m side good cellar 1 vl storeys reduced to 2300 800 cash balance mortgage contact t hewson w1lloughby representative phone 332 georgetojraj cikin rbvai i general or bernard montgomery has paid canadian xoops an of ttte highest compliments spealqb of the sicilian campaign he said yba han dled yoursefvea according to the best and highest standards of ans- aaay tn this terr short model uttt campalm a has men said thst tt a great honor ft theaqbntfsm sl tn the llil abv bat 1 1 it a treat 1 to hen the c askr

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