Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1944, p. 4

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the georgetown hewjd wednesday jan 26th 1944 wnxiam ulflhbboox dob nc4oyed sheet twenty yean eejo with lbs letew a anthony in fcls ttosmwhtngand pfniwmng tmstnest william robert lhumak died in toronto general hospital monday january 17tn after a ions illness of late years mr laabbrook conducted nil own plumuns and heating business in acton he is survived by his- widow union k lasbbrook one daughter lbs a h derreu crena and a son howard p lasbbrook of stratford notice to cmdctohs in the estate at james yotno lau of the township of eooueeins in the county of halton gentleman de- atf persons having claims against tbe estate of james young latje of tbe township of bequeeing gentleman deceased who died on or about the 37th day of november 1043 at tbe city t toronto are required to send to tbe undersigned executor or lte solicitor on or before the 19th day of february 1944 full t particulars of their claims and any securities they may hold there and take notice that after the 30th day of february 1944 the said executor will proceed to distribute the said estate having regard to tbe claims of which it shall then have notice dated at georgetown thla 11th day of january 1944 kenneth m langdon georgetown ontario solicitor for the capital tre7st corporation sfiiifca executor more about your eyes tired eyes are a menace to health keep your vision clear and comfortable and your out- took on life will be brighter for you cannot enjoy perfect health with your vision impaired so take care of your eyes faave them examined periodically be sure of their condition for expert eye service and newest style in glasses consult consult ot walker ro eyesight specialist who will be at his office over the bell telephone co main st georgetown the second wednes day of each month or you may consult o t walker at bis of fice in brampton telephone georgetown wl brampton 599 legion notes phone 161 corner main guelph streets scotts garage international w international sales and service shell products comma itom kum of toronto ufa member of the ravel black watah root was guert of comrade harold atahord last week end tbe bulletin board at tbe legion is overflowing with letters and cards from men in tbe services aoknowledg- ins the gins of branch 130 during the christmas holidays- cards and letters are from every part of canada as well as from overseas keep up the good work comrades sgt major rrank curly fxaser the canadian red cross spent the week end with mr and mrs t grieve before returning to england he was accompanied by his brotherinlaw lt georgjb walton of the 80th veter an guard they both paid a abort visit with comrade and mrs william roney apologies are in order to comrade fred yates for the incident that hap pened last week fred la the legions popular pianist and as such was in vited to play at a gathering and arm ed with music ready to do a good job imagine his surprise when arriving at the home and discovering that no piano was to be seen sorry fred comrade thos allen popular mem ber of this branch celebrated his 69th birthday tuesday last for the ocas- slon over fifty friends gathered at his home on the mill road and spent a very happy evening pappy allen was the recipient of useful gifts from his many friends and the legion was well represented at the gathering music was supplied during the even ing by comrades dick mitchell and jim nick ell of limehouse with joe scott as floor manager pappy is one of the oldest members of branch three sons are now wearing the kings uniform namely harry stan ley andharvey all have had from 3 to 3 years service both in canada and overseas comrade allen thanked all his friends for remembering his anni versary mrs harvey allen assisted by miss lena botey served a delicious lunch comrades it is now over two mon ths since we met at a general meeting very important items are on the car pet for the next meeting tomorrow thursday night why not make a real effort and turn out we guaran tee meeting will get underway at 8 30 pm sharp and president mccarl ney informs us that nothing will drag along so make lt your duty to attend ind arrange to bring along another comrade with you it is indeed very discouraging to your officers to sit in at a meeting to flmh5 members out of a total of over 100 and carry on the duties of office in a propr manner the meeting is held in your interests and mine for the welfare of returned ind the ideal place to discuss any new projects for the benefit or all comrades so v ill see you all to mor row night maybe i m whong looking omt the ncftspiwr filet 1 discovered an issue of 1013 with photcr- graphs of willoufjiby s licr btablcs on mill street now the home of bnneh u0 cunadl in legion what a changi in some twentj odd j irs looking at trie photograph of bje gone days i cannot let this opportunity ko by vjlhoii i word of appreciation to those old members who liavc tolled night and day to mike the legion hall what lt is today the labor of rt- lit- ting this old stable into a truly fine liaji meant hard work on the part of a large number of comrades who by tin way are still attached to branch 120 th se were the dis whin true com ride ship iisd ui ist witl tlit luji u e dance v al watsons orchestra modern and old tyme georgetown arena friday jan 28 u 900 p m lucky draw pf by- local united fluliliirt kaav sa 1 and all i ir on ome they could io haw rades there is only one way to con duct a business or organisation and that is the straight line no in be- bweens jhere is tbe right way and the wrong way elections are not far away and to day is the time to look over your pro- seouve candidates and pick out the members for office whom you think would occupy the position of officers of this branch let byeeonea be byegones what has happened in the past cannot be remedied so if you have an axe to grind tbe tune is almost here to elect officers who will do away with pos sibly some of your grievances be a faithful comrade by attending the meeting voicing youflpprovai or dis approval when questions are brought to the floor stop criticising and work in the interest of your branch another question the question of the jmperiabj is not understood as it should be this section called imperials is approved by the dominion command and works in the interests of the imperials who are affiliated to the legion the chair man of the imperials is on the le gion executive so should the pre sident of the legion be on the cxecu tive of the imperials in that way undue criticism would be banished veterans of this war today more than ever ourhbranch should with open arms welporne our fighting boys now returning to can ads and see that they are approached to join the legion on their arrival a great problem faces these men return ing they are veterans of this war and no doubt if they are numerous enough will form some organization of their own today you can read in the dally press advertisements inviting the re- turn men of today to get in touch with some new organization of their own this should not be so the le gion has room to welcome and ac cept these men and work in their interests anotpess on to them the know ledge we already have to offer the writer having been elected last year to the position of publicity and transportation in the above remarks has expressed his own feelings and has no reflections on the present offl cers or those in charge of any legion affairs the iuea of this letter is to try and create some interest to lho welfare of georgetown legion mem- bcrs who in the past have neglected their duties to the organization to which thc belong so comrades i have expressed my own fetlmgs and maybe itn wrong comrade j boley ration and pricl control tlulstions am answfcr rpunl qii lions asked the wartime prices and trade boird thls week in answered below iy thi central ontario consumer branch committee q i have been g hub lo the saint beauty parlor in hamilton since july im a few months agt lhe oi i ni w m1na411 and he rnised the prict for shampoo ind llnxor wine from k to 7sc is uitn tu telling pri to owe this a dfllniulj ts liilrdrtsstrs must not raise rhdr prices aixne tbe prices charted b tlw m for liu sami nltes duniik ti dumc per lot s p umber iith lo october 11th l941 q i bu verj little butter md use 1 lr w ci ixll m utocpt ilwavs i r o it the mused toiipoiis and h tps hum sho ild hi do this n h ild i sh villi i tx brouii n f imi om o tin uiiusxki coupons which ire r did fnm vour r i lion bo k present it o y mr cro cr i i purrllihr tin wn ni f v i i r i to charge farmers will hie to toronto many conventions to be held in queen city in month of february during the month of february tbe cit of toronto jvill be the mecca for thousands of farmerstrorfl all over the province throughout the mouth the majority of the agricultural as sociations and societies will be hold ing their annual meetings and conven tions ana with serious problems of 4rt3me production confronting the whole agricultural industry these sesalonsare expected to be of more than usual interest in addition to the meetings and conventions tbe on tario department- of agriculture is to conduct exhibitions of laboursaving devices for the farms at the royal york hotel from february 1 to 5 and at the king edward hotel from fvab- ruary 7 to 11 the ontario crop im provement association is to hold a seed display from february 7 to 11 the list of meetings and their dates scheduled for february is as follows ontario vegetable growers associa uon annual meeting february 2 ontario ruit and vegetable grow ers association jomt convention feb ruaiy j ontario fruit growers association annual meeting february 4 ontario plowmen s association an nual meeting february 8 ontario crop improvement associa tion potato growers special meeting february 7 business meeting febru ary 8 annual meeting february fl class 3 fairs association annual meeting february 9 ontario association of agricultural societies annual contention february 10 and 11 ontario horticultural association annual convention february 24 and 25 details of the programmes for these meetings u conventions are now be ing arranged and will be made avail able to members in the near future heirloom discovered in georgetown by jb willie your rambling reporter called on friends last week he was astonish- mrs ralph ross president of lofal council df worn do to remember this foemt some thirty yean ago tbe following poem- inwhlcb a numbarofaahgtove citizens were mentioned was publlsb- ei in the oeorgelbwn herald of the fourteen persons mentioned hi the poem twelve are still living the poem has been handed to us oy a re sident of the ashgrove district for reprinting a3horove f this is the easy time of year when days are stormy cold and drear but as our boys are true and brave i u try and tell you how they behave ill start away up the 7th une a finer road you could not and to tell of each good boy in turn and try and cause no one to yearn well then start in with mr r j at home on sundays he will not stay away down east he loves to bound for there good company he has found then next in line is our soldier boy tlie finest figure in the land he holds the rank of captain now and the country is safe when in his hand we also have our bury a who when he likes is a comic jay as for water pants the hare he makes lor toronto when hes got the fare our tommy went up to tne college to brighten up his stock of knowledge also to find out just what breed would be the most prontaole for him to feed whose father has for him no fear next in turn is arthur dear with a good shot gun and silver moon you ought to see him shake a coon eddie has got to be a man of fame institute secretary is his new name he keeps the books and tickets and all and says apples should be picked in the fail we could not think of missing sam who is a genteel ladys man with his now outfit he cuts a dash ed to be handed a very old book to looki common folk just look llke over this volume printed 268 years ago is an exposition of the creed by lord bishop of chest r and print ed bj john williams ai the crown in crofs kes court m liu t britiin and dated june 1676 111 is olumo is in excellent preser vation and contains the exposition or tlie creed in five different languages what wis- found to bf original was wlun rcidint th enilkh w rsion vou would run ncn ss hebrew latin fng lish mid o her hntrtiageb ill mwed up together tnrounhoiit the parir ih were found diftrem marks that referred to ckplanition that could be found on the npht and hide of each piee in all fhc li ninnies fer list word on the pikt s wen hie first words appearing on the top of the follouing pages ttlikh in one wn rimed to continue reiding wihoit n br ik in the pira rnphs o ill pa s wo ds win spelled in a in inner ou could c islh rnd but stmrwhit diffinnt from i ir present fnglkh linfninc prominent no ticed was- some sort of letter f or is los i nn f but re id is m our cunosl w is in used so for the n nt tit ol th if ulirs nf the hcnld our reporter copied part ol on ptjf polling imi i business mun is a business man he goes to georgetown when he can a niceyounk indj 111 not tell her name m might get married just the same and now we come to peter a d as nifty a gent as you d wish to see he quite agrees with carry nation and likes the style of nonal station last but not least is dr b the king of horsemen sure is he now when jou meet him he alwajs smiles forii sold his grnjs to mr miles m erscs hoie now come to an end tlie object has not been to offend ii le f in just now and then is rtlished bj the wisest men phil mcqtie tin volu it f ulj the slum in uhir is i uunt 1 tof ui monks i nn i pj i n recognition of their ikn iillifulntss to ui about our officers ypn c nindcs of bi inch 120 ck 111 lor veiltlt contr lie s lemnrtd mm t wrliun t i i im irf s n nut s ami iddrt sm s purch is r uu ttims price pild ni tliiu out f lh sellir of ihe salt til hielr its inakt nually ltct your oolers to conduct the mo id inr ind serial number iffalrscr he legion what support do q i am jelurning i poc of ni you kuc is i memwr do jou it rition book there were two pac tend the meetings regularly or do of butter coupons nos 43 to 57 50c mmmmmmm ou just sit bick and rrluci most ecnihint that is done ljisie id r ajiitssit tur fnnk pinions it thr meeting u ind i have elettid our officers wlij hm endeuourpd to do their ji to tin best if heir itbililj if jou h e fo md that othi r members woild bt more cipable of tiklng over office it s vuiir d it wlitn flection lime in nominate and ippolnt thosi whom jou figure would do their tit most in i he interest of uie canadnn legion bear in mind comrades that the legion is an organization and should be conducted as such it is not a one man job each officer appointed to his particular task should do his best to perform his duty and to take or ders from those who are over them the chairman of any committee should be the ruler and in case of any dis cussions us cae should be brought to tbe attention of tbe general meeting as pouted out by one of our com ers lotth a this was undoubtedlj in trroi i the part of those who prepared the lion booki we appreciate your ret irning this page to us when out on receiver more thin their right amount of rationed rommodlt irs some other person must go without these coupons hae been destroyed think jou romp mide i mtlonwlde check up of nun throughout ctvnndn re cenlh- in connection with mobilization rcrulatlons in poolrooms beer par jors and similar places the labor department now- reveals that 39973 men were questioned 2 701 detained temporarily of this number 344 were charged in court with attempting to evade military callup 164 with fail ure to notify change of address etc while 106 deserters were nabbed 982 found wittxnit gainful occupation were referred to selective service offl- 4ra hol 11 ie crf d ik 1 m in txl h f hi i in in ikrr of he iv i md earth i i nh s rifhlfi 1 s nl v n o ixid uikh is roil nwii b tl hoi i tx n of h i n m i kutttrhl undtr poi tins 1llitr v r k if it ti dr id md b n v d he de ixi mi i int 111 hi ihird dnj ht hope it ill ti in tlit dt id he af c rndt o inti linw i and fitteth nt thi rluht hind of d tin fillu mmikh ft in uuh i i hail r mu t i ti f thi qu1ch and the dead i belieu in iht hol gfoft tbe holy catholipk chur li thr onim ml i of siints t lie resurret hon of uu bod and the life eer laftiho ami ii tin w rtis in tli ilxe win ill in 1 iwer list but w p mt tjicm in capi ijii it tirrs u pmpliasi2r the sptlliiig we ficiuallv w tn to show this olume cci t ilns cl s lo 250 nites md the blndins wd printjng arc perfect hivt an of our readers any older books or newspapers that we ma bring to light if so drop these in the herild office and we will be plad lo look them over r and print any inter estin huns for the benefit of our enders the herald soldiers comforts fund forwarded to soldiers comforts committee s 67354 cash on hand acknow ledged 16 83 donation from victory club smith stone ltd 12 00 total wed jan 36th ft mttj7 somltinng from home something from home no matter i whit in i dtrt pant the mailman brought a pair of socks- or a christmas cake or thost tld fatjitont 1 tiokjts shi usd to make it doesn t mitter i bit said he its just that jje sent lt from home io me st nu imij fi in junu vh neii the string and the old creased wrader and n thing is prpr ous as gold and sems some how a link fn in ui lovtl past- tind now i can see them all as plain as can be wain ijuir hands m feoodbi to me i can see the kitchen and mother there in a kind of housedress that women wear x getting supper and watching si net knownif dad will be dead on his feet busiiing around in her happj waj looking is cut as a kid at pjay it isn t tlie mud and the cold and wet that gets jou down if lhe don t for get that were out here slugging to keep thcni free and a million other kids like me in the battered fields and the skies above pinning our faith on the folks we love edna jacques in the siskatchewan farmer tbe local ootmou of women their annual nieetbig at the home mrs r paul friday jan 31st 5ere wcreseventcenn ent in the absence of thepresldent hayes who was unable to be ent because of illness mrs w well presided tbe meeting was opened with prayer after which tbe minutes of last year s annual meeting were and aff the correspondence read and dealt with the treasurer gave a report m of the financial work of tbe with a nice balance the following reports were given the representatives of the societies miss a ryan gave interesting report for the red seven blood donor clinics were eight shipments were made to h quarters consisting of hospital pile army navy and alrforoe forts and british civilian clothing knitting committee reported acttvl and parcels for prisoners were sent legular intervals the report of the wa to the c- dian legion was read by mrs this society is very busy making funos by euchres blngos and r every two months each boy ov receives joo cigarettes the vetera guards are also remembered thej made contributions to thvnavy league red cross russianfund greet and poppy fund j in the absence of miss m xawao mrs w v grant read a most inter estlng repopt for the soldiers forts committee this committee h a tag day at the georgetown fair raised 149 00 the thursday aj ternoon knitting club made i tion of 100 00 cigarettes were to 241 men and women 1 lb each to three prisonersofwar chocolates to 31 nan smokers grant read several of the letters ceived from the boys and tbey ce tainly appreciate being remembered their fellow citizens mrs a m neilscn reported the w m s of the united church they a ver active society with ship of 46 one meeting of inlerest was a combined meeting w mjs mission circle and cox wheji a play was presented by the 1 slon circle and miss wilma thomas of toronto the study book was th- chlircb in the city streets a bale of new and used clothing valued at 46 was sent to a school in manita the i od e report was read mrs sam mackenzie the chap has a membership of 31 members tbe support of their adopted school in ha- liburton district was continued they ire collecting books and maj the army and navy during the the cljapter made donations to cross russian relief polish relief crroik relief chinese relief anny girls centre local high school poppy fund british women s war guest the milk fund was continued dttrmftj the past jear as needed at the pubba- faehool they have sponsored two very micctssfu money mnk g projects of pennies and marathon 1 the chapter adopted a minesweeper ith a crew of 31 ten ditty bags were packed and 14 pairs cf socks were do nated the report on the work of the leper mission was made by mrs frances at the annual meeting they had as their speiker mrs ostrom the meeting closed with an appcil lor more ln- tirst t t am of and give to these- infortuniu brothers the lepers whom ur lord commanded us to cleanse mrs vannatter reported for the no- uinatim committe hon presidenf mrs c hm es president mrs ralph koss 1st vie president mrs unzu 2nd vice president m1m r m cor secretary miss hettle rec faecrttary mrs r paul law son trei surer tint miss ella barber closed with the national card of thanks mr and mrs f fetch wisfe to thank their friends for the kind sunsslun of sympathy extended m their recent bereavement hornby district lol elert officers on tuesday evening january uht tbe hornbj district lox met for the annual meeting in hornby hall wiui bro wm evans in the masters chair and a good attendance was present from all primary lodges ut the district when the yearly busi ness had been transacted the dis- t master gave a very pleasant address on this years work amongst the different lodges which showed it large increase in members for 194 tbe following officers were elected installed for 1944 deputy district master frank peacock milton district master wrn evans acton chaplain jewls sampson bbratv recording- secretary george pea cock milton finance secretary 8am ttonant stewacttown lodge j tnatr6ben brownrldfce mh- ton

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