Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1944, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday jan 26th 1944 pipe band concert scores another bis hit the scottish cbnoert party burns sagm by the girts pipe band in gregory theatre last mon day night again proved the popularity of the band and its concerto with the people of georgetown the theatre tras crowded to the doors and a great xnany were disappointed to find there irasn t even standing room the able chairman for the evening bar g w mcjjntock president of the ibanrj carried the program along with never a lagging moment the mun feers by the pipe band under the direction of mr e f magloughlen were excellent and the girls showed dancing talent also wher they did the highland fling and sword dance these two numbers had been presented at the previous concert and were jlone gain by popular request 111 mjscdonald and his rliythm rubes were great favourites with the mudlence and their rendition of pis tol packln mama brought the house flown messrs jack dann town bib tomer and howard wells of toronto ylayed several guitar trios which were greatly enjoyed miss grace beerman member of the pipe band sang se weral solos playing her own accom koiment on the guitar amfmg her numbers were that sliverhaired daddy of mine and blue eyes robert bob bums was at the con cert in person and he together with ills brother james turned in a very fine acrobatic act jtr jam valentine the drummer in the band showed he was an e pert on the pipes too in a solo num ber another member of the band miss eleanor smith in attractive canclng costume did several tap dances the concert as so well received that the pipe band will sponsor another ne in the very near future by popular request this is 1 iode book month books are urgently needed for canteens of the armed services brighten lonely offduty hours for the services by tndfg books or money torjjux books to the rtfte i books may be leftat i hedley shaws feed store rand cash donations i left at the herald office or with any of the i o d committee mrs john s armstrong mrs s mac- i kerntie mrs g mcgu- i vray local news january has slipped by quickly with only five more days to go a unit from camp borden was on manoeuvres in town and vicinity the early part of the week there will be a concert and dance i waterloo school february 3nd- stewart elliott a orchestra tickets are on sale at all drug stores for the girls pipe band scot tlsh concert party next monday night one hundred and eightyfive years ago on the 24th ol january scot lands immortal bard bobby bums was born a euchre by the loyal true blue lodge will be held on monday nlghx january 31st at the legion rooms good prizes the serenaders u1 bold a dance on thursday evening january 27th in the arena admission 40c half price for men and women in the services bih macdonald and his rhythm rubes held over for another week see and hear them ai scottish con cert party repeat performance mon day night january 31st its very unlikely that anyone can beat mr sam walkers record for seeing the first robin of the year he called two witnesses to hear and see this harbinger of spring at the back of fred sinclair s service station last watch for particulars on an ex hlbitlon of figure skating by university or toronto skating club to be held friday february 1 sponsored by the navy league and i o d e tickets now available suffering from backaches rheumatic pain sciatica lumbago is not necessary ttse rdmacaps once for quick relief robbs drug store and maccormacks drug store the february meeting of the geor getovn women s institute will take the form of a social evening at the home of mrs harold cleave on wed nesday evening feb 2nd at 8 p r sharp institute members and the friends cordially in sited old man wmer must hae known about the fuel situation at anj rae he b sent us some exceptional mild weather tor this time of year the only disappointed ones are the ski thusiasts there hasn t been a fall of snow yet the fine new brick building erected by the georgetown lumber company on the site of their mill which was gut ted by fire a few months ago has a good appearance and makes another feather in the industrial cap of the town according to farmers around here there is a shortage of wheelbarrows in the district many farmers who use this equipment for cleaning stables and drawing wood into the farmhouse and whose equipment has become worn out find that because a local dealer obtained two barrows no more are available because of orders from the wartime prices and trade board there is not steel available to make the wheels active service motes glen williams town hall friday evening january 28th doris hulls orchestra modern and old tyme dancing proceeds for boys over seas parcels dancing at 9 30 p m admission 40c per person tawi opl walter blehn of north bay was home for the week end lac ernie hyde has been transfer- red to windsor for further training he was home on leave last week end ac2 robert hoare has been trans ferred from lachine quebec to moun lain view onl gnr ray harley has been trans ferred from new glasgow n 8 to scoudoue rs ac1 ernie alcott has been transfer red from mountain view to the roap station at brentford lac bill clark saskatoon has been posted to no e f t 8 high river alta pte jn tennant of toronto spent uie week end at home on sunday she proceeded to kingston where she will take a special course petty officer delnier laird from shelbourne nova scotia left on sa urday tor his station after a weeks furlough at home with his wife and daughter po laird was formerly the training centre at brampton gnr robert mcenery stationed on kiska is spending a thirty dav fur lough with his parents mr and mrs archie mcenerj in erin township it is oer a year since lies been home ac2 alva grieve of yarmouth ns is home on eave prior to being sta tioned at yarmouth alva who enlist ed last august trained at lachine quebec trenton ont and halifax and posted at halifax n mrs b francis received a letter at christmas time from her son corporal eddie francis who has been a pri oneroi war in germany since the dieppe raid the letter had btxn written in september and contained very little information other than that he was in good health and to keep on supporting the reel cross lor without their parcels of food he would have verj slim rations indeed he men tioned the fact that he nadnt recer ed any mail from home since last may hls mother and sisters have written to him eier week so surmise that his mall must be held up somewhere along the line victor hall 1944 president of streetsville fair birth notice dtgoinfl ml and mrs waldo dig- glns are very happy to announce the itirthof a son at peel memorial hos pital brampton on january asrd a brother for sylvia en memobiaal wanted btous wanted tor gentleman 47 holds excellent position tn nearby town honest and depend able non drinker good references- apply box k- 3tp herald offlos the annual meeting ottoronto township agricultural society held in the municipal hall streetsville january 19th with a good attendance the toronto township agricultural society has just completed one of its most successful years this year this money paid in prizes amounted 50600 more than last year the competition was keen at the 1943 fair arid the quality of the entries was excellent t the new officers and board of dl rotors were appointed at the annual meeting as follows t president- victor hall v herbert 1st vloe president howard laidlaw 2nd vicepresident alan couse secretary treasurer cela p mc- llwrlck directors w h mocaugherty w j pengilley w o brownrldge mrs kaiser alfred adamson percy merry frank hall fred pengllley omar turney r h hunter edna stephens ken mchwrlck the 1943 board is pleased with the result of the efforts put forth to put on the fair and tbenew board of di rectors is planning to carry on the fair this year with the consldention and cooperation of the general public of this vicinity the fair in 1944 should be as great a success as the one this last year the date for the 1944 fair at streets ville is set for the saturday before thanksgiving keep this date in mind and start noy to prepare your entrb for the fair the draw at the annual meeting c suited in baskets of apples or onions going to mr readhead mr beer mr trennell miss davidson mr dawsoa r victor hall after the presentation of the an nual statement which shows a small credit balance an interesting program was put on consisting of short ad dresses by mr b s bfer brampton and mr e m readhead milton also wiley jn loving- memory of my dear husband william john wiley rwho passed peacefully away jan 29th 1943 he has taken his last long journey in gods beautiful ship called rest away from this world of sorrow to his home of eternal rest ever remembered by his wife varans jiaa attention norval save your salvage for the boy scouts who will collect on sat january 29 ewgrtluiig of salvage ttxcpted please well known in this district mrs c speight dies in acton one of the oldest u not the oldest resident who was bom and has spent all her life in acton and district mrs c c speight passed away on january 10th at her home pn john street she had been in failing health for some time and never fully recovered from an operation of a year or so she was a daughter of the late wilson jjid sarah eaton ramshaw who were pioneer settlers in this dls trict she was born on a farm near acton and spent all tier ltle here married on november 24th 1881 her husband ie late charles chapman pelji 1 predeceased her twenty jtars one daughter miss bertha m bpctuh munlclpil tteisurcr and se oreury of acton public ulllitlis com mission remains lo mourn the 1 s and rmeri tin meinorj ol i beloved mother a or lhr hall ramshaw of lx roil mich and asisur mrs robert m- ri of ill also remain md to ill t ei wirn simpathj ot 11 11 y i i r i 1 this time m si ui ils 1 nt ritber or the a 1 l clurch f r 14 years he v u it 1 rtr ol the woman s m it s jihi v 1 also the i i t s w member of u vir i 1 a is luld tt irsdd r x 1 it will 1 prn ite service 1 e home onduc cd b her pastor a w fo 1 r assisted by rev pool ii terment wis in fair ceraetcrj the pallbt irers were messrs chas wilson john lambert jimes chalmers j k gardiner roy brown and a t brown free press met with oakville lions georgetown lions club was repre sented a the regular monthly dinner meeting of the oakville lions club on friday evening when the oakville club entertained the district governor walt fisher of the st catharines lions club on his omclal visit de puty district governor ross clemens of the hamilton lions olub was also present there was an excellent at tendance with clubs represented from hamilton georgetown and port cre dll lion chid alf whlttaker was masterolceranonles a feature af the evening was the district governor s address entitled headaches lion fisher endeavored to show how the selfishness and greed of human nature caused many of the world s headache today he prophesied a better world after the war but said this would not come unless mankind practiced a uttle more of the golden rule the oakville lions club held a presentation for two local boys who ad saved another lad from drowr ing when be slipped through the ice while skating they were presented with skates and boots and promised that their act of saving a life would be brought to the attention of the proper authorities a cheque 100 00 was also given to the district governor for the lions british war victims fund the dinner was held in the sal ton inn and those present from george town wcrt lion chlet ralph ro3a and lions ed mcwhtrter dick llcata and oarfleld mcgilvra during the afternoon the service di ploma was presented to mr brownridge life membership cert flcates to mr amred adamson mr 3a muel marlatt and mr j c rutledge the eaton trophy a much coveted prize was presented to mr alfrea gs of edgeley for the best dairy herd at streetsville fair the john son cup donated by mr victor john son or streetsvule to the one winning the greatest number of prises in live stock at streetsville fair was pre sented to mr alex dolson sons of norval one of the most recent items of training given to all members of the canadian women s army corps is the intricate business of ironing a shirt men30 4050 vajft hanaal ftp wm wgar wanted to by a small comfortable house wanted to rent or buy by march 1st garden vicinity of norval or georgetown ap ply w a ostrandkr jtp phone 41 r 51 htjohhs in loving memory of dear father thomas hughes who died january 28th 1943 f there is a link death cannot sever love and remembrance last forever sadly missed by daughter edith mra o f smith toronto and son oantjte in loving memory of isa bella park beloved wife of the late gtorge canute who passed away in georgetown thursday jan 31et 1943 aged 73 years how sweet today is the memory of our loved one gone to rest in that land where joy and happiness is hers for god knew best ever remembered by family for sale a quantity of hay for sale apply w a ogtrandeb 3tp phone 41 r 12 for sale 3 piece chesterfield suite and 9 piece dining room suite apply t trreatn opmjce or phone 48 r33 in future a farmer cannot apply for row machinery to replaoe used which he has sold until he has filed a state ment describing the used machinery and reasons why he has sold it he must also get a notice from the wp tb board s representative that his ap plication will he approved if the de sired equipment is available auction sale watch next week s issue for clearing- auction sole of george brownrldge at village of omagh on thursday febru ary 10th an all day sole fob sale cedar posts hydro poles cordwood wetted warmers to cut cordwood apply w f quay lot 7th line r t erin phone 393 r 30 fob sale fresh eggs all sizes price reason able appfcr mrs smyth phone 260 mew advertisements house fob 5 roomsd house in ojen williams possession february 1st apply 2tp phone 92 r 6 wanted glrf or middle aged woman for light hottgework for two or three months treasurers sale of land for taxes township of esquesirig county of halton lo wit bj virtue of a warrant issued bj the reeve of the township of esques- lng bearing date the 12th dav of oc tober 1943 a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the township of esques lng will be held at the council chamber in the village of stewart- town at the hour of ten o clock m the forenoon an the 10th day of feb ruary 1944 unless the taxes and costs are sootier paid notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sole in arrears taxes has been preoared that copies of the said list may be had at my office that the list of all lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being pubnatied tn the ontario oasette 00 saturday november etb ims and that unless the arrears ot taxes mtjx costsare sooner paid x woi proceed to sen the aald lands pn tne day and at tfea ataee afaor m la wh day of halton holstktn men adopt artiftcal breeding program a decision to sponsor an artificial breeding program in the county was reached after a thorough discussion at the annual meeting of the halton hoi stein breeders club held january 19 at palermo thert were 125 present the largest attendance yet recorded at a meeting of this club when president t woodley milton called the meeting- to order following a sutnptu ous banquet w p watson assistant director of the ontario livestock branch was the p speaker he outlined the goals set for agriculture during 1b44 a v langton holsteln director of extension and a m ban fteldman also spoke briefly officers elected for 1944 were as fol president w h robinson oeorge town first vicepresident ross segs worth freeman second vice president frank stark milton secretary treasurer victor j law rence fleldman w h robinson apply it box w herald lost will the lady who exchanged golosh- ps at dr pauls last friday please it phone 236 personal better digestion means greater pep take pageorimths betamin cb- complex tablets once a day mac- cottoirck3orug store and robbs drug store lost between post office and the end of main st north a bunch of house keys finder please leave at the ltp herald offdoe wanted kitchen cabinet dresser also other pieces of furniture reasonable ap ply ltp herald office for sale wltent house 5 rooms water and electric light two big lots now vacant close to public school sale on easy terms apply a hyde tf phone 207 attendance officer wanted the public school board will re ceive applications for the position of attendance officer ajpuoations to be in by february 1st apply p b harrison 2t secretary painting and decorating 1944 wallpaper samples free- have your decorating done now and avoid the spring rush d herkjngton tf 3tp phone 401 heme to bent five rooms with bath eb 1st apply jhone 901 wanted lrre and drees ed poultry market prices apply a barnktt sou phone brampton ms r 14 reverse chairgeaj foksale woods electric feed grinders mok- mg mtdc ooolera b fences also mount forest tbsertrfac mmhtrv district r wb lougriby farm agency t k hewsoh georgetown pnoa ss p o box n for sale girls coat brown size 14 girls skates size 9u almost new reason able apply ltp herald office 2bumer with oven for sale electric tudhope range apply r mar phone 20gw order now baled straw delivered off truck georgetown feed mill phone 86 i rknubiu o undst 60 of canadians fall short of good nutritioni pli n ty of food docj not necessinlj mi thi rgbl hnd of food actually recent government surveys show that 60 percent of canadians fall short of good nutntion even though seemingly well fed perhaps vou too far to serve proper foods for best health to help you make sure your family well nounshei we offer voaeattworktowin a really practical planfor meals all you neea know about nutrition in an eaiyofollow interesting authoritative book follow this aasfcr way to batter r nutrition get your 1mb copy of kutoworkowtar now mall theconpoo todayl thh brewlnfftrsssssr cjnmio rjfrvfisr ujk

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