Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 8, 1944, p. 3

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the g herald wedneaday march 8th i944 legion notes preelection talk with only one week remaining for the comrades nominated to make their choice for the office they desire to run for names on the board are gradually til inning down and in some of the offices there no doubt will be some acclamations before march 15th as mentioned last week the name remaining on the board will be those that win appear on the printed ballots which are to be mailed to members by oie secretary of the branch on march i6th this leaves only one week for members out of town to receive and re turn their ballots in time for the ca tion of officers on march 23rd in discussing the election with dif ferent comrades who nave definitely made up their minds to stand for office we pass on the comments as told for president pour names appear for this office comrade president mc cartney has now been in office four years and he states that to his mind the present executive has done a good job and should be reelected dutch intends to stand for president of the branch abd his past record as he states should be sufficient for reelection comrade t grieve intends to stand for the office of president and gave the following statement being a charter member of the branch and having held several offioes in the past i could not flee my way clear to stand as president until today i have done my duty in the past and above all have the leigon at heart at all times and tf elected will do my utmost in he interest of my comrades comrade harold stalford also no minated for the office of president made tjie following statement if i am elected my sincere thought and ambition wuijm to do all in my power with the aid of my comrades to make sure of the proper rehabllltatlon of all georgetown and district men now serving their country also i plan a progressive plan of action spread over a period of years for improvements to the legion hall the hall as now laid out can be considerably improved not only lor the benefit of legion members but to provide more comforts to all members including better quarters for the ladles auxiliary i promise to do my best m the interest of an members comrade chapmans name also appears for office of president but he is at present undecided for what office he will allow his name to stand several names appear for the office of first vice president but4t appears that the fight win be between torn- radea hert harlow and alex taylor comrade harlow stated that he had done his duty as secretary for a num ber of years but due to increased cle rical work in hla present occupation he feels he cannot continue in capa city of secretary and therefore has expressed his desire to run for first vice president his experience as the right hand man to the president and his knowledge of conducting a meeting would be an asset to his qua liflcations comrade alex taylor running for this office also has been a member for 13 years and has always taken a very keen interest in all doings of the branch in the interests of his comrades if elected his sole aim and object is to see that the constitution is adhered to 100 per cent for second vice president the name of camrades cane armstrong and gilmer appear but nothing definite for who will leave his name stand can be obtained for treasurer comrade wm honey4 will no doubt be elected by acclama tion bui has done a grand job as the treasurer of the branch for a number of years and this particular office is a very difficult officer- to replace in the legion good luck to you bill the nomination for secretary shows several names on the board at present and it seems to be very undecided who will allow his name to stand for this iinportan office comrades wally thompson and joe boley seem to be the only ones signifying their lnten uons as willing to stand nothing de finite is ready for publication wall js a former treasurer of the branch and the last we heard he intends to let his name appear on the ballot on the other hand some comrades would like m see comrade boley run for secre tary and others would like to see him reelected as chairman of putbudty and transportation claiming that a goocvjob had been done and a position somewhat difficult to replace at any rate next week will tell seven nitnes appear on the board toy office of canteen chairman but it appears that comrade roberts and allen will fight it out comrade allen states that he has been on the canteen board this past year and that if he is chosen lie will endeavor to see that the caterer be given more authority to carry on as he may see fit in the in terest of all members and according to him the caterer should be the sole judge and should take his orders only from the chairman of the canteen comrade jimmy roberts spoke in about the same terms but if elected he will see that the caterer be given full auhortty and that steps will be taken as new members are accepted in the legion to make sure that the quota now allowed will be increased so that no discrimination will be shown to both old and new members as chairman of entertainment only one name remains on the board and that is comrade bob muir bob has done a good job in this capacity and all his comrades would like leasee him continue as in the past if bob will accept to carry on he will be elected by acclamation the office of transportation and publicity now held by comrade boley will probably be defcded on by march i5th comrade caneimenuoned for this offices as well as comrade boley the property chairman is another important office and it appears that the fight for this office will be between comrades oliver and harley comrade oliver- teie present chairman stated that he has done his best while in office and if re elected will do his ut most in the interest of the branch johnny has several items of interest to bring before the meeting if he is re elected comrade harley states tiat he would be in a position to act as chair man of the property insofar as his place of business is directly above the legion hall and that he is well versed with the laying out of the building and thai he would be glad to allow his name to stand for this office other important offices not forming part or the executive are being filled and a complete list of tnese will appear next week o- the executive also will be com rade charles parton as chairman of the imperial section he becomes au tomatically on uie executive of the legion so comrades the above is the in formation gathered and given to me as your publicity chairman i wotild like to point out that in making your choice for your next executive that you select comrades who can devote the required time necssary in the in terekt of the canadian legion so un til the 15th when i will join my com rades in complimenting those officers who will be elected by acclamation to form pari of the 1044 executive joe b jln our mail bag 103 44 no cjjtu cao dear editor once again i find myself with time on my hunds and i can t think of any thing better i could do than to drop you a line to let you know that i am still alive and kicking about every thing in general the big kick is the weather but over here you get ufccd to it just like your meals and one is as bad as the other so far this year i have received six heralds five of them all at once and 1 was very glad to be able to read the local news for a change lome cross and i just came back ofr a nice day leave n glasgow scot land and we had a wonderful time i can l say enough about the hospitality of the people there they couldn t do enough for us to see ahat we had a good time clayt bradley perc chaplin wal ker cleave and earl hornby were down one night about a month ago and we had quite a reunion and a very en joyable evening was spent by all i had a very pleasant surprise the other day when i received a letter from joe hall from italy he is in the best of health and mentioned having re ceived a letter from dave crichton who is now in ceylon 1 also had a letter from bert tuck and he is really enjoying himself in italy i hope you will print this letter as i wish to take this opportunity of wish ing all my friends in town the best of everything for the new year cheerio for now and keep the newt coming your sincere friend reg hoare improved uniform international sunday chool lesson y habold u lvndquirr d d of tb mooiybima inftuuta ot cklof nauutd br wllttn hwpapr untao lesson for march 12 lcuoo ubjct and bcrtptui ut i lected and copyrishled fay totarr- council ol refliimr- permlmlou certainly send him right in a friend is going to call on you this week or next he s going to ask if ou 11 pay the trifling cost of collecting and processing a ftw pints of lood plasma to save the lives of a boy from manitoba and one from quebee and another from saskatchewan he s going to ask too if you d like to put up a few dollars to see that the kids in a certain military hospital far away feel the touch of a friendly haxjd a word of cheer in their isolation and their pain and hes going to ask if you ii help sped nourishing food medicines and a few of the little decencies of life to some canadian boys sweating it out behind barbed wire in enemy lands as prisoners of war who indeed can refuse so when this man calls welcome him w ith a cheque and make it a good one because he s calling for the folk that are always there the red cross next best thing to having your soldier son home for dinner every night is knowing that the red ross is at his side w hereer he may be whatever he m iv be doing what ever the day or hour c- in the past you win asked to givl only a little to help the red cross in its endless peace time vigil against catastrophe and disease but that was yesterday friend dig deeper this time ten twenty thirty times deeper for the task of the red ross is that much more important to humanity that much more important to yous give generously give greatly when the red cross worker asks your help say sure here it is more than i e ever given before and yau re wclcome to metre whcq you need more the house of seagram published in the interests of the canadian red cross drive for ten million dollars jesus betrayed denied- and condemned lesson text mark 14 it u s3 m mptt 15 131s golden text ha 1 d p and re jected of mm man of borawa as ac quainted with grief imiub u x the time had cornel jesus was about to be condemned and cruci fied and though sinful men thought thus to cid themselves of the gn who had pierced their hypocrisy and unveiled their unrighteousness his death was in the providence of god the giving of himself for our sins what he endured as he went to the cross is enough to break nne s heart for here we see the denial betrayal and compromise of men i christ sold for money 14 10 11 when one sees the awful things which have been done and are be ing done for money in this world it becomes clear why the bible re peatedly calls it filthy lucre money i how many awful things have been done for money how many dishonest officials have se cured high- places in government by money how many people have lost their lifesavings because some shrewd crooked broker schemed to take their money away because ha wanted it how many millions of people have been kept in poverty because men cared more to increas their wealth than they did to relieve the distress of those who worked for them money is what keeps the dance halls going a lust for money is what keeps our breweries and dis tilleries open it is money that makes men want to produce lascivi ous plays and motion pictures w m smith fundamentally it was the love of money that made judas betray his lord what will ye give met was his question matt 26 15 but money is not the only price with which men may be paid we and next ii christ deserted for comfort 14 53 54 peter would not have risen to the suggestion that he sell his lord for money so satan was too smart t stir his loyalty by such a suggestion he used another method with peti r thmgs had become very difficult for our lord he was led away to de falsely accused and subjected to persecution it was no longer com forlable to be at his side as it had been when he fed the multitude and healed the sick and silenced his enemies this was cold unpleasant business why should peter get mixed up in it after all he could just as well keep a safe distance and beside it was warm at the fire oh yes the tnemies of the lord had kindled it and stood around it but that didn t need to make peter in enemj of his or did it how many christians who would meet with hasty and courageous de- ninl the suggestion that theyjfsell their lord have bctraydhim by warming themselves at the fires of this world in christ denied for fear 14 6672 peter the staunch defender of our lord who harl assured hun that no matter how cowardly the others mijjn be he would stand fast mark 14 21 now quails before a servant maid he curses and swears to try to strengthen his words of denial what had happened to peter he had become so at home by the fire of the enemies of his master hut he was afraid to confess his rela tionship to him he had followed so far off that he had lost touch w it the lord and was again like the peter who on another day looked iwny from the master a face and fc ired the boisterous waves matt 14 10 peter was afraid and he denied his lord how many there are who are like him they tremble before an unbelieving world and fearing the scoffing of poor weak sinful men they deny their lord it is time that christian people took courage and stood up for the lord in all times and circum stances iv qhrjst condemned for con venience 15 12 15 pilate round no fault in christ he- had no desire to condemn him he wanted to set him free but it proved to be politically inexpedi mit to stand by his convictions tonceming this innocent person would have greatly inconvenienced i m in many ways so wishing to content the multitude he delivered jtsus to be scourged and crucified men and women today are will j to condemn christ anew because i ubmit to him and bear his name v id require of them a sacrificial i n which they ore not willing to so the pass him by and go u a chnstless eternity it costs something to follow jesus u stand true to him in a rejecting orld one wonders at times wheth er this is not on reason why god does not send a revival to the church we art probably not will ing to bear the uicoirenience it would upset our regula oxderat life

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