Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 8, 1944, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday march 8th 1 944 council ask preparation of town curfew bylaw solicitor reports on smoke bylaw discuss purchase new town truck tfte regular meting of town council for march was held in the municipal building on monday evening mayor huroid cleave presided with reeve k r macdonald and councillors w p thompson c bradley o mcollvray j t armstrong s w orr and t iffoxu present fclerfc jp karlann read the minutes of the last meeting which were confirmed town solicitor k m- langdon re ported on the smoke bylaw he stated that mr justice kellogg of toronto had handed down a decision against the town in their action against the georgetown clay products tn regards to the smoke nuisance in the king street area in giving his de cision the presiding officer stated that the town in passing the smoke by- jaw had been confused by the inter pretation or two sections of the muni cipal act the bylaw oould not over brick and clay plants in munjclpali- ikj and therefore the decision went in favor of the defendant with total costs it is estimated that the smoke bylaw tost the town in the neighborhood of 40000 to try out the letter from the local council of women in regards to a curfew for georgetown was again brought before the meeting alter the pros and cons had been thoroughly discused a record- oil vote motion was passed asking that a curfew bylaw be prepared and pre sented at the next regular meeting of council teas armstrong mcollvray loons mcdonald and thompson nays cleave bradley and orr much time was spent on discussing the possibilities of purchasing a town truck with snowplow attachment for doing town work while all were agreed the need for such a truck was there some took the attitude that this yeai- wasnt the opportune time to purchase if the council noped to stay within toe budget brought down at the first or the year others contended that if it was a good thing for the town next year it was a good thing this year and after an hours bickering it was de cided to leave the matter over for fur ther discussion at a further meeting etc applications were received for the position of night constable for georgetown council decided to inter view a number of the applicants at a special meeting to be held in two weeks time it was also decided to advertise for a piece of land outside the municipality suitable for a garbage dump the town auditor had submitted his typ report for the past year also at the next meeting due to tin lateness of the hour on recommendation of prof h l hutt council decided to forward a let ter to hughes cleaver m asking that some of the trees beautifying our post office building be removed while they could still bo transplanted in order that others may be allowed to grow to their proper sise the following accounts were passed lloyd mcdonald signs 8 00 w h kentner 8c son coal 1250 r j lovell co stationery 11 34 bell telephone co 22 16 municipal world stationery 24 00 c n railway rent pipe line 13 00 jenkins hardy audit 302 10 p b harrison postage etc 1053 j b mackenzie son 2725 depl of health m hydro electric 8785 toronto star advertising 722 k m langdon legal fees 19130 r h thompson 2753 w o marshall 6 00 k m langdon 9 00 a e crlpps 16 78 welfare accounts 15 73 social and personal archdeacon and mrs andrew of toronto formerly of honan china their son lac douglas and dr and mrs george paul of toronto spent sunday with or and mrs r t paul archdeacon andrew was present at the evening service at st georges church last sunday and very kindly consent ed to speak to the congregation at the request- the recuay v wcl o thompson v his many friends wul be glad to near that alex otetg is coming aktng nice ly after a major operation he is in private patients pavilion toronto general hospital farmers urged bt w p t b to order early prom the fertulaer manufacturers comes a warning that unless farmers will order and take delivery of their fertilizer early they may riot get it in time for use this is due to labour problems and to the fact that more farmers are buying more fertiliser than formerly if the spring season is a short one a situation win confront tne fertilizer manufacturers with respect to la bour and transportation which may be beyond their overtaxed capacity to handle the wise farmer will see to it that his fertilizer supply is safely stored m his barn before this spring rush begins of course care must be exercised in storing it bags should be placed on either a thick layer of straw or a false bottom floor and piled as one piles cordwood thus leaving plenty of air space between the bags it should be stored in a dry place and m rea sonably small piles if possible farmers will safeguard their own intcrestrf and help the general situa tion greatly if they will buy and take delivey of their rernlzer require ments in the very near future stewarttown congratulations to mr and mr faran at the birth or a second son also congratulations to mr and mrs douglas lawson at the birth or n little daughter the icy condition of the roads tues day morning of this week was the worst of the season new advertisements wanted dead horses and cattle for free pickup phone collect gordon yolng ltd dec 44 phone ad 3636 toronto wanted uvs and dressed poultry highest market prices apply a barne7tt son phone brampton 343 r 14 reverse charges- for ale baled hay apply h stalford 2tp phone 48 r 2 stewarttown electrical work electrical repairs made to appliances and wiring apply f c whitmee tx young st georgetown blood donors must be backed by money donors a gift from the heart means life to the woundrd the need gtouas victory nears give generously to canadian red cross space through courtesy brills department store for sale some white pekln drakes for sal large exhibition type also collie pups apply p j laird 2tp r r 3 georgetown personal be wide awake and enjoy living keep smiling with panegriffith s be itamin ibcomplex tablets onoe a day i muccormacks drug store robbs drug storf 1 aran teed piano tuning i mr a c huwk 26 jars xjm rt itncc aiui it ad i lit pi mo linns your piano tuned l uwri dt mound lor 3 w apph i i1ll ilhrald offtc1- i ltp phone 8 w ntm old mtiqm irmr button with sh ink- oi11 u will pa i mh pin l i ii id but ii striiu f f ci u if riilbou uu toronto origin and early history of lome scots band discussed the editor- georgetown herald in reading a recent edition i no ticed quite a write up on the present brass band lome scots i might say that since that edition of your paper i received some information dating backl to the begmrnhg of the band which i take pleasure in sub mitting to you for publication as i am of the opinion the early plonegrs should be announced and given the credit they deserved for starting such an organisation o mccallum it was the last of june 1930 when a discussion arose- between the late an- son thurston a e r magloughleh as to why we could not have a brass band in this town where there were so many old bandsmen in town and vicinity with this in mind a notice was pub lished in the local paper tor a meet ing in the town hall for july 3rd as perusual no one asked for the hall from the proper authorities and con sequently when the members arrived the hall was being used by some one else therefore a seconaary place was necessary and the meeting was held in e r magloughlen s barber shop with eighteen members present and the idea was received with great in terest cyril brandford and thomas eason were playing with brampton band at the tune and- were a bit cautious of leaving them but advised they would do what hey thought right with the home town band if we could get a going organization then an election of officers was put forth and ken mcdonald was chosen first president e r magloughlen secretary and the late anson thurs ton as treasurer with wamnce from othtr bands of around 7 00 to start with the question of a bandmaster was discussed and as cyril brandford and thos eason as mentioned before knew a h perrott personally they recommended him and consequently ken mcdonald a thurston e r magloughlen went with cyril brand- ford and thos eaon to see mr perrott his salary uas fixed at 935 00 per month or 420 00 per year and he would yit one rehearsal to prove hli ability that was july loui 1930 on julj 17th 1930 mr porrott began what was and sull ls i vcr worth while organization a few short weeks later uiej de cided to hat a sundaj night concert i in the park it was a ltnt mnt uul a kood crowd im u hear ls oj might sij thomkin s conitrs band in ailiuii one hiklillht ot hit concert wius tht luk of comets i belloc thc had on the ikt trim ano albert sim mm i j ick ajuihtroiip- r uben eison ind j m ph c i tc oi cornels at thai tlmt in tin band but loi wmi r ison tli simsuii bro- wi re unable to kit hun and ft tin m1 onui to out mjn jikk aimstioii is jos cur- tt r ud ittnuti pjimin wen plijing 1st i nc oornii at that time hiiir tn wiiini mn ulomt verj well without in in no m tbh brtak church news he that spared not his only son btrt delivered him up for as all how shall he not with bim also freely give as all thing rom 32 wanted to purchase or rent the corporation or georgetown de sires to purchase or rent a portion of land preferably with gully not more than two miles from town limits suit able for the disposal of garbage re plies statinp location and price to be mailed to p b harrjoow clerk of georgetown the united church of canada rev r c todd minister 10 ajn sunday school children and young people earnestly invited to come and join the class 11 am public worship subject what has chris ianlty to say no 3 about faith and pate 7 i m public worship subject it happened that on the road to we encountered strangers cordially welcome si georgen church ven w g o thompson rector third sunday in lent holy commu nion 8 ajn sunday school 10 ajn ma tins 11 am even song 7 pm thurs day 7 30 pm lenten service st aibans church glen williams third sunday in lent holy communion 830 ajn sunday school 1030 ajn lenten service on wednesday even ing at 8 pjn followed by choir prac tice st johns cbnrch stewarttown rev s r colebrook rector third sunday in lent 2 pjn sunday school 3 pjn evening prayer st pauls church norval 7 30 pjn evening prayer st stephens church hornby 1 1 ajn holy communion llm this tlcm taken at npoitaih fti knox presbyterian church rev chas c cochrane ba minister 10 ajn sunday school 1 1 ajn public worship rev r porb thomas of acton will preach ltmehoiue presbt tnrian church 2 pm sundij school 3 pm public worship re r forbes thomson of acton will preach st patricks dance m the j georgetown arena thurs march 16 3 sponsored bv 1 punch press war work- ers chib proceeds for british war j i victims fund modernaires orchestra i admission 50c a lucky draw j dance town hall glen williams i friday mar 10 i j doris hulls music 1 keep this date in mind vorval and union presbyterian churche rc j l self b a minister norral 10 a m sunday school 11 ajn public worship union 2pm sundaj school 3pm public worship glen williams united church ralph waugh b a minister 2 pjn sunday school 7 pjn public worship ii it cross church rev v j monran mais at 9 00 n m 2nd nd ai sun iys 100 am 1st 3rd and 5th sun bskb3r a b b wmm t h e a t r e friday march 10th always a bridesmaid indrew msters palnc know irs boots and saddles g nt autrv fox news saturdav march ii matinee at 3 pm whistling in brooklyn a red hot luirh not with unl skclton 1sxn rutherford orrtf dv m of a jam cirlnnn mm- commandos chapter 5 s i itt s rvic in darkest africa tuesday and wednesday march 14 and is no time for love claudellc colbert fred macmorrat canada carries on target for berlin miniature ode to victory cartoon the truck that flew rn w mom n ui osjujn i oil vllt ill ir 11 i i f 11 im ii i f ii uid f mid cw wckhlni i1m t jwu ip h hiwvaii farm ht proceeds for boys parcels sponsored by beaumont employees i lolt sh seed potior irkh c obbl r vnwi t 000 on no i pound ulon a ftt c il in m i idiini our wd now ii lephone or mill jour tnirs ti f c brunskii i r r no 2 not il ltp nil phone svor brimjit n for sale wooer fl in- feed urulers miiv ng marhhies milk coolers fleet rc i penci ilvi mount forrst threshln- machines district representative wil loughbj firm agencv t f hewson rieorrrtown phone 33 tf p o box 257 notice to dog owners every oner powesfor or keeper oi a doe who mi not procured a license shall do so on or before the 1st day op may 1944 i have been instructed by council that this lav must be strictly enforced you can secure your tags from the undersigned or the clerk at his offlce w o marshall curf af polk pit h tin i t a c hti i hi putting in ov n n ind b ko if 2 819 and for i 1 mil ovii vii i i i itd ii oiuil around 5 km i i i i i ml u st in to tin ne im- t rtimli w nnncd eirl in mml lin being a herbtr pr si i inn ilili m pn sident cjnl l i li fliuiij st tr is ilios tii hi i r ft mn ci iliilui lin nice if ii ti t iiu niui mnj on ii v i s 1 1 i u is ind wlicn tin c n e mi il mpetdi in 1 uvs c 191 nt uinii ii two wtiks iia ui r 1 ii t pria 400 cusli i slher nv i hrtini uimiiloncli lor th 24 ij is nkn part iiso the win rii tin in i i inlr rcrunrnlal bnud spirit a is hiph now not only among tli rind memliers but tlie public were soltdl behind tliem and ot the close of the sears business a total of oner 1600 had been received and spent officers elected for 1932 were harry hale president art herrt vice- president wilfrid leslie sectyeas e r magioughlen and wuf ou1 ft- narjee committee in 16s3 in the contest at the cjje they von 3rd prlaa or b v iridic i bout i im 7f7 pu tin ol the to i u d qikikt of course md s i mi m number em tli si increisos in number of work mi shown b iji nbit with i rise of 34 ix rt i where a 10 increase ilcd orr 1942 victory club z st patricks masquerade dance in the georgetown arena j wednesday evening march 15th h modern and old tyme hanclng music by a al watsons 5 orchestra z v 1vm4tis for soldiers comfort h fund b k prizes for best and funniest 0 costumes votrlty dances j admission 50c s200 and it the 1 1 is t m luiti etmcd ote shoo in 133 tin oliurrs tie lid were e r mikloitrhun prishint wilfrtc gill vlr pres wilfred leslie sec trens cjrll brandford and albert slmson on finance tommitue 11 king and ed ballingall ns librarian the liglillght of 1933 was first a competition itt stratford april 29th at which they won 2nd prlae with onl a certificate for their labor then on july 8th 1933 at waterloo contest they were awarded 2nd prize which entitled each member to a silver me dal but no money then august 31st they entered the cnk contest and- puttbrth one ofthettpoorest shovtngs to receive 5th prise with this back ground to look back on the band is still going strong ngarcaes oi all the good men that have com and gone phone 161 qrner min guelpti streets scotts garage international sales and service shell products

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