Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 8, 1944, p. 8

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carrolls catarac dry ginger ale 30oz bu orange pekoe tem lyons viib 44c carroua ronmr coffee 1h pkg 35c side bacon x x4c steero cubes x s5c peanuts in shell r 5 kraft dinners 17c baby foods aylmer 7c pickles mlndsweel mutrd 12oz jr 19c bakers cocoa v n 17 herring in sauce x8c vegetable soup hz x x5 cornmeal cid ib 5e hawet lemon oil mi 15c x5c palmolive bs 3 x3c odex anttaeptte soap x k lie pouflor floor wax ib 49c old dutch cleanser 10c ft e reserve the rtht to limit quantities ol ell merchand tfae w gkaffjuuu fltae 2sb navel oranges she ttt navel oeangcs star ik navel obanoks fruit and etlble pric aubjeet to market fluctutl cmfml to tue march 9t sugar h to 28 i p 1 to 16 tea or cod 14 to 29 el4 butter 50 to s3 phone 357 georgetown place your order now for barley chop chick starter checkrtabs a drinking water tablet for chickens and turkeys dissolves quickly chlorena powder we deliver i hedley shaw feed grain seed phone 195 georgetown birth notice lawson oto georgetown on march 2nd to mr and mrs douglas law- son of stewarttown a daughter picket mr and mrs vernon picket nee dorothy bajl wish to an nounce the- birth of their daughter doris irene at guelph general hospital march 3rd a slater for verna both doing fine in memoriam allen in losing memory ol a dear wife and mother elizabeth l bel- grove mrs thomas allen who died tuesday march 9th 1943 from our happy home and cicrcle god has taken one we love borne away from sin ana sorrow to a better home above r sadly missed by husband and family local mews wear a shamrock next friday- march 17th both pedestrians and drivers have found it hard to navigate the icy walks and roads this week get that picture framed at ohap mans drug store see window for samples an account of the women s insti lute meeting will appear in next week s issue rebakah birthday party thurs day maxell 23rd- particulars next week the ladles auxiliary of the legion are holding a euchre friday night at 815 in the legion hall good prizes keep tuesday march 14th open for euchre in nerval parish hall sponsored by norval women s insti tute proceeds for war work refresh ments and good prizes the young norval bachelors atge holding their last dunce of tht season m the norval parish hall on friday march 4ui fishers orchestra re fresh ments 2t if backaches arc slowing you up take rumacaps pains and aches are relieved afur the first dose robbs drug store maccormack s drug store rre itlj on display in the window at chapman s drug store are two photos of local lnteerst these are pic tures of the wedding in england of the former nora brrnj burgess ana georgetown bui tennant grooms man being lieut russell firestone the young women s auxiliary for this crucial hour our nations prepare for their supreme effort and if need be sacrifice in that crucial hour everything will be thrown into the balance the sweat the blood the lives the prayers of ur gallant men then as never before will be needed the mercy that is red cross to support and cherish them in their great crisis it is in their name and against their fast approaching need that you are asked to give generously to the canadianrsd cross this advertisment contributed by silvers department store j correspondence georgetown march 6th 1044 to the editor georgetown herald dear mvlft enclosed is a clipping of an editorial from the globe and mall of march 4th date some of your readers think more publicity should be given to it and we are king you to print it at our expense at the same time may we draw the attention of herald readers to the re cent articles in maclean s magazine feb 15th and march 1st re the v d menace described s canada s number one saboteur none of the articles above men tioned however have seen ot to con nect this teniljlng prevalence of so clal disease in canada with the drink ing habits of her citizens that we in georgetown at least may not miss this connection may i quote once more the published statement of lt col donald h williams chief vene- the presbyterian church are holding real disease oontrol offtcer for oa- a st patrick s tea in knox church i nada alcohol is the lubricant of the gently in need of funds the canadian people have men fit to spend 250- 000 000 per n for artificial stimu lation through alcohol there is not much sign here of the selfdenial to which millions of canadians vowed themselves for the winning of the war during the last war king george v set a fine exmpie of self discipline by banning the consumpton of alcohol in the royal household till victory came it was followed far and wide through out the commonwealth but in this war millions of canadians have re fused to impose any selfrestraint upon their appetite for liquor this widespread attitude argues a weakness in moral stamina which is strangely out of keeping with- the valiant phybl cal courage of our youth and it must be counted a discredit to our civilian population this newspaper has no be lief that social habits can be regulated effectively by prohibitive or sumptu ary laws it believes that only an awakening of the national conscience and a new spirit of sehdlscipline in this the most critical year of the war will bring our national liquor bfll within decent bounds sunday school room on sat march 18th from 3 to 53 admission 36c st george s church boys league st george b church boys league had a great dav in toronto saturday the sixteen boys who were most faith ful in church attendance with their leaders and helper brian ferry went b the 1010 train on arriving in toronto union sta tlon they had their lunch an i then to the royal ontario museum where by arrangement a lecturer took over the group at 1 15 till 2 45 then the boys all anxi to stay longer nr allowed to look around on their own till a little after four then by street car to simp son s especially toyland till time u arrive at child s restaurant at yonge and dundas sts for dinner at 5 30 arrangements had been made in ad vance bj dr reld and when the boys arrived their tables were already placed in banquet arrangement and tvw nt pints set th- table looked very attractive and a very tine full course dinner was served dinner over and alttr a short rest maple leaf gardens was invaded and the bovs certainly noved themselves there after the game and street car to the station where refreshments wert tnjoved ui boirdtd their train for georgetown arriving at about 1 i in afur aii he great day in to ronto a special ueat w is enjoyed b the llrst two most faithful in attendance at church during hit jcar ross svkts with 51 uid walter sargent with 50 at tndancc out ot a tne treat being two rail scats a gift from a friend of the club e lunc pensons fish and chip store headquarters for sea foods ocean to you fresh caught flavor please give us your order early ah orders 80c ml over delivered anywhere in town phone 293 u open 30 aja to 1100 balunafad facilitation process it enables the wheels of facilitation with smooth ness and despatch relentlessly to has ten healthy citizens to ill health and misfortune quoted in ken mc taggarts article social his facili tated by alcohol globe and mail june 28th ims to show that the above fact is re cognized by other authorities on this question may we refer your readers to the statement of dr heaven emerson professor emeritus of public healh practice columbia university in his book alcohol its effects on m li the chapter headed alcohol in rela tlon to venereal disease available in our public library on behalf of a group of citizens in erested in community welfare i sign myself george t ottizen a scandalous liquor bui the latest official figures on the na tlonal consumption of liquor since the war began are material for several moral indictments of the canadian people the rise in this consumption has been progressive throughout the war years as compared with 1939 total amount of spirits molt liquors including beer and wine purchased b the p ibllc in 1943 had increased bv 40 60 and 30 per cent respectively there is i further estimate that ca nndas liquor bill in terms ot money mounted last jenr to 250000000 from a prewar figure of 153 000 000 but this spread of over 03 per cent is par tially accounted for b th sharp rise in the taxes on all kinds of drink an expenditure of 21 per capita is a scandalously high scale of liquor cons imption even in peace vend lt is more deplorable in wartime the rea sons for lt are not hard to wk for one thing large numbers of our people have been enjoying their h chest earnings for many a long aa despite the heavy taxation they have more no ney to spend after the daily necessi ties of life have been provided for many kinds of luxury goods on which thev might have spent these funds are not obtainable but one type of lu xury liquor is still available and so it is bought freely again the general emotional upheaval which war in evltabvy brings makes thousands of at foot 5 sows- due before date of sale 3 young sows bred jan 4 4 young sows bred about feb 1 20 young sows bred about the middle of february 7 pigs 10 weeks old 6 bhoats for the parties looking for good hogs plan to attend this sale tm h clhc tractor on rubber with starter and lights fbrdson tractor on steel with two furrow oliver plow 1 lhc two- furrow tractor flow pickup type on rubber tires 600x16 fleury blssell 14 front 16 rear disc now mbl 1 ft binder mk 11 spout drill wtth fer tilizer attachment fertilizer drill superior 11 run disc lhjo tworow com scuffler new mh mower 5 ft cut 1 mch turnip sower with fertilizer attachment 3 drum steel roller i h c mh turnip pnlper new rubbertired top buggy oneill of georgetown grindstone bain truck wagon with extra set wheels 45 gal barrel of molasses harness set of breeching har ness wtth collars remember the date march 16th and plan to attendtfhls sale town case against clay products ltd dismissed in ootjbx of appeal on tuesday february 28th in the court of appeal in toronto the de cision magistrate woodllfe handed down in the previous hearing wherein he ruled that the case of the town ot georgetown against georgetown clay products ltd be dismissed was upheld the action was taken by the town against clay producta with respect to the smoke by law passed by last years council both court decided the town had no case against the company nothing to be removed until settle ment is made- naaaagaweya w l will have a booth on the grounds in aid of red cross roy hxndlky robt t amos auctioneer lynns mcmillan clerk clearing auction sale of farm st poarry has received ln- the world s duy of prayer service was observed at the manse feb 25yi a number of women ere present and t xik iirt in the scrice and made lt interesting and beneficial to all mrs f shortlll was appointed key woman for 1844 the feb meeting of the wmjs was held wed afternoon at the manse owing to the condition of theroads a number of the members were unabl to be present miss b hilts was in chatbtlpeople turn to liquor as an anodyne of the topic and gave it in her usual for frayed or shattered nerves for capable manner plans were made for many it has become an escape and the easter thank offering the young people from oaledon east united church are putting on a play in bauinafad hall tuesday even ing march 14 under the auspioea of the w a- of bauinafad united church proceeds tor red cross and w a- the young people here are praou- ing a play and hope to be ready to present it early in aiu- the ladles of this group of red oro 1work intend having a oootto at mr jax mckays sale march 16 they use it as a narcotic rather than a social lubricant but these are excuses and no ade quate defense for our inordinately large liquor bul the figures are as tounding and one does not need to be a prohimuonist to be gravity shocked by then hi fee years when the treasury hi hard pressed to finance the national war effort and a variety beneficent ortvusaooca working for the welfare of our fighting men are ur- unrsscrvkd auction sale en naissaoaweya township milking shorthorns york bhire hogs implements the undersigned has received m structlons from brownlow bros to sell by public auction at the farm of louis brownlow lot 21 con 3 situated on the eden mills school line about 4 miles below eden mills and on county road which links aber tojle and guelph stone road on wednesday march 15th commencing at 12 30 pffl sharp the following horfces grey percheron mare 7 ytan bay belgium mare 6 years milking shorthorns white cow frcitli with calf at foot roan cow frji witli calf at foot roan cow ftkbh with calf at foot roan cow due ma 8 white cow fresh mut caif it foot roan cow fresh i ilf at loot roan cow fresh calf at loot red heifer bred jan 9 red heifer iresh calf at toot red and white cow fresh with calf at toot roan cow due may 10 roan heifer resh with calf at foot roan cow fresh with calf at foot tilt aixnt cows all hand milked and tht calves pail fed with tin exception or one cows irt untier 6 years red shorthorn bull 2 years old roan bhorihorn bull 1 year old these bulls are purebred but not re gistcred and sired by the herd bull underwood viscount 241748 who is a son of collynie vigilance imp fat cattle 6 fat cattle 2 yrs 11 butchers and shortkeep feeders veal calf all cattle under 4 years are sired by underwood viscount by imp collynie vigilance and all cows with one exception are under 6 years of age auctioneers note these are as fine a lot of shorthorn grade catue as could be offered at any farm sale and t b an woedtesfcd yorkshire hogs york boar bunnydale pat 4 w this herd boar is ptnkney st grow strata 3 young pure- faoed boars ready for service 30 open puremred bows near breeding age grade yorkssow with 13 pigs the undersigned structlons from alex to sell by public auction at lot 28 9th line ebquealng on wednesday march ik at 130 odock the following horses black horse rising 8 years bay horse 14 years cattle grey cow 7 years due time of sale red cow 6 years due time- of sale roan cow 6 years due ji april orey cow rising 4 years bred in february orey cow 6 years bred ta february red cow 6 years bred m january red cow rising 4 years due in march roan heifer rising 3 years due ta may s steers rising 2 years 1 heller rising 2 years 5 catves about 1 year 2 pall calves poultry 29 laying pullets rocks 24 yearling hens laying well implements massey harris binder 6 ft cut in good repair mas sey harris seed drill 13 hoe in goof repair frost wood mower 5 ft cut in good repair frost wood cultiva tor in god repair masseyharris sul ky rake fleury 21 walking plow massey harris quebec sulky plow set of cockshutp harrows turnld jower adams wagon and box set of bob sleighs hay pork and pulleys mclaughlin top buggy mclaughlin cutter set of renfrew scales 2000 lbs chatham fanning mill hay rark scoop shovel bag holder wicwbirrow set of steel blocks root pulper grindstone scuffler creim separator and churn butter brown 22 ft ladder hay grain etc about ten or twelve tons of hay 200 bushels of oats 125 bushels of mixed grata about loo bushels of turnips set double haineaa- set of single harnei ftjrnitur1a small quantky of furniture including mattress and springs half dozen kitchen chairs hanging lamp 2 table lamps mffle pails also other articles ttw n to mention terms cash no reserve as the farm has been seed in case of bad weather the roads j will be kept open from highway to farm a w benton cserfc frank pkich anctionear

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