Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 15, 1944, p. 1

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rsetantyseventh yew of publication georgetown ontario wednesday march 15th 1944 200 per annum 5c par copy 3 raised in local red cross drive to date many large donations abe returns are flowing in to red cross headquarters to georgetown from the current campaign as we go to press and mr leroy dale chairman of the drive for town and vicinity statesithatj ttie- response has been most encourag ing with 3300 raised or our 4600 objective county council doubled their dona tion to the iflve societies within the this year with a grant 000 in place of last years 4500 to r divided equally between the socle- l also listed among the list of largo ubscrlbers at present available are w f bradley 20000 howard kentner 100 sam mackenzie 100 ralph ross 50 dgh wright 50 howard may 35 alex nobw 39 alex mc- laren 25 a e grippe 25 young bachlors club nerval 40 the following amounts have been raised in the various wards to date ward 1 300 ward 2 norm of onjt 125 ward 2 south of cjlr 400 ward 3 1000 nerval 550 glen wu- cvfilage 385 olen williams rural 150 stewarttown 350 lime- taouse m04 space does tiot permit us to give the general organization set up but the list of canvassers will appear next ctive service notes lac ernie alcott of brantford is home on furlough acs leonard bus bell has been transferred from the west to ampiior 436tr law elizabeth coffin of rockcllffe is spending a leave with her parents mr and mrs p b cofnn gnr john hoare of the 1st halifax coast bty rjoa halifax n s is to on leave with his parent mr and mrs charles hoare pte reginald blair is this week ce lebrating his 5th overseas birthday be is now serving in italy with the princess pate and in his most recent letter home says he la keping in ex ceedingly good health and thathe has met more boys from home there than all the time he was in england the weather has been bed and reg saysi bunny italy is a joke they havenl seen the sun for two weers among the boya he has been are bill collier and pete toslhe has just heard that his chum johny law is also in italy and be expressed the hope that he would see him soon sgt puot jamea emmerson is now stationed at lachine que he had pre- vtouely been in halifax pilot officer bob charters said missing popular brampton boy waa recently awarded djju for bravery word has been received by mr and mrs c v charters brampton that their younger son pilot officer ro6ert b charters is missing following re cent air operations pilot officer charters popular brampton boy was last year awarded the distinguished flying medal for heroic exploits over enemy territory and he was qpe of a small number of canadian airmen honored by king ge vi at buckingham palace wounded in the chest while on a re turn trip from a bombing raid over esen in which despite his weakened condition he landed his plane he was recommended for the award his citation told of the bomber continuing on its flight to essen though one en gine was overheated and on the return trip crossing the dutch coast was attacked by enemy fighters mr charters had another experience wthlle a flight sergeant in training in england the plane which he was na vigating was struck by lightning and burst into flames the crew parachuted to safety just one year ago he was injured by german gunfire in the raid over essen despite his injuries to his chest and arm he was able to make a landing in england after fsbort period in hospital he returned to duty pilots officer at twenty bob en listed in the roap on bis 18th birthday and trained at no 1 xtj3 t and at london and plngal be went overseas in may 1942 and was commissioned in september as a na- vtgator esquesinc township council meeting stewarttown march 0th 1044 esquestng township council held their regular meeting on- monday afternoon deputyreeve o w mur ray councillors george e cleave george currie and wm a wilson were present reeve c h may pre sided minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted a letter from mr george e eutott was read regarding an obstruction of road allowance on town line be tween esquesing and nassagaweya letter from liquor control board in reply to enquiry re taking vote on lo cal option in the township the reeve and road superintendent from chtnguacousy attended the meet ing- in connection with the cost of work done on town line mr alex noble and rev colebrook addressed coun cil in connection with taxing of a vote on local option mr l l skuce pub lic school inspector addressed council giving information on township school areas regarding increased grants from 100 to 250 annuallly the clerk was instructed by council to write the se cretary of each school board asking that a ratepayers meeting be held in each school section moved by currie seconded by mur ray that accounts be paid bell te lephone co services 585 h a le ver audit fee for the year ended dec 31 1943 20000 r j lovell co as- sessorles supplies 1655 corporation of acton to half clerks and bailiff feesjurtogj9432400rentjtjown hall 1500 the georgetown herald account to date 6258 a w benton stamps 700 carried moved by wilson seconded by cleave that the treasurer pay a e wilson insurance premium bond renewal no 29812 k c lindsay to march 1st 1945 4000carried moved by cleave seconded by wil son that th tr township of nassagaweya be paid 50 per cent of relief supplied to a family 2672- carried mbvre by currie seconded by wil son that die road accounts be paid 67347 carried moved by cleave seconded by wil son chat leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to fix the salary of the clerk of the township and that said bylaw be now read a first urn carried moved by murray seconded by cur rie that bylaw no 968 to bx the salary of the clerk of the township having been read a first time be now read a second time and third times and passed and the seal of the corporation be attached thereto carried moved by currie s seconded by cleave that this council do now ad journ to met april 3rd at 2 pjn or at the call of the reeve carried toronto the wedding of private james mal colm brandford elder son of mr and mrs george brandtord and evelyn beta apperley daughter of mr and mrs george apperley toronto was solemnised at the parsonage of hope united church toronto by the pastor reverend curtis on saturday evening at 8 oclock the bride wore an aftemon dress of pale blue chiffon with corsage of pink roses and iris and black acces sories she was attended by miss kay trelfocd toronto who chose a street- length dress of pink crepe with black i accessories and corsage of pink roses the grooms brother a2 george brand- ford of guelph was best man a reception was held at the brides home following the ceremony the grooms parents and mr and mrs thomas sason jr ol georgetown at tended the wedding pte and mrs brandford are spending two weeks at the home of mr and mrs geo brand ford in town oakrlqe had s3 applications- for police chief of that town and john p deny of the oudph fore wms faired and has taken over his new dn- large clothing shipment sent to britain the first box of the year has been shipped to mrs massey london eng land from mrs- pensons lunch rooms it weighed 345 pounds every thing it contained will be gratefully appreciated by many people included were new childrens dresses vesta panties idmonas etc a bundle of prints which mrs loud is making into little childrens dresses to be enclosed in the next box was all bought with cheques received from the sale of sal- vase fats and bones collected by mrs penson mr silver sent a box of lo vely woollen bonnets mitts booties and berets a cheque fo r 558 has been forwarded by mrs pcnson to the bed cross society saint john n b to cover ocean freight and handling charges sit the coast the many kind people in georgetown and districts will be pleased to know how much their wills have meant to people in england a letter received by mrs loud from mrs massey reads in part as follows no words can ex press the gratitude f feel tor all you and your family are doing to help the people here the last consignment was wonderful everything perfectly pack ed and listed the secretary of the soldiers sailors and airmens fa milies association to whom as you know we send the clothing tells me that they were put into immediate use this is what she say all the clothes are what we are so urgently in need of to help us to meet the very many-re- ouesta for things which come in all the time do tell mrs loud her family and friends how jrratoful we always are for their generous help mrs penetm and mrs loud have only one request to make and that is to see that ttoe clothing donated is eva and tn good condition the res ponse to this cause baa been toufy heartening the clothing may be left with mrs penson at pensona fish and chip store main st or at the home of mrs loud mam street north pte malcolm brandford ma satui agricultural society directors andjwives guests of president president craig reld of the esque sing agricultural society entertained the directors and their wives at a com bined business and social evening at his home last thursday evening about thirty were present during the first part of the evening the lady directors and other ladies present were asked to revise the ladles section of the prize list for the 1944 jair while the men met in a separate meeting miss charlotte mccullough had charge of the ladies meeting agricultural representative j e whltelock addressed the directors in regard to sponsoring a husking corn field crop competition he announced that in addition to the government grant for field crop competition uie halton crop improvement would also make a donation worthwhile prides would be offered but he suggested that seed be procured at once after discus sion the society decided to sponsor this competition and it is hoped that a goodly number of farmers will avail themselves of this opportunity by way of encouraging the school children to take an even keener inter est tn the local fair it was decided to ask the various school boards to put up prize money equal to that of the society the society expect to hold a social evening and dance in norval hall in the near future with proceeds going al most entirely to war work following the meeting a delicious lunch was served after which cards were played until the wee sma hours among those present were mr and mrs p w cleave mr and mrs t l leslie mr and mrs spencer wilson mr and mrs garfield aacoqvray mr and mrs prank fetch mr and mrs t j brownrldge mr and mrs w h reld miss charlotte mccullough miss elsie bird miss marjorle gault mr and mrs herb cleave mr james fisher mr w j alexander mr john bird mr harvey nurse mr alex in- glis miss bowles mr harding price mr robert miller mr bruce rld and mr craig reld womans institute donate 0 o local the march meeting of the george town womens institute was held at the home of mrs r paul on wednes day afternoon march isc at 3 pm with thev president mrs w of mcj powell presiding ttie meeting opened by singing the institute ode and repeating the prayer i after which the minutes of the pre vious meeting were read and adopted correspondence was then read and discussed mrs fred mcnally gave a report of the marathon euchre held recently which proved most successful and it was moved and seconded that out of the proceeds 1000 be contri buted to each of the following red i cross navy league and soldiers comfort fund making 3000 in all the roll call was answered by a book suitable for the wavy league i mrs livingstone reported there had been a call for some articles out of the layette and these were to be replaced by a shower at the april meeting mrs wm sinclair ana mrs w g marshall the programme convenors for the meeting had arranged a most enjoyable programme consisting of a paper on citizenship given by mrs sinclair a humourous reading the rummage sale given by miss mamie campbell and a vocal duet by mrs a vannatter and mrs h wrigglesworth after a vote of thanks to the hos tess and those taking part in the pro gramme the meeting closed by singing god save the king the herald british war victims fund forwarded to toronto evening telaram 314225 cash jon hand acknowledged 251 ol total march 15th 1944 330326 the georgetown herald soldier comforts fund forwarded soldiers comforts committee 67334 cash on hand acknowledged 22788 georgetown womens institute 1000 total march 15th 1944 91142 fltsgt james louth now presumed dead flight sergeant wm james jlm- mle louth 22 member of the famous iroquois squadron roaf is presumed dead son of mr and mm walter louth of georgetown and husband of emily hadley of chen wfqiams he was reported missing after operations over enemy territory on january 22nd word was received ry nis wife from the international red cross jtmmie is a veteran of some 30 raids ever germany and oooopled europe and only recently took part m one of the major raids over berlin returning in a badly crippled plane he was bombadler on a halifax bomber the weather by h l hutt last saturday and sunday we had the first thaw of the spring and sa turday night was the first hght this i spring without frost this has great ly reduced the snow and left hillsides bare facing the sun lost yeaij when there was little or no frost in the i ground all winter the melting snow soaked into the ground as it melted but this spring with the ground frozen hard before the snow came much of the melting snow is running off into the creeks instead of being soaked up by the ground we will need lots of spring rains to make up for this loss of moisture following are local records date h and l precipi- temp tatlon tues march 7 30 23 wed march 8 22 15 25 snow thurs march 9 23 7 50 snow frl march 10 25 4 sat march 11 45 11 sun march 12 47 37 59 rain mon march 13 34 25 united church boys scorb m win over norval boys club a keenly contested hockey gi between norval boys club and the georgetown united church boys club in georgetown arena last saturday afternoon resulted in a 64 victory for the united church lads much better organized and with a splendid show of team work the norval club bid fair to win the gome georgetown won through sheer grit and the superior playing of dillon in goal and c bums at defence althougn jeorgetown scored early in the first period per c bums cunningham for norval soon tied it up time after time the norval machine marched in ana a earrage of shots was stopped by dillon it was touch and go so far as scoring went all through the game with three or four seconds to go in the last period norval was leading 4 to 3 but in those last few seconds burns tied it up with a spectacular drive into the norval net during nine minutes of overtime bums scored two additional goals for georgetown the goal score for the norval club was cunningham 1 singer 1 cleave 1 robinson 1 pbr georgetown o burrtfls d mccartney 1 playing for the local team were goal dillon def c burns colman centre d henington wings grace and arnold bubs d bums huffman tapp ford mccartney for the nor val club goal muir def cleave and robinson centre singer wings fenl- ly and h cunningham subs b cun ningham pcmeroy leslie reld re feree rev len self elizabeth ann paul weds william kelly a quiet wedding ceremony took place in st georges church of eng land when elinifoeth ann betty younger daughter of dr and mrs r paul of georgetown became the bride of william kelly younger son of mr and mrs j d kelly of georgetown archdeacon w g o thompson of georgetown officiated assisted by archdeacon o andrew or toronto attendants were miss margaret hoare and richard crlchton of georgetown reader brings an interesting document nearly 90 years old mr w j alexander rr no 2 georgetown brought an interesting document into the herald office lost week it is nn invoice dated eightyfour years ago from a firm of importers of english gorman and american hard ware by the name of alexander dixon a son toronto the heading on the bill informs us that among the articles the store had for sale were saddlers ironmongery hog skins skirtings pa tent leather carriage trimmings etc all the amounts are in english cur rency and the paper on which the billhead is printed a pale blue bond is in an excellent state- of preservation such old articles hold a great deal interest and we invite our readers to bring in any such items as they have so that we may bring them to the attention of our readers mr george robinson has leased the farm lot 24w coi to erin town ship the pro of mr w j young mr young is holding a clearing i of stock implements etc- on friday of this week moh states sanitary conditions h school fairly satisfactory rev andmrs j l self entertain hockey club and guests a most enjoyable party at the home of rev and mrs j l self norval monday evening last brought to a cl6se the activities of the norval georgetown oomtbjne ihbermedlajbe hookey team for the season the members of the team and their guests all joined in a program of games packed with fun and variety led by the host a delicious salad supper was served afterwards by mrs self assist ed by miss patsy robinson and miss isobel murray norval those present included miss betty snyder miss mary smith mrs walter blehn mr and mrs roy ward mr and mrs garfield mogllvray mr walter richardson qteorgetown mr gordon momurchy huttonville mr andsmrs lome taylor brampton mr and mrs t l mcmeekln miss patsy robinson miss isobel murray mr jim lark mr jim bocies mr nor man fendley mr archie campbell mr joe schertzel after a hearty vote of thanks was extended by mr of mcguvray to mr and mrs self for their hospitality hoc key club members held a short business discussion when they decided to pur chase windbreakers and crests for the team the lights were then dimmed and the evening climaxed with a htiiim abost atorj bymr sell atarimetmg of the georgetown high school board on monday march 13th the following letter from dr o v willlamsmodioal officer of health was presented to the members as it 1 a report on the sanitary inspection of the high school it is a matter of great interest to the public and we pubuab it herewith georgetown ontl march 10 1944 mr w t evans secretary georgetown high school board georgetown ont dear sir sanitary inspection of georgetown high school a sanitary inspection of georgetown high school was made march 9 1944 after moving allowances for the lack of modern facilities the sanitary con dition of the school was found to be fairly satisfactory the school lacks a general assembly hall and gymnasium there is no accommodation for stu- dents who lunch at school a class room is used for this purpose two of the school rooms appear to be deficient in natural light it is ques tionable 3 any of the rooms have sa tisfactory artificial light cloak room facilities for clothes and athletic equipment are needed both wash rooms are kept clean but would be more sanitary n floors were painted the staff and caretaker are to be congratulated for keeping sb antiquated a building up to its present standard of sanitation yours truly c v williams medical officer of health of georgetown ont 0ldundmark athj limehouse burned a are of undetermined origin com pletely destroyed the farm house near limehouse owned by- glenn kinnear rcaf about midnight last saturday night the blaze was first noticed by georgetowns fire chief donald lati mer when driving into lunehouse vil lage upon investigation he found the fire completely beyond control and some trees adjacent to the house also bumlng- was no wind and the other farm buildings werent threaten ed so there was no romt in turning in an alarm no one had been near the farmhouse for the past six months stated neigh bours and no traces of the origin of the fire could be found the building- was of frame construction and one of the districts oldest landmarks all the furniture was completely destroyed mr kinnear had lived there prior to his enlistment provincial officer lemon of milton notified the owners parents in toronto as mr kinnear is stationed at some distance from home plan distribution- ration book no 4 plans for distribution of ration book no 4 are almost complete and local ration boards all over the country are preparing for the gigantic task of seeing that 12000000 canadians get their books on time and in -good- order although the actual distribution dates will vary in the different municipali ties the whole job win be accomplished during the week of march 26 to april 1 accordingly it is important that con sumers watch their local newspapers for the annoimoement of the distribu tion- dates tn their locality as in earlier campaigns distribution is to be effected by ajeans of centres opened st in different cities town vffiages and townships the wher of these eentras wm be advertised well in adrsbee of the opening of the custrtbution oampalffn chester d cole buried in greenwood cemetery the death occurred on wednesday march 8th in st josephs hospital toronto of cheater d cole beloved husband of nellie sutherland and a native of georgetown death came after an illness of about six months duration deceased was a son of the late jacob cole and rebecca mtoqulre and me born in geor here he learned the printing trade and later became foreman at the georgetown rtmm where he worked for a number of years fifteen years ssjo he went to toronto where he entered his owa business but since the out break of war was employed at the john iogus mr cote went overseas in the plnc world war with the 104th tii he was a member of st g church of england and was afattfcfdl member of the obosr while llting to georgetown surviving are his widow and four sons three of whom are serving to the armed forces ptesv roy to italy laurence in england and chester to kingston and herman who resides to nbranda quehbcv one btfother also- survives wilfred m cole of toronto the funeral took place on saturday afternoon from chapel of mcdoogall andrown 646 st clair avenue west toronto to st ottarges cburob georgetown where archdeacon w o o thompson conducted the burial ser vice the pallbearers were messrs harold cleave a o mdmttrchy oar- field mogllvray thomas lbbleiro bert erwln and e w cole interment was made in greenwood cemetery among those from a distance attend ing the funeral were mrs harvey mo- donald tuden lake mrs b ruddy temagamf mr and mrs a c mo murchy huttonville mr alfred obi miss alice mcouire mr andmrs wil fred cole and mr and mrs harold watson toronto robert j wiley killed injsicilian campaign pte robert j wiley 30 son of mr and mrs william wiley of george town died while on active servlaav according to word from ottawa re ceived by his parents on mainh 7th previously reported missing to july of ims it was presumed that he haa taken part in the htj campaign although nothing deonlte on the theatre of war to which ne was en gaged is known by his family pte wiley who was bora to sniaad but came to canada when a enlisted with the lome aooj in march 1941 and went june of the same year survklrsi are his parentsv 9psr mill road four brotbara opl wwsia overseas with the bcjb tbm bdjb and edward of oeotetoh sjsa a ilirtn mrs barry ctadov abshsi bumbsth anils edith and bars all of georgetown

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