Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 15, 1944, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday march 15 1944 tforval an enjoyatol time of games ajad ntertalxunent was spent at the manse on monday evening when rev ami mrs 1 self entertained tne george town intermediate hookey team of wfclch mr seix waa a member pit 8gt boy ooupland returned to halifax last week for posting after completing a course at patricia bay un o w pouplant accompanied falm to spend a few weeks with ner son bev b- oouplant of tipper lahave nova sootla tulai prairie mauir and her father mr o magulre spent th week end with friends and relatives in detroit mars x webster visited in toronto stewarttown mrs hunt has received word that dat son opl gilbert hunt rcjlf has arrived safely in newfoundland word has been received that aw2 frances jenklnaon rcaf wd has been transferred to newfoundland and has arrived safely the w a meeting was neld last eefc at mrs john birds home the sudden thaw last saturday and sunday played havoc with the roads boles and ruts were gouged out on the bills reports tell of similar damage m many parts of the township news has just started to come from the boys overseas ol chrlbtmas par xkb arriving safely umehouse fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the tarm hduse owned by e klnnear at llmehouse about mid night saturday glenn is stationed al calgary with the rca j at present mrs j l ellerby convener a dance la aid of the red cross drive at th home of mrs a mcdonald and sons on friday evening all present report a good time a number of children s garments were cut out to be sewn at home when the flrst of a series of sewing classes was held at mrs kirkpatricks wednesday evening mrs s m wright spent the weekend in toronto bev forbes thompson of acton and bev c c cochrane of georgetown ana limehous exchanged pulpits on sunday mrs s janes of cheltennam visitea mrs noble last week iiao lome norton of st oatnennw bon latimer of rcjlp toronto and mis ron latimer ol aeorgcrovm spent bunday with mr and mrs a w nor ton halum county published in 1677 we regret to say that hornby has de creased in population since that date though m believe the quality remains equally high we have now only three churches instead of four which is a sufficient number for the present po pulatlon the handsome brick school house is still doing excellent work in educating the young and the old orange hall still met the needs of the community for social gatherings we are pleased that all hotels nave ceased to exist and that the brewery has long since been shut down we may add that a copy of the atlas above referred to is in me parsonage and is available to all wno wish to see the many interesting maps pictures historical sketches etc contained therein hornby torracotta intended for last week we are sorry to learn that mr joseph mcbride is on the sick list at present we sincerely hope soon to hear of his complete recovery mrs j dunn of toronto and mrs smith ol orillia were visiting with mr and mrs w f hunter and family this week mr taylor of toronto colled on terra cotta friends on sunday mr c higgins was visiting with friends in toronto last week mrs m mcnally who has been visiting with friends in toronto has arrived home much improved in health our sunday school teachers are still keeping the good work up here hi the sunday school and we also wish them continued success in their sunday sohook work here we are also pleased to learn that mrs j eaves is still on a fair way to recovery miss emma l rutledge spent sun day with friends in toronto auction sales seems to be the gen eral order of the day at present mr john beverly formerly of glen williams informs our correspondent that he has arrived overseas and has been promoted to lance corporal and he also is pleased to inform us that he gets the herald regularly and says that he gets a great kick out of the terra cotta news every week thanks beverly for your congratulations and we sure all join m wishing you every suoess in your brave work this week another fire was narrowly averted one day last week when our citizens noticed the chimney on mr wrn dawson 6 house took are and with the prompt action our ladies hook and ladder company and trucxet brigade were on hand and did excellent work and soon had the fire under control averting what might have been a church news he that spared not hu only son but delivered htm up for tu ll how shall he not with him also freely give us all thlnxst rom 8 32 the united church of canada bev b c todd minister 10 am sunday school classes for all ages of children 11 am publlo wor ship subject what has christianity to bay 4 about a christian standard 7 pm public wor ship subject the easy and the hard triumph r sunday school anniversary will be on sunday march 2th at 11 am speaker bev edward wing toronto knox presbyterian church georgetown rev ohas c cochrane b a minister 10 am sunday school 11 am public worship limehouso presbyterian church 2 pm sunday school bible class 3 pm public worship st georges church 3 o thompson rector st johns church stewarttown rev s b oolebrook rector fourth sunday in lent 2 pjn sunday school 3 pm evening prayer st pauls church nerval 730 pjn evening prayer st stephens church hornby 11 am morning prayer norval and union presbyterian churches rev j l self ba minister norval 10 am sunday school 11 am- public worship union 2 pm sunday school 3 pjn public worship glen wlulams united church ralph wugh b a minister 2 pjn sunday school 7 pm public wordhip an 1s 000 bull fob oac prof knox buys two bulls will also buy an ayshire ontario agricnhural herds coming to front pigs and sheep will be pur chased in scotland bulls secured at perth are best of their breed professor knox of the ontario agri cultural college attended the annual fourth sunday in calf m j scotland lent sunday school recently q money 8ubflc holy com by business men he purchased a short a horn bull calf about eleven montfhs old for 4000 guineas about 18 400 this calf was flrst in his class at the show and is said by people who saw him to be a very promising calf this calf is uppermlu royal and sired by aldle conqueror an outstanding sire owned by duthie webster at oollynie his name indicates the bull purchased was bred by james durno and is of the choicest breeding to be found in scot land the champion at perth was a calf bred by honeyrnan at belledim and he sold for 2 000 guineas to mrs b h linzeegordon of cluny castle aberdeenshire the reserve champion 10 r m m union corporate commu nlon evensong 7 pjn lenten service on thursday even ing at 7 30 st albans church glen williams fourth sunday in lent sunday school 2 pm evensong 3 pm lenten servl c on wednesday even ing at 8 o clock holy cross church mass at 9 00 a m 2nd and 4th sun days 11 00 am 1st 3rd and 5th sun days april showers ahead better have your umbrella repaired umbrellas are definitely among the things that are getting pretty scarce that s why it s so important trrat we make the most of those we have if your urn brella needs recovering if it needs a new cord tip ferule or rib bring it to mcbean ac co a we 11 gladly give you an estimate on repairs it may take three weeks to fix it so don t delay mcbean co i georgetown phone 64 was bred by kenetti macglllivray of klrkness inverness and was sired by lawton field marshall by oollynie state express and he sold in the auc tlon for 2 400 guineas the second re serve champion was bred by a j marshall of bridgebank strauraer and sold for 3 000 guineas besides buy ing uppermlll royal at the high price of the sale prof knox bought an april calf from duncan stewart of mill hills sired by oollynie elect for 550 guineas this is a choicely bred calf and comes from fine same herd as mill hills ransom purchased for the oac at the perth sale of 1036 by hon dun can marshall mulhllls ransom has built up the college herd of shorthorns until it is the best at any agricultural college on this continent and the two bulls one a son and the other a grand son of ranson are two of the best bulls of their breed to be found on any farm new blood was needed to keep the herd up to its present excellence and prof knox has made purohasee that should prove very efficient in this particular time bombs every tomorrow has its roots in yesterday we must search our heri tage to find our destiny when the order comes oease fir ing i we must keep on shooting for the kind of world we fought for men who fall at something worth while are still far ahead of those who succeed at doing nothing folks who get temperamental should remember that it fs usually more temper than mental to fight for the security of any man or nation fight for the integrity of men and nations its the little things that bother and put us on the rack you can sit upon a mountain but not upon a tack also on saturday evening our clti zens received a phone jail that mr j r campbells- chimney was on ire which caused considerable excitement here but upon arrival luckily it was not as serious as was reported and soon had the fire under control we are pleased to loam wlthoufany serious damage mr and mrs johi puckering and family of toronto catlea on terra cotta and glen williams friends on saturday evening last we are also sorry to leam chat mr boy puckering of toronto and for intended for last week march meeting of the homby women s association held at the home of mrs undsay neelands on thursday last march 2nd it was decided by the association w hold a st patricks social at the home of mr and mrs milton brown on fri day evening march 17th a cordial invitation is extended to all to attend mrs stanley leannont is hostess to the members of hornby women s instl tute on wednesday af temoon for the last six weeks the local red crostctu5 has sponsoredr a soclal evenlng each tuesday in the orange hall large crowds have attended every week to indulge in cards and dancing hornby oarage and machine shop is usually a busy place it is busier than ever these days a few weeks ago small war order was received and accepted work was begun at once and is being done with complete satis taction the work is that of drilling a hole in a piece of steol which forms an important part of a gun on a fighting plane this some piece of steel has to go through several machine shops before it is finished and ready for assembly we do not wonder that war munitions re expensive in view of all this we are glad that brigden brothers have the ability and equipment for doing this work and are pleased also ihat some local men are receiving em ptoyment in this way this week merly of this place is quite in ai pre sent his many friends here also hope soon to hear of his complete recovery a number of young people from olen williams and the surrounding district attended a social dance at the home ot mr and mrs john mcquanie of the 4th line and all report having spent a very enjoyable time we understand that mrs f c lyons of the 5th line intends taking a trip to the west shortly we wisn ner a plea sant trip and a safe return mr jas emmerson had the mlsfor tune of getting his book badly wrench ed while in the act of cranking his car which laid him up last week for a while and we hope that our genial jim will soon be able to be on aecs again as usual dont btjy depression constjmers are warned among the many week end visitors in the communitv were mr and mrs gordon downs of lowville and miss vera vafley at mr and mrs floyd downs mr and mrs griffith and daughter of canneld ont at mr and mrs stanley learmonts a few from hornby attended the social evening in ashgrove united church on monday last held nder the auspices of ashgrove yp tj visitors were present also from milton bethel and georgetown y p unions a splendid program was gl en follow d bj games nf pt which all enjovei the dainty lunch sened b ashroo ladles everyone ls invited to ftttr d h st patricks social to oe neld it h borne of mr and mrs milton brown ninth line esqyeslnr under the ausgl ces of the w a of the united church while we always look forvarftft the weekly visit of the herald we mast my that two articles in last wks lane were of exceptional interest to local tsadstm they were- the pen pfetom of tritalft tmrt in 1817 dd the hmorleftl sktchrjf hornby n the dlustrmted auas of depression and bread lines follow in the wake of inflation warned con troller nora frances henderson at the official opening of the hamilton pub lie library price conrol exhibit re cently unnecessary buying threatens the price celling which has been placed on goods for the protection of consumers said controller hen lersoh with a shortage of goods nnd an abnormally large vol me of n npy in circulation we mist ill hlnk twice before we spend donate to the red cross you thll have time to buy bulk and save omtajuo no 1 white beans 3 lbs 15c quick ob comb rolled oats 5 lbs 25c ruxon split peas 2 lb 19 pot barley 3 ibi 15c wheatlets 31b 15 readt cut macaroni spaghetti aire boum khc train ail brands 25c 25c 3 lbs 15c 3 lbs 15c 2 lbs 25c jordan brand grape juice 16 oi bottle 25c valuei effective thursday friday saturday march 16 17 18 quaker xxxx flour 69c a 249 chicken haddes canned herrings tomato juice 2 19c r1chmell0 coffee aa 35c dehydrated beans 9c green tomato pickle 19c pure lard maple leaf silverieaf household needi toilet 60ap palmoiive 4 lor 22c super suds 20c 0xyd0l are rkt 23c rins0 lux pill 23c riritan i issue 5 rolls 2sc good qtaliti brooms each 39c domino black tea 2 lb pkg 35 trvsh mruiia a domino baking powder i enviable l llbt 15c 15c neilson s cocoa vz lb tm 19c i run si 80 3 for isr i vi iplc ltaf werners 28c lb 1 s i mo 6 for lie i mrc rroni tiid cheese loaf 29c lb 1 1 ri c rrrot 1 t h id lieesi- 23c lb i ir rtoes rlml r fi k i r 23c lb we reserve th light toutu pttrchasea according to aapply available heinz prepared mustard 6 oi jar 10c master brand dog biscuits z 1 lb ptos 25c oomiin stores uhltto u

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