the georgetown herald wednesday march 15 1944 sunday i chool lesson leuon for march 19 oktnell f itafiflaua mucktkn ud by jesub obtomed ha was ataxia lor t fcealmi isaufa ms the crucifixion of christ brings ua to that darkest of u days in the his tory of the world when wicked men with cruel hearts and hands cruci fied the loving son of god but thanks be to god it was also pie day when bright hope shone forth for sinful humanity for in his death christ bore our sins upon the tree e veil was rent the old sacrifices ware sat aside and the new and v living way was opened into the v holiest by the blood of jesus heb 10 20 the cross is not just an ornament to decorate the steeple of a church or to adorn man it speaks of the black horror of the cry my god my god why hast thou forsaken met but it also tells of our god who so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son as its redeemer what does calvary mean to ust zt means that i taa gavtoar dld b wt cwtld live w 2327 the details of and circumstances surrounding the crucifixion are of deap interest to every christian we stand with luther and weep as we see christs unspeakable agony not only of body but of spirit and we cry for m for met bow can any beliaver contamplata the cross and withhold self substance or service from christ there would be leas careless self ish living if we would go often to the story of the death of christ and rec ognlxa the loving sacrificial devo lion of christ equally heartsearching is the invasageratihecross toth unbeliev er he knows he is a sinner rom 23 he knows that the wages of in la death rom 8 23 and he knows that neither la there salva tian in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved acts 4 12 here at the cross he meets that one who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto right eousness by whose stripes ye were healed i pet 2 24 wot the difference between the two thieves who were hanged with jesus for it is the difference be tween those who face christ in our day one railed on him luke 23 39 while the other repentant had a faith that looked all the way into paradise luke 23 43 u the son was forsaken so we could be accepted w 2936 awful was the railing and mock ing which our lord endured on the eross it must have made his de- voted loving heart wellnigh break as he saw the scorn of the very ones he died to save yet it was as nothing compared to that moment when he who knew no sin was made sin for us ii cor 5 21 bearing the awful load of the sin of the world he knew the bitter agony of being forsaken by the father he turned his head away and we hear that saddest of mil cries my god my god why hast thou forsaken met we cannot fathom the full mean ing of that hour we dare not attempt to explain it we can only accept it and thank god that because he did become sin for us we may be made the righteousness of god in him it cor 5 21 he died that we might live he was forsaken that we might be accepted in him the beloved eph 1 b after the darkness however comes the light he died not as a martyr a vanquished gladiator de feated in battle no there was vie tory m the veil was bent so we could enter w 3739 the death of jesus was not the pitiful weakening of a human mar tyr here was the son of god cry ing with a loud voice v 37 giving up his spirit to the father lukt 27 46 declaring that the work of xedemption was finished as a visible indication of that fact and as a declaration that the old dispensation of law had given place to the new dispensation of grace god tore the temple veil in twain only he could have done u no man could have torn this sixt foot long twenty foot wide and inch thick curtain and note that it was jrn from top to bottom this was fhe atl of god thi veil had hung in the temple to keep all but the high priest out of the holy of ho jiei and he entered with fear and t but once a year as the representative of the people now all thi is changed we have llow brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of jftos by a new and living way l iiath consecrated for us iftavafl let ua draw near with and full assurance of 10 19221 5f as we see it by j a strang you may have bead it before but it is wortti repeating during the four years of war oanada has suffered approximately 13000 killed and 12000 wounded missing and pri soners of war during the same four years her losses from accidents among civilians has totalled 35000 killed and 1600000 injured it would be interest ing to know how many of the accidents among civilian would be classed as preventable wouldnt it a fcw xlaju acjkj we all had the haoii ol buying a new car and running it tor pernapa one year or maybe two ana then turning n in an a new one we never nougat oi ouying a used car no it naa uicca new one perhaps the only dilierence in the new one from the preceding years model uula ue a minuy anitrent curve to the lenaers but we uioughl that the new one was away aheaa ol uie last year a model lxxiay mere are no now woim1 ou uie mantel ana every oar uii uie roua a a ustu uix 11 we want u gei u auleieni ctu we nave to buy a umki u oars reany last lunger uian one iiukui uiink max uiey woulu we even see uie ood model i on the road mese oays ana uie lust one oi wem was made in 1h27 however even it ail cars are used oars today they beem tt run very well and we seldom see a car in trouoie on toe highway no doubt they are being better taken care of nowadays over ui kngland they have always taken a pride in their cars and seemed to see how long they could keep them rather tnan trade them in on new ones maybe this enforced scarcity of cars is a good thing fox our country just imagine uie money that is saved by keeping the old car maybe it is no wonder that there is so much money for victory loans bed cross drives and etc the worst feature of this recent cold weatner is that we work so haru in an attempt to keep warm thai we soon have the work all done and then we are out of a job the question then arises what will we do in order to keep warm now in anticipation of flying busines ailcr uie war one of tne united tacs airlines has released some of its future program a nonstop flight from chicago to london trig using a one hundred passenger piane would make the trip in fourteen hours a return ticket for that particular trip would set you back il9t00 another route with the same company would be from san francisco to singapore this trip would take from forty five to forty eight hours each way and the round trip would cost an even 600 00 for short trips the company expect to use much smaller planes or perhaps 40 passenger capacity and they expect the fare for these short trips and the word short in this connection means a trip right across the continent at liiat to be perhaps three cents per mile the estimated speed for these local planes would be in the neighborhood of 220 miles per hour it should be a smart way to travel v ameb a has gpr locomotives in art if h rf55ga issi wu discovered a new grass that should be of considerable importance the name is the worst part of it it is called mfllhi mmutixlora this particular grass has the happy faculty of being able to repell snakes ticks moaqukos and other insect pests the grass ex udes an oily substance that is distaste ful to snakes and insects yet its rra- grance is pleasant to the human nosr tm the grass is one of the richest for pasture for horses and cattle and also yields a heavy crop when left for hay it sounds like a real discovery ovk advantage that the new car markers have this year is the eoee with which they can be attached to the car instead of taking those rusty bolts out and in cold weather at that all we have to do is to wet the sticker and apply it to the windshield who knows perhaps we may never have to go back to the old habit of getting brand new metal markers every year the present system means a big saving in metal we would think plan jack miner day plans nre under wn to make april 10 one ol the bluest dnjs kmrsiille and district hne eer known it will bo the pccam in of uncle jacks blrlhdi mil i xptted that a number of famous personairo will be prcstnt the eenis bcrni sponsirtd by uie klnrwllle chimbel f t mmerce in conjunction with hie ksm count tourist association and nil trtwn and district organizations not onl is jack miner the best known citizen of canada but he is also the sixth best known citizen on the continent he has mtide klngs- ville perhaps the best known town of its size in north america through his wild life activities it is therefore only fitting that jack miners own people should pay him tribute on this occasion not only has be made klngsville famous but bis fame has brought f nds ol ame rican and canadian tourists to the the millionaire by h e lauterbach imcchva srndlcam wnu sarvtcv t the tempo of wartime activity m a great railway shop and ocean liners sailing peacefully over calm waters present an in teresting study m contrasts btnn exhibit of oil paintings by adnen hebert rca now on display in the osborne street entrance show cases of the canadian pa cific railways windsor station at montreal these subjects rarely associat ed with the realm of art have been given effective and interest ing treatment by mr hebert one of the more vital operations of the shop men in wartime the overhauling of hard working loco motives has been forcefully portrayed in two of the paintings one of which is shown in the ac companying illustration while the shops flaming forges with their bltending blacksmiths hard at work inspired the theme of two others other features of the exhibit include colorful portrayals of canadian pacific liners shown peacefully at ancroritfmontreal harbor or sailing sufficiently close to port to show an effective background of smaller ships or landscape born in pans of canadian parentage mr hebert began h s career at an early age a fellow ot the royal society ot arts and manufactures of london he has exhibited at the spring exhibi tion in montreal and at the royal canadian academy having been elected an academician in 1941 one of his pictures was ac quired by the havre museum and another by the mu de nimes during a pans exhibition of his works mr hebert has other pictures in le musee de la province de quebec one belonging to the art association of montreal one in the national gallery at ot a v a and others in private colic ion new begulationb governing lhi sale otmapltybrjf tile war hint 1 na and 1 raw board has issutd an yrutr permuting producers of mapli products to sui direct to consumers ui uit maximum prit allowed u rti rs i i i pected to lncruise production when a producer sells direct u j consumer the maximum prltti are 240 a gallon lor unradtd sirup 2 65 for canada dark kratli 2 90 lor canada medium graui j io lor cu nada light grade ihtse pnets arc for an imperial gillon m i strew top ni tal container there are t njiiioer of other regulations and restrictions as follows maximum prices an es aoilshcd for each- grade of maple syrup and for the ungraded product when they are sold by the primary producer in screw top metal containers of one imperial gallon capacity when a primary producer sells to a wholesale distributor uie maximum price is 1 75 per imperial gallon for ungraded syruo 2 00 for canada dark grade sz34 tor canada medium grade and 250 for canada light grade when he sells direct to a oisumer uit maximum prices are 2 40 for un i ed inp 2 65 for canadaark grade 290 for canada medium grade and 3 15 for canada light grade i a pr ii lum of 25 cents a gall n atxni uie prlre of canatl i h h a i hircd lor srup marketed as canada 4 rudt for srtm sold in bulk the i llinu is 2i lents oer gallon less unn f r the same product sold in the gal 1 i s ii j rrteril r t abme prices all appl to sjrup delhe ed to uie common canit r neirit -u- i e ell r s place of business except wlun duer is made bj common car ritr no chiigc is to be made for de iher to i bujer within fifteen mile or the producers place of business and no charge is to tx made for dler a public market maple svrup sold b graac mwt hae the rrnde lel 1 miked on the container and the grades for canada fancy canada light urn ci i i m di n form ixi the standard of grades es- u i sh d by the colourlmeter ap pro wd b jie federal department of agriculture when a producer sells syrup to a processor or industrial user bis ma ximum prices f jab his shipping point are 15 cents per lb for canada dark maple syrup 16 cents for canada me dium 17 cents for canada light and 18 ceil for canada fancy the maximum price for bulk ttmplw gar loose packed m bags or otber rantairiws commonlv k as farm er s run is 22 cents a pound a pri mary producers maximum price for hies to jntme s of maple sugar in one half one two or four m blocks is t5c a pound for maple wax or la ure m pie b t r or maple cream the pro- nucers maximum price is 35 cenjs a ft sold to consumers because o lend lease in reverse he tola cm iai ure hi great britain of unttea states forces for official purposes was only 25 000 in december 1942 por several days george jenkins- 1 had been feeling like a milho aire he did not have the actu dollars and cents in his pocket ol even in the bank but then how many millionaires do he did have letter frdm the whippy steel com pany though informing him that they had accepted his invention under the terms outlined george was to receive five thousand dollars immediately with royalties to come on the sale of every golf club em bodying the jenkins compressed air shaft with this letter m his breast pocket george had good rea son to feel like an offshoot of the sixty families the company had promised to mail the check for five thousand on friday it was saturday noon now and george was hurrying home from work his heart pounding with excitement there wasnt any chance of a bitch as soon as whip py steel heard from their washing- ton patent attorneys the contracts would be signed george decided he would take the check directly to marjones for tined with five thousand dollars the prospect of more and a completely new wardrobe just purchased on the installment plan he hoped to pop the question which for three years he had been afraid to broach secret jyjie believed that marjone would accept after a little persuasion he allowed himself to toy with the idea that they might even be mar ried that very afternoon for george had been harboring a license m his wallet for months his preparations for the occasion even included a corsage of sweet heart roses clenched m bis left fist they were encased in waxed paper but george could see their delicate coloring and he smiled when he thought how happy the flowers would make marjorle as he neared the old brownstone dwelling where he lived geore tried to foresee the happenings of the next hour he visualized him self sitting in a corner of the couch holding marjones slim white hand he could not decide how to put the question but marjone would help him out she was that land of a girl for a split second as he peeped into his mail box george had sinking feeling that the letter was not there his tense fingers finally touched an envelope and he yanked it out sure enough it was from the whippy steel company george sighed and shoved his felt hatback on his head he wanted to open the letter to feel the check in his fingers but he slipped the unopened letter into his pocket and strode out of the house marjone must be with him when he opened the letter that held the comer stone of their entire future very soon george was standing before a small renovated tenement where marjone had her single room and kitchenette although her apartment was in a low rental neighborhood like this it somehow always gave george a feeling of luxury perhaps that was because- marjone was unusually quick to see the possibilities in what might ap- pear to be poor material that was- mail for the boys and girls overseas in dcht recent tnpn a giant 4engwcd 1 un l tr m tlif dominion govern i i s tnn ll ft i sprvico oponted 1 1 rut i 1 1 ir i ines earned for l iiih i ic rrva orrns vrr i n m i i 1 f ti 1 approtimftth i i milli lit tj lelwecn montreal t 1 rs 1 bnuua i r i li in 1 wtil corps estimates tint lit aorage cinadiui eolilifr untrt three it iters in seren days and n i almost four which gives some indication of the vs osanber af istteri that must bo despsbawrf kyad kcaaal transportation eaea wasfc all per letters as in the nrntu of planes tanks guns and ihelh i-ettor- nn rejrirded as an important nil tnre in maintaining the- morale of the boi ami r n thn armed force- t rtratniii rting mail tsonh nm if the- military missions for which the tahrastrs in the dominion govern nt scr ice are used they also carrj passenficra on important war hnmnem j as well as tons of cntwatlly needed ma terial to our fighting forces 1 upper photo shows the big ball omd tcr the flights bong plaesd in the passenger eabm of a s ii i ii sty by seountj pofie of the boyjaff jortatrabapoh tba mall bags alongatd the aircraft ww pawedbt t am as we aajn twargo ca in thai jztrftkilfis- samerfy mmk m taa hosabbay tviartjaaowmiai lsa dasjatdma a tsli employee cwagaar ahare to beaihhfer by asawt- bw is hading tba mal earned hytaauglmmuntotaacanadiaa 1 probably the reason she preferred george a mere clerk in a sporting goods store to the many prosperous- suitors who took her out vigorously he massaged mar jone s bell with his thumb in a short time she rang back allowing him to open the lower door with- the dignity of an insurance sales man george slowly mounted the- stairs to her third floor apartment marjone was waiting in the door way 1 hoped it was you she said smiling come on in george followed her into the liv ing room 1 thought you d like- these he said offering the roses mirjone took them the re lovclv she said allowing her nose to bursh ihi blooms genth b- ou shouldn t hae done it tcorre concluded but ivhybe ou wn t think that iucr well hoi sui pnc mirjorii vat di wn on the touch clnst lo ooorce s o j c prompted george smiled at m irjone for a few moments in a tintalizing min ni r then slowly he drew the whip- p letter oul of his potket md wat 1 it bt fore hi r oft blue ce m irjoru rispt d the mvin mm she jr ihbtd the ictur inshed to the wuhtw rip id p n tlu enxtlope md mnrwd to r id mirjone finished the u tt r it ktd it 1 uk in tin enitpt md i ri witli h i i i k u coorci- t ir mnnd thnsh lie 1 d in nd n d i in i him ol cor 1 1 4 k icw c ii d d it shi hunt itn irn irnl inn i 1 kiscd tjwf rile 1 in i i ktinnid ttkhshls i iu i in w win else loo will im riulux mr r ihl tway she said ccie never knew until after the- redding that the letter from the j whippy steel company regretted i that they were unable to conclude i tneir agreement because their i washington attorney had found i several confuctinc pftants befora i as mrs jfenkina i i saw lily one pad i flt9jdi