Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 22, 1944, p. 6

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tha georgetown herald wednesday march 22 1944 a better land i know 86 by fred toole mechtf bjndleau wnu 8rvtc i wl improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson tarn ntmpihc tl t ellje was smart no one could pull the wool over his eyes which was why jils pocket bulged comfortably with a neat wag of bills and a ticket to miami as he sauntered jauntily into bens bar becue one hot beef one coffee he nodded to ben throwing open his overcoat and make it good boy because its the hut one 111 have until i hit the sunny south south 1 ben was startled as he smacked oietstezling beef ori to a roll the sunny south wluie re peated flashing a thinlipped smile you might be going with me ben if you werent so softhearted no handouts in my joint benny boy give as little as you can and get as much as you can for itythats my motto and you see now it works ill be lying on a beach jshtle youre shoveling see why iont you get wise wlllfe turned in surprise as a chair cracked against the wall he hodn t noticed the tall gaunt old man who now rose hurriedly and went to the door where he stood staring through the glass at the bleak street swept clear by the icy blasts whats eating him willie asked mystified ben flushed guess you put your foot in it he baid awkwardly talking about handouts i mean and the south willies sharp face hardened another chiseler eh he asked grimly listen you listen said ben firmly maybe itll take some 6f the starch out of you tough guy you know what thai old man makes fifteen a week i howd you like to send half of that to your sick daughter and live on the rest willie chuckled scornfully i hear that one ten times a day i happen to know its true bens eyes were somber his names mernfield he comes from georgia if it weren t for his daughter ill tet hed rather starve on his old place his heart and soul are down there willie just hearing him talk about the pines and cotton woods the swamps the dunes the v ay the darkies sing ben dropped his knife abruptly and went to turn on the radio willie looked thoughtfully at the shabby figure by the door but when ben returned his face was blank what did you give him tonight he asked barbecue and coffee said ben defiantly i thought so willie s grin vffas mocking dont even know how to treat his kmd i 11 show you benny boy and let it be a lesson to ou and before ben could protest willie had gone to mernfield pardon me sir i understand you re from the south he said easily trft going down that way mysett and i wonder if you d join me in a little er farewell repast merrifled bowed gravely a pleasure mr ben introduced them and took willies casual order for two steak dinners you re going south sir thats right said willie miami t need a vacation mernfield nodded courteously i m sure you do the south is the place for rest and peace he went on to talk about his home re strained emotion in his vofte even ben tending the sizzling steaks could feel it the music from the rtdi rose lo a gleeful bhriek then ended md the program followed that mt m field loved mellow strains filhd tht jjttle restaurant and all at once tht things the old man had been talking about were there peace and rt st cottonwoodi the set ni of pm swamps the darkies songt and a rich vibrant bass began to sing gone are the day wh n my heart was young and gay gone are my friends from tht cotton fields away mernfkld fell silent he sal gjz ing out tht window gazing into georgia into tht past ai th rich voice carru i them all awuy to a better land i know and then willie liujjhtd harshly and rose shattering the spell thai reminds me i m h soutl my si if why don t you go b i k in cforgia if you like it so rnuth i hear you ve got a sick kid tin n mernfield stiffened the f 1 away look in his eyes vanish i t 1 1 replaced by wretchedness hut illic went on tauntingly m it in vl ps over in atlant 1 iii rim unrgia your regards the old mans head drooped m dicin l even notice the bump will ive him as he buttoned his txpii e coat with a swatter jen followed wflhe to the door vhu meant to hurl him hi n c 1 d to bre ik his ip irt i d tin t know anyone could be so k w that s the way i treat hia kind willie snapped defensively he walked fast he was smart all right n one was going to catch him getting sentimental but be wanted to get that song out of his ears wanted to forget thee tired e es and most of ell he didn t want lo b around when a homesick old man found in hit torn pocket a wad of wh and a ticket to the place be lored lesion for march 26 lmoo subject and soi era lmiom notes the last round up by j bvf one year ago today the local branch of the canadian legion elected me as chairman or publicity and transporta tion and in this capacity i have tried to fulfill the duties assigned to me to the best of my ability and as my term lectetf and jropyrtsaud to tntrnuonul ol office expires thffi wools i am call- council of raosioub education ukul by j u1 this writeup rhe last roundup parmudon the saobedne8s of life temperance lesson through the medium of this llumn i would like to thank the readers of the georgetown herald for putting up with some of the nonsense appear i ing in the legion notes during the past lesson text 041t m 13 u 11 rom 14 18 i oar s is k j2l 5c ve 5lii year and also wen to thank my com- corinthians 6 ib rades of the legion lor the assistance given me in supplying most of the a high and ennobling concept of nowa items the value of human ufa is an impor- 1 for tne benefit of the many readers tant element in christian thought of the henud x woujd ue to tal fhe word of god always regards oufc that 0q occaslona items ap- foteused ror p- be exploited for gain or destroyed k members only and probably at will should have been omitted from the this important truth needs con column but on the other hand when stant reiteration in a social order you consider that over iso families ol whlck is so shortsighted and sinful members read the notes us well as their that it will permit the destructionof ana daughters in the armed forces man through the sale and use of alco- and a very lurge percentage of our own holic beverages the lesson has a membera btauoncd m lne veterans real application to the liquor prob- i ouards are posted in various parts of canada to them the legion notes was i god honored man gen 1 27 ft it should be of primacy interest t estimation the grand work and concern to discover what the done by the canadian legion deserved maker and lord thinks of his crea all the publicity they received and i tion man he knows what is in sincerely hope that my successor will man and if we learn of him we carry on and give this organization the may come to evaluate man aright publicity it rightly dtervts 1 he made him in his own t teaching of scripture makes in up lne aialrs it cler that this image was not local cr year anything material or physical but hcttlon of olllars for tile yuar 10- rather a likeness of personality as 5 art u bt hud tomorrow night but god is a personal moral intelligent it would not be right iu pass up lhb being so is man opporuuiltj without xprcjjilng tilt how tragic then that man will not feelings of nil comradts to the lxecu- only reject that grace but will sub thc ulnl c oll lh busi ult ject his god given personality to the brimch durl unn narcot c and destructive lnfiuenct of frislde md mlc wh0 hol alcohol i not only did god make man in his lllld for ue lt ir ears can image but p ull wonderful work accom 2 he gave him power and pllshed during his tmn of ofnee vith authority v 28 liu abli uoiiittikt of his executive this is the very thing man is seek the flnant iul reikin just issued hiem ing and here we learn that the only that the affairs of the union arc in one who had a right to give it god vtry s d briftl lrprt i due himselfbestowed it upon man comnidl wl jy ior nls uulr having dominion ov the entire ing starts tlie chairman of uu lti earth man is in a place of responst ttruiinnif nt cotunide bbt mulr did ra think that over as it relates clip this announcement for future reference ration book 4 when and where you get it distributing centres will not be open on all days of next week make sure that you know exactly what days and hours the distributing centre you intend to go to will be open help the volunteer workers by following instructions carefully iiaiiun books will not i maitto oft oil i v red ik must e caued full here is what you do to get your mew book fill in the application card the first post card in your ration book 3 bo thu at borne the application card is printed in red and is numbered r399 do not use any other card tollow the method shown 2 be sure to print clearly accurately and completely all information re quired on tht card including ihe county in which you live j sign at the bottom with your usual signature persons of 16 years or over must sign their own cards cards of persons under 16 years must be signed by parents or guardians a applicants must bring their ration hook- with them to tht distributing centre children under 16 may not apply for ration books for themselves or for other members of the family c do not detach application card from your ration book this must be dont by an official at tht distributing centre 1 accidentally detached bring the application card along with your ration book g akmld rorcls all members of the armed forces whether on permanent subsistence or not will obtain their ration cards from their own units applying for books for others any responsible member of a household may apply for ration books on behalf of other members of the household or for neighbours un able to apply in person providing ration book 3 with properly filled in application card is presented on presentation at a distributing centre of your ration book 3 with properly completed application card you wall be issued your new ration book 4 and your ration book 3 will be returned to you warning be sure you get your new book while your distributing centre is jbperu next week otherwise you will not be able to obtain your new book until april 17 to the evergrowing liquor probli ii man should honor mao matt 12 11 12 rom 14 19 21 since god has such a high ai well iis all uie ouiir memberh ol the executive in ltielr respective ap pulntmenu the imihriiil fc ctlon of the legion headed by comrade jim roberta us gard for man it la clear that we chairman and comrade chus partem ought to have real respect for our ai treiurer will nil members of this fellow man mans inhumanity to section worked in die krititcbt at liar man is often declared to be the monj with the lotion d assisted in world s greatest difficulty it would no smil manner io muke the local not be so if god s word were legion affairs for 1043 44 thc mol sue- obeyed man would learn that- ceiatul since lu foundation he should recognie his fellow mans value matt 12 11 12 property values are so v el to the front ln the thinking of nil th it tt requires no argument to convince anyone that a sheep that hm fallen into a pit should be rescued rut the sad thintf is that the man who would run for hi lp to rescue t sht ep in that predicament will hardly casl an interested glance at the drunk in the gutter or lose a few minuti s sleep over the girls who ir gmnj to hell by way of our countlesitnv rns the plain fact is that we do not regard a man as of mort value than a sheep many a neighbor hood has been utirrod to anjry n prisat over the poisoning of o pi t dog but will let the liquor driur poison men and women ill for a small license fee the man who loves his fellow m in knows that 2 he should sacrifice for his f i w mn good rom 14 19 21 paul here states a high principle of christian consideration hi rnukis clear that man is his hroili er a keeper and must do nothing wluch will tempt his brother to do out which will harm him iii i cor 6 19 20 man is told not to think mo highly of hima if than he ought think rom 12 i and that is goi counsel but at the same time i ought to think as highly of his ov being as god does he should r the ladles auxiliary of the cana dlan lefflon when c illed upon by the branch f r anj sutcictf very willing ly gaw of uitir tune uid eiurgj to make uili orkimltttlon one of the best in this district comrades tomorrow ju are called upon to cast jour ballot for your off cers for the forth coming iar evcrj member this jenr wluthtr he- attends the meeting or not is entltlid to vou- and ehoosi ln ofllii r who is bchl i00k 3 contains unused coupons you wilt need doni destroy ik local distributing centres addresses dates georgetown municipal building acton town hall marcii 2930 31 and april 1 hours looc a3l march 29 3031 and april 1 200 pm 500 pm saturday 10 ajn to 9 pm balhnafad rev a o w foreman march 29 10 am 6 pm ration administration the wartime prices and trade board union good start jack private bud other son of com siitud for diffinnt josiuons af u r election hi uw r whilhir the officers elected uri to jour hklnx or not it is your diit to gin uiim your entire supjwrt durhik uu innlne jar a tremendous task ik is all numbers of liu local binuh irovll dnrliis the coming j ir lb it of the lehiblll i tillon of our nun and wotrun now lrvliik their country it is up to us j comnidis this ur to tik in n than i rade and mrs johnny oliver- ipot- al ill uu itiis la vol ho with tin year 1d44 ont uinl we will all ik proud man should honor himself l g bj uid iiradslill of fill s lull kt jgnize that 1 his body ii the temple of the holy spirit v 10 the bible trnrirs thnt the mo rn- nt ii man be h w s in christ his body becomes tl dwelling pint of tl h ily spirit thut mcnni th it hi n nm never t k th it b dy in in pi it su ii as a t ivi rn to io in ihini fir p irt ik f in thinj 1ik it xi nts id ii hi 1 r foi hi b i k to fod v 20 mm lu hi en ji n i free ill rv v5od he has riven them tl rthl of self di ttrnini ition 1 h t lib rut ihror itr gods right to in it v jtion ind love i i fitt thit we tre free to chor si i mid m ike us the more deter i d thai the rikht ehoico sh ulti bi rmde that we shall glorify god in our bodies which are his does it take even a moment t thought to tll ub that the violation of that body and every bit of cien tiflc evidence proves it to be a viola tlon by the use of alcohol is not only disobedient but sinful rebellion against god ijiar ward ship r unfitly io kp hi fighting and nim n slant hhlimu nls of iirtils tin ami othi i ltl lii k and brtallj nppn iuud 1 dl lxuia tlona to all worthy orkonlwi lions din itik uu pant iui has lie n iiirrtid mi and the hid orohs and othei ornnnia have hindi ilw of uu ixelon it il ulh nt ill in 11 nr ules ihould be i ill limciitfl du int tht pn ncynw a few days at home last week before n porting- to hih new station ut camp ijordtn bud spent the post few months ut yarmouth n s subconductor j kodtk rcoc from montreal spent a week eild late ly us juest of connades and mrs t i- grlie prlwiu brueo mccartney son of com t ink nnd mrs f mccartnej wno was stutloncd at yarmouth n s spent a few da at home bt fore returning to hii iuw post at oomp bordi n lhe imperta section of the cana dlan ltj ion nut in the legion rooms in sunday aft rnoon comrado chair man hailis partem occupied lhe iliiir uiii oir jo members attended a domiuon of 10 wua voted to the nuy liiigue ditty bi pund it was aiiiid by all membera that uu im rlal bitikos would be rarned on us usunl during uic coming jear with all piumds mollis i iwards war faenitts worn now on comrades it is up w comrade j frj to keep the legion newh appcurlnk in the herald all liu kiwii to j ou jack joi b illoiiiits cai tionh on loost ot 1hs inthan population of charuzed fanning they appear to havej tanaua incjltalno recotrnued the adantagei of tractors and othci motor driven tarnr ment and in reoent jearb lhe det1 oonirary to popular opinion nadas indians are nut a tanlshmg or for such equipment has been incxeas- degeneratlng race 1 he indian popu ing latlon is hearing uie 120 000 mark at uie rate of about one per ouit a jear i nt onditional tl krekdeb and wlui lhe assistance and guidance of fedtral ofllcials is improving both mr churchill performed a useful bit phjsicalrj and economically it is es of lexicograpin in his war report to timated that approxlmatelj 60 000 in parliament unconditional surrender dlans depend for a luihiood in a term uiat needs definition and lhe whole or in part on arming 50 000 british prime minister offered a clear are engaged ui the time honoured conetse and simple definition when he pursuits of hunting fishing and trap ping and thc remainder might be described as laborers or industrial workers tin welfare of the canadian iiuhans considered b lhe jjonilnion ck said the term does not mean that the trcrman people w ill be enslaved or destroyed it means that the allies will not be bound to uiem at lhe mo ment of surrender b unj pact or obli- ernment to be a special and distinct m rt i of its import german people ha e tcj of the indian lrusl u when their armies are beaten department of 1o p u course w- jimlt best for iveausi of fit i rs affnlrs bmncli of uit mines and rtsourtvs in oonstanth on lvl1 wl noilt havhig us stte that course the alert to imprxnc condltons unong t1 rdxuut of uieir surrender thay will htnc to acknowledge lheir defeat tin nll peoplt nd ti s them i 1 uli pri t x1sp ah umber- 1 j ill to lhe loud lir in i m i i ing n the bilk lu bo ml a donation of jj w cmvs ind 100 to uu nnj ia ir ie was voted on at lhe u1 rn it iiir of the branch a surprise was ln store for lhe comrades in the club rooms lasl sa turday night when comrade j pry presented cigars to his pals the occasion being that jack was appoint ed hy acclamation to the office of chairman of publicity d transpor- hifl ui us in just for mi k market opentlu s us uu di 1 a n pt tin m i eortllnti t offl lal interpretation of niiilnli n trtuernlng nst if coupons at i nir t i in ton nto ncently a ratkn ofli clnl pji ilitl ti jiopiwrs not to tin barrai uu ir r allers by asking them to netipt loose uns consmiris mm detach the coupons in tin pr iciui of the dealer he sild but the mnv not present loose co ipms r se id childrnn to do the shopping with loose coupons ration books the production of consumer ration books is the biggest printing job now done m canada ln mulr advance lo a position of sth reliance and self dipendenoe various mi nsures hai bii to imjimif til lr eondltl ns prolwibk tiie most in irked pimiress has been mule among tht indians who deptnd in irvtiur extent on igrtriilttm for their ihillhoort null m wilfari ofll lis hnit fonn 1 thit indians uiul i ririi 1 iupi n isl n can ml hni ho im s cis r 1 md pmen sshr ijrlt tuilst i mi nnnj isis line tven known i t ik i trrent interest ln the rro nn 1 till i tlon of their i in i nnd stock tl ere is pnett ilh no bji rl rim im- which the tn linns- have not enter d on resents tn the pnlrle pro1iccs irntn mw in i d licef li tie nlsln tnif been mnrvecih sue cewfu1 all klnrti or root and other re jretnblos have been nlsrd with success nnd rintrvln and poultrv ratting fte common to most rerrre across the dominion the yoimcer mdians par ticularly ttie graduates of residential schools hav shorn a particular inter est tn what might be termed me- uiis time to uiemeues as well as to us an 1 not as ihej did in 1918 and after- taken whrd pretend the were tnckexl into ir mis tire otu iltution m n b 1 n 1 phwts h i s m pot p t to mr churchill s de- n useful among the n anu rlca and britain ho nrnic that un- der is n frighten- i phri thi will make hie german pet i 1 e 1 i lo lhe end tliese people i in i wtli bt nmlnaetl thnt the offer of he rourtcen pelnu in lhe last war i 1 lot pi event the c emnns i n u 1 t m t u vilioh i ef i ipituluion tlie were not rea h cviii for a soft peice until w 1 1 e sure they were beaten when thej are sure thev are beaten we shall not need to offer them a soft price this time like the war itself unconditional surrender is ft poutrjr dictated by experience an experience ln which giving the enemy ft break produced nothing but a brutal deter mination on bispart to nt n of the victory oar soldiers iiad woo chris- uan sotenot ibonttor

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