Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 29, 1944, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday march 29th 1944 news op georgetown nohval glen williams umkhouse stewakttown ashgrove ballinafad hornby cqtta acton beampton hilton 3ubsobtption rates muted states and overseas 2 00 a year single oopfet 6c advertising rates will be quoted on application telethons na 8 walter o bjjehn publisher garfield l mcgilvray mary h biehn editor j bolky manner of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec dtvlslon ol the owjl the editors corner x good job well done the splendid response of the people of george town to the red cross campaign just completed was heartening indeed to everyone connected with the drive in any way there are three groups involved in a campaign such as this the canvassers the givers and those who will benefit by the work of the canvassers and the gene rosity of the donors the campaign officials and can vassers worked very hard the people upon whom they called cooperated by giving as generously as possible and the result was the splendid sum of over 6000 to help carry on the mercy work of the red cross our men and women in service everywhere whether they are on the field of battle and in need of blood donor service whether they are in a german prison camp practically starving whether they are wounded and m hospital or in need of any comforts whatever wherever they may he will reap the benefit of your generosity many of our georgetown boys receive the herald and when they read of how generously our people subscribed to the red cross we know the results of the campaign wfll be the most gjearte rung of all to them new cure for shellshock some of the most pitiful war casualties are those who have been shell shocked thousands of men from the last war are still working under the mental handicap that such a condition induces there are hundreds in christie street hospital alone today who have never been able to take their places in the work aday world thinking of these men of the last war and the tjcw crop of shellshocked men of this present conflict we were glad to read that science has found a way to tooth these troubled minds back to normalcy accord ing to the magazine health official publication of the health league of canada the big mental medicine of the future is amytal amytalas been used for years as a good sleeping pill but only now has its full value to humanity been discovered the mind saving drug reaches its cunning chemical fingers deep into the emo tional centres at the base of thehram not merely into the cortical centre like other hypnotics consequently it gts right to the root of the nervous difficulty that made sleep impossible with the patient relaxed physically mentally emotionally he awakens a new man almost miraculous results are being accomplished at christie street hospital toronto accordng to dr willam bail lee head of the neurological and psychiatric depart ment amytal has brought its soothing rest bringing aid to thousands upon thousands of civilians in england who have suffered prolonged or permanent shock ef fccta and made healthy happy men and women out of would be mental patients countless soldiers and civi hans will have amytal to thank for their being able to take their places in the world and lead normal sane lives farmers and daylight saving farmers across canada have on occasion voiced strong protest over the establishment of daylight saving as a permanent wartime measure on behalf of these farmers the canadian federation of agriculture recent ly approached h j symington power controller for canada for some information as to what daylight sav ing really meant in the way of conservation of electrical power this was offered as the main reason for enacting the wartime measure we know there have been many farmers in this vicinity at least who have wondered just how much power was saved by the ruling when there was no way of regulating the needs and habits oj farm animals so that they d fit into a daylight saving schedule day some agriculturists have found the necessary readjust ment too difficult and have been running their house hold clocks one hour slow we ourselves can t see where there d be any great power saving made by new time in the winter when mornings are dark for so long however be that as it may mr symington the power controller for canada has just completed his can vfem of the provinces across canada and has published pome facte and figures which we found interesting we vubfoh them in the hope that some farmer who has the inconvenience of daylight saving time j j that ne l8 doing his bit towards lactones running at capacity the demand would be increased over t fwer if daylight saving were rescinded iiay would be unfortunate under pre- l ft would require reductions in cer- iaiit hours of power now beng delivered in quebeqjf if the tuling were dispensed with the demand would be fecreaeover 60000 horsepower which could notfce taken care of by ihe present generating capacity orily in the prafne provinces did the power controller find that there was sufficient generating capacity to carry the estimated increased demand for power evidently the main purpose served by daylight saving has been the balancing off of the morning and evening peaks there being a reduction in the evening peak and an increase in the morning peak this means that industry has not had to shut down during the evening peak this is what the farmers have accom plished by setting their clocks ahead to daylight saving time wellknown pest a wellknown pest and one that comes in for much vituperation is the cock roach an article recent ly appeared in the health city sun which set forth in an amusing way all the characteristics of the pest which are calculated to drive housewives crafcy the cock roach for his per capita inches is pro bably the fastest scut tier that ever slipped on a spiked shoe and a shifty open field runner too if you give him his full due his official record from a standing start m the middle of the kitchen floor into a crack under the sink is four jiffies less than nothing flat a mouse has always been considered the acme of haste in reaching a hole ahead of the broom but compared wth the cock roach the mouse is the personi fication of leisurely locomotion both of them can start for the same hole at the same time urged by the same impulse and by the time the mouse gets safely out of sight the cockroach has already been home long enough to eat his lunch change his pants and start down town for a game of kelly pool with the boys cock roaches come in a wide variety of sizes all built on a streamline with knee action and geared to do 90 miles a second his first speed is scuttle the second a scamper and when he really gets in a hury he is already where he is going and half way back outside of his haste the cock roach has nothing to recommend him except his appetite which any movie title writer could modestly class as colossal enormous prodigious gigantic stupendous and still get sued for making an understatement this n that the board of trade in london has recently al lowed madame tussaud waxworks 54 coupons to clothe the image of president vargas of brazil al though the waxworks has no priority on coupons it has as far as war time styles are con president var gas will be immortalized in the collection wearing his best liked type of suit complete with generous pant cuffs and other incidentals banned to an ordinary mortal we wonder who coined the phrase income tax returns because as one editor aptly remarked it just doesn t does it y speaking of income tax we wouldnt be ur prised to see a simplified form become a strong plank in some politician s platform in the next election its a cinch something will have to be done about it soonei than later for it just seems to be getting worser n churchill a speech on sunday gave ample proof that britain s government busy as it is with the colossal job of winning the war has taken time out to give serious consideration to post war problems his evi dence should satisfy some of he hot headed critics who to use his words- think the whole future course of the world can be planned in a day the prime ministers talk was full of a bteady determined confidence in our ability to win the war but definitely gave no promise of the end of the conflict this year he does not under estimate the enemy its good to know a night constable will soon be on duty in georgetown again with such a wave ot robberies going on in the surrounding towns police protection at night is definitely needed although epidemics of measles chicken pox etc seemed bad enough in town this year according to the medical officer of healths recent report to council the situation would have been much worse without the service rendered by the public health nurse miss walker rn is hired jointly by acton milton and georgetown and is evidently dotnga good job the town of chesley is seriously considering the establishment of a hospital there the committee in charge has been given a mandate by the citizens to go ahead with the project while we hadnt even thought of a hospital here in georgetown a capably managed rest home would be a great advantage for cases that are not too serious it something we lack f r watson ddb 1cdb georgetown office hours 0 to s except thursday afternoons dr j burns milne dental surgeon xbat georgetown -r- phone 80 dr clifford reid ldbddjb dentist phone 410 main street geor elmer c thompson insurance amtvicb fire auto windstorm o p railway and allied steamship phone llow or j george monuments uarkbrs and lbttkrino pollock a ingham galt designs on reqnevwnone sow inspect our work in greenwood nielsen the chiropractor dragleu therapist met year ot ftmtkso lady attendant hours a s 8 9 iun closed thursday over upmlnion otoftb georgetown fnone uow dr s e magwooo veterinary surgeon phone u office b dtvudan ctoart cherfe office and the new municipal building at the cor ner of main and mm atresia leroy dale icc m sybil bennett ba banisters and seudton ion bitot georgetown phone 19 ksonnetn in lftngdon barrister gouchor notary pamle pint mortgage money to loan oooe gregory thea bldg phone m georgetown cnr timetable daylight saving time going hast 7 01 am passenger and mall 1010 ajn passenger and mall 7oa pjn passenger sunday only 831 pjn passenger dally 026 pjn this train was formerly the oyer but now stops going west passenger and man 840 ajn passenger sat only 223 pjn passenger dally except saturday and sunday 8s5 pm dauy except sunday 733 pjn passenger sundays only 1163 pjn dairy except sunday 1266 n going north passenger and mall 850 ajn going south passenger and mall 7 0s pjn depot ticket office phone 20w oakvuxe monument work w r edward monuments cemetery iiillilt good display of monuments on hand tour patronage bouoted phone 636w oakyilu radio repairing we specialize of this work 10 tears 1 j sanfordson georgetown 3w prank petch licensed atoitonsbb prompt berries phone 301 po box us gray coach lines timetable now ln effect daylight saving tune leave georgetown for toronto 7 04 ajn 934 ajn 224 pjn 644 pjn 934 pjn b 1008 pjn for london y 1035 ajn s 7 10 pjxl y 220 pjn 450 pjn b 8m pan 4 i xb 11j0 pjn vi b sun and holidays only x to ouelph dally to kit chener sun and hol y to kitchener to stratrord us depot pbotmtss nunm fob bd mow fukdj these ban ot tbe hmy certainly ijoat reosheo ham a thankful look for the panda soewgr

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