Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 29, 1944, p. 7

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the georgetpvxn herald wednesday march 2th 1944 phome 16 corner main ac guerph street scotts garage aaa international sales and service shell products you a we seek owe it to your i children your childs eyes daseettve vision retards the tbool rfiild mstfoao it must bw to learn have us fmunrne fobf oml4 eyea wi sfcciauze in m examination v yaa beed eye flmhje yea need the beet oeoarfl aa abovt year eyee ot walker ro eyesight specialist bo win b at hi office over the bel telephone ob main at oeorgetonm the seoand wednes day of each month or rm amr consult o t walker at hs of floe in btttmpow es aster day is only one week from by j a strung in these modern dats we have become so used to aeelng the ja dies taking a man s place that any thing new along this line is scarcely noticed it is interesting though to read that there are eighteen girls taking the science oourse at the school of practical science at var slty two are even talcing civil engin eerlng and the others are takng such subjects as electrical mechanical and chemical engineering if we remem ber correctly back in 1940 there was one girl attending pj3 as the school is popularly known and she was taking chemical engineering her father in the dye business and she was looking forward to going in with nun after gra duatlon the science course is the toughest of the lot at varsity the stu dents spend about 36 hours per week in lectures and labs in comparison arts students spend about 20 hours per week although the arts students have extra reading to do the science stu debts have from 14 to 18 subjects to write each term as compared with about half that number for other students then again the science stu dents are the first to write exams at the end of each term and as they are staged so early there is no time at all for review work there are about 1100 men taking the science courses this year and they have to be good in or der to remain in school in these war times students that fail to make the grade are sent over to the recruiting rooms on the other hand students that do make the grade are given cer tain privileges upon graduation and are given army positions in keeping with engineering qualifications the playoffs for the stanley cup in the national hockey league are away to an exciting start as we write these lines most oi us- have a heart for the under dog always and although we were pulling for both to ronto maple leafs and the chicago black hawks to win at kan some of their games we really dldn t expect them both to win their first game of the series during the final game of the regular schedule we had listened to elmer ferguson predict that the canadians would take the toronto montreal series in four straight games and the other members of the hot stove league really dldn t have much argument in opposition to fergy as you of oourse know the montreal team bad not been beaten on their own ice during the last twenty five games and to have the young inexperienced to ronto team come down there aad beat them three to one in the first of the series was quite an upset the game halted member makes maidenspeech in parliament its not love erthkr if his hair is dishevelled and his eyes are red if he looks as though he has not been to bed if he looks unshaven if he looks down- oast don t blame him for drinking or a life thats too fast if his hand is shaking if be talks very quick if he mumbles and stutters and looks very sick if he wanders around and acts like a child dont blame him for going to parties too wild for here is a man though he looks tuckered out who has anally proven beyond any doubt that he is deserving a greeting so warm for he a just completed his income tax form fred johnson edgar hoover warns on postwar crime threat will postwar readjustment spawn a new horde of desperadoes whose ruth less defiance of law and order make baby face nelson and john dlllinger fieem like mere beginners j edgar hoover writing in the american weekly with this sundays april 2 issue of the detroit sunday times revals the threat of a new postwar gang era get sundays detroit times was perhaps the most interesting hoc key game of the season to listen to we had become to used to listening to foster hewitt broadcast hockey that we had about decided that he was the only person that could do it however a mr smith of calgary was brought down to broadcast the game from montreal and he did a good job of it as though broadcasting that exciting game wasnt enough for one night the imperial oh company who sponsor the hockey broadcasts had this same mr smith pick the three stars of course the series may look very dlf ferent by the time that these lines appear in print however even if the leafs fall to win another game in the stanley cup playdowns they can be proud of their effort in the first game at least reproduced below are extracts from the first speech made from the floor or the ontario parliament by stanley hall streetsvllle district farmer con servative member of parliament for halton county mr speaker i rise to address this legislative assembly for the first time i am a fanner i drive from the farm to this assembly each aay and i cer tainly enjoy the improvements in our transportation and highways i team ed to toronto thirty years ago with horses at that time there was just one road twinning west from toronto that had any improved road surface today there are three provincial highways the people of halton county saw fit to place their confidence in me as their representative and i deem it a great honour i know it is a great honour to be a british subject but it is still a greater honour to have the privilege of sitting lh one of the legislative assemblies of that great commonweau or nations and i hope there is not a member of this assembly but feels that his res- ponslblllty is as great as the honour he enjoys mr speaker at this point i would like to take the opportunity to ex tend to you lnypongratulations on be ing elected to your exalted position by this assembly i belietb with your former experience aand knowledge of parliamentary pro cedure that you will fnlsn your duties with honour to this assembly mr speaker i desire to direct my very brief remarks to the new depart ment to be set up by this government known as the planning and develop ment department i believe it is a de partment which has long been needed in this province with our reat transportation sys terns by water rail highway anr air with the great development of our hydro electric system and with the great advancement in science and re search we should be able to develop our great natural resources to the ad vantage of all our citizens with the opening of ontario house in london england we shall be in a position to attract industry and lm migration of the right kind and at a time when it will not conflict with the re establishment of our armed forces lumuj lord mayor bbxadcastsoverseas sir frank newsonsmith lprd mayor of london at the british broad casting corporations overseas micro phone a new lord mayor of london is installed by custom each year on november 9 sir frank newson smith who is sixty four has closely identified himself with the national savings campaign he also takes a deep in terest in the people not only in lon don but in other parts of the country who have suffered through air raids and has presented many cheques from the lord mayor of london a air raid distress fund the present lord mayor is a member of the honuorable artil lery company he was formerly a mas ter of the turners company on of the ancient city livery companies and as a member of the stock ss changed for forty three years has bean adviser to the university of oxford to its investments sir frank and lady newbonsmlth have two daogtriacsv both married and two sons one of the latter serving as an officer in tbf royal naval volunteer reserve tbs other a captain in the royal artokarj or with labour now employed hi the production of war materials we not only have much to be thank ful for in the past but if we develop our godgiven resources and promote all the great interests of this province in a cooperative and harmonious manner there is no reason why we cannot create a condition where all our people may obtain an ever increas ing measure of welfare and happiness to which they are entitled and which will be a continuing benefit to the ge neratlons which are to follow mr speaker there is just one thought and wish that i would like to leave with this assembly and that is that we as members of this assembly and citizens of this fair land of ours shall so conduct ourselves both in the assembly and out of it that we shal be worthy of the great sacrifices being made by those brave men and women in our armed forces nat free i and denwcratoverninent shall pre vail my wish is that we shal be worthy of the lasting peace for which we aa pray the time when nazis will revolt tji occupied belgium a german sol dier made the following spontaneooa statement to a belgian 1 had five brothers and only two are left i lost one in france and twa in russia i had a bouse in w but that was destroyed by a bomb aft wife and my four children have beam evacuated before thei ten nvr imprisonment beosuse i did not like the nazis germany wtt only surrender when she baa beam overwhelmed by the air raids timd we shall revolt neya out of sssv glum on th ho front too 0 when a gun goes into action every man has a job to do seconds count id team work gets results training endless training gets rficiency that makes each man part of perfect machine jut something more than efficiency is iceded to- make a top ranlc fighting anit there must be loyalty that spirit of responsibility that each man feels toward his mates weve got efficiency on the farm front we re producing more and with less help to do it keep up the teamwork that will make each one of us goall out to support our men on the fighting fronts we too are part of a fighting unit citizens of a nation at war we must not let our men on the fighting fronts down invasion means high tension on the fighting fronts combined operations thorough team work in every detail and that call for greater action comes back to us at home we have a job to do here too we must all buy victory bonds we have a responsibility to our mates on the firing line we can t let them down and the job that we are asked to do is save more and lend more to our country we axe asked to let our country have the use of money that we do not need now we will have the money later on to improve our farms and to buy stock and equipment for new barns and silos for new furnishingb and conveniences for our homes be ready to buy more victory bonds nattonml wt finance committee yoke has a job td

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