Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 5, 1944, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday april 5th 1944 new advertisements fob sale agricultural ume 43 00 per ton fteight paid in carload lots apply walter moore ftp king st domestic help wanted woman urgently wanted tor house work one or two days a week apply mrs walter carpenter u edith street fob sale a good pumps apply the oeorgetown lumber m company ltd for sale 3 yorkshire chunks averaging iso pounds each also 4 ton baled wheat straw apply cecil howard 2 miles west georgetown ltp no 7 highway township council appointed jame wardens continued from page one moved by cleave seconded by wil son that the fallowing persons be appointed deputy game wardens in esqueslng during 194446 daniel al lan r r 3 milton alfred brigden hornby ray crichton glen williams lome l mullln r r 4 acton harvey nurse r r 2 georgetown nellson stark r r 3 georgetown spencer wilson r r 1 nerval george xeslle r r 4 acton wesley louth norval drum stark r r 5 milton wm drum stark r r 5 milton wm shelbourne limehouse wilmer wat- kins r r 3 acton george woods r 2 norval carried moved by murray seconded by cleave that the salary of the treas urer be 465 00 per annum same to be retroactive to march 1 1944 and the f personal for low vitality lack of pep take pageqrlfflth s betamtn bcom plex tablets once a day lsacoormackts dktjq store rosss drug store fob bal hinman milker 10 inches tacuum but milker no stripping price light selling direct from manufacturer hi farmer drop us a line if interested apply o g rowe fc co ltd 47 craig avenue jtp toronto out for sale 4 pure bred shorthorn bulls these re lowdown thick set bulls and good oolours herd fully accredited apply wrepord jibwson ltp malton for sale 160 bushel of erban seed oats and 100 bus cartler seed oats govern ment tested 1 os per bushel and buyer supply bags apply k j brown ltp phone 82 r 4 georgetown for sale over 200 blood tested leghorns from thompson s poultry farm good lay- jng strain in good condition selling only because of death of owner ap ply miss marie barbour sllvercxeek hallway between georgetown and acton on no highway ltp for sale purebred tamworth sow due april 16th masseyharris spxingtooth cul ttvator 13th teeth no 21 tudhope- andexson walking plow new appli h w mcmenemy lot 20 ninth line esqueslng for sale dream wicker baby carriage good condition apply ltp phone 199 limehouse i t3 a total expenditure for sanitary work garbage collection was tht quick work of a tew neighbours uanuexy work garbage collection was averted what might have been a dlsus- 3 amoimt s otl treatment trous are last wednesday morning and trol communicable diseases when the back kitchen of the house wns n11 occupied by mr and mrs w f shel- summary of progress in local health bourne and family caught fire programme mrs w i newton of barrle spent in section i wish to speak of the the week end with the newton s work accomplished during the year in miss helena wilson of georgetown general terms only as more detailed visited miss shirley wright saturday i accounts ofspeclfic projects and prob- communlon services will be held at ems follow in the course of the re limehouse presbyterian church on p under the statutes certain du easter sunday l are required of the local board of a very enjoyable evening was spent health and i shall deal with these w icn the local w i sponsored a euchre box social and dance at s s no 8 on 1 sanitation- there has been we extend sympathy to the family of mr r w johnson thornloe for met postmaster at linnehouae who passed away saturday april 1st fol lowing a lengthy illness little friday evening mrs osborne and change in sanitary conditions during a w benton won high scores for ie past year chiefly on account of euchre and miss gwtri hill the door war conditions with uie exception of pri institution dt a garbage collection w o biownrldge in his usual jovial schdols both schools are old build manner auctioned the boxes some of m and the maintenance of high san- which were novelly and tastily decor- itaiy standards is difficult the staff ale jand caretakers of both schools keeo clerk be lnstrucwtfbo prepare- a by- 1 j wfls supplied by garnet kay them in good order law to conform to the same carried md a iriend wiai jg mjeredlth ac tht high school requires an assem- movfed by currie seconded by mur i coanying them on the piano mr bly 11 gymnasium cloak room ac- ray that the road superintendent be joe mct being floor manager j commodatlon faciutles for noon lun- mstructed to advertise for tenders for i mf and mf3 w shclbounie are very chs and improved artificial lighting gravel for the year 144 gravel to be grateful f the help or neighbours the general sanitary standard is grad- supplled crushed and delivered to uny when thelr homc cght te recently ed as fair the public school is graded as good after making due allowances for the age of the building domestic during the past few years the building of new homes and the re novation of old ones with the instal lation of modern sanitary conveniences has definitely improved domestic stan dards there are still about half a dozen homes where such standards are extremely low they are a disgrace to the town industrial there is a great variation of standards- of sanitation in town in d us tries some are totally inadequate others are satisfactory slaughter houses there is one si tuated within the municipality sanl tary conditions there are satisfactory nuisances from industrial wastes pollution of town streams by indus trial wastes continues this will not be completely eradicated until a sewer system is installed a smoke nuisance has been present in one district for several years and has been reported on frequent occasions the board of health is unable to take any action as smoke is not considered in the pub lit health act to be a public health responsibility licensing of boarded homes there is no licensing of such homes part of the township tenders to be in the hands of the road superinten dent by may 1st 144 at 12 o clock noon carried moved bv currie seconded by mur ray that this council adjourn to meet may 1st at 2 pjn or at the call of ihe reeve carried clearing auction sale of registered and grade holstein cattle horses 2 tractors tractor equipment implements milking machlnw furniture the undersigned has been instructed joseph hunter to sell by public auction at lot 10 con 11 esqueslng township at norval on thursday april 11 1944 at one o clock the following horses grey horse 9 years grev horse 10 years reo0stered holsteins hoi stein cow 5 years calf at foot hoi stein cow 4 years calf at foot hol- steln cow 5 years calf at foot hoi stein ocnf 5 years calf at foot hoi stein cow 2 years calf at foot hoi stein cow 4 years bred sept llth holstetn cow 4 years bred dec 23rd holsteln cow 3 years ored feb 25th holstetn cow 3 years bred march 2nd holsteln cow 6 vears bred march 6th reg holstein heifers reg heifer bred jan 16th reg heifer bred jan 30th reg heifer bred jan 30th reg heifer bred feb 1st reg heifer bred feb 7th reg heifer bred feb 14th reg heifer bred mar 15th iref heifer 14 months reg heifer 1 10 months reg heifer 7 months reg for sale jholstein bull 23 months princess pat cook stove bums coal grade holsteln cow 7 years bred or wood with waturfront also perfec dec 26th grade holsteln cow 5 vears tton coal oil stove with oven these bred jan 29th grade ayrshire oow stoves are in real good condition ap- 4 years due time of sale reg ayr i shire cow 6 years bred sept 16th implements mcoormlck deerlng w30 tractor on steel in real good shape new farmall a mccormlck deerlng tractor on rubber with mow er and scuftler attachments ib plate hornby although the calendar says it is over winter s 111 lingers in the lap of spring april has come but instead of bring ing warm showers it has given us snow flurries so for we wonder where the little birds are finding a worm shelter from the cold winds of these wintry days and nights miss mary kirk of freelton ont visited last week at the parsonage mr and mrs denniaon of port credit were guests at the home of mr and mrs stanley lcarmont on sun day last miss jardine resumed her duties in jie public bchool last week after be ing laid up for several days with an attack of flu everyone in the v lllagt is glad to welcome mrs mcintosh back to her heme again this week after she had spent the winter months in the homc of mr and mrs fred huffman congiilulations to mr and mrs addison woodley nee reta huffman l u j complaints have been received by your on the birth of a second daughter tn board of health ing these milton hospital a week ago lost tues day the eastir thank offering atrvice of ashgrov wms auxiliary was held at the parsonage- on rutsaav afternoon of thit wtik with a large attendance mrs mlhou bird was gutst speaker let everyone celebrate easter by at tendance at church service nixt sun day and as chrutiam let us keep holy week in a fitting wnv rtmem fl complele sew m inatncd berlng all jiat christ uffen d for us fieneral ecoilomlc on ply up win of thanks fc wish to express our lncereit thanks to friends and n urtidors for their many klndn bscs lowers and ex presfiions of strnpitj in our recent sad bereavement bonnk c illsle and barbour family john marshall norvajl personal the war against asthma is on and davis asthma- remedy 7885 is re leasing the captives get it at chap man s drug store today 64 doses only 3 0o fob sale 1b36 chevrolet coupe good tir and motor apply wilfred shantz ltp glen williams wanted capable housekeeper wanted by young married business woman to look after child and light housekeeping du ties in apartment live in or out as preferred apply tt box bthe herald wanted a smartboy under 16 mechanically inclined to work on knitting machines st phone 228w wanted dead horses and catue for free fjsckup phone collect gordon young ltd dtcm phone ad 363a toronto guaranteed piano tuning hr a c hnyddb 26 years experi ence witto leading piano firms your piano tuned cleaned de mothed for lfio apply the herald office sip phone 8 double disc drag oultlvator me- oormlckdeerlng 3 bottom tractor plow mccormlck deerlng 2 bottom tractor plow new mcoormlck deer lng hay loader new mcoormick- deering side delivery rake culta packer rubber tired mccormlck- deering tractor manure spreader mcoormlekdeertng 7 ft binder ir repair mcoormlck deerlng is disc drill steel roller road orader 4sectlon harrows hay rake truck wagon 3 walking pwws truck wair- on and rack souffler set of irteei wag on wheels j horse wagon set of bob sleighs set of llht sleighs 1horse sleigh 2000 lb scales slush scraper 1horse potato sprayer binder twine about 50 cedar pots fence stretcher ejrtenslon ladder cyclone seeder central survey of other local problems sewer system about 75 per cent of alt complaints of nuisances are con cerned with improper disosal of sew age your board of health has been r eo lu recomtnerm temporary expc dients which will make more trouble m the future it is recommended that moh report for 1943 to the chairman and members local board of health of the municipality of georgetown ont gentlemen i beg to submit mj annual report upon the health and sanitary condition for the municipality for th vear end ing december 31 1943 statistical statements our population as shown by the as scssors returns is 2468 according to the records of the division registrar t here occurred d urlng the year 10 births of which 1 was a stillbirth deaths from all causes numbered 21 there occurred 2 deaths under 1 year imd no maternal deaths this statement does not accurately permit arbage collctlon during 1943 t irbsim ollection system was instltu d this hao been a splendid contri button toward the raising of sanitary standards in town unfortunately it- has added an unpleasant complication in the form of an increase of rate pop i u lion in the dlsiric about the dump any local measures to eradicate the lats are of temporary value the grounds lor the disposal of garbage are improperly sited for sanitary and aes christian young peoples rally for georgetown milton acton and surrounding districts easter monday 800 poo in georgetown united church address by rev j m finlay carlton st united church toronto rev flniay will speak about 9 pm a cordial invitation is ex- f tended to anyone who would like to cake advantage of this oppor- i tunlty of hearing one ot toron- to a outstanding radio preachers j in person the subject will be unconditional surrender ontario h0swtai training schools nurses applicants are now being selected for entrance to training in the following mental hosnitalj thetic reasons the dump should be situated outside of the municipal limits and provided with an incinerator efforts are being mode to change the location at a later date an incinera tor should be installed this is not feasible at present on account of the cost about 36 000 and shortage of materials in a former article in this paper we reviewed communicable diseases in general the following is a paragraph from the report on prevention prevention a general campaign of immunization was not carried on in the municipality during the past year each year howeer every preschool child and every public school child is given the opportunity for free immuni zation against diphtheria and small pox the work was done by the local board of health in the following man ner during the fall term of the public school all parents of the incoming primer class school children are asked to slgn consent forms signifying their desire to have their children im munized against diphtheria children of other classes who have not already had the opportunity are also treated if their parents consent any pre school children who are brought to the clinic are immunized treatments consist of three injec ti ns in the arm one at three weekly intervals it has been found that the immunity against diphtheria begins to wane in some children after five or six years accordingly children who were immunized during their nrst year of life the ideal time are given a re inforcing dose when they enter school with such treatment 05 per cent of children are completely protected against diphtheria there has not been a case or dlph theria in georgetown lor fifteen years on account of this immunization pro gramme records indicate that cen tres where intense immunization is ca rried out are relatively free of dlph theria they also show the reverse to be true this procedure is carried out on all personnel of the armed forces 86 per cent of all the public school children in georgetown have been im munized against diphtheria during every winter or spring term all school children and any preschool children presented are vaccinated against smallpox this consists of single treatment similar to that given to all personnel of the armed forces at present 69 per cent of the public school population is protected against smallpox the public at large is in clined to be somewhat lix about small pox vaccination in enlightened eur opean countries vaccination is practl rally universal but a large proportlor of canadians is unprotected with modem rapid communication and more free intercourse with other countries after this war the danger of the in traduction of smallpox and other dis eases becomes less remote further parents underestimate the seriousness ich pldemlcs have occurred in can of whoopim cough this disease caus- ada in recent years ed dunn rcent years almost three group immunization igainst scirlet tunes as many deaths as measles scar- lever has not been carried out in geor ftve and diphtheria combined in getown although scarlet fever toxin children under one vear old in this is available it is the opinion of yo tr group one out of four die this vac- medical officer of health thnt it is not cine is being used extensively by physt- sufflclently efficient to be used in the clans in private pr school j extent of immnntxauon program a very effective whooping coujih the records of the local board of vaccine ms been developed in recent htalth show for diphtheria 42 per- years this has not been used for sons immunized and 42 certificate public school children the dangerous i granted scarlet fever nil smallpox age for children is during pre school 39 perons immunized and 39 certifl- vears infants should be lnnoculated cates granted whooping cough nil before they are one year old many continued next week brockvills hamilton kingston london new toronto tfhitby two years cour is offered ir the h irni fi mowed by oik iul afh liuon it ptcnll s guitrj h isp t il ihroi the pr v tin leads to provincial rtt t iraininfl inpi t year n selected rmghou tion during the full thnc vears training a ginertus monthly allowance is given for detatud tnforma i apply to superintendent ontario hospital at 0m of cntrtt usted binder fotecarrtage bags and sacks 700 ft onmrknee steel fort wter fjl trough root purper pump jack turnip drill fanning mill 150 ft new hay rope meal box on wheels peed carrier 6 steel stanchions bog track doubletrees implement ton gues neckyokes oil cans grease onins forks shovels other small ar- 8tjpply teacher tft fwbuo school board would like to hear from any ex teachers who be available for occasional b harrjson secretary electrical work bectrical repairs made to appliances dd wiring apply f c whttmee if young st georgetown for balk iptoods electric peed grinders mflx- idc tr moc coolers hectrir mom alt mount forest threshing district representative wil- tlcles harness and feed 2 sets of heivv team harness set of single harness fl horse oollsrs 1000 bus of mixed grain 5 bus of red clover seed dairy eqtjtpmtmt mcoormlck deerlng milking machine 2 single units nearly new wagner h p electric motor de laval cream bep arato- mtlk strainer milk pails etc furniture chesterfield suite good as new studio couch 2 wash stands coniroleum rug 9 x 12 solid oa leather covered rocking chair fire screen 2 sels bedroom dishes clothes mangel lawn mower other articles there has never been a tb reactor on the farm no reserve as farm has been sold terms cash frank petoh auctioneer t w thompson clerk 2t highest wantsd lire and dressed poultry market prices apply a barnett bon phone br s43 r 14 crerem marges as many births and deaths of george town citizens occur in hospitals these are registered by the municipality in which they took place an analysis of municipal statistics inalcates as follows lid except for 2 deaths under 1 year and 1 at the age of 20 the aver age age of death was 73 5 years of age of all deaths 11 were males and 10 were females b of the 21 deaths 14 were caus ed by diseases of heart and blood ves sels all occurring from age 53 to age 92 three were caused by cancer there were no deaths caused by vlo lence the 2 deaths under 1 year were caused by 1 prematurity 11 still birih from a public health standpoint these figures indicate a comparatively sittisficlory luiation child mortality is low and there was no maternal mor tality two thirds of the deaths vere caused by degenerative diseases of heart and blood vessels occurring in the older age group financial statement expenditure the total spent during the year was 2906 07 1 amount paid for salaries was as follows medical officer of health 25000 public health nurse 600 00 sanitary inspector nil other salaries nil total for salaries 76000 1vtever has the chemist meant so much to the world as today he is indispensable to our war effort health and comfort because of th scientific protection he provides scientific protection has been a feature of brantford roofing for nearly 40 years fine materials skilled work manship and research have given brantford roofing that outstanding ability which has safeguarded thou sands of canadian homes against sun rain wind snow sleet s and fire a brantford roof is easily applied and will not curl warp orsplit it will delight you with its soft warm beauty a source of enduring pleasure at ery reasonable cost ak your loe dealer for inform inon aiw prices on branlford asphalt slaies inulited siding and roll roofings brantford hoof s brantford roofing company limited brantford ontario for safe by the georgetown lumber company limited

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