Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 12, 1944, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday april 12- 1944 the editors corner 7vtews of other editors stephen leacock stephen leacock died last week much has been said and written about this bestknown canadian writer we note that margaret templin mentions his death on the opposite page on sunday night we heard b k sandwell tell about dr leacock in an ad dress by radio last weeks orillia packet and times devoted about half the paper to stories about orillias most noted citizen a piece of journalistic enterprise to be commended since the death occurred only the day before we saw stephen leacock only a few times and probably never knew hint but he was our favorite can adian author we didnt care much for some of his books feeling that the humor was rather forced but if he had never written anything else besides svuishme sketches of a little town he would still be our fa vorite it was in 1913 that this book was first published so we suppose younger readers never heard of it though we saw it in a 29cent paper covered edition in a local store quite recently we cannot think of any place where as many laughs could be bought for a simi lar sum of money the little town was orillia thinly disguised it is said that orillia people never quite forgave stephen leacock for making fun of them but we dont know why this story was nothing like main street where there were no pleasant characters the fun is good- natured and sympathetic everybody in mariposa was a pleasant character or made to sound like one for those readers familiar with this story some of the background may be of interest the leacock home had been in orillia about ten or twelve years when this book was written it appeared first in serial form in saturday night and some of the names were very thinly disguised in the book a few were changed but not many jefferson thorpe the barber who made a lot of money in mining stock and lost it as quickly was jeff short the hotelkeeper the real hero of the book was josh smith in fiction and jim smith in real life in the saturday night version the name of the peppery judge was mcgaw but it was changed to pep- perleigh later on the orillia papers are the packet and times and the news letter in the book they become the newspacket and the timesherald editor hale has his name changed to hallet and so it goes in recent years mr leacock spent most of his leisure time in orillia he owned a plot of five acres or more of land when he was retired as a professor at mcgill university before he was ready to go on the shelf he went to orilha he took up one hobby alter another according to the packet and times first it was gardening with the emphasis on tomato grow ing he had so many tomatoes that orillia could not eat them all he raised chickens but not profitably he tried turkeys one year but kept them shut in too much and all but ten out of fifty died within a week or two he had his own private fish ponds but the boys poach ed in them he met one youngster with a string of fish arent you afraid of the owner of the ponds no the boy said that old codger could never catch me fergus newsrecord a busy market place some folks are feeling deep concern over the number of farm auction sales throughout the country these days and they tell us that city folk are concerned lest so many leave the farms that there may not be suf ficient on the markets for their larders there have been more than the usual auction sales but we see no cause for alarm the other day we discussed the question with one of the local auctioneers and went over a list of sales he had booked to see if there was all this cause for alarm we read the bills that more than filled the regu lar space on the office walls and he told us why each man was having a sale many of the cases the vast majority were men who were getting on in years and could not manage the farm work alone they could secure no help and it seemecran opportune time for them to sell out and seek lighter employment they were physically able to do and let younger farmers take their places on the land farm prices are now attractive to young men and many who desire some independence and place of their own were able and willing to take on the oner ous farm work under present prices the sale of the land and the stock and implements would give the olcjer man a fair stake for investment a home in town and he could take life a little easier in every case reviewed some one else was going on the farm in no case was the land being abandoned the stock and implements were being iold to other farmers so it all seems to add up that its just part of this period of changing when some of those on the land are perhaps a bit weary of the toil and fe mem ber toovividly the days when prices were not so good and those in other vocations feel they would be more aocum tilting the soil instead of looking for jobs that wctent available in these same days of other years it simply a case of young men with ambition and a strong back exchanging places with older men perhaps vary much overtired and lacking the nhvical abititr to keep going and judging the market r tj r carrolls uea youv pmm coupon lor marmalade art kr 29c apricots ajtm tor 37c grape jam aylm- u- fc 30c crabapple jelly j 29c special quaker muffets325 16c catdua eiiwut noodles sunny boy cereal pk 19c catlua cheesaroxii ts 17c sucd swe bacon hn ttk 24c libbya bordens nettle or carnation milk 6 s 53c 16 viuietloa of aylmer baby foods jo aylmer vgtabl soup x s- maple ul celt flour pk aylmer dtcxl cturob or beets- m- j xj etujlihh scratch cover polish hldtt nicks and scratches to furnltur use it on woodwork and any wood urfaos to hida blmuhea aa can b rubbed to a polish lvw 7 17c z7c z3c snowtuk ammonia 8c chipso 9c 23c poufw floor wax 1lb tin 49c plmoliv soap 2 oj lie coldun ftac pot scourers h 10c witlnshocih uht bulbs i 15c muttri kaniml kibble jnd sud dressing avtawr dehydrated beans 2 fcr 17c 19c cnpie svraet mixd pickles isc cktmrac dry contents only ginger ale zfii 25c concentrated super suds 20 39 kory soap i 5 6 2 19 javex bottle 14c for overseas 1 stafford vexrlnblc soup mix pk 10c upton chicken noodlr soup mlx 2 pk 25c habltnitt chick ennoodle soup mix 2 23c flakes i 19c wn reserve the right to limit quantities ofu morciumdjue- size 300 lemons sice 288 navel oranges size 252 navel oranges size 220 navel oranges size 176 navel oranges 40c doz 31c dot 36c poz 42c doz 50c doz new beets and carrots at market prices fruit infl vegetable price object to mrtrt fhtctaatlona coupons to we april ijtfc sugar 1tto 31 i preserves 1 to 18 tea or coffee 14 to 2 el 6 i butter 54 to 57 as we see it by j a strang the 194344 national hockey season is all but over spring is just around the comer the maple syrup season is all but finished easter is just over and even bouse cleaning is about finished looking in the oppo site direction we and that it is almost victory loan time once more this new loan is the sixth in the series and may be we have been able to dig up enough money to purchase one bond or more in each loan drive up to date there is quite temptation to sit back this time and let some one else go without j a new spring outfit and a few other i almost necessary things instead of us j doing it every time or perhaps we figure that all that we could possibly purchase this time would be a one hundred dollar bond and in a twelve hundred million victory loan that hundred dollars of ours would never be noticed or missed either on the other hand those small purchases taken collectively amount to a good many millions and it would never do if all the individuals that only have one hundred dollars to invest were to sit back this time those boys over there still need supplies clothes muni tions gas guns trucks planes jeeps and food we wduldn l feel very proud of ourselves if we were to and out that some of those inds had to ko without some of the above mentioned articles just because we hadnt dug down for another bond during this victory loan drive guess we better decide to buy another bond this time again after the war is all cleaned up we will really be able to enjoy some of those luxuries that we would like awfully well to buy right now instead of buying a war bond with the money another way would be to sell those oonds that we bought last time and the time before that and theft take the money that we realise from the sale of those bonds and buy some of this new loan dont do it of course it- mighthelp to- enable our- particular locality reach its objective in the bond drive but if that la the only way we can reach our objective lets not reach it at all suppose we all decide to hang on to those other bonds that we have bought in the earlier drives and also decide to buy just as many as we possibly can this time and hang on to them also this is 1044 perhaps you may recall that the war was to be all over this year maybe it will be if it is perhaps this sixh victory loan drive is the last one that may be needed if it should happen that the war isn t finished this year we can at least have the satisfaction of knowing that we lent h che cash that we possibly could in every victory loan that the dominion called for the boys overseas are putting up with a few discomforts and are taking it with a smile it surely isnt too much for each of us to do without some wanted luxury and invest the money in bonds instead and we should be able to do it with a smile as well investment to be opportune the result is that the mar ket place auction sales is a busy one acton free press- protecting the sucker ontarios new law on slot machines is ambiti ous it aims to get at the higher ups the men actually in control of the racket it has still to be tested of course but those who appreciate the sinister nature of the business will hope that it will be effective it is no secret that the slot machine business is jn the hands of big shot racketeers there are the unpleasant gentry who make an ample and easy living out of the nickles and dimes of those who can ill afford them they are parasites in the worst sense of the term and they have too long enjoyed virtual immunity from the law it is time they were put out of business and this the new legislation is designed to accomplish it has the best wishes of the decent citizens windsor star those ancestors of ours that lived in those proradio days mast have been a hardy lot they bad no one to tell them what to do about acidindigestion or about vitamins or to give them fb4 exact time every little while or to tell them what the weather was likely to be tomorrow or how low the thermometer would go tonight we often wonder how they were able to get their clothes so white without the abundance or advice along that line that is broadcast so often oiese days mind you they even had to wait until tomorrow to know bow the hockey game came out its wonderful the way that they survived isnt it lacrosse is another war ca sualty it la still supposed to be canadas national game but it isnt a very healthy one at present for the first time in a good many years the annual lacrosse convention was not held on good friday in the place ft the convention a lacrosse reunion is being scheduled for the 20th of april and is to be held at the king edward hotel m toronto the vention was held for a good years at toe iroquois hotel it is ther difficult to understand why cross doesnt appeal somewhat way hockey has an appeal for alnr everybody the two games are similar in many ways although cross isnt nearly aa rough as la key tn fact you seldom heard of bones broken while playing 1 however the younger generation area playing the game and if the youngs dont learn to handle a stick tthetv very little hope of the game ever gaining its popularity on the i hand those of us that were fa wijih the game in our younger never lose our love for the game prevent inflation canada is a good country to live 4n keep it that way dont buy anything you dont honestly need and when yog must buy dont pay more than the cell- lng price r directory f r watson djdb vldb georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j burns milne dental surgeon xray georgetown dr clifford red ujdb djb dentist phone 410 main street georgetown elmer c thompson insurance b fire auto windstorm o p railway and allied steamship staeacrr exoobjbdox1b rhone ilbw or j oeortetown monuments icarksrs and unbtdd pollock a ingham a alt nnettni on requestphone me r work in cveenwood leror dale kc m sru beamed ba georgetown phona ib kenneth m langdon barrister geftsttor notary fue ptrst mortgage mont to loan office gregory theatre htdg mill street phone 86 georgetown nielsen the chmopractor dragles therapist 31st year of praotfos lady attendant hours 36 89 pin doped thursday over dominion stork georgetown phone 160w dr s h magwood veterinary surgeon phone 11 office between division ooort clerks office and the new municipal building at the cor ner of main and mill streets oakvuxe monument works w r edward monuments cemetery iltwlt designs sctomltted good display of monuments on band your patronage souckad ssow oakvtjus radio repairing we specialize in this work 10 yean b9ertenoe j sanford son oboroetown mw c n r timetable daylight saving time ooing east 7 01 am passenger and mall 10 10 am passenger and mall 7xq pjn passenger sunday only 831 pjn passenger dally 9jb pjn this train was formerly the oyer but now stops ooxnq west passenger and mail 840 ajn passenger bat only 13 pin passenger dairy except saturday and sunday 838 pjn dally esotpt sunday 733 pjn only ujtt pjn daqy ncospt sunday 13j am ooofo rfofvifl pimumr and mall sj oooio booth frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service phone 391 georgetown po box 413 gray coach lines timetable now in effect daylight saving time leave georgetown for toronto 7 04 am 934 am 234 pjn 644 pjn 034 pm b 1008 pm for london f 1030 am 7j1s pjn y 330 pjn b 830 pjn 430 pjn xblljopjd b am and houdays onjy x jib ottelph dally to ktt- atwaier sun and hol y to kjtcbener to stratford

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