Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 19, 1944, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wedneaday april 19th 1944 nterwntel tenders will be received by the un- f watnedup to 1st at may umi for the pnrobsae of a fnune bun 00 x 90 feet on lot 13 can 11 foquesi s nerval containing approximately 0 posts under sills 13 x 13 6 x 7 feet with caps whit oak dressed silfc 13 x 13 x feet 398 joists 3x3x10x1318 and 18 umbers 10 x 13 x 90 feet splice in centre v rafters 3 x 6 x 33 feet in two lengths 14 posts 11 x u x 30 feet m posts 11 x 11 x m feet 4 plates 10 x 10 x 90 feet spaced in 18 beams 10 x 11 x 13 x 34 feet beams 1q x ll x us x 18 feet m girders 5 r a 1 18 feet 13 girders 5 x sx 16 feet 1 gtrdexs 6 x a x 13 feet akung 1 x 13 x 20 feet dressed and painted i 1 x 3 x 30 feet dressed and noortoff driveways 3 in dressed ba lance doable mob v sheeting inch braces 3x4 studdmgs- iii q tnch dressed and matched 1 some hemlock joists and flooring ba lance fine two rackhfters 0 feet steel track 3 oars lightning rods one half the roof is galvanised iron sheets corrugated the buhdmg may be inspected any week day possession given may 16th the highest or any tender not ne- oassaruy accepted terms oash on acceptance of ten- ah material to be removed by august list alex ik nobis norval asthma to stop these miserable asthmatic attacks get davis asthma reme dy 7896 this druggist will be pleased to show you the 3 weeks supply 300 see chapmans drug eczema baby monk was a mass of sores from bol to crown after 8 months continued treatment then mrs m got davis pruritus cream and in one month that baby is all clear odorless colorless greasless ifa a winner 60c 100 l65 a jar collections a gnelph medical client writ- baa us on march 20th says in part thank you very much in deed for your verjelect4viber rices that unsolicited compli ment speaks volumes doesnt it this effective service is available to you take advantage of tt and send m your list now kelly aiken ts oaoeetlba specialists okangkvtlle ont legion notes i to bnr cudb tku total namtt a geo c brown asent t k no 1 norval phone 161 comer main cuelph streets scotts garage international sales and service shell products what should prove to be one ol the most interesting meetings of branch 130 will be that to be held in the le gion hall on april 27th among the items of interest are the report of the delegates appointed to attend the provincial convention to be held in toronto april 23rd to 26th the delegates appointed tor this convention are past president fred mccartney president harold btalford and treasurer william roney another interesting item on the program will be the report of he betterment srehamlltaun com mittee with col cousens as chair man this committee held a meeting last monday evening and the writer invited to attend but is not in a posi tion to mention here what transpired as the recommendations and sugges tions must first be brought to the gen eral meeting before anything may be published we oan mention that this committee will present excellent sug- gestlona which should make the re gular meeting an item of great in terest to all comrades along with the above coming before the meeting we expect that an elec tion to fill the post of publicity and transportation will be held comrade jack pry we understand since his appointment has found that due to pressure of business he was not in a position to handle this office and has sent in his resignation to the executive we understand that more than one comrade is to stand far nomination for this office comrade boley who has held thistost for the past year has been asked by the executive to carry on protern until the meeting and due to a request from many comrades has decided to let his name stand for this office we ore not aware of who may let his name go before the meet ing to contest the election but when nominations are closed it will be lelt entirely in the hands or the comrades to elect a comrade to fill the impor ant orflce of transportation and pub licity one or the most lmporant matters for the next meeting is the attendance you comrades have elected to the high office of president comrade stalford to carry the full responsiblliy of the branch for the forthcoming term and to show our cooperation that we are determined to bacxwpthis officer and other newly elected officers it is our duty to make the attendance at this meeting 100 per cent comrade president stalford in an interview stated that the next regular meeting of the branch will be held on april 27th and will start promptly at 830 pm sharp the canteen win open from 750 to 800 and will be closed until after the meeting by starting sharply on the dot stated comrade stalford- the meeting should be over hi ample time to allow the comrades to have a friendly chat be fore returning home in the past com rades attending the meetings had to be- excused before the meeting was over due to the lateness of the hour there is no necessity for this stated comrade stalford i will call the meet ing to order on time and allow liberal time for discussions but will see that the meeting will not drag on so com rades be on time for the meeting imperial section the imperial section of the cana dian legion held ther regular meeting m the legion hall last sunday after noon with a large attendance of com rades from this branch comrade chairman chas parton conducted the affairs of this section in a most efficient manner and alter the reading of the minutes and the fi nancial report moved the meeting on the general business the next item was the appointment or delegates to attend the imperial convention which is held in conjunc tion with the legion provincial con vention in toronto on april 33rd it is the intention of all imperial section attending the convention to oln the canadian legion in their church pa rade which will open the convention delegates appointed to attend were comrades parton roberts taylor yates carney and clarke comrade clarke volunteered the use of his car so by next sunday no doubt the dele gates will number 10 or 12 those wishlnr to attend are requested to meet at the legion hall at 12 noon on sun day next so as to reach toronto in time to attend the church paraae chairman parton thcncalled upon comrade president stalford attending the meeting to say a tew words due to the length of the legion notes we only print to part what comrade stalford mentioned he complimented the imperial section for the efficient manner in which th meeting was con ducted and also the support given by members of the section to the newly elected officers today stated comrade stalford is the op time for the imperials to obtain from the british government the claims that they are duly entitled to in these war times with our cana dian soldiers returlng to canada ac companied by their- english brides more than ever the imperials wql be called up to assist and cooperate with these men and help if possible to the reestablishment of our canadian sol dlers and make their brides feel at home m canada m m his closing remarks president stal ford stated that a head of the legion he win at all times cooperate with the imperial section and make it his duty to attend all their meetings on behalf of the imperial comrades chairman parton expressed his thanks and took this opportunity to extend to president stalford an mvltauon to attend the imperial convention in to ronto next sunday before closing the meeting it was moved and passed that a guest speaker be invited to attend the next imperial meeting and that this meeting would be an open one for any member of the canadian legion to attend this joint gathering will be held in the legion hall on sunday may 31st at 330 pm the meeting then adjourned- notes a new union jack now flies from the legion flag pole comrade tim staoey of the vete ran guards stationed at windsor spent last week end at his home in town comrade jack whitney of the vete ran guards from lindsay out was a guest at the legion last saturday lac george gilmer son of com rade and mrs fred gilmer spent the week end at home word has been received from l s roy preston son of comrade and mrs h preston that he is safe and sound somewhere overseas ken beerman son of comrade and mrs ed beerman spent last week end on leave at his home bud oliver son of comrade- and mrs johnny oliver was home from camp borden for the week end in the globe and mall issue of sa turday last appeared the picture of leading officers cook jack kemshead of georgetown he is stationed at ha lifax nb and the son of comrade and mrs jack kemshead and is shown demonstrating a large birthday cake made for the 1st anniversary of the navy wellbaby cunlc comrade ttoos pappy alien has been absent from work for a few days due to injuries to his shoulder while at work at the lower paper mill in unloading baled paper from a truck the bale slipped and pinned hla shoulder to the wall comrade johnny oliver received a letter from chuck o l laws from italy in which he states that he has met other georgetown boys including bob rayner gordie james keith spence walker cleave pete and fred tost and jerry watson comrade ou- ver reoeved his training with chuck m brentford and niagara and separ ated when johnny was transferred to the west coast and chuck to the bkst so comrades before closing remem ber two important engagements you should attend the regular meeting- of the branch on the 27th and the mixed party for legion members and then- wives and the members of the ladles auxiliary on friday april 28th bo un til next week i will keep on practlcmg to sing malrzy doates and dosaey doates and uddle lamsey diver joe b victor gjbx most pathetic of all child delinquents read in the american weekly with this sundays april 33 issue of the detroit sunday times of girls whose distorted sense of patriotism leads to disastrous consequences att in with genevieve parkhurst famous sociolo gist as case after case of youthful waywardness unfolds in courts reveal ing shocking conditions that imperii youngsters get sundays detroit times kgg casks prompt return of egg eases to ship pers is urged m view of the ahortage now being experienced order now r government approved chicks at reasonable prices several hundred w l puuets and b r x w l pulleta for sale during april we can fill orders lor barred rocks white leghorns and b rx w l hy brids for may and june also pure bred light sussex for june thompsons poultry farm and hatchery phone 48 r 5 georgetown out mail to reinforcement units a challenge to us all t is a war of movement never before have troops been moved such incredible dis tances in so many theatres of war so quickly night and day thousands of men are in motion by sea transport motor truck and air edging into enemy territory shifting to keep the element of surprise did you ever stop to think what it means under these trying conditions to find your friend or relative and put your letter into his hands yet in spite of the tremendous task involved tracing men who are moving from reinforce ment units in england to group depots in italy or from one location to another or through hospitalization or while on leave in the face of every sort of war hazard 31500000 letters in addition to parcels and other items reached our men in 1943 canada post office imhij by rtw ocffcortfy of mom w p muiock kc mp postmaster general

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