Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 26, 1944, b2

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the georgetown herald wednesday apnl 26th 1944 have yqu thought what it mepns to wear this emblem when you haten to newm of what our boya are gotng through overaeai and read the casualty hat in your newspaper every day and measure the sorrow and anxiety that have come to thou sanda of canadian horoea and may come to many more are your satisfied that you are dome all you can our men and women m uniform are ready if need be to die for canada for freedom for you compared with that no amount of selfdenial ts too great are you prepared to put kvery sinolb dollar you can save mto victory bonds into bonds that wih assure a steady flow of vital supplies to bring victory doaer k thats what you can do to help shorten the war to save precious live and that what the wearing of this emblem means that you too are doug your share that you are buying mjj thm victory bontta you can put victory first fred sinclair white rose service station phone 26 georgetown will you put victory first will you buyjftctory bonds canadian legion besl branch 120 georgetown ontario oicj3feiiii order now government approved chicks at reasonable price several hundred w l pullets and b r x w l pullets for sale during april we can fill orders for barred rocks white leghorns and b r x w l hy brids for may and june also pure bred light sussex for june thompsons poultry farm and hatchery a npn48r5 georgetown onft moh report or 1943 we continue the report of the medl cal officer of health the first lnstal merit of which appeared last issue special activities maternal and child hygiene there is not yet any instruction in prenata infant and preschool care under the direction of the board of health all such activities have been carried out by family physicians tuberculosis control the following statement shows the extent to which our programme for the control of tuberculosis has been carried out m the municipality there were three cases of active tuberculosis in george town two of which are in sanatoria and one adequately cared for at home bovine tuberculosis has disappeared in georgetown during recent years on ac count of the compulsory pasteuriza tion of all milk for the past few years diagnostic clinics have not visited georgetown as there did not ippcar to be enough sue piclous cases to warrant their continu ance an out patient clinic at the mountain sanatorium hamilton is operated one day weekly for clinical examination and x ray of any sus pected cast there is no charge for scheme would be a splendid opportunl this service if the individual cannot af ty for any organization to sponsor ford it for those who can a small fee the ontario department of health of our health activities much of the limited time of our public health nurse was taken foe visits to bancs in an endeavour vr control the epi demic oromrmlcablc aktn it such as impetigo cables and lice were less common during 1943 chiefly due to the efforts of the public health nurse and the teachers great dlffl culty is experienced with a few fami lies who do not cooperate their cnll dren are forced to remain out of school frequently and unnecessarily in order to protect their schoolmates rhc high school students did not receive any attention by the xocai board of healtto during ims tenta tive plans were made in the fall to tuberculin test the students and x ray the positive reactors it was found impossible to have toe use of a por table xray at that time so the plan was temporarily dropped it la plann ed to have every student physically examined by your medical officer of health during 1m4 dental hygiene gross dental defects of children are noted by the public health nurse and parents are advised to nave them cor reeled it is most important that these children be cared for at an early age it is recommended that a com plete dental survey of the public school be made and necessary treat ment provided for those unable to pay for dental attention such is charged for the x ray plate an lnpatlent at a sanatorium re ceives free treatment when discharg ed the patient who cannot afford pro per food clothing bousing and medl cal care can look to the municipality to provide such essentials formerly many of these unfortunate people suf fered reactivation of their infection when they returned to unhygienic conditions no expatient required such help in georgetown during 1jm3 all contacts of active cases of tuber- cllosl5 in georgetown have been re examined and will continue to be re examined at regular intervals as long they remain in the municipality the tuberculosis situation in george town is satisfactory control the following state ment shows the number of patients under treatment at the expense aa5ls at blood donor clinics of the municipality and the provincial her ui work has been very will provide considerable frnpmtal as sistance to such a venture provided the group responsible wlu carry on with tne plan over a period of years the importance of the proviso is ap parent st john ambulance association your medical officer of health with the able assistance of mrs t grieve lady superintendent has carried on during 1m3 with the bimonthly par ades of the georgetown brigade no 97 of the st john ambulance asso ciation there are twentytwo mem i bers qualified in first aldand home nursing these ladles receive advanc ed training in first aid stretcher work foot drill etc under the dl rectkm of graduate nurses members a bavins dental afects is not re corded there were 99 borne visit for the control of acute oomrmrnlrmbto disease 8 no tuberculosis patients suspects or contacts were visited there were no noma visits for the control of gonorrhoea or syphilis 8 no crippled children were super vised 8 the pumber of visits to ew made during the year was not record ed 10 cooperative arrangements with other nursing services fat the commun ity are nll tar nursing- needs not fully provided for were a prenatal visits to mothers b group demonstrations for mo thers c bome nursma supervision d visits to infants and instructions for mothers e visits to au preschool child ren f visit to tuberculosis pattents suspects and contacts g supervision of crippled children 13 in the near future it is hoped that a full time public health nurse be appointed the present public health nurse divides her time equally nvmj the mfinirtpa of afmi georgetown and milton public health nurse is miss walker rn appendix ib handling af ftowd ether than milk hesimumta a by law is in force licenses for mating places are requir ed total of restaurants fining rooms and other eating places numbers 6 of which 3 have suitable toilet accommo dation far patrons eating- places are inspected by the moh and the sard tary inspector 3 times yearly n k and other places for food preparation there is not a local bylaw in force requiring inspection of such plants me tti department of health none mend able they are on call for any of foodhandlers is not required food poisonings there have not sen outbreaks of disease traced to food ttanrfitny within the year in this municipality meat inspection a by law for meat inspection is not to force meat for local consumption is inspected at the b number of contacts and sources gatherings where first aid and home of infection located and placed under nur nt become necessary treatment three there has been an increase in v d in the municipality during 1sm3 chief ly in the floating population incidental addition a class of forty two beginners as given a course in home nursing dinng the ear of these thirty nine were sulcessful in passing the examin to war industry the local b ard ol atlm bven bj dr r t paul prom health have difficulty in tracing those ttiete classes new recruits are drawn who leave lhe town while still infect the brigade milk supply milk b law no 46a was passed in cancer control there are no muni clpally sponsored measures for the control of cancer since cancer is not communicable the most important means of eradication of this disease is 1837 and amended in 1929 pasteuri zatkm is compulsory there is one n u inspector there are two pas teurimtlon plants one hundred per by dissemination of information about j of tne ouu p fa pasteuris- lts early diagnosis there is not yet btenuje amssy conjunction any panacea for its cure treatment ls 9j0 q arls ptr capita by radium x ray and surgery offers a sumpuop to pmts then m hope of cure for most eases of malign produoer5 ma 3 distributors two oney if uied in the early stages of the permits have been issued no permits hae been cancelled milk inprtticm visits made to pro ducer 5 to distributors 40 taken o pasteurised milk 5 disease georgetown ls in the for tunate position of being close to two large treatment centres with the most modern facilities for diagnosis and care no one need forego treatment on account of the inability to pay for school child th local board of hcilth k illolli in terested in the health or the school children every public school child is guen an opportunity to be protect ed against diphtheria and smallpox at the public school clinics there ls no charge for the treatments pre school children arc also accepted by these clinics the public health nurse examim any child suspected ol having physical defects particularly those relating to underweight lslon hearing unheal thy throats dental or mental defects or shrns of emotional instability the parents of these children are notified of the disability and are advised to consult their family physician the public health nurse follows up such cases to ensure thai the necessary care ls provided bar nose and throat disabilities are common in public school children and their eraolcntior at on enrly brc is necessary special attention is paid to these defects before the summer holidays a list of such children compiled and parent arc urged to fnu during the first moth there were no infections associat ed with the milk supply this year the milk situation ls satisfactory the pasteurization plants are inspected by our sanitar inspector and by in spectors from the ontario departmen i h 1iu1 except for minor faults u t re has been little to criticize re- uen of georgetown are assured of mxd milk appendix aj public health nursing service 1 maternity service a l ci vrp 10 births to residents of the municipality in the munlcipall ty b there were nb prenatal nursing visits to mothers ic tnere ere no maternal deaths d of one stlh birth mother had not received regular nursing supervi si on e one resident infant died in thr- flrst month of life tne mother re c ived no regular prenatal nursing supervision 2 infant hygiene service a in the jear 1943 four infants were visited during the first month of life there were 6 visits to these in six sbwgnter hs there is one lo cated wltnm the municipality per nuts are not issued for operation the slaughter house is inspected yearly by the mofl remarks satisfactory ig a plumbing bylaw ls not in force refuse collection this service is provided it ls made by a nw en lerprtse the ser ice covers every house refuse is collected twice week ly during- june july august and sep tember it is collected once weekly during the remaining months super vision of this senice is by the sani tary inspector refuse disposal there is a munlcl pal dump the number of loads of refuse hauled per day is 4 or 5 m specuon is carried out by the sani tary inspector complaints during the year referred to following points improper disposal of sewage material rats to vicinity of dump ttiivr nuisances in conclusion i wish to thank who hate assisted in the work of pub lic healn in our municipality during the year i have je honour to be gentlemen your obedient servant c v williams mx mojbl for the municipality of georgetown have them corrected during the boll other infants were visited after one days treatment of most of these j month of age wltb a total number of defects is by removal of tonsils and visits adenoids in case of financial dim culty arrangements have been made with the hospital tor sick children to onto for their treatment toy h small charge others are given an oppcrtunltj for a special lnvcsttra oon at the hospital eg deafness vis uaj defects mental abnormal tics etc transporui i n ind fin inclil aid hi bet n pr i 1 bj the women s in stlt iti l l c inril of w men and i the lions club these men i i men and iii lln 1 i t s k ci w ren are u be in inker f i he r r operillon in this work duniv 1943 no children were given this ittetitiui it ls expected lhit tt tro will be about tu li idren during 1944 the lode has prowdld mdk d ir lng school hours for certain under nourished children and deserve our thanks with improved economic con dltlons there are now very few child ran whose parents are unable to pro vide sufficient milk at home oodtmnrdcable diseases scarlet fe and cbickenpox werejxe talent during 1943 and disrupted some no infants died after one month of age c no infants attended child health clinic or conference 3 pre school health service year to school age ia i 27 pre school children were visit ed luring the year 41 visits were made to these children no pre school children attended illd health clinic jldrin about to enter school ierried special attention 4 school health service i e to il enrolment in the cle mentary school was 313 1 e number or these who re ccived health supervision visits is not rnr jed c 1j sclio i children were found to i ne defects other than teeth the defects were as follows vision 6 hear lng x tonsos 9 d the number of children found to bsre new defects corrected was 6 the corrrcuons were viskm 3 hearing 0 tonsos s fe tbe number of children nottned evtrj nun in hts sgmdroo is ready every nun ia the forces of sea and land and air ts ready waiting for the last big push are you there are some canadians who mremftt some men and women who are no caking their full part in the struggle for freedom fao haveqt even bought as wi victory bonds as they fmauuf cmm are yom one of them its mot aw imui zero boor is near bin there s soil nment get in the fight put flctorv first maple leaf dairy phone 200 phone 161 corner main at streets scotts garage aaa international vr sales and service shell products lets show our colors oar fighting forces face a harder and more dangerous task than erer yet they are willing to make any sacrifice we at home must show the same unselfish spirit we must buy victory bonds all it hurts its the ery least we can do and no one who is able to boy them should escape this duty so let erove we re ready to do osrr share by uying extra victor bonds 7ty tfefov 7fet buy wctory bonds j b mackenzie son phone 33

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