Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 3, 1944, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wahear mr m 194 improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson b harold u lundquist d d of tn ifoodybibla inatltuto of chlcngo itllumd by western ntwapapcr union lesson for may 7 leases fcubcta and bcrlptuia tocted and copyrighted by international council of nttiir mrmlaaton klouitsduoatlan uied by paul crosses into europe lesson text acts is 1315 philippine i 7 14 golden text i prau on toward the coal unto tfc prlnj of the high calling of god in christ jsua pwhpplans 3 m pressing toward the mark phil 3 14 well describes the zeal and intense devotion with which paul lived his life for christ he was wholehearted in giving himserf to the preaching of the gospel ouj lesson tells of his carrying of the gospel into europe by the guidance and blessing of the holy spirit it seems appropriate to consider he two scripture portions in re verse order looking first at paul s declaration in phllippians of his pas ion to know christ and then m acts of his purpose to make him known the man with vision is eager to serve a task without a vision makes a man a drudge a vision without a task makes him a vis ionary a task and a vision makes him a missionary i pauls passion to know christ phil 3714 there were many things in paul s life of which he was proud until he met christ and then everything else lost its importance and interest all things in life ar relative in value and our attachment to them is determined by our heart attitude now being spiritually minded and having found in chxiat real satis faction for his soul the christian counts as refuse the things in which the world takes such pride and sat isfaction to know him calls for a depth of experience sacrifice and of joy which is not easy to describe m words it begins with a divine righteousness imparted by faith self righteousness will not suffice this is not a matter of law but of grace it is a resurrection faith and there fore powerful it is a faith which accepts suffering for christ as a part of fellowship with him not only bearable but glorious because it is in the power of his resur rectum that fellowship is one day to be complete and eternal for there ts to be for paul the assured experi ence of a personal resurrection out from among the dead v 11 the faith of a christian looks beyond the grave all this has to do with the present as well as the blessed future the man who has this kind of spiritual experience shares the purpose of paul expressed in verses 1214 here there is no resting back in self aatisfied comfort no pride in one s past victories no sense of having arrived paul saw not only the necessity but the blessedness of going from victory to victory too many chris tians of today are entirely satisfied with what they have attained and it is usually all too little there is a prize to be gained the prize o our cal christ jesus let us like paul be filled with holy dissatisfaction with ourselves until we reach that bless ed goal the man who had such a vision was ready for god s call to carry the gospel into europe n pauls purpose to make christ known acts 16 1315 the story of the conversion of lydia has many elements of spe cial interest it presents the turn big point in the progress of the gospel which by the grace and lead ing of god brought it northward to europe rather than southward into africa many of us have heard because of the way paul was led and one wonders if europe and america might not otherwise have been the dark continents rather than africa we are what we are fay tha grace of god then we note that the first con vert was a woman she was not the last woman to give an attentive ear and a believing heart to the gospel message the church through all its history has been biassed by the raadlnesa of women to bear and heed the gospel we like to note that she set a pat rtern of hospitality and service which liar sisters in the church have main tained see v is she con strained the visiting preachers to enjoy tha comforts of her fine home and thus put forward the work oi christ see iii john 5- it is encouraging to note how per fectly the leading of the holy spirit worked out in the experience ol paul and his brethren the lord jent his prepared messenger to the place where there was a prepared heart walunff to receive the wnrrt with gladness we may confidently go on the ci rands of our god knowing that when he leads he goes before and pre pares the way that does not mean that there will be no trials and dif flculttoa paul bad plenty of them ae u cor 11 2333 but it doe ssaan thai in may go with the as idnm of miss si results in his jtasm and with tha grace to beat wbatvtar comas alone the wsyfor hornby his many friends were delighted to welcome home from christie street hlspltal toronto last week pte ha rold robertson harold looks and feels in the best ofhcalth and is able to get about very nicely on crutches the broken hip has nended and is likely to be as good as before though the leg will be soinowhat shorter than the other the funeral of the late miss janet cunningham who passed away on wed nesday morning last april 26th was hld from her late residence sixth concession esqueslng on friday at further correspondence from childrens aid society article pour as prepared by the as sociation or children s aid societies ol the province ol ontario in this series of articles we have been looking backward to the dawn ml the children s protection move ment in ontario and following its development down the post hall n turyv we have emphasized and re- j emphasized the democratic nature of ternoon and was largely attended in t ntll torment being made in evergreen ce ch f metery milton miss cunningham had nnd j lived all her life where she was born rorsa thal wllh on may 27th 1871 sthe lived a quiet useful life and endeared herself to her large circle of friends and neighbours she is- survived by two brothers robertson on the home place william in toronto and one slstor mrs me nair of milton deep sympathy is ex tended to these in their sorrow the p d salter chopping and seedcleaning mill at agerton has a new owner in the person of mr delber downs sixth line trafalgar who takes possession this week we believe we congratulate mr downs and wish him every success in his new business under aklrg he is wiiely j wisdom vision and high social intent our children s aid societies were founded as organizations to be placed in the hands of the people of our com munittes this work of protection of children sprang from the hearts and was de- eloped by the efforts of good and tender men and women legislation folio ed and the cnildrens aid so ciety emerged as the instrument for the carrying out of tne ideal thnt every child has a birthright in a civilized societ let us put it this waj the organs the curr int out of the work are societies the structure of the and favourably taown throughout the enurprt5e u ltaattao d oommunlty ww i will we are m tiv m h it acfle but hie blood thm brno plete satisfaction to all his deling hote orlpmto0on rf with ms many clients ymi the meeting of ratepayers oi hornby aid your w school section to consider the maue jalt of the proposed townshtohool area was falrli well attended last thursday your evening the vote taken after discus ston showed a large majority against the advanced proposed legislation terra cotta a number of our citizens attended mr j h hoare s clearing at union on men of the c tn a later article we shall show what the public spirited lovef of children can do for his or her children s aid society by serving on its boards or one of their committees how such people can broaden and extend its services strengthen die hands ol its trained and paid officials and enlist the whole hearted cooperation and intelligent understanding of other men and wo- friday afternoon and all report an ex cellent sale bidding was brisk mr frank petch georgetown s hustling auctioneer wielded the stick in bis usual good stvle mr benton of limehouse also was the bookkeeper which duties he also performed in a very able manner mri harvey puckering and family of toronto spent the week end with mrs c icam and family miss r ferris a student teacher irom toronto was leaching at the 5th lane here recently under the able tui lion ol our efficient teacher miss i snow of ballinaf ad in passing miss ferris who is very much interested in v ocafv tousle was very much pleased with the school children s vocal talmts here 1 his speaks well for terra cotta and union s musical talent mr wm norrle of the mountain had a large gang of men biteing v last week having had over cords cut the intention now to give as clear a picture as is possible in a brief apace of some of the various fu performed by your childrens aid so ciety under ontario statutes under lhe children s protection act the- so ciety is constituted the specialist in guardianship being legally appointed to appraise and determine the suita bllity of a child s own natural guar dians let us review a typical case that came before one of the societies here we have a married couple with three children ranging in age rrom o 6 vears neither are vi lous but u are irresponsible ry nd thriftless to the point that their children are being neglected aad sun ring t e man has lost one job at eran jier u e to inefficiency what he does earn he and his wife spend m he beer pa lour at the time the ac r u cail ed in by neighbour the man has los hundred nts kb nearlj all the rumiture has sold there is scarcel an food it is expected that seeding will be in in the house jie gas and elr enc full swing in this vicinity this week power has been cut off and ut and the fall wheat never looked better and it is expected it will be a bumper crop this year of course the good book says that we are promised seed time and harvest mr wm stringer of toronto spent the week end with his brother mr and mrs john gordon stringer and fa mll of this place ren are sleeping on j cheste lied those parents are no acmelj unkind to their children who obviously have affection for them is u ere anj hope of salvaging this famiv certainly not without very severe discipline and surveillance the societv decides to charge them boui with negiect and bring them into court applying for is now the order ofpo wardship of the children da and reported mr j edge visited with friends in toronto last week mr w f hunter of the 5th line has purchased an upto date chevrolet car succes to you will mrs k icam has opened up her ice cream parlour here lor the summer we wish her continued success an other harbinger of spring some of our progressive farmers are busily engaged building wire fences in this section at present which also adds considerably to the appearances of their farms mls3 frances rutledge who has been on th sick list during hie past week we are pleased to learn jsjiow on the m nd congratulations to mr and mrs charles mcnally on the birth of a son on april 28th both are doing well we were much pleased to read the interesting historical reminiscences of limehouse in last week s issue of the herald how about terra cotta next l nispo of the e fa- ther and mother are detained and on ally both placed on probation they are told uiej mus be jb e o show a rehabilitated home and a sincere de sire to accept tneir parental respon sibilitv before their children will be returned to them in mis case the couple did make amends they wen to work reestablished their home and today under the watchful e of the society have their children back with them had they not straightened up the children would have had to be made permanent wards can a society remove children from their home yes it can and must lay evidence produce infor that these children are tn unfit hands court action is taken and the judge or magistrate decides whether to com mlt them ot the society either perm anently or temporarily ward cane that is the over all cost of main tenance m foster home or institution is paid for under statute of the muni dpallty what this guardianship fan surely it must have some huttorical ln moral physical and sptrl back ground i tual care of these ittle future dttaens hark the wadding bells are ringing wu discussed later it inrohrs loudly ln our hamlet at present fur wholc p cfadren aid ther particulars later may the good unmarried parents act gives work continue soy vet definite powers these mrs petch inter ds spending her h obligawry for it to act as a summer holiaays in terra cotta this p ent to any child born out haml t seems to be a tourist village oi dlock and lacking the protec lion it is entitled to wardship action ls taken am ther lunctim is to con t irt the putative rather and arrange f t malnui ince ol his cnhd but out side of its statutory obligations there is alway es me1 by the societv a ervlcc help us reestablish the unmarried mother close followup i1rf in orai monday morninf a q iartr of the roof was burnt com pletelj o it ud consi3cr h un u vis don- bj w ter usedto exttnginsh n l onlj f j aad the blaze 1 the home of mr her nimn b l liji scott norv0 on monday morning i a ttnder c 1 alex nble ow the 1 o se eh circum tinces is nearly always jlaee started from a spark from p chaxeand so the liabilities the chimney will lit on the shin the fire had already made good heid way before it was noticed by one of the ncghbours immediately all the men women and children within reach formed a bucket brigade and after considerable work succeeded in con fining the blaze to one spot and put it out increase i so we crime back ariin to the part the men and women of every com munity can and should play in their childrena aid society prevention and more prevention is becomtag the keynote in every wiigtttwii oannnnnl- ty first to the interest of he ctfbr again tha mud is lik tha vnamy is shelling us bow my fobs up ahead tost t dmarty dvjmd as this canadian him to the limit lyaawaaj wkn yea bay victory bonds all you surely the buying to the sacrifice of the lad aaofmttaawy put victory first buf4i4va keeft 4m44l victory bonds k commission of ontario clpjl con plant in foothills aids atlantic convoys j2h vshmg gn bauds u ta gmt faaahih- werk eentre is a saa of the type of siiliwn taraed oat at ogden raieir waach aw is preparing to awh pvaoactava on its fifth type off banal cam ant british 0 calgary shop was an ideal place to torn oat the naval guns and a request was made for its nse late in the fall of 1940 to make way for the navy work the shops had first to be cleared of the- major locomotive and mechanical i repairs it normally handled for the cpu from british colum bia alberta and part of saskat chewan with this repair schedule of vital importance in itself to war feight and passenger move- iff- fer fall overhead ment he iv repiirs now go to jtc gyafr hicil inn tcfc ind in jomc cases as o rtoc ll tv- f ii ngni s ops in m mtreal a- ct- aixf up- an yi t j nrs to smaller local ruit tie u lop floor qpace of mills was drstrajwd reomuly by fire oritlarge body of water about a doa- startrd na fee cnlmrtev no hrc en sea trulls hkve made their home able u reacii in the gtobicoke river flats south of the twn maybe they have heard of our annual flopdu carl tuson first line vest bramp ton lost part of two fingers tram bai sight hand when operating a booj sawgaaette and c escats ot neighbors by laci of water bad so be earned by buckets cs5ctt at hie taam gtoup of held pot victory first and buy yipttfty

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