Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 3, 1944, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday may 3rd 1944 canadian lesion mixed party great success concert pmrty from tnrauto tn charge of entertainment the legion han was the scene of a delightful dinner party for the 0a- n legion and the ladles auxiliary when 86 guests were present to partake of the splendid dinner and enjoy the pedal entertainment provided by a omeert party from toronto in charge of mr ken butler mrs t qrfeve caterer for the dinner slated by a committee composed of mrs win roney mrs p mccartney and mrs j- kemshead spared no effort to excel m the deeoraocob and service for the dinner tlie tables were beau tifully decorated with red white and blue eotors vases of pussywillows and flowers adorned the tables with a large fern decorating the table on the plat form and completed ttie table decora tions with beautiful place cards at the head table were the officers of the canadian legion and urs brals- by president of the ladles auxiliary ool cousens past zone commander was unable to be present as he was in toronto attending the imperial offi cers annual meeting the gathering ifbs called upon by president harold stalford who acted as chairman to stand and all sang the doxology before the close of the meal a toast to his majesty the king was proposed by past president fred mccartney and all stood ringing the national anthem mrs bralsby president of the ladles auxiliary proposed a toast to the cana dian legion this toast was answered by president stalford he compliment ed the gathering for the large turn out 4md stated that he hoped parties such am this should be held more frequently ao as members of both organizations would become better acquainted and that the future gathering of both would be 100 per cent in at- flrst vice president herb harlow proposed a toast to the ladles auxi liary explaining the grand work the auxiliary had done tn the past and congratulated them an the wonderful cooperation with legkm affairs in answering the toast to the auxi liary zone commander mta t grieve went on to explain that branch 120 recei their charter lg years ago on march 38th and that the ladies auxi liary received ther charter on sept 28 of the same year she explained that both organizations had their ups and downs bat both worked all the way through with one sole object in mind what of service to all comrades she ex- pressed the hope that both organiza- tjoro would unite as always and con tinue the good work for our present eons and daughters now serving- their country mrs grieve thanked the le gion for the invitation to the auxiliary to attend the dinner party the chairman then called upon com rade robt- mulr chairman of the en tertainment to say a few words al though taken by surprise bob ex pressed his satisfaction at the wonder ful response to his invitation and hoped all presentwould enjoy the re mainder of the program at this point the chairman intro duced mrs robt mulr and mrs ha rold stalford to the gathering and a round of applause greeted these two ladles as they stoocl honorary president i e fleck when called expressed his pleasure at be ing present at this banquet and closed his remarks by relating a story which was enjoyed by au present comrade charles parton chairman of the imperial section when called upon expressed his views by mention ing that since comrade murphy re signed as chairman of entertainment to join the veterans guard comrade mulr took over the responsibilities of chairman and stated that in this post tion no man has ever done more for the welfare of the branch than com rade mulr he has helped greatly not only the legion but any charitable or ganisation that required his services to conduct their bingos so that our boys your sons and mine were not ne glected and that the regular supply of cigarettes and parcels would continue to reach them he complimented com rade mulr for his fine work regarding the ladies auxiliary comrade parton stated that when the first years rolled by the help of the ladles auxiliary was what kept the legion going their activities were numerous and the profits on any un dertaking were partly turned over to the legion today we can thank the ladles auxiliary for the help they had given arjctstated that had it not been for their support we might not be here tonight united in the cause of com radeship and friendship he congratu lated the committee in charge for the fine meal and wished the auxiliary continued success a recess was then called while the tables were cleared and the concert party got under way mr ken butler toronto in charge of the entertainers kept the aunience in fine spirit with his witty patters dur ing the acts he explained to the writer that his party appeared and gave free performances to over 90 per cent of the military camps in ontario the party in his charge were introduced by ken and the program got under way with miss hazel redsell in a roller skate tap number which was very done she also appeared as an acrobatic dancer and her performance was very well received by all present mr roy koaaicx magician gave a splendid performance with his many and varied tricks being somewhat baf fling his performance with empty cocktail shakers which produced rice and more rice ended up with produc ing a cup of clear water his rrr as the tempo of the war in creasesas our fighting forces go allout for invasion we folks back home must mobilize in their sup port not only on every battle front but on the home front too we all have our duties everyone who possibly can should invest in at least one extra bond during the present drive buy another bond as your investment in the success of invasion this is the crucial year every one must do his full share ctory first buy more victory bonds i donated in the interests of the sixth victory loan we shall fight on e beaches wte shal f on the landing shall fight in tefiema these historic words spoken by mr churchill bi june 1 940 when britons were frantically preparing to meet an invasion can be para phrased to provide even more inspiration to day when our own invasion forces are potsecl tor the attack on the continent yes we shall fight on their beaches on their landing grounds m their fields we must fight too in our factories offices and homes and on our farms the sixth victory loan b another great offensive launched against the enemy each and every one of us must strike a blow for freedom by buying victory bonds 4rsf wffl bdyvictow bonds masseyhasris company ltd performance was the unking of steel rings into one another which was ex pertly done this act was a professional one and was greatly enjoyed by all miss audre burne piano accordlan player and singer rendered several songs and selections which were en joyed by all she also was the accom panist for miss vi murray the highlight of thetivenlngwas miss vi murray personality singer she has a very rich soprano voice and after the rendition of her first number took the audience by storm miss vi murray is a radio and screen star and sang before half a million people attending the last toronto ez hibuton in 1941 she has a wonderful personality and pleased the audience immensely returning time after time to sing for them m her own inimitable style a pleasing feature that was greately en- joyed by all present was when miss murray later on in the evening kindly consented the sing when the lights go on again all over the world miss murray gave a very fine performance and those present at the party are looking forward to a return visit of this artist m the very near future mr ken butler of toronto was con gratulated by all for the concert given at this hang net dancing followed after theehhcert to the music of mr john nlckell accompanied on the piano by mrs morrow so in conclusion hats off to com rade mulr for the fine evening that he provided for the legion- and ladies auxiliary l rhubarb-pie- tfthere as we see it by j a strang we had written a column for this weeks herald that we thought was good that is we thought that it would grade shove the averaye for us we thought that perhaps several people would read it ana we even had the nerve to think that possibly some of the readers might actually like it especially those that like the ordinary things of life such as gardens and chickens and things like that yes we were rather proud of that column be fore we read it over jt was then that we decided that the best place for it would be the waste basket uayee there was nothing out of the ordinary in that co lumn but as we said before we rather uked it we had told about the rhubarb we had placed the frame of a box around one clump of the rhubarb and then had placed a glass over the top of the box frame then we went on to tell of how that rhubarb was growing to beat the band and that it would soon be ready for the first rhubarb pie or the season that is of course off of our own garden of course there might not be any too much suga in th fi but it wouldnt lack flavor anyway and would most likely hit the spot as the younger generation would likely say yes even you might have enjoyed that paragraph about the rhubarb then we had another paragraph about the perennial bed that is now showing plenty of life we had men tioned the tulips and the iris and the daffodils the oriental poppy and the delphinium and all the others that are showing promise we had mentioned that about all we needed at ths mo ment was a nice warm shower and then some nice warm weather following that shower and then we would again have a nice showing in uiat perennial bed then we had mentioned that strange though it may sound the other fellows grass that we can see in the distance seemed to be much greener than ours was right beside us and if we were to go over and investigate his grass that we would find that from that distance our own grass looked to be much greener- than did his whei clo5c at hand ii we remember cor rectly somebody had made an oft re peated statement from that fact which went something like this far off fields look green another paragraph was about the chickens we had told about the runt that was so smart on its feet and we had wondered ii it would ever amount to any tiling along the pullet line then there was the one that we had labelled limpy because of the fact uiat this one limped around all the time it was growing nicely and seemed to be get ting along very well in spite of its han dicap ii it had only been human we might have tried splints or crutches or whatever it needed but we decided that chickens wouldnt appreciate any help along that line another paragraph was about spray ing the trees we will always remember the first time that we had any ex perience with that job the limesul phur mixture didnt agree with our tender skin and we had sore hands for a long time after that first ex perience with the spray gun of course we know how to prevent those son bands now prevention la away ahead of cure along that line at least last spring during the time that spraying should have been done you may re that we had rain every day and it pro vided an excuse to forget about sprey- ing altogether this wasnt so goat when it came time to harvest the froth we never did care for that half of worm that we would find when enjoy ing an apple up to that point or agabr pitting cherries is much more enjoyable arent any wormy ones the weather this spring has been ideal for spraying we had also mentioned the barbed bush you know the kind with all ml berries on it that looks so cheerful ta the winter time the winter birds bad passed up those berries but this spring a flock of starlings had arrived and they soon cleaned up on those red ber ries the roads also had been mentioned in that column and we had that the lack of moisture m the i all winter had accounted for the sence of breaks in the surface of 1 gravel roads this spring they i tory up quickly and are now quite smooth and dry with the dust blowing no doubt there were other items ta that column that we are unable to re call at the moment however we do know that there was nothing in it about the war or about sport or even about politics and yet we had ratter liked that column that is until we had read it the second time maybe tt wasnt so bad at all perhaps we sboom have kepul who knows but that yosi might havwked it stcwarttown mr and mrs jos hunter of nerval arc visiting with mrs lawson at pre sent the womens auxiliary meeting was held last week at mrs hunts at their meeting last week the w x made plans for another euchre party friday evening may 5th in the coun cil chamber with good prizes the children are all over then- chsca en pox and all back at school the heavy rains on sunday i away the last of the snow and los out op this world jw reno witty keeneyed report toes bobfe writing in the american weekly with this sundays may 7 issue of the detroit times dogma the anftgetta story of life jberty and the pexaast of alimony in americas diaay dtfene capital get sundays detroit 1

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