Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 10, 1944, p. 1

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the george seventyseventh yew of p wednekuy may 10th 1944 200 per annum 5c per copy loan canvass laggin in this distrist georgetown high school hold cadet inspection vktyin rally films enjoyed the weather the mild weather and showers of the past week have brought vegetation on rapidly a shade of green is showing on all deciduous trees and lawn mow- has begun farmers have made good progress last week with their spring seeding and most gardeners are oft to a good start following are the local records date h and l rain temp fall tues may 3 66 56 wed may 3 81 4 thuis may 4 72 63 fri may 5 65 so 15 sat may 8 53 45 4tt 3un may 7 57 43 mon may 8 59 38 25 oft friday the annual cadet in- epectlon took place on the high school although the weather was fitful the whole program was run off in a very creditable manner at the saluting base were col c o 1c drier director of the army cadets for canada major c k- bead m o d o for mx no 3 accompanied by his aide capt q r sands lt ool l h bertram mc o c 2nd cr bn lome soots lt col g a b cousens oapt h c mcclure bc c coy lome scots dr a mcallister mr m h mo- yer ven w g o thompoon mr w t evans and principal w carpenter a fln bren gun display directed by cadet major d crlchton was put on by lts j fanner c alexander n long cadets g cousens d alexander w ostrander a mcallister an antl gas protection drill under the direction or cm w carney lome scots was carried out by cadet c s m ross fetch sgts h devries j burns p hughes c qms b lawson a good illustration of a section in battle drill formation rnaae mare realistic by the wet and muddy state of the ground under the direction of c a m carney and cadet major d i a thursday night and alua- crtchum was earrted out by nine o iil jszz the above senior cadets the girls under the direction of m a m fairbarn gave a one dis play of gymnastic exercises to music to the accompaniment of cpl ken hani- georgetown citizens boys band held first drill war savings certificate won by mbs c cabby those who took time out last thurs day evening to enjoy the alms at the gregory theatre shown under the auspices of the georgetown war fi nance committee in connection with the sixth victory loan were well re paid for their time not only were they shown where their victory bond dol lars are going but where many more victory bonds will need to be spent before this war is over and our boys back home again while the junior canadians probably outnumbered the adult attendance there was a good turnout of probable bond buyers the program started with a cana dian army singsong film in which all joined in trpperary and other familiar songs this was followed by a film on the chinese war effort and depicted the primitive way in which china has to make war due to not having the proper mechanical weapons sing township council held their regular meeting monday after noon deputyreeve o w murray councillors george k cleave george currie and wra a wilson present reeve c h may presided minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted mr garfield mcclure addressed the council giving an outline of ways of improving the appearance of the road side at norval cemetery asking coun cil for a donation mr c b swackhamer waited on the council asking that the 3rd line be improved from the highway to lot 32 moved by wilson seconded by cleave that accounts be paid bell telephone co 400 hepc bramp ton 4 05 r j lovell co supplies t 40 township of nassagaweya 50 per cent of relief given 1 family 2233 carried moved by currie seconded by wil son that the township sell the ste- wartfcown property being lot no 8 in the surrey and part of lot 16 con 8 in itiquiwrng and that the offer of every effort must be put forth if 370000 objective to be reached ool gtrler after praising the cadets said that training was proving so va luable that the dept of education in accord with the dept of national de fense was intending to expand its course considerably major read complimented the ca dets for the continued i shown in the last two years ool bertram then commented on the close cooperation between the cadets and the reserre and the be nefits each could get from the other dr a- mcallister chairman of the board stressed the importance of this training both for boys and girls from a health viewpoint the cadets brought the morning to a close by a parade through the town which evoked many favourable com- the georgetown h s cadets were host to milton h s cadets accompa nied by mr g a james and miss le wis of the milton staff at a very en joyable dance at the arena tto friday night the winners of the novelty dances were as follows elimination ethel leslie and milton veit spot wuda robertson and donald husk birthday beth mcnab and frank brown the music for the special dances was supplied by our very cap- able pianist ken harrison under the direction of miss fairbam the fifth form girls provided much relished re freshments nz j i alton john dickinson of 200 be the curtains were drawn for a few accepted and the reeve and clerk be moments arid on behalf of the victory it r tu rw v the georgetown citizens boys band loan committee chairman ol pubu- v jlj deed to the held a practise on the march at the cuy walter carpenter thanked all l k w tt i i i moved by cunie seconded by wll- those patriotic citizens who were in 4 i son that the reeve sign all cheques attendance and then introduced com- 7 i mander gordon jackson of peel county and a veteran of the first world war commander jackson was brief in his remarks but in a very un- assuming manner expounded the rea sons why everyone should get behind the sixth victory loan and see that all do their share to put it over the top following the address the draw for the door prize of a 10 00 war savings certificate took place and mrs clar ence carey was the fortunate winner the mam him the battle of bri tain was then shown giving in gra phic detail the plight of london and coventry after the blitz other films shown were the war department re port and targetberlin the life of the first lancaster bomber leaving malton until it winged its way over germany should there have been a tendency to think that because five loans nave been successful here this one will also go over the top as a matter of course victory loan theatre night in gregory theatre all who were within listening range agree that this newlyformed musical organization is showing great promise the boys are training under band master joe carter the band wish to thank their presi dent exmayor joseph gibbons for his kind words of encouragement and the interest he is showing in the organiza tion they also would like to express gratitude to their secretary treasurer dr and mrs clifford reld for the manner in which they entertained the boys after their drill they also extend thanks to mr j j qtbbens and mr r h thompson for their splendid do nation of 5 00 each which will help the organization buy music etc prof r g knox to address halton breeders professor r g knox head of the ammal husbandry department at the ahown in oac who recently returned from j make n the sixth loan stoc purchase trip to great britain meetfl ita objective will address an open meeting in the farmers btdg milton on friday evening of this week states agrlc re presentative j e whltelook during his stay in great britain prof knox visited many of the outstanding stock breeding establishments jnau parts i of the british isles the meeting on i issued by the treasurer of the town ship of esquesing as required by chap ter 266 section 240 subsection 1 of the ontario municipal act and amendments thereto carried moved by cleave seconded by wil son that road accounts as presented be paid 1690 40 carried moved by cleave seconded by mur ray that relief account be paid 5 00 carried moved by murray seconded by currie that the township accept the offer ot the blythe construction co for filling road opposite lot 28 on the 1st line in the township of esquesing at 60c per yard carried moved by cleave seconded by wil son that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to fix the salary of the trea surer of the township and that said bylaw be now read a first time carried moved by currie seconded by mur ray that bylaw no 969 to fix the sa lary of the treasurer otthe township having been read a first time be now read a second and third times and by way of the grapevine georgetown may u dear madam editor wmle it may or may not be pub lic knowledge the number of children wbo will be ready to enter the public school this fall is al ready riving the school manage ment some concern it seems the present setsp at the school is not adequate to take care of mora than a certain number of beginners and it is bencved this number may be exceeded to some extent jast what u do with the excess en rolment is a problem whether it would be ttndesframe to set up an other room or bold up some would- be nhptls who have not reached their sixth birthday within a few months is no doubt causing pa rents and others farther concern we wonder if the school board has given the formation of a kin dergarten any thought we notice that our nefghboaiing town of ac ton is serloseiy thinking of start- ine a kindergarten in their school beclnnlng with the new term this might solve a rather serious pro blem here and then all children wbo are ready to enter school uus fau coold do so a ratepayer womens institute annual meeting the annf business meeting and election of officers of the georgetown womens institute was held wednes day afternoon may 3rd at the home of mrs dan campbell with mrs mc dowell the president presiding and mrs a lewis secretary treasurer after the usual opening ceremonies and correspondence read and dealt with the nominating committee that was appointed at the last meeting and composed of mrs m near mrs dan livingstone and miss mamie campbell gave their report and the following are the officers foa 194445 president mrs w g mcdowell 1st vice pres mrs w sinclair 2nd vice pres mrs e r robinson secretary treasurer mrs h bailey sick committee mrs h kentner mrs f cole helping hand committee mrs d livingstone mrs e r robinson auditors mrs campbell mrs living stone pianist mrs r paul press reporter mrs h cleave it was with regret that the resigna tion of mrs a lewis as secretary treasurer which poslton she has held for 3 years was accepted the following delegates to the dis trict annual which is to be held at ac ton on may 18th were appointed mrs fred mcnally mrs h bailey mrs a lewis mrs w o mcdowell after a vote of thanks to the hos tess the meeting closed by singing god save the king friday evening while being held pri marily to complete the organization of the halton dairy calf club isopen to the public and it is anticipated that many of the adult livestock breeders of halton will be anxious to avail them selves of this opportunity of hearing prof knox describe his impression of conditions in great britain humphrey orate wedding in toronto sot tl c efficiency decoration medal with clasp and star following the victory loan parade in brampton on monday evening lt col l h bertram mc ejj officer commanding 2nd r bn the lome scots pd h regt presented sgt 0 herbert with the efficiency de coration medal with clasp and one star in the presence of officers band and headquarters company of bramp ton in the armouries sgt herbert has a record of thirty- eight years service 5 years of which were overseas with the argyle and sutherland imperials the remaining thirtythree years were spent in band work with the lome rules 20th hal ton regiment and lome scots he has been a resident of georgetown for forty years and has always been a hard worker tor the band one son norman former member of the lome scots band is now chief petty officer in the rc n vr daughter of dr and mrs joseph orme kennedy park rd to john fre derick humphrey quebec city son of john humphrey of norval and the late mrs humphrey was solemnized in high park united church toronto on saturday april 30th 1044 amid a set ting of mauve and white snapdragons rev d t mccuntock officiated with roy grass at the organ the soloist was c s patterson given in marriage by her father the bride wore blush ivory satin with lace trimming fash ioned with sweetheart neckline and bouffant skirt a coronet of orange hloswnmg crested her fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of mixed roses mrs harry hookway attended her sis ter wearing a twopiece dress in ume green with small flowered hat and matching veil and carried we musnt lag now the victory loan in georgetown and district is going very weh but there is sufl roughly 130000 to be subscribed be fore next saturday if we are to go over the top total victory bond sales to close of business tuesday nigbt came to 241000 so you see ifs going u take a lot of effort yet if we are to back up our faith in ultimate victory with con crete assistance v strange as it may seem lt is easier to sell a dooo bond than it 4s to sell one for 5000 but it is these 50jot bonds that are essential to the suc cess of the loan and lt is these same 5000 bonds that are not being bousjbt in georgetown and district to the tent they should remember that old scotch saying many a nickel make a muckle it holds true with victory- bonds of small flfwamhatinft just m lt rings true when applied to any- thing else so if you havent bought a bond to date and can possibly afford a 5000 bond show your faith in our fighting men and our country by can ing your district salesman or going to the bank and buying one today total victory loan sates in canada on monday totalled b3441400 which is about 5u millions over the same pe riod in the fast loan mondays galea stood at 64079600 about 8k millions down from the same day in the last loan what council did at may meeting if you are not sixteen years of age after may 15th you bad better not loiter on the streets or in pubfic places after 9 pjn at night for the town council has decreed that the curfew law shall be enforced they do not want to interfere with boys and girls going home from their club meetings but know that club leaders will try and get their meetings over as near to the curfew hour as possible and that tfce children will hurry home tour dog may not come home some passed and the seal of the corpora- for aina elther a ne nas not ft tion be attached thereto carried tag and is found wandering the streets moved by currie seconded by mur ray that this council adjourn to meet june 5th at 10 o clock am as a court of revision and at 2 o clock as a council or at the call of the reeve cbxrletl in someones garden or flower bed on and after may 15th council intends to see that all dogs be tied up after this date or owners will be summonsed to court dogs without tags may be des- troyed maccormacks drug store wins laa ln lysol window display contest maccormacks drug store has bean awarded the 2nd prise of 15 00 in the province of ontario for their window entered in the lysol window display contest a few weeks ago the window display was fntltled lysol sick room needs well gua rantee there was hardly a- person hi town who didnt notice tbe macoor- macfc display a man even if he la ft dummy lying in bed surrounded by accoutrements of a sick room was de finitely an original idea for a window display when the man suddenly disappeared from the bed one day e won dered what had happened to him and much goodnatured kidding mr maooormack replied he got better and went back to work pictures of the window display had to be sent to the judges it was a na tionwide contest open to all lysol dealers congratulations are in ordw to maccormacks drug store hurt in blackout private is home pte albert ted rogers of the lome soots regiment overseas nearly three years arrived home last tuesday for 28 days leave before re porting to m d 2 for further duties he was confined to hospital in eng land for ten months following injuries suffered in an accident during a black out at which time he had his leg bro ken in three places pte rogers son of a veteran of the first oreat war and one of three bro thers now serving their country is also the father of trooper e j ted ro- orchid gers who has just gone overseas with sweet peas and yellow roses mr clure a canadian tank regiment ted jr is dolson was groomsman and the ushers only 19 years of age were messrs harry hoofcwtfy and john smith following the ceremony a re- the people of the british isles is very ception was held at the old i the high as it that of the canadian brides mother received in grey crepe troops who are in perfect condition with purple accessories and corsage of nnd eager and ready for immediate ac- panslse the groom s sister mrs tlon against the enemy louise evans assisted wearing blue silk jersey with corsage of red roses for travelling the bride donned a suit boys overseas react fashioned in raspberry gabftrdlne with sharply to news camel hair top coat the happy cou ple will make ther home in quebec city the complaint to council regarding flood waters entering the cellar at tbe home of mrs mark clark this spring nas discussed at some length and the council decided that as this was the natural water course and as the town employees bad endeavoured to keep the drain open they were in no way res ponsible for any damages that may have been caused by ooodmg 7000 gallons of oil for unpsved streets were ordered purchased if ne cessary from bryons old co of wes ton road toronto so that the dust nuisance may be coped with for an other year permission was granted to the fed eral sales and engineering co ltd to locate septic tanks at the end of lamb opposite their newly acquired pro icmuan bomb casualties m england far february were the highest to any anbrey worked month since may 11 tho total num ber of casualties for the month was was 3673 killed missing or injured pte aubrey kerr wounded in italy word was received on monday by mrs r kerr norval that her son pte aubrey kerr was wounded in ac tion on may third pte kerr has been m italy since january with the has tings and prince bdward regtanent the nature and extent of his wounds were not disclosed prior to enlisting in january 1943 tked at the credit quarries he tramed at toronto brantford and oamp borden before ha went own in june lmft pte rogers says that the morale of perty mes as a sewer sys tem or some other means of disposal is found 1 the hctsld bnhsh victniis fund war forwarded to toronto evening telegram 314226 cash on hand acknowledged 30101 total may 8th tbe georgetown herald solfbetv comforts fnnr already forwarded to soldiers comforts oomtntttee 673jm forwarded to soldiers com forts nommltte april 31 o0 00 osah on hand aetaowledged 1113 donation from thursday after noon knitting otao 500 total may 8th so from canada there may be some who think the news from home does not have effects on the boys overseas however a let ter was brought to our attention last which shows that although the boys may be far from home doings on the home front leave them far from unmoved the letter was written by pte dave hodge who comes from stewarttown and the following quote is selfexpla natory we read in the papers a few days ago about the veteran guards letting jerry prisoners back there into the hotels and tear around with tbe women weu believe me lt nearly caused a riot out here it sure got a lotj of us wondering what those siris thinsdng of they oertamly tfrinihny of the boys out here fighting for canada theyaboulrfaee some of the idds out he thai are half blown to pieces and then they would smarten up an extension in the water main along union street will be laid to ac commodate the several new houses be ing erected in that district several hospital accounts were re turned to the parties responsible for payment some having already made arrangements for regular payments permission was granted to the board of parks management which handles the arena management to hold their meetlngs in the municipal building notice from the bank informed council that in the near future lt wffl be necessary for an officer of the mu nicipality as wen as the treasurer to sign all cheques a bouquet of flowers was sent to chief of ponce mn- who has been hospital for some time with ttw wishes of council for his speedy recovery and return to his job rev arthur dayfoot i missionary to china in a dally press news item of last week the names of new missionaries appointed for service in foreign mission fields by tbe foreign mission board of the united church of canada appear the names of two 1943 graduates of emmanuel college rev norman mao- zenzle andrev arthur dayfoot dotfb of whom are slated to proceed to cbhm as soon as transportation is available probably in the fall number of georgetowners win re member mr mackenzie who on number of occasions was guest at tho home of mr and mrs o b dayfoot and who more than once addressed young peoples gatherings at tno- georgetown united church when bo and arthur dayfoot were college stu dents the latter has for the past year been serving on a home lsti field north western quebec his new assignment is to rural mission work in west china india has a corps of skilled workmen who can be sent in organised paruss to work in any factory where they are urgently rc on the same unas as ther opposite numbers in russia bri tain and the tjjsa wounded in action ptb q w james recuperating ms e james has received a letter from her son pte gordon who was wounded in italy on april 17th tell ing her that his wounds were nicely and that he would soon be a right again mrs james also received a cable from ottawa last week which informed bar that gordon had suffered a sheb frag ment wound which had penetrated ma head active service notts tj w jtmmle k3 on one met lmcn from tehkra t ro he m tan lor tto batank nut at us iwinlillkl trf tto vktorta ko h apmtosf a jnr wtth bk pans mr rita j tet or acton

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