Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 10, 1944, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wedncaday may i oth 1944 they know what its all about bssmiik llt sfifi ttebes one victory loan canvasser who didnt have to us much sales talk to sell bonds the two customers are flight lieutenants both holders oi the distinguished flying cross repatriated after tours of duty overseas and now in training as pilots for transcanada air lines they know the war first hand and they know what the vic ory loans mean to men in the heat oi battle fit ll john b hlaham d assinibola saslc qeft was going to school when as ho r i he wasn t playing hookey before joining the rcaf for boribmc operations fit lt allan l watts dj c riaht of coiqary tauqa chool at athabaska alta- before going on raids over europe and the middle easche is married the canitrwr is mrs d h christie whose husband is a rcaf fliqht officer now lnstrucjnq in england she works in the t ca- oflces at winmpea the photograph was taken in the tcjl link trainer room where repatriated airmen aet som of their commei air line training before going on the line as ollot county council hosts to school children at last meeting xtfcserve fund for post work discussed war treasurer explained briefly how and where money was raised for the var lous county expenditures fiftyone guests twenty girls and mr jy g wound up the ad thirtyone boys highlighted the regu drtssts by telling uie boys and girls bur meeting oi hfllton county council something 0 his work as county en held in milton recently gineer and road superintendent the children assembled in the the children were then taken on a court boom at 1030 and were wel tour of inspection of the countv coined by the warden following which buildings at the registrj office mlfa minutes and communications were ijrilt field explained to the child read by the clerk ren the work of her office and the lm at 12 15 the session was adjmn t i portanee and necessity of legal docu for lunch which was served in knox ments samples of which wire shown church s s rooms by members of the to the interested children ladles aid and was attended by the ml u whilt in uil g urt room county council county officials and council w s again in session mr j their guests e whltelock calling the attention of following the lunch there was a the members to the emlrgency of taort program colin anderson gave making preparations tor voluntary two pleasing trumpet selections ac help from urban centres w issisi fur companied bj mrs herbert anderson mers ri irlng the coming season he at the piano reeve w j robertson expressed satisfaction it thi help led the community singing which in that was given last ear and siid that eluded patriotic and popular a unbers a muling of the reives ot the live it was noted that the children sang atun had done mil best job to dale basic training camp may become a rehabilitation centre camp will be used for tralnlnr ser vloemen following period of hospi talization lpect to house 1000 men under new arranrem nt aceordlng to usually rcll iblc sources important changes will take plnce be fore the end of april at the basic training centre located just west of brampton it is understood that uie camp which has operated as a basic training centre will discontinue to oierate as such and will be converted into a rehabilitation training centre under the new program the camp will operate in the re training of men for the army following hospitalization and will in all probabilities eventually ut men for their return to civilian life work of this kind has been carried on in the camp at oakvllle but sufll clent accommodation nt being avail able there larger quarters rfiao to be secured the camp it is understood will be under the direction and training oi the royal canadian army medical corps and commanded by lieutcol mus tard colonel mustard has been lu charge at the oakvllle camp for some time no word is available yet as to the dispositon of the present basic train lng centre staff in all probability they will continue their duties in other similar camps throughout the country it la thought that under the new arrangements upwards of 1000 men will be located here plus the necessary personnel to carry out the training the town of brampton will not likely see much change in the soldier activi ties here as a result of the change it is thought that the comings and goings between the camp and the town will be much the same as heretofore experienced authority for opening the basic training centre here was issued in march 142 and lt was bfflclally opened as a canvas camp on june 18th 1942 under the command of lieut colonel r v conover the present permanent camp was com pleted and occupied tn september the same year during this time tlio su is of men have received thilr bi i training here mil lni k it i r rri for tht lr advanced training to everv results obtained idvanced training camp in the domi nlon it is doubtli 1 if a bet ir conelueted eamp can be found mywlurt than cacjbtc no 24 brampton c in p commandant lt col r v c no er and his staff should be irjitl of the tr lining they hive coi d ict d i ui girl guide news of the 1st georgetown company girl guides met at 730 wednesday evening with a very good turnout of guides in the absence of cpt lambert the company was in charge of lieu tenant anderson patrol leader kelly called the troop to order for roll call and inspection the patrols then re turned to their comers where nature study was the subject for the evening bach patrol had learned all about two birds and in the course of the evening they imparted their knowledge to the other patrol so to date the troop have a fair knowledge of the following bird goldfinch bluebird bluejay wren kingfisher and scanlet tana get each patrol again chose two more birds and by the next meeting it is hoped the whole company will know enough about the twelve birds studied to pass their nature study test during uie past week bedmaking examinations were held and those passing successfully were patrol leader armstrong patrol leader kelly ruth brandford and sylvia lorriman the evening was brought to a close with the singing of taps iialton juniors appointed on newly organized provincial junior farmer association recently sixty delegates represent tng over 5 000 ontario junior fanners and junior homem altera met in to rontogand set up a provincial organ nation m order to unite the various units and to stimulate greater activity hi d scd ix among the rural young people of ontario the brampton peo- p tnvi beeome closely associated with those who have been here on the staff uici will be s rry u hear of of this rumoured change and at the same time n iliiint the situation will welcome and extend a wirm hand to the n w r cam c staff which will take over before the end of the present m nth i d elr st gtmtf icfatfs rng during the day s deliberations pre mler george drew on behalf of the junior farmers of ontario presented cheques totalling 252 to various war service organizations gordon orr of maple york county was elected president of the provincial organization charlotte mccuuough president of the norval junior instl tute was appointed to the executive committee halton was also represented at the meeting by geo c autlns of uie palermo juniors one or the outstanding addresses at the conference was delivered by dr g i christie president of the ontario i agricultural college who in the count of his address stated during the next five years there will be a tremendooa transfer in managership on ontario farms and young people must be pre pared to assume these responaibiu- tiea men304050 want norenl pep mm vigor ttt oram tom tam cihum iim ima- wtrt urbin centres will be held in the near future to discuss pi ins is i n s ill ol mr whltelock s appeal during the course f ihe afternoon the joung guests of the count il hid returned to tht a irt room now as the business of ihe day was nearlng compktlon mr ro smith suggested to the council that a prize be offered for the without benefit of song sh ets when malrzy doats was selected while voices at the head table were strange ly and conspicuously silent even to that of the leader reeve robertson the warden reeve howard m ij welcomed the young guests and ex pressed his appreciation to the com v engineer mr roy smith with whom the idea of entertaining the children to those children attending had originated and who had assumed bet compositoi of their complete responsibility for all preil council being agreed the following mlnarj arrangements last year li motion was made by mr j m mc ment sewn by k mopo an experiment which had been suffl- i that this council will offer the follow dentry successful and instructive to be lng prizes for the best essay submit worth repeating ted b any pupil attending today mr l l skuce p s i addressed under the title of our visit to hal tlie children expressing his pleasure ton county council essay to be not at being invited ant at seeing so many more than 300 words and to be in the boys and girls honored in being chc- hands if the lerk not later than june en as representatives of their various 1 prizes to be as follows 1st 10 ohools but said mr skuce you 2nd 9 3rd 8 4thj 7 5th 6 6th must remember that while you are having this pleasure today ou also have a responsibility to our school and your fellow students your responslbl uty is to take back a report of your experiences so that what you have learnt today may be shared with others in your school mr skuce then spoke regarding patriotism which he said was not deep ly rooted unless we were ready to do omething for it the children res ponded well to such questions as were put to them by mr skuce the speaker then drew attention to the fact that there was one war guest among them oth 2 10th 7th 54 8th carried considerable discussion took place as to th advisability or otherwise of setting up a reserve fund for post war work particularly on roads and bridges at one time it had been thought that such i fund might be set up and be designated for the purpose of bridge construction at glen williams after the war m5 000 was the sum men tioned to be sol aside ihls year but after more thorough consideration council was of the opinion it would not be i wlse undertaking mr cowan representing the general john hatton of burlington formerly accident insurance company of romfore england mr skuce also canada addressed yie council outlln told the children they were to take word back to their teachers that their behaviour had been the very best quiet and orderly exwarden reeve j m mcdomld spoke briefly he reminded the child ren that knowledge was gained chiefly by seeing hearing and questioning reeve john blair expressed the thanks of the council to the ladles ot knox church for catering for the luncheon mrs harry london on be half of the ladies aid responded judgc munro was the next speaker explaining to the children the pur jose of the varioua courts and assizes mr w i dick crown alt rriej held u attention of the children by case illustrations of juvenile dolln quency some of which had led to the penitentiary and had often started from petty pilfering at an early age in most cases that had come to his attention mr dick had found that the culprits had not been in the habit of attending either church or sunday bobool boy and girls concluded mr ttcfc in deadly earnest for cod s mkm mtcftak anything that doesn t ttojwl maxted county ing the policy of tbj company in re gard to county hatflllty insurance his presentation wa so comprehensive and to the point thnt mr j m mc donald said he would like to compil mm mr cowan upon the able and in teresting manner in which he had ad dressed the c intcd as a resiilt i was m ved by mr w j ivbortsn and seconded by dr heslop that we ac cept the premium of the general acci dent insunnce companj through the cowan agency at a premium of 414 21 for road linbilky insurance for 5 25 and 50 carried m o ii movtm1 rfport the mod reports the following communicable rilseisck for the month of adril 1944 scarlet fever chukcnpox 0 germ in measles 3 meisles 3 mumps j infantile paralysis 0 typhoid fever 0 whooping cough 0 tuberculosis 0 cerebro spinal meningitis epidemic 0 buses are serving the duration they re on the go transporting groups of sailors soldiers and oirmen from centre to centre and serving men and women on leave you m agree that this is one of the has been curtailed and that you may have to put op with some inconvenience and delay however the future does look bright for bus travellers already gray coach lines is planning a fleet of smart new buses for peacetime then most important obs right now even once again you ii enoy the thnlf of if it does mean that your bus service carefree highway aunts longs confectionery phone 89 kfcs gray coach line5

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