Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 17, 1944, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wedneaday may 17 1944 the mixing bowl 8y anne allan hydro horn economist spring is in the market the counjgeuier drop in a cup salad tll shak- every modern albs orchestra every wednesday harvey fishers orchestra old time and modern btneinf 91 adaataiao 50c tera are beginning to take on a color ful appearance and to present some items we haven t seen in a long urn i asparagus for instance is coming in every morning it grows quickly and as the season is all too short we should make use o it while we can one of the nice ways uj serve aspr ragus is with slices 61 ham oook the asparagus stalks standing them up in a saucepan or with the heads propped up out of the cooking water by insert ing a small tin at one side of the ket tle heat slices of boiled ham in a small amount of tomato juice using another saucepan when you are ready 1 to serve lay the slice of ham on the platter and put a serving of asparagus on it serve wiui a mock hollandalse sauce i there are still potatoes on the market this year but lets not waste 1 them keep them in a cool dark place and prepare them in ways to prevent waste a good rule is to serve bated potatoes three times a week 1 take a tip 1 check the price per pound orcan 1 or package of the food you wish to buy land consider nutritive value before ing after each few drops asparagus rolls childrens aid society prepared by the association oi children s aid societies of the province of ontario the lost article outlined some of the statutory duties of the children s aid society in every community respon suollities which are defined urider the children s protection act and the unmarried paixnts act bi t 1 mjst be clearly pointed out that the very first effort of the society is to keep the child in its own home and to raise the standards of that home to make this a cut bread thin remove crusts and possible spread with butter place in the centre failing tills legislation as has been of each slice a cooked asparagus tip shown provides the society with legal marinated with french dressing roll instruments to investigate cases of bread around it and secure with tooth cruelty and neglect on a very broad picks cut in two at an angle after basis it becomes necessary the 8o- thoroughly chilling the rolls these are olety obtains evidence and lays charges favourites at wedding teas in court and thereafter upon the judges or magistrates order assumes creamed potatoes anl i guardianship for a child either on a asparagus you buy 2 store the imported vegetables care fully they are accustomed to a moist cold atmosphere clean and store them in your electric refrigerator in the crisping pan or covered pan special dance ast abacus rabbit cook vegetables separately allow onehalf pound asparagus to six pota toes combine with cream sauce using half asparagus water and half milk for liquid mock hoixandaise sauce 2 tablespoons butter l teaspoon salt i cup milk 1- tablespoons ikur 1 tbsp lemon juice 1 egg yolk melt butter on top of double boiler temporary or permanent basis in such cases tht child becomes a permanent or temporary ward of the society which acts toward him ui every res- 1 pect as his natural parent what is the concept oi these res ponslbllltles fcl guardianship by the society toward a utile boy or girl whose own parents are either dead or unworthy and incapable of giving them thilr birthright as canadian citizens let us inspect lor a moment the canadian children s charter which add f and blen until smooth adi recenuy n prepared by the sattancttemoii juice add cold mi m council -of-sociol-agenoieb- gradually stirring constantly cook it lne hope of lhe inul over hot water continuing to stir until q receive the endorsation mixture thickens cook jot 15 minutes of tne cana child welfare field stirring occasionally pour hot sauce m a dynamic instrument of policy and over beaten egg yolk heat thoroughly tp i value lies tn its positive serve very hot be sure and remove i ud simplified statement of every child s right and every citizen s duty tuesday 900 may 100 23rd ryan auditorium guejjph hal davis and the highlanders one of ontarios oatstandln dance orchestras adimession kc person welsh rabbit served over cooked as- paragus tips placed on toast makes a jj splendid luncheon dish crisp bacon may be served in addition melt 1 ttosp butter in the top part of the double boiler wend in flour add vi cup milk stirring it in gradually to make a smooth sauce cook until thick ened somewhat and smooth orate cheese 2 cups and stir until melted add seasoning 4 tsp salt vi tsp prepared mustard and u tsp pa prika pour and serve immediately asparagus salad arrange cooked chilled asparagus on chicory or watercress serve with french dressing 1 tsp salt i tsp pepper u cup vinegar 2 thsps chili sauce mixed to- dancing innis lake pavilion every saturday night commencing may 20th modern aires orchestra modern and old tyme from heat if sauce must be kept stand log for a while before serving the ojneauon b mrs j m asks how do you bake kippers answer the easiest and yet nutri tious way arrange them on an oven proof platter or pie plate and pour to mato soup over them dot with butter sprinkle with seasoning and bake in a hot electric oven for 20 minutes serve with slice of lemon and piping hct toast mrs b j asks how do you make a good crumb pie paste answer use very dry bread crumbs make fine crumbs combine with two taps sugar and two thsps melted mild flavoured shortening or butter to each cup of ennubs pack into pie plate about one eighth inch thick and bake in electric oven at 350 for 16 to 20 ml nutes the cool and nil mrs a h says tell folks that their houecleaning is not finished until they ppja clean the condensor or their electric re frigerator we clean the fine colls twice a year with the vacuum cleaner attach ment or a long handle brush note pull the cord from the conve nlence oultet to disconnect the refri gerator before you start the cleaning it states in the plainest possible the concept of the children s aid so ciety as to lhe rights of all children and certainly of those who come un der its care here it is let us ensure to every child uv canaoa a home where he is wanted and decent housing in good surroundings joved 2 adequate family income nourishing food suitable clothes 3 good health by providing sufficient medical dunal ana mei u health senices 4 opporrrorrrrieb for spibi tual growth and the development of sound values in preparation responsible citizenship wholesale play in his home and in his neighbourhood education m facilities suited to his needs 1 employment when he is ready at work for hlch he is fitted and in which he can grow hefii n e w is ma in ar i oj to the vision shown by pioneers ol iu child protection movement in ont mo in clear and unmistakeable language they stated that the ideal of care lor mrs s mc asks why do some pieces 7 r k 1 children coming under the responsibi lity of the children s aid soclitj wt to establish them in fobter homes institutional shelter only being provided until such arrangement could be matii at the hamilton children s aid society in 1894 tht hon john gibson who framed the children s pr lection act made special lefcrence 10 this proi slon in the legislation so ihit we find in the tarllest days i i bt homecorned beef become tough when boiled and other pieces do not answer you heier boil ham or corned beef if lhe water b kept boiling wm lhe fibres of the meat become tough start the meat in boiling water and boll it jtor several minutes so the heal will penetrate to the centre of hi meat then turn d wn the clement so the water does not bubblp but keeps ai stmnuring temperature 1 i the familiar martinsenour sign is the one to look for when paintplans are pending it is the sign that says llhe 100 pure paint is sold here painrof quality beauty and with stayingpower that endures longer when you want these qualifies in paint products make sure and see the dealer whose sign reads martin seoour his experience and friendly advice backed by the highest quality products will assure you of complete satisfaction in your painang plans martinsenour 100 pure paint varnishes enamels richardsons hardware hone 25 we deliver georgetown carrolls quaker cereal sale quaker 0orh flapm 3 pk- 16c putted wheat pete pan pkg 17c wheat bp aretes pfcg 7c ri0e8p aretes pkg 9c quick quaker oats ig pkg 19o posts bran tlakkb pkg 10c 16c wheatlet8 2 pounds 9c drantford roofing has provided thousands of canadian homes with reliable protection against the elements during the past 40 years skilled brantford craftsmen using the finest materials combine beauo and permanence with special weather proof and fire resistant qualities to make brantford roofs an outstanding value long lived easy to apply and reasonably priced brantford roofing offers you choice of colours which are as soft warm and distinctive as natures own they blend perfectlv with their surround ings and give vour home a new heartwarming beauty brantford asphalt slates are the aristo crats of roofing they have excep tional dignity and charm require no upkeep and help to reduce the cost of fire insurance ak your local dernier for information d prices on brantford asphalc slate insulated sidiog and roll roofings brantford roofs bnintforcl roofing company limited brantford ontario -forjlr- the georgetown lumber co ltd of the nld protection movement a modem onccpi being advanced that h ihkj u to pr th neglected abandon or abused little bo or girl i with the earcst vproich to 1 iljr home and loving parents one of the greatest responsibilities of any society is to fmd iood fosur homes for their wards and thereafter to constantly visit these homes in tht interests oi both the child and the loster parent in many societies we find a poster i parent s j part of the whole organization this u a democratic bod ofn eied b the f01 erjjtaitnts them seues and in con- an lou h nli 11 soclet which cften makes available lectures discussion groups etc which are welcomed by the parents and are successful in promoting the highest and most intelligent stnnair m child care in other words the child must nextr be placea out and forgotten or only asuallj visited by his society the so dety has the resporsibllit of bci a a parent to the children c tit it c its charge of providing through its staff and foster homes the love and i striving by every means to create the affection which the children ha i missed in their own homes and of- i sustaining in the children that sense of 1 security which is so essential to their i normal development and which has either been seriously shaken or is miss ing altogether in their lives j volumes could be written about thousands of our foster homes in this province there can surely be no higher function that good citisens can perform in society than to take under their roof a child deprived of everything he should normally have and give to him the love the care the opportunities and the standards which will not only make him happv but will give to the community a healthy goodprincipled useful citlsen later on thousands of foster parents are doing this for our children of on tario today and we need still more foster banes the utmost care in selecting tb foster borne a sense of comradeship established between the big family of foster parents and the society mutaal confidence and esteem between tb societys staff and the parents and tbetrfiostex children is the ideal of the special quakkb l sohtak meal pkg 29c muffets 3 25c bnril cubes xsc drir ovalttnet 58c 9c polish x tm x3c special aylsmt vtfttabu soup suds xoc p i c naptlw soap 3 14c camay btaw soap 3 17c oxydol 9c x3c helm vinegar x 25c ofada sol herring a 25c c z um i5c campbell i cmdcti soup md ftlcc tin lie cocoa 24c cum palnolh soap 3 cafe 23e soap 6c c wax mh ua 59c cnsfrah juice 4tvw 9 we reeerre tb right to unit quantities of sq size 300 lemons 41c da si 252 oranges 40c dox slxe 2x0 oranges 45c dm sin 176 oranges 56c dea new beets and carrots at market price pratt ad tscvtabls prices sobjaet to marks fmetaatsens 8tjcjab tea or cojqj f 1 14 to s3 coffee 14 to 32 el 6 m may istfc pbesekvbs 1 butter 68 to to 90 63 k jm phone 3b7 qo iraowlal pood society this ideal goes far be yond the demands ot legislation i requires the highest social and spiri tual pxindplea an the part of ex perienced and qualified social workers it requires the active support en- and intelligent under standing from yon the men and 1 men of the community bbo tfazoasjt membership on the boaed and fkjsi mittees can nelp to sejt tb 1 for your sodet the next article a deal with adopuom tb be oontmosd

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