Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 17, 1944, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday may 17 1944 georgetown board of trade news letter georgetown and vicinity comprises a magmfi- cent scenic region we have only to consider the natu ral beauties of glen williams terra cotta norval stewarttown limehouse and the farms of esquesing to realize that nature has lavishly favoured this com munity the board of trade are interested in any activity which creates community spirit and civic pride and at this time are presenting to the community over 200 colorful ornamental trqes double flowering red leaf plum prunus bhrieana a number of sites bare been chosen for displays of blossom on highways and streets and the board of trade are asking dtlaans to phone their suggestions and requests for trees to a r speight or w e noctweu by saturday noon may 20th when the trees will be allocated at this season nature is malting its greatest effort to cover up any unsightly spots and the more we assist nature ta this work the more favourably known does our community become to prospective citizens and businesses who may come here from other parts of canada and abroad arrangements are being made for the delivery of the trees and directions for planting are as follows when planting make the hole large enough for all roots to spread their full natural way in digging the hole place the rich surface soil to one side and use it directly on the roots tramping each shovelful of soil firmly with the full weight of your bodyf soil is not moist when pjptittnfl put in some water after the first few shovelfuls of earth and when finished see that the soil on the surface is kept thoroughly oultl rated leaving a slight depression around plant or tree to catch and di rect moisture to its rcos never put barnyard manure directly on the roots it will ull the plant you may however spread some about the surface after planting is complete planting should be hist slightly deeper than it was in the nursery let us keep the trees alive until we are rewarded with the bloom which will be a matter of satisfaction and civic pride to each of us we can be proud of georgetown and vicinity the georgetown board of trade i gertrude cain school of dancing presents a spring revue to be held in the gregory theatre georgetown monday eveg may 29 815 pm admission adults 35c we are headquarters for all spring bedding plants we have in the flower line asters five varieties ageratnm sweet aitbsub fettmlss are varieties rsnsirs salvia snapdragon marirold pholx nicotians portalaoe zinnias verbena in the vegetable line we have tomatoes seven varieties bonny best barbank john baer beefsteak june pink globonnle and bison cabbage eariyl copenhagen golden acre late cabbage drumhead caauflowex snowball brunei sprouts also swset pepper celery golden plume and spanish sweet onions don t delay as we have only a few boxes left maple avenue greenhouse phone 175j georgetown local news you can take em off now the hydro office will be closed oc the 24th of may parent please note hydro adverti sement re breaking of street lights how those lawns can grow once they start remember navy leagtie tag day next saturday may 20th olve your fullest support jsuchre in the anglican church olub rooms thursday evening at 8 00 o clock sponsored bj georgetown boys band everyone welcome the w a of the united church are holding a rummage sale in the mootbbon block on saturday next at 20 pm there ii be some gladioli bulbs and various plants available there are still some dogs running at large although the town council set the deadline as may 15th better get them tied up and avoid further trouble as the council mean business please help make your paper more interesting by telling us about your social activities- and news of the men from georgetown and district in the services call in at the office or phone no b next wednesday may 24th the stores in town will observe a holiday and citizens are urged to govern them selves according the herald will be published on tuesday next week due to the holiday rheumatic pain sciatica luna bago quickly relieved by using bum acaps recommended by thousands who have gained detter health rohbs drug store maocormacks drug store the local council of women will hold thiir regular meeting on friday may 19th at three pm in the mu niclpal building miss walker school nurse will be the guest speaker every one welcome so far the younger folk have been cooperating with the new curfew re gulations and the pollct do not ami cipate any trouble boys and girls under 16 years of age are now re quired u be off tin streets bj 9 pm there are a number of new houses being built in town mr and mrs rusself who ue at present on mc nab street are building a house on union st mr nnd mrs james good- let owners of the budget groceteria are building a new home in tht pines on edith street nearly everyone is taking adian tage of these bright dajs to get their gardens jn don t forget to keep a weather eye on the pall pair compe titions or vctables and flowers there s no reason why you can t grow as choice specimens as your next door neighbour many georgetown people will re member mr arthur lux ton who was manager of the farmers bank here years ago and will be interested to know that his son rev g n luxton formerly rector of gracecrurchon thehlll toronto has been made rec tor of st paul s cathedral london out and dean of huron at one time he was curate at christ church ca thedral in hamilton under the present church of england bishop tb tfawg people meet on monday at a pjn th mfdweek carviw on wednes day at 8 pm the lord is waiting to blew ual come to his house st gsorges church ven woo thompson rector sunday after ascen sion day sunday school 10 a m holy commu nion 11 am even song 7 pm st george s pro perty committee met at the rectory alter evensong on sun day this committee authorized at the annual vestry meeting consists of the following volunteers rector and churchwardens ex officio and messrs wallaco thompson fred armstrong jack thompson walter carpenter jook lucas g w orr and w f bradley mr orr was elected chairman and the rector secretary it was de cided to make a survey of the church property and meet on wednesday evening for further consideration and organization the intention is to bring the whole property to a state of at tractiveness the congregation gen erally will likely be asked to assist and to take an interest in beautifying our church grounds st albans church glen williams sunday after ascension matins 930 ajn sunday school 10 30 ajn the morning schedule of services began last sunday with a good con gregation the rector laid it upon the whole congregation to be very faithful in their church attendance len winiams united chare ralph waugh b a 2 pjn sunday school 7 pjn public worship holy cross cbarch mass at 900 sjn 2nd and 4th i aays 11 00 ajn 1st 3rd and 5th i days norval and union presbyterian churches norval rev j h- self ba minister 10 am sunday school 11 am public worship union 2 pm sunday school 3 pjn public worship church news having therefore their promises dearly beloved let ta ipfrmrrae wu selves from all fllthlness of the flesh and spirit pcrf cctinx in tltc tear of god 2 cor 7 johnsonhtltb wedding in acton a marriage was solemnized at the presbyterian manse in acton when jessie josephine daughter of mr and mrs henry hilts was united in mar riage to tpr george anson johnson eldest son of mr and mrs robert an- son johnson of acton on thursday may uth rev r forbes thompson officiated the bride was attired in a heaven blue afteroon dvess with beige acces sories her only attendant was miss betty middleton of georgetown who wore a lime green afternoon dress with brown accessories the grooms man was mr john wagstait of glen williams the reception was held afterwards at the home of mr and mrs r a anson acton the brides mother re ceived assisted toy the grooms mother after a short honeymoon trip- the couple returned to st john n where the groom is stationed with the army knox pesbytertan church georgetown rev chas c cochrane b a minister 10 am sunday school 11 am publio- worship llraehonse presbyterian church 2 pm bible class sunday school 3 pjn public worship st johns church stewarttown bev s r ooleforook rector sunday after ascension day 2 pjn sunday school 3 pjn evening prayer st paul church norval 730 pjn evening prayer bl stephen s church hornby 10 46 sunday school 1 15 morning prajer georgetown uons club cejlebbate monarch night continued from page one added colour and lustre to our gather ings lion harold has given a great deal of time and attention to the lions work among young boys and particu larly to the child welfare brunch musical introduction by tramp tramp the boys are marching intro duced by uon walter carpenter monarch gordon mcuntoctottae subject of this introduction gordon mcllntock is also one of the founders charter member a past president and a past secretary probably no member of the club has had a greater influence for he is a close student of the ideals of ltonism and he has trans lated those ideals into the service of the club and the community which he has loyally served in all matters per taining to the administration of the business of the club he has been the court of last resort and in all move ments for civic improvement and child welfare he has been a standard bearer and ever on the lookout for new fields of service musical intro duction the blue bells of scotland introduced bv uon col jim ballan une monarch ed mcwhirter in the lions platform there are many planks and of these perhaps the most import ant is child welfare and the care of the underprivileged although lion ed has served on many committees and has sponsored many causes in cluding juvenile hockey and the boys band ms name in this club and m the i community itself is more closely asso ciated with child welfare he has been connected with this work since the olub was first organized fourteen years ago he 1 one of the founders ot the club a past president and a charter member he will also be re membered for ufa part in the purchase of the lot on msi street in all these connections lion eds service to the club and the community will be re membered with deep satisfaction and appreciation musical introduction sidewalks of new york introduced by lion chaa cochrane another mghugbt of the evening was the presentation of 100 per cent attendance buttons by uon g w mc llntock to uon president ralph ross and lion sec walter carpenter sanitary notice township of esquesins notice is hereby given that all rest- dents of the township of esquesing are required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water t closets and other buildings and pre mises and remove all dirt filth manure or substance which may endanger the public health and to have same com pleted by the 1st of june next on which day the sanitary inspector will com mence a general inspection all residents are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clean and in thoroughly sanitary condition not no pig stye is to be erected within 60 feet of any dwelling house road streehfor lane j bnfcttd sanitary inspector esquesing may 10 1944 public health notice d municipality of georgetown to comply with schedule b of tfc public health act notice is hereby given that all rest- dents of georgetown are required to clean their cellars yards and privies and other premises and to remove therefrom all substances which may endanger the public health and to have the same completed by the 1st day of june next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence a general inspection all dttaans are urged to keep their premises constantly clean and free from nuisances o v williams medical officer of health for georgetown may 10th 1944 curfew law to be enforced ota instructions from the municipal council the childrens pvotective act prohibiting children under 16 loitering on he streets at night after 900 pan will be strictly enforced on and after monday may 1 5 the council hope that parents and guardians will cooperate with them in the enforcement of this law georgetown police commission ill itiuiiiiiiiiiiiltliminiii tiuuilimmiariimi n lnimmmiiejnmnninniin attention dog owners all dogs in town are prohibited from running at langb from may 15th to september 15th tbj order applies to nights as well as days and watshuctly enforced smlcpclr georgetown police commission w i thr itniled chnrch of canada re r c todd minister prida may 19th con grpfritlonal pra er nt 8 15 p m at the church qundaj sen ices 10 00 ijti sunday school 11 i m public worship subject tho christ on the c grace of hum m heart 7 p m evening service sub ject something to lelieve in y on dday the church will be open at 8 pm for all who would come to pray for lhe mercy of god and a speedy victor for the united nations those whose sons and brothers hus bands and sweethearts may be taking part any day are especially invited to pome and pray for them first baalist church minister rev john k oatnm sunday may 31st 10 rm sunday school 11 am divine service the coming oc the holy bptrtt m polobspel sons 7 pm eretitra service wlttx and without the spirit- air ostrom wtu speak and img- welfare of the community and mnnj his many efforts in that connection is largely responsible for the formation of the school safety patrol like many others of the club he has done yoeman service on all the war drives and has been a front rank worker in all uon community movements hailing from prince edward island he has travelled the seven seas before settling- in georgetown in which he showed his characteristic good judgment and where his friends are legion and his ef helen l services lully appreciated mu sically introduced by my wild irish rest introduced bj uon d ldcata monarch howard k en tner howard is also a charter member and one of the founders of the club on commit tee work his sen ices and counsel have bet ii invaluable and his material assist ance in the form of lumber and free transportation as well as the use of trucks ha saved the club many dol and the iars weu as manv headaches how- ood in the cl er howartl s support of the club has been more than material and his deep interest in child welfare and the un derprivileged have ever been hli lodestar during his long and useful ser- ice as well as a source of inspiration to all members of the club musically introduced by my darling clemen tine introduced by lion ato tost monarch harold mcclure uon ha rold has been active in all departments of llonlsm and has been a past presi dent and a deputy district governor he is a charter member and one of the founders of the club he is the first key member tax the georgetown branch when war broke out his jjon- lsm was of necessity subordinated to his servlomin the reserve army but in spite of the multifarious duuea of commanding a company m the lome order now government approved chicks at reasonable prices several hundred w l pullets an b r i w l pullets for sale during aprd we can fill orders for barred rock white leghorn and r r x w l hy brid far may and june also pure bred light sussex for jvsae thompsons poultry farm and hatchery phone 48r5 georgetown out scot his attention and interest in below par hto presence at meetings either in uniform or mofu b all axrae i the tings ways jl town lots 1 for sale best location hv town while they last quick action needed also brick house 7 rooms 3 piece bath new furnace hardwood floors and heavy electric wiring on james street georgetown price 4200 tolvav willougbbyjfcpi phone 332

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