Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 24, 1944, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyseventh year of publica georgetown ontario wednesday may 24th 1944 200 per annum 5c per copy active service notes sgt roy hansen has been posted to gander bay newfoundland mr and mrs george brandford re ceived a cable last tuesday saying their eon pte malcolm had arrived safely ac2 gordon martin has been trans ferred ta st thomas and spent a weekend leave at borne jjc opl hedley shaw has been trans ferred from brentford to oamp bor- 4kxu pte frank kelly of debert n s and pte win isley of camp borden spent sunday at the home af the tat ters parents mr and mrs h isley xawrence beaumont who has been rerseas since april has been promoted to the rank of flight sergeant con gratulations lawrence helen williams cwac kitchener was home on- week end leave helen is taking her basic training at the kit chener camp eddie buckerfield former genial clerk in macoonnacfs drug store is a right sgt in the rjcajf he has re turned to canada after having been overseas for a year mr and mrs murphy received word from ottawa last week that the whole drew of the plane in- which their son p o william murphy was a crew mem ber is listed as missing the sad news that he was missing came the last week la april hope is held that some in formation as to the whereabouts of the crew will soon be received funeral of cecil keeler the funeral of cecil keeler was held from his late home erin town ship friday afternoon may 12th when rev w o foreman conducted the obsequies in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends dur ing the service mrs donald matheson and miss muriel akitt sang in the garden deceased came to an untimely end last november 8th when he was dlowed 111 mliriln lake hear port loring ontario while on a hunting trip the body was discovered by a guide who was with the hunting party on may stb second son of the late mr and mrs herbert keeler he was bora in erin township for the past few years he was imwgw of the misses moore farm in georgetown he is survived by his step mother two brothers robert of georgetown gnr lome with the canadian army- three sisters margaret mrs bert berry jean mrs harvey peavoy doris mrs e puller interment was made in the family plot at erin cemetery the pall bearers were al cripps john snow harold campbell lloyd lyons russell w ah r jams heph9h 1h jmwh his play the best len peterson whose play they are all afraid was voted the best entry submitted in the whole exhibition at the fifteenth institute for education by radio held in ohio early this month the judges described the ca nadian play as an unusual dramatic treatment of psychological factors of human behaviour rarely dealt with in broadcasting excellent script first class production and highly effective musical treatment thirty from high school work on farms about thirty pupils from georgetown high school have been graduated from their courses nearly eight weeks earlier than nould otherwise have been the case to help relieve the larm labour shortage tests were taken by the pu pils prior to leaving and if their stand ing on these merited it they were al lowed to go out on the farms where they will work for thirteen weeks this plan has been urged by the de partment of education in cooperation with the department of agriculture last year farmers were loud in their praise of the help given by the stu dent at the time of critical labour shortage it is hoped that the same help will be forthcoming this year and georgetown high school is an ex ample the same excellent response will be made prom our local high school most of hfie pupils will be working on then- own farms a few will be employed at meadowglcn growers inducing doris armstrong and bomlce hughes bea trice brill is helping on the farm of joe ross and barbara cousens is working on the green farm at milton barbara faram and lois nellsen are annual meeting of the baptist church the annual business meeting of thef georgetown baptist church was held in the church on wednesday evening may 17th at 8 oclock the minister rev j e ostrom conducted a helpful worship service after which a period was spent in prayer for god s blessing and guidance interesting reports from all organizations were then presented and in every case there was ample evi ct the increased interest and greatly increased giving the report of the church treasurer brought general rejoicing revealing that all obligations for the year had been met a substan tial sum paid off the mortgage and a large balance left on hand greatly in creased giving to missionary work by the church as a whole was felt to be an indication of the spiritual health of the church the following officers were elected for the ensuing year clerk mrs a reeve treasurer mrs edna cole deacons messrs w wlnfleld wood and w whlfcmee deaconesses mrs j e ostrom mrs l harding trustees mr reeve mrs whyte mrs duncan ushers c bain h sienko w whltaiee h wood doug peck auditors mrs e duncan miss n thompson missionary treasurer mrs w f smith s s superintendent mr w wln fleld organist miss m cook the meeting closed with the singing of to god be the glory great things he hath done as a heartfelt expres sion of gratitude for what he has done betty henney married saturday a pretty wedding was solemnized at st georges church of england on saturday morning may 20th when betty youngest daughter of mr and mrs albert henney was united in marriage to private g e chappelle youngest eon of mrs chappelle and the late mr chappelle of brampton rev w g o thompson officiated the grooms sister miss dorothy chap pelle arid pte a whitehouse bramp ton attended the couple following the wedding trip the bride will live at her home here and the groom will return to his army station at slmcoe the weather last week was the coolest week of the month the dally average for the week dropped to 628 and on friday morning the temperature dropped to freezing but it could have been for only a very short time as we have not heard of any 111 effects of frost the rain last monday morning has made conditions ideal for transplant ing tomato plants so easily out down by frost will be set out by thousands this week date h and l rain temp fall tues may 16 70 41 10 wed may 17 74 47 thin may 16 60 37 pri may 19 55 33 sat may 30 66 40 sun may 21 71 38 mon may 23 re 4s jo talto ai saumler 11 members ol emplodby tie firm service for toe hunting partjtne ueutu trawlmdlrimi 1 b ldnr tributes were carried by lloyd burt debner peavoy kenneth stubbmgton wllmer davidson neil mcdonald and were gates ajar the family wreaths grandma mcarthur and family aunt myrtle uacte will and aunt pearl sprays nieces and nephews misses moore jean and jim ruddel the hunt club aunt belle near the akltt family his life a beautiful memory his death is a silent grief advocate hackney team sold for 200000 mr and mrs r m barden hllls- i sold their beautiful team of mares whitegate princess land whitegate smile to mr kllgour wilson of lachute quebec for the handsome sum of two thousand dol lars they were shipped by rail from guelph last wednesday this team took ninetythree first prizes at western ontario fairs last season and will be missed from the show ring by hone lovers mr barden however will be back in the show ring with another team which he is already preparing for the shows dr w j r fowler of guelph who claimed that this team was one of the best of its kind in the province nego tiated the deal holstdn and breeders to hold field dat at o a c the holsteln and jersey breeders of halton and peel have again made plans far their annual field day and picnic at the ontrlo agricultural college ouetob on saturday june 10th un der the energetic leadership of w h robmson and edwin harrop respec- ttf presidents of the halton holsteln sod halton jersey clubs an outstand ing procnunme is being prepared fa vourable weather permitting it is anti cipated that upward of 1000 holsteln sad jersey enthusiasts win be in at tendance at ooelph for this poposar wrmisl outing on the d r mclaughlin farm arts and crafts meeting the arts and crafts cooperative held their third meeting of the year on thursday may 18 at the home of mrs batkln wlldwood 18 mem bers attended and 10 guests mrs mover the president opened the meeting with a welcome to members and guests matters of business were brought up for discussion mrs milne gave an interesting report on an exhi bition of canadian arts and crafts held recently in toronto the guest speaker mrs helen wolfe of acton was introduced by mrs beatty mrs wolfe gave a delightful talk on interior decorations spokeof the basic principle in architecture and stressed the value of unity in decorat ing a room or choosing furniture the importance of colour schemes to walls rugs and upholstery the influence of our great english cabinet makers on furniture in particular and cheered her listeners by telling them that suitabi lity and a warm welcome were after all the greatest importance in creating a home tea was served by the hostess and every one talked of plans for work during the year miss pearl smith of acton invited the members to a picnic at her home on june 22 oood attendance at boys band euchre thirteen tables of euchre played in the mens club room of st georges church m the first night of play for the- boys band marathon euchre the euchre was arranged by mr and mrs joseph gibbons dr clifford reld was cashier and proceeds from the evening were 13 00 in a few well chosen words the band president jo seph gibbons welcomed the players mrs j mcoibbon held high score for the evening with 99 points 12 games were played quite a numer of tickets on a blanket donated to the club were sold it will be raffled off at a later date margot williams graduated from toronto general margot williams daughter of mr and mrs j r williams graduated from the toronto general hospital school for nurses on thursday may 18th margot is a graduate of george town high school mrs wuname attended the recep tion and tea for mothers at the hos pital the preceding wednesday night both mr and mrs williams attended the graduation ceremonies on thurs day evening ninety nurses received the degree of registered nurse one of the largest classes on record public health nurse speaks to local council beethovans friend here is frances qoffman who played her first part that of a little lady of peking when she was in junior grade public school in douphln manitoba she has been acting ever since in the university of manitoba at dramatic school in los angeles maria ouspen- skaya was her teacher and borne again in winnipeg under the direc tion of esse ljungh since moving to toronto last year she has played alice in alice in wonderland a variety of heroines in the open door the childrens scrapook and now ma dame ertmann beethovens friend in the man who wouldnt die the program will be heard sunday may 28 at 9 00 pjn edt man lawn bowlers and curlers hold gettogether dinner the may meeting of the local coun cil of women was held in the munici pal bnudng on friday may lfltti with sixteen members present the minutes of the meeting were read and adopted a letter was read from the wartime prices and trade board may 22nd to may 30th is to be mrs consumers week in which wo men are asked to renew their pledge to hack the wartime trices and trade board it was moved and seconded that mrs ralph boss represent the local council of women on the georgetown board of trade which is a conanunltt organization of men and women work ing for the betterment of the town arrangements were made u have the wading pool in operation again the curfew law which was suggested and recommended by the members of the l a w to b town council has been established and enforced mrs hayes spoke of price control and quoted a message from mr rals ton acting prime minister in which btf said women were i mmm mn try sharing a world job on food ra there are three important controls price control wage control and dis tzlbution control mrs hutt read a letter from a mem ber of the womens section of the in ternational league of nations miss walker public health nurse was the guest spaker giving a very informa tive talk on the health of the public school pupils mrs sam twmty moved a vote of thanks to miss walker expressing the members appreciation of her address a motion was made by mrs j bl macken that the low assist the nurse materially as far as possible carried the meeting adjourned new wartime frauds exposed mickey maodougall international card detective begins a dramatic series of articles lbgions of larceny in the american weekly with this sundays may 28 lsue of the wars menacing crop of swindlers and gyps and how to recognize and avoid chlse- lers get sundays detroit times a very successful combination even ing of dinner and cards sponsored by thf lawn bowling club was held last evening when the members of the curling club and other guests met the bowlers at the moglbbon house president jas richardson of the bowlers was chairman for the event and called upon the assembly to toast the king then sing the national anthem everyone then proceeded to enjoy thefuof bonlface moglbbon at theooncluskwi of the excellent dinner the chair explained the clrcum- stanes of the gettogether and wel come any who cared to join the bowl ers for this and future seasons explain ing that our greens could accommodate all present and more at any one time mr h liqico as chairman of the en tertainment committee thanked every one for the turnout and for the co operation in arranging the affair r h cleave proposed the toast to the curling club which was responded to by mr o w mcllntock r 8 t faram of games commit tee outlined activities of lawn bowling club over a period stressing the growth and value of georgetowns own club then he gave the proposed weekly activities for the coming season show ing that there would be competition available every evening opening date is the 24th when ladles and men will start years activities a toast by mr jos gibbons to the bowling club referred especially to original members and others of long standing the greens had proven a place where true friendship good fellowship and definite citizenship met and prospered mr 8 t faram in reply endorsed these remarks emphasizing the inter mingling of sportsmanship with true competition mr j w kennedy gave some of the history of the local bowling growth and his outline may be the occasion of another article names and places of georgetown s club endeavours cover ing quite a period mr jas richardson was then congratulated by mr fred thompson for his presentation of cup for ladies competition to conclude the evening there were six tables of progressive euchre jack williamson was the high in euchre with 8 p chapman second sim 00 raised in navy league tag day st25 00 was raised for the merchant seamen in the navy league tag day held here last saturday afternoon un der the convenorshlp of mrs sam mac- mzie the local branch would like to make their gratitude known to the dtisens of town who supported this worthy cause so generously and to the follow ing taggers brenda robmson trh mulholland peggy kelly jean dic kie helen moglll virginia chapman marjorle mcdonald mary rennle vio let barnes shlrtay muckart theresa curtis alice murphy joan latimer belle tennant dolores herrtngton mary jane arnold eileen grace betty lawr peggy young june clark mar- garet bradley finalcounty totals in sixth victory loan drive tea and coffee on same coupon eight ounces of coffee and two ounces of tea may be purchased with one teacoffee coupon the ration ad ministration announces before the increase in the tea and coffee rations which became effective may 1st consumers were obliged to purchase either tea or coffee with each coupon when the value of the coupon was increased each teacoffee coupon could be used to buy either four ounces of tea or one pound of coffee these amounts may stib be obtained or a combination of both tea and coffee ja the amounts mentioned above the final results for the sixth vic tory loan in halton county are now available and reveal that georgetown is only 3 per cent behind the winner of the plaque presented to the district in the county going the highest over cheir objective and ttnft placed second for halton the township of nassaga- weya subscribed 138 per cent of their 906000 quota and georgetown subscrib ed 133 per cent of their 1330000 objec- burungton a nelson oakvule mttton nelson n trslsjss s w bquesms uve with total victory bonds purchased amounting to 280 800 esquosing georgetown district fulfilled their ob jective of s140o00 100 oer cent with total subscriptions of 140200 the county of halton as a whole sub scribed 32850 which is 113 per cent of its objective and finished in eighth place in the pr following are the final figures for the county no amount quota 1330 375750 a 350000 110 506 374300 350000 110 1jb7s 852860 705000 131 464 170700 176000 103 145 7400 65000 115 iso 831790 75000 85 104 41060 4qooo its sea 118500 04000 135 stt 280l80o 330000 133 3mt 140x0 140000 100 uott 230 315000 100 new responbrfidltty for postwar woman the poet- war woman and her place in the community will be dis cussed by dr hilda neatby professor of history reglna college in a series of five talks beginning over obcs na tional network this week the first address to be heard friday june 2 at 418 pjn edt 518 pan adt will be introductory in nature under the title the postwar status of women dr neatby will review the historical background of womens emancipation and outline the new res ponslbilltles that have come with new privileges other aspects dr neatby plans to examine will include womens res ponsibility in the home in legisla tion in education and womens responsibility in leisure the women of today must change with i changing world dr neatby de clare further utilizing their wax- galntd experience for the comprehen sive betterment of society she wfh stress the pressing need for women to fulfill their role as cluabns the georgetown herald soldiers comforts fond forwarded to soldiers com- forts committee cash on hand acknowledged mrs n cook total may 23rd 87354 3313 nx i3pso ttjecooo the herald brann victims fond wa fopwmrded to ttomato bventax telegram ouoi on band lira n oook total may 3rd h4u5 31u1 girls pipe band big hit at no 24 brampton the girls pipe band and artists presented a scottish concert party for the troops at no 24 c-a3- txj brampton last thursday night rt was said by many of those attend ing to be one of the best concerts ever given at the camp and the girls and the master of ceremonies jack thompson certainly got a big hand the concert was under the direction of pipe major e r ma3oughlen and se cond in command jimmy valentine the band performed in its usual fine style and the girls did the t fling and sword dance as well as playing the pipes marion hepburn and mary mover during very lovely duets were drought- ba seweia en cores bui mcdonald and his rhythm rubes were smash hits as were piper eleanor smith in her tap dances and piper dimes beerman with her guttsr is alva cripps and norah cieak delighted the audience with several piano duets a t ixai th troupe wer entertained to refreshments at the ser geants mess hall and a pleasant social time enjoyed pictures of georgetowiwrs in navy displayed in readys window the local branch of the navy i has a very attractive window display 4a readys store which was specially ssv ranged in connection with their lias day held here last saturday a special feature of the display was the group of photographs of boys and girls from georgetown and district who are in the navy pictures on display in clude frank cleave bob ooldham bui long delmar beaumont saqy bllok joe wilcox frank allen james emmer- son john emmerson victor millar allan law jack kmnahead jack tost and ronald mendham excellent photo graphs of blmcs athabaaan re cently torpedoed canadian de of which vic millar was a crew member and the hmcb weybum canadian corvette sunk whue frank cleave was a crew member are displayed also to be seen is a photo ox ron mendhama ship hmcjb mbrden there are all sorts of interesting nautical objects in tfce window a mi niature ships signalling tower is sura to catch your eye as will the display of seamens knots both these were lent from the sea cadet training centre a beautiful leather jacket made trass old leather purses is on chsplaly the old btts of leather have made a very attractive and useful article of cloth ing a model sailor safety fight an antl aircraft shell ships bght model are bh fmsemating hems of mfesrsst too are the specimens of deep sea fish and a tavflcel dttty bag bas been tarried out to tre an idea of what spes into one as m an its a most tssracttve win dow snd wes worfesesjas jtf frnriiebsd flu 1b i

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