Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 24, 1944, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wedneaday may 24th 1944 dancing stanley park erih every wednesday hakvbt i asthma chapmons drug store will be glad to aow you a leader in the asthma field not merely to get vou over an attack but to build weeks supply davis asthma against trouble now 3 00 3 remedy vw6 eczema itching piles insect bites peorl bs ask your druggist for davis pruritus cream the new colorless odorless greasless effective cream 90c tloo and economy sue 1 60 try it for baby s ecaema i as we stelt by j a strang last weeks herald gave the victory loan subscription total as toeing 41786000 we are glad that the amount had that 50 at the end no doubt there would be quite a number that purchased a fifty dol jar bond and everyone doing ao can have the satisfaction of knowing that their fifty was the one that made that last fifty possible naturally when thinking of purchasing- bonds we like to think of buying at least one thous and dollars worth at a time but when these bond drives come along twice each year many of us havent a thous and dollars lying around to invest in each loan so we do the next best thing and buy whatever we can afford may be k is merely a one hundred dollar bond each time or perhaps it may be only a fifty dollar one we are apt to think that our uttle fifty or one nun dred looks very small when compared to the objective which was twelve hundred million however taken collectively those smallersiaed invest ments amount up to quite a huge total often too the purchaser of the fifty dollar bond may have needed that money for something else more so than would qie person that could buy the thousand dollar bonds locally we can be proud of the results of the bond drive and the same goes lor the grand total for the dominion as well it was interesting to read of the pur chases of huge amounts by the larger concerns of the dominion but it was also interesting to know that the smal lu chcbch will use bdgewo0d park fob camp arrangements have been made by the camp committee of the lutheran church of the canada synod to hold their annual summer camps lor boys and girls at ektgerwood park eden mills this year at the annual ses alons of the canada synod at ayton the camp committee will recommend the purchase of this property as a per manent camp site for the summer camps of the lutheran church the lutheran summer camps were organized nine years ago and since thai time have conducted camps for boys and girls of the lutheran church of the canada synod ontario and quebec at the woodstock y2jlca camp site at fishers glen on lake erie lack of sufficient time at that site to accommodate the wishes of all groups in the church desiring to hold summer camps led to the committees recommendation of edgewood park as their own site edgewood park- has heen used fo some twenty years as a recreational park with a dance hall ball diamond swimming pool and a number of sum mer cottages the plans of the com mlttee include converting the dance hall into a dining hall and recreational hall using the outdoor picnic area as handicraft centres and the cottages as directors office camp hospital and staff quarters by popular request the committee will continue its policy of having the campers sleep in tents in preference to cabins halton elects officers at carlisle meeting rev d a facey of bronte was elected chairman of halton presbytery for 1944 45 at the meeting held at carlisle united church recently rev r p mercer appleby was returned as secretary and rev r o todd geor getown will be the new treasurer hearty thanks and best wishes were extended to rev j s bole millgrove on his acceptance of an invitation to become minister of the united church at port dalhousle rev j b moore and mrs henry caldwell of acton were elected as the presbytery s com mlssloners to the general council meeting in london in september the alternates are rev j o totton and mr r p sanderson the presbytery placed itself on re cord as being opposed to the plan to amalgamate several boards of the united church but it accepted the other two remits sent down from the general council ler purchases were so numerous per haps this was the last victory loan that may be needed we sincerely hope that it may be a news item in the globe and mail states that since the beginning of this present year victory bonds to the value of 45 000 00 have been stolen in the city most of these thefts were from homes throughout the city bearer bonds are handy and can be sold if the need arises with less trouble than can registered bonds however the bearer ones are very handy for the thief and it might be a good idea to mention once again that if your bonds are of the bearer variety be sure they are stored in a safe place plac ing them in the top drawer of the desk or dresser lsn t the best place for them by any means the ideal place for them is in a deposit box in your local bank if you are unable to rent one of these we understand that ar rangements can be made to have the bank store them lor vou anyway many of us have gone without certain com modltles that we really wanted in or der to purchase our bond after hav ing done this it does seem foolish to leave those same bonds lying around the house where they may be very easily picked ip bv somcbod or wher thev ma very enslly be lost or damag ed by fire ministerial discuss subject of religious instruction in schools when the north halton ministerial met at the acton parsonage on mon day afternoon the chief question un der discussion was the ontario gov eminent s proposal for religious in struct ion in the schools rev w g o thompson georgetown spoke in favor of the plan while rev c c cochrane georgetown voiced a num ber of important objections definite action was left in the hands of the various protestant church bodies hearty votes of thanks were given to the retiring officers rev c c cochrane president and rev s r colebrook norval secretary the el ectlon of officers for im4 46 resulted as follows president rev j b moore and secretary treasurer rev john rlddell acton it took some heavy work in the last few days to put the sixth victory loan over the top in acton and district and it was not until monday night that the objective of 225 000 was in at headquarters and it was known again that acton and district had made its objective in every one of the six vic tory loans that have been launched figures in acton aj d district at tl e close on monday night were 228 0o0 a group of local fishermen returned on the week tnd i m an eight d fishing trip to hollow lake with plenty of evidence to back up tall fish stories following the death of the late post master j chester matthews miss fern breron who has been assistant post master for a number of years here has been made acting postmistress we under land no perm rnci t appointment to the uasiu n will be made mill i r tlu closi f u t w r another of those brief messages it irting regret to report brought rrow hon t 1 mil ind a estrda when word was received i rm i air gin ntr cordon keith i mclellan was reported in this brief i message killed while on active service i- ret press tot mixing bowl by anne allan hydro- hon economist hello homemakers lets all dig and grow more in year 1944 provided ire can stare any surplus there is still time to work a small plot some where where the soil is good meas ure your row and then sow about one hah ounce of seed for fifty fee- or lone packet this however should be considered from the storage me thods available since one packet of seed will produce approximately one to two bushels of greens or such vege tables as carrots and beets depending upon the type of soil and the weather j enthusiastic growers should remember that green vegetables have a short sea son and a second planting in three or four weeks time is a better idea from one pound of good seed pota toes you may get seven to eight pounds of potatoes the average fa mily of four should store 550 pounds of potatoes for the year h they ore al le to keep them in a well ventilated room at a temperature of 38 deg the good gardener calculates on two to three pounds of tomatoes from eacn stalked tomato plant tomatoe are a valuable product and economi cal to can we mention the above facts to en courage you to keep good records of length of row amount of seed in packets date when seeds planted date and treatment of plant disease date of first picking date of last picking estimate of production and notes on desirability and quantity a notebook and pencil are all you require to do the job that should be started now rhubarb honey chiffon fie 3 1 cups rhuarb cut in i in pieces cup corn syrup cup honey 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine cup cold water 1 table spoon lemon juke 2 egg whites baked 8 inch pie shell deep cook rhubarb gently with com syrup and honey until soft add gela tine dissolved in cold water and lemon juice cool and when partially et add egg whites bea en stiff but not dry pour into baked pie shell serve gar nlshed with whipped cream rhubarb and prune relish 4 lbs rrubarb 2 lbs prunes 2 lbs sugar 2 lbs com syrup cover prunes with water and leave j j 24 hours out rhubarb in small pieces and sprinkle over it 2 lbs of corn syrup let st over night fftaco prunes water and rhubarb with too syrup in kettle add to mixture and simmer 1 hour add 2 hoe sugar boil i gently tt hour longer yield 6 0 all in one difih 1 cup uncooked spaghetti 4 slices breakfast bacon diced vt cup chopped onion m round steak ground 2 tgsps starch 1 110 oa can tomato soup condensed 1 can water 10 1 oz teaspoon salt 1 16 teaspoon pepper cook spahettl till tender in 2 quarts boiling water to which has been added 2 teaspoons salt drain cook bacon add onion and meat cook till brown add corn starch blend well add soup water salt pepper and spagheto sim mer gently on electric element for 5 minutes serve with not toast take a tip faint bjrush conservation brush ends should be immersed la boiling water for a few moments and allowed to dry painthardened brushes con be fixed if they ore plac ed in a bath of point remover and left for several hours then brush on s smooth board the question box mrs m r says i thought the oven was the cause of my cokes burning on the bottom but i decided it was my thin black pans so live been turning on old chipped enamel pan upside down to deflect the heat note this is a good conservation tip mrs j c asks how do you keep a large cake moist answer we cut it so that it flta into the bread box wrap it in wax paper and then put a couple of suoea of fresh bread in he box each day anne allan invites you to write to her c o of qie herald send in your suggestions on homemaklng problems and watch this column for replies canadian agriculture giving as it has such abun dont evidence hi these days of prodigious war needs of itoar3hyto furnish ever increasing quotas ts yet going to bo foced with greater production programmes in the days following the liberation of tho occupied territories of war torn europe there perhaps no other single factor that has so greatly assisted the canadian farmer- to ac eompltsh such record achievements as that of modern machinery united with the farmer in the ob of cdnfinuoush improving and increasing the efficiency of his methods of production is the implement engineer mauey hams always a leader in the intro duction of time and labor saving equipment has mdde another notable advance with rh self- propelled combine which has revolutionized harvesting methods the self propelled principle introduced m the massey hams combine opens up a world of possibilities in the future trend of farm machines for the road aheod k flipi ivc3 harris company limited milton a lttttr vb read from the milton hydro electric stating that the price of hydro had been reduced bj 10 per cent on orde 1 the ontario hdro electric commksion a re mike fishlun review under the direction ol mrs h m altken was held in the town hall last week the many attractive costumes that were modelled showed tl e possibilities t win could be done with used cloth ing liie t agic news of wars casualties has come to another milton home with the word u at flying officer francis frank charles bo wring has been killed in action in italy on thursday may 11th bill ktunin while changing the course of a creek near hornby last week found a frog with ihc lens u t back legs and two front ones decorated w ith spring flowers st geores anglican church ouelph was the scene of a pretty wedding may 6 when flcrei ce bernicc daughter of mrs florence e bishop and the late w t bishop became the bride of l albert muricy so if mr and mrs george morley milton champion ukamkion crashing into a concrete bridge roil ing when his automobile headilgh s failed fc ij cin c alloa farmer suffered head wounds which required twenty two stitches police reported woii 10 oeen rlccived that ueut ted conover son of col r v and mrs conover has been wounded in active service in italy the popular lacrosse bush league will again opente at a recent meet ing in snelgrove the entry tee from six teams was accepted ingjewood and calcdon arc playing home games tn their respective villages while norval brampton reserve army nortonville and cheltenham have made arrange m nu u play their home games in brampton rose bowl peel raised a grand total of s4 033 460 in sixth victory loan bond sales by far the best in their history it b flying officer robert charters now and congratulations to a very courageous and likeable young officer guxette ihese days when tea must yield the utmost in flavour quality is of supreme importance ask for salam

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