Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1944, p. 1

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the georgetown herald 200 per annum 5c per copy seventyseventh year of publication georgetown ontario wednesday june 7th 1944 canadians spe ol invasion on western front ringing of bells and public services mark dday in georgetown w council turns down motion to hire another town workman mayor cleave reeve mcdonald and councillors thompson lyons ann strong moollvray orr and bradley met in regular session on monday evening in the municipal building mrs mary a brown interviewed oouncil with regartl to the advisability of establishing a dog pound as the lo cal representative of the humane so ciety mrs brown stated she was often at a loss for a place to keep stray dogs which townspeople aakeaner take off their hands she asked that with the cooperation of the chief of police she be granted permission to use the pound a tt were established for this purpose council unanimously otded that if a pound were established mrs brown would be allowed to use it for the aforementioned ototy work mr jim blair was present at the meeting and laid a complaint to council bout the noisy vibrations in the wa terworfcs at his house mr blair said he had already called chief w g mar- shall to his home when the nuisance was at its worst and he had confirmed mr blairs contention that it was so bad it was almost unbearable council decided to take steps to remedy the matter immediately v after considerable rtiwnajtfm in re gard to hiring a third man ror town work it was moved by councillor thompson and lyons that another man be hired the motion was lost on a recorded vote 62 yeas thompson lyons nays cleave macdpnald orr bradley armstrong mcgilvray a cheque for 35662 was received from the liquor control board this represents 20 per cent of the hotel au thority pee collected by the board from the local hotels the revenue from this source last year was 40000 a letter from the ontario farm ser vice force was read in which the town was asked to cooperate in the forming of a farm commando brigade to help relieve the farm labour shortage the matter was discussed at some length and it was finally decided to leave the matter in the hands of reeve mac- donald the advisability of putting through a building bylaw in georgetown came up but this problem was shelved foe the tune being the obis pipe band were granted permission to use the southern section of main street for a street dance on june 20th the navy league were given permission to shut off traffic from wa ter street on june 17 when they will hol a ga party yor and reeve macoonald were invited down to brampton last week to see an exhibition of work by the airforce cadets this organization sored by the lions club of brampton and the 18 or 20 boys from georgetown have won an exceedingly good name for themselves and praise for their ex cellent work and behavior both mayor and reeve were greatly impressed witti the training display it was decided that an appointment be made with jhe provincial treasure for the finance committee from coun cil to interview him regarding the es tablishment of an additional bank in georgetown the following accounts were passed wm hill ind to hospital 600 halton county sts 5075 georgetown herald printing and advertising e v maccormack board of health jas a cook at son board of health scotts garage fire- prot sawyer morceyr sts saxe motors town truck bell telephone co d brill fire prot pro dept of health welfare sawyer marsey sts p b harrison stamps g r mucfcart w w georgetown flour and peed mill streets concrete pipe ltd tile armstrong garage tire prot fred sinclair town truck hydro electric com j m bruyns oil streets r lauie streets thos haines streets welfare 4234 183 1750 216 508 450 2532 5123 130 100 1250 1531 12200 216 57 2857 7740 9245 82455 1573 voung lad fined jw a young lad from fined 500 and costs in court this morning by magistrate woodlllfe the charge of petty trespassing was laid by a war plant in town and the boy was let off with the fine and stem ad monitions from the judge if the more serious charge under the wartime act had been laid the consequences would have been more serious he bad evaded ttie plant guards and climbed the fence into the plant the weather the outstanding feature of last weeks weather was the grand rain last wednesday night the heaviest in months this with the warm weather of the past week has given a wonder ful boost to farm and garden crops and great promise of a bountiful har vest now that we have all the figures for the month of may we can sum up and find how it compares with the average of many other mays for years past we find the daily average temperature for the month was 53 a little over five and a hah degrees above normal this has meant an earlier than usual ad- vande in vegetation the few show ers during the month barely amounted to 173 inches but the heavy rain the night of the last day or the month brought it up to 259 still a little bekrw the normal rainfall for the mmttfc following are the records for the past week date h and l rain- temp fall pte howard conn reported missing another georgetown home felt the tragedy of war last week when tpr r conn aged 25 son of mr and mrs william conn was reported missing in action in italy tpropnn was a mem ber of the tank corps in the governor generals horse guards bis wife whom he wed a year ago last march lives in deptford london england howard enlisted in 1939 and went overseas in september 1941 last no vember he arrived in north africa and from thence he went to italy prior to enlisting he was employed in a butcher shop hi toronto he has a brother lloyd in the ogho in canada and a brotherinlaw in the ordnance corps in nova scotia irrvaddltlon to his wife and parents he loaves to mourn his loss four sis ters marie of hamilton and betty owen and leona at home tues may 30 wed may 31 thurs june 1 frl june 2 sat june 3 sun june 4 man june 5 84 51 58 jkt leroy dale new lions president the election of the officers for 1944- 45 was the important part of the bu siness of the georgetown lions club when they met at the mcotbbon hotel on monday evening lion chief ross conducted the elections and all offi ces were filled by acclamation they are as follows president lion leroy dale k c 1st vice president lion clarence benham 3nd vice president lion rev ohas cochrane secretary lion walter carpenter ast sec lion col james ballantlne treasurer lion r iioata lion tamer lion albert tost tail twister lion o mcouvray directors one year lions j d kelly edmcwhlrter two years lions w h kentaer james ballantlne following the elections lion presi dent elect dale gave a very enllghtnlng a on law p and some of ms own experiences as a lawyer vote of thanks was tendered lion dale by lion james bauanune a guest of the evening was lion george bennett of oakville a past district oovernor who spoke briefly to the club road supt of no 7 highway dropped dead mr fred hamilton of rocfcwood re cently appointed road superintendent of no 7 highway dropped dead last monday afternoon when supervising a gang of men at work on tte highway between acton and georget mr hamilton was in his 58th year it was his first day on the job after he had been 111 for a few weeks new telephone directory out a new telephone directory has just made its appearance in georgetown homes and offices and w o mlsener bell telephone manager for this re gion expressed the hope that sub scribers would make full use of their books consulting the new directory care fully before placing calls will help to eliminate unirecssary calls and will re duce the wrong number nuisance con siderably he pointed out avoiding unnecessary calls will help us to serve you better despite wartime difficulties in view of the large number of new and changed listings in the latest issue it h important to discard the old book promptly on receiving the new one to avoid confusion mrs mlsener said subscribers aer being asted to con tribute their old directories to me re gular salvage collection for paper w high on ttie list of badlyneeded sal vage articles car accident on no 7 highway mr j d williamson r r no 2 georgetown and mr oeorge graham of acton saved the life of mrs john schaeffer of toronto when the car in which she was a passenger overtumea an no 7 highway three miles east of acton and pinned her beneatn these two menwltnessed the accident which occurred around 7 pm monday night when they saw the car go out of con trod and turn over in the ditohthey noticed the woman was thrown out and then pinned underneath the other passengers mr john schaeffer driver their son john aged 12 and a soldier lc opl j w arthur of camp borden remained locked within the overturned vehicle and were uninjured mrs schaeffer had stopped breathing when the two men lifted the car to re lease her and it is estimated that had she been left there a few seconds longer she would have died dr wil liam kenney of acton was called and rendered first aid before mrs schaef- fer was removed to toronto general hospital by the johnstone sc ftumley ambulance traffic officer ray mason investigated the car was travelling east at th time the accident occurred it is thought that the steering gear sud denly went out of control coy sgt major henry shepherd receives award in kings honour list warrant officer class 11 company sergeant major henry thomas shop- herd of the royal canadian army ser vice corps has been awarded a mem ber of the most excellent order of the british empire in the kings birthday honour list it is announced today by major c w macqueen p r o of m d 2 company sergeant major henry thomas shepherev royal canadian army service corps was born aug 18 1805 and enlisted in the canadian active army as a private on sept 2 1m0 he was a meenber of the cana dian expeditionary force in the pint great war prior to his enactment he was a resident of georgetown and served in ttisn p a- m from june 1011 to june 1s16 and again rom hot 1920 until his enlistment in the present he has over 31 years of mflttary service his wife mrs susanna maud shepherd and six children reside here coy sgt major shepherd is now at tached to thexome scots m the cepa- dry of deputy fir marshall and is stationed at mbntekh out he is at present enjoying a furlough with his futrruy in town ceiling on strawberries and raspberries celling prices have been placed on strawberries and raspberries tor the first time by the wartime prices snd trade board as follows stawbeniesgrowers to wholesale- in ontario and quebec 30c quart to june 24 19c quart after june 24 in the maritime 27c quart to june 24 and 22c quart after in the rest of canada 27c quart to june 17 and 23c quart after price to consumers in ontario and quebec 42c quart to june 24 and 26tto quart after in the maritimes 30c quart to june 24 and 30ho quart after raspberries orower to wnolesase in ontario and quebec 30c quart m the maritimes 32c quart and in the rest of canada 2ec quart price to consumers in ontario and quebec 43c quart in the mtw 44c quart and m the rest of canada 40c quart orowen selling direct to consumers ar entitled to the consumer price m the case of both strawberries and rasp- belljolley wedding at st georges church a pretty wedding was solemnised in st georges anglican church on sa turday june 3rd when florence jean- nette jouey daughter of mr and mrs henry thomas jolley of acton was united in marriage to horace l bell the bride is a memoer of the office staff of smith stone ltd and the groom is an employee of mr harold cleave archdeacon w g o thomp son officiated at the wedding the bride wore a white silk jersey afternoon dress white flower nat with shoulderlength veil and a corsage of american beauty roses her attendant miss ruth goodman montreal p q was frocked in blue crepe with wnlte accessories and corsage of talisman roses mr william munson long branch was groomsman following the ceremony a reception for the immediate families was held at the home of mrs ajbaert jonhston on guelph st for goingaway the bride changed to a brown gabardine suit with white accessories upon their re turn mr and mrs bell will reside in georgetown dday services at united church large congregation joins in prayer kor the success of invasion a large congregation assembled at the united church at 8 pm on dday to offer prayers to almighty god for the safety of our men and the success of the armies of liberation who early that day had opened the western front in europe the service opened with the hymn my soul with expectlon doth fol lowed by god the omnipotent and pjayer rhe scripture was then read from st lukes oospel 6th chapter and the choir sang the lords my shepherd the 46th psalm was read in unison and all repeated the con fession of sin rev todd then led the congregation in prayer for our boys in the fighting forces for the success of our cause for our allies and that slpht might be given to the blindness of the enemy leaders rev todd then gave a short address taking as the 8th chapter of luke and a quotation from the kings christmas pay mesagc of 1040 put your hand in the hand of god and go out for it shall be better than a light and better than the known way he urged his congregation in these days of anxiety samuel bonfield died to after short illness the death of samuel bonfield be- oved husband of hester j churchill occurred in quelph general hospital wednesday may 31at arter an ill ness of a few weeks he was in his 65th year coming from dorsetshire england thirty three years ago he had resided in glen williams and georgetown since that time the many beautiful floral tributes received including those from clay products employees the george town fire brigade and j b mac kenzie son employees expressed the esteem in which the deceased was held by friends and fellowworkers he leaves to mourn his loss bis wife and son robert- also two brothers albeit and william and five sisters in eng land the funeral was held from his late residence on saturday june 3rd at 230 the rev j e ostrom officiated pallbearers were messrs joseph wat son kenneth hunter william reevo joseph carter reuben eaaon and alfred allen interment was m green wood cemetery to spend some part of the day lhpny yer prayer for our boys over there and prayer that we at home may have the strength and courage to do gods will and not expect god to do our will the service was closed with the sing ing of the hymn prayer or the armed services and ood save the king the united church will be open every day this week from 1205 noon to 1250 when any wishing to go to the church for prayer may do so the mi nister will be present then on fridaj evening another service of prayer and meditation will be held at 8 pm when the public is invited to attend father of mrs c grace has military funeral a military funeral was held last week at milton for thomas george bartlett dearly beloved husband of francea emma bartlett apd dear ratnerof ruby mrs j alexander of toronto ijektaamrsewjlsoiialsoor toron nora mrs clifford grace of georgetown elsie mrs a wltzel of grimsby pearl mrs elgie varey of toronto and thomas francis at home a private service was held at tur ners funeral parlours for the family conducted by rev kirk his minister the public service was held at grace anglican church milton at the graveside the milton branch of the canadian legion conducted the service after a short prayer and one lnute of silence the lome scots re serve army guard of honour fired three volleys and the last post wan sounded a profusion of floral tributes testified to the esteem in which mr bartlett was held the pall bearers were his old buddies of the great war all of whom are members of the milton branch of the canadian legion midget lacrosse league jt opens tomorrow at nerval norval boys club starts summer ac tivities norval allstars and bramp ton mldcets will play exhibition match the midget lacrosse league orgnizr- ed by norval boys- club wfil swing into action tomorrow thursday night when an interesting program has been planned for the fans for the penlng ceremonies many prominent sportsmen are expected to be present including jack worthy representing the ola dr mclean dr hall jerry kendall and mr ingram of brampton two matches are scheduled for oie evening including a regular league fixture belrween the whirlwinds and the commandos and a special matcn between norval allstars and bramp ton midgets a special feature will be the presentation of a lacrosse stick donated by dr mclean to the winner of a contest for selecting a name which turn the nam- chosen to credit and as atd sp f ts and bill pomeroy a draw will be made to declare the winner three teams known as the hurri canes whirlwinds and commandos have been formed from members of the club and games will be played on mondays andednesdayn throughout the summer dnonths jim clarke is in charge of refereeing line up of the teams is as follows hurricanes archie campbell coach c lyons captain eddie hasel phil watts harry singer oord mcoburt bob leslie jim croskln bill relet frank mooourt willie mckay ray anderson jim marshal whlrldwtnds n fendley coach jerry fendly captain ronnie fendly russ fendly reid hunter oord laid- law bill pomeroy jack mcartmrr doug brown bud carter tom flna more jack haines sam nnamore commandos bob davis coach bill laidlaw captain armlp hazel jim cleave bill cunningham hugh oun- ningham jdruktstaijleton dune ro binson carl laidlaw john hunter mitch hunter james cunningham chti mcarthur in training british destroyers drill by hunting british submarines and drop hand grenades overboard to re present depth bombs the enemy submarines indicates hits by sending up smokefkat though the uboat has been bested eternal vigilance is chinese laundryman h found dead in bed wong soon proprietor for the past 15 years of the chinese laundry in georgetown died in bed on sunday as nearly as can be estimated mr soon lived alone and his body was not dis covered untii 71s last night when neighbours notified police that he hadnt been seen for a couple of days deceased was aged about 60 he has three sons one of whom resides in godrlch the body was taken to to ronto for burial british canadian and american assault forces stormed the coast of northern central france starting at 6 am midnight our time yesterday opening the longawaited western front with the greatest invasion of all time 11000 planes 4000 ships and thousands of smaller craft in the first few noun seized beachheads that threatened to isolate the normandy peninsula and win a railroad pointed straight at parts the conanander of the invading forces is general dwlght david eisen hower reports reaching canada indi cate that canadian troops are in the forefront of action under the com mand of ltgen h d crerar german news agencies said allied shock forces and paratroops landed all along the north coast of the normandy peninsula which is just out from france some 90 to 110 miles below tbo english south coast all the way from the cherbourg area at the northern lp to le havre at the mouth of the seme 110 miles northwest of paris this morning it was estimated that at some points the invasion had reached depth of ten miles and heavy fighting is in progress for strongly fortified enemyheld positions k first official word that dday finally had arrived came at 932 am 3 32 ajn ewt when general eisen hower announced the opening of the western front in a communique of only 26 words the ringing of the churchtell at st georges church of england at 630 yesterday morning was the first outward sign in georgetown of the be ginning of the most crucial time the hwtory of the world has ever seen at 530 yesterday afternoon an invasion day service was held on main sa cor ner a large number of citizens gather ed to pray for the success of the in vasion mayor cleave ven w g o thompson and rev j e obtrom led the serloe and rev r o todd ad dressed the gathering last night services were held in the united church and the church of bang- land when townspeople gathered to offer united prayer for the welfare and ultimate victory of the great invasion forces tonight a special service will be held in the baptist church and at 8j8 on friday night another serlce of prayer will be held in the united ohurch ven thompson reminded ci tizens that the church of england li always open and urged them to come for prayer and meditation whenever they felt the need rev r o todd an- both ven thompson andmr todd pointed out to their congregations tjm there would be sad days ahead cor many georgetown homes as the tott of lives in the invasion becomes known to strengthen our men in batue and to enable us to bear these sorrows bravely we must turn to prayer for comfort and guidance pt w 6 m gordie brown of norval missing in action pte w g m gordie browne son of mrs w g m browne and the late mr browne of norval was listed w missing in action in italy on may am the sad news will be noted with regret by the young mans wide circle of friends in norval and in georgetown where he attended high school gordie enlisted originally with the lome soots and later- tra the seaforth highlanders he took a battle drill course at vernon b 0 and returned to camp borden before gams overseas nine months ago he leaves to mourn his loss his mo ther and one sister pte joan ow ac who is doing researcn work at ottawa she spent the weekend with her mother card of thanks we wish to thank our many friends and neighbours for their many kind nesses extended to us and for tne beau tiful floral tributes in our recent sad bereavement of a loving husband ana father i mrs bonfield and robert moorecaves wedding at norval a quiet wedding was solemnly at the home of mrs john mbmeekt norva on saturday may trt n when doris irene caves yt y daughter- of the tute mr and joseph oaves became the bride of james moore ajar son of mr h- moore donegal ireland rev dm- lop norval officiated the bride j lovely in a white ensetnbea win mrs margaret mbmeekin ill iieneil in bfasm acting as bridesmaid the aestoted by mr norman mrs rector bird georgettrnv the weddmr mtuda after tht supper the happy couple left or

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