Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1944, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 7th 1944 active service notes lac gordon martin be thomas spent week end lssve st home aol l a wardlaw 1 boms on leave after whicft h ww leave for the pnast opl walter btobn ottawa i txxnm on week end leave tpy bay hartey of ohnp borden u home on weekend learn pte w gbark who went oncsess to uarch la no in italy accordi to word just reestnd petty officer john coxnmlns bojw v jt halifax nahu returned to hli station after spending a leave at borne word ha sbeen received that pte grover norton and opi coax davidson have arrived in italy acb pwta denotes has been trus- xerred to vfctoriavtbe quebec for h initial training he was formerly at flngal pit lieut james bvans is on his way back overacts after having served several months in nassau the bahn mas prior to that be was on ooastal yp in wnglend opl fred grace has received his ho nourable discharge from the army ar iter he has served overseas for nearly com- years he is now employee tor me bower mai of provincial paper uha the imperial section post 100 of the canadian legion wish to express their heartfelt sympathy to comrade and lire bill wylie and comrade and mrs jim murphy and famines in their re cent sad news regarding their sons pte gordon lane is ftiwl to the canadian hospital in italy with an attack of diphtheria according to s letter just received by bis parent were glad to say that ne la coming stomj fln his family and friends send birthday greetings to gtar c e stapleton son of mr and mrs h e stapleton ner val who will celebrate his twentyfirst birthday on june 13th our stapleton enlisted in november 1m1 gomg over seas in march ims he is jn england and this win be the third birthday eddie has celebrated overseas sgfc george wabcer graduated from jarvli last friday when he received the wings of a sergeant tireless alrgun- ner mrs sam walker mrs fred harri son mrs chris sargent mrs edward arnold and mrs oeorge arnold attend ed the wings parade on june 2nd sgt walker is spending a two week lough at home after which he report to lachlne quebec annual meeting at ota progressive conservative association of the county of hahon vlll be held in the town hall milton on frxda7 evknznq june 9th 1944 st eight oclock daylight saving time speaker peter meartnnr past prest ammo of canada every welcome duncan mocaujum president uloyd d dtnokle secretary phone 161 comer mam gnesph straeta scotts garage aak imernationai sales and service shell products church news nevertheless we according t hbj promise wok far a new hea vens and a new earth wnereln dweoeth righteousness fl peter bill first baptist charon sunday school 1050 ua minister iter j h ostrom organist lata m cook sunday june 11th 10 am school period ii ajmwonmip what u the fuu- oitod life 8 pjnoopd songs 7 pin service faith the bulwark of life musks by the choir mr ostrom win speak the young people meet on monday at spm fine prayer service on wednesday at 8 pjn come to pray for true victory and- peace and for the safety and sal vation of those in wartime danger it will pay great dividends believe in gods power and trustnvorthiness 5 wfll terra cotta there was a large turnout at the anniversary services at the terra cotta united church at both services mr l roderick the travelling minister gave seme able addresses at both services he gave some very timely advice to the young and old there to become christ ians in their youth miss pearl ken nedy the s s teacher very kindly in troduced the speaker and also ad dressed the audience in a very able manner we were very tmpresed with the splendid training given her 8 s class we might also add that mlsa kennedy under adverse circumstances is sure doing a good work and our citizens enjoy k very much miss kenneoy would also like to see a larger turnout of the parents to boh along the good work here so come along and bring your friends all are cordially invited we might add that at the close of the mnming service mr is roderick invited the audience to stand out on the front lawn of the church and all bad ther pictures taken this will sure be a very interesting scene miss kennedy will be able later to supply any person with pictures mr ray aregemaa a soloist of the stone church toronto sang a solo in the morning entitled when jesus comes also in the evening mr and mrs are genua sang a duet all of which added considerably to ttoe enjoyment of the services the rev mr roderick the travelling minister preached two powerful ser mons which were ndeed very much en joyed by all the auditorium was crowded to tne doors we were also pleased to have with us at the evening service rev and mrs self of nerval and the anniversary was a crowning success mrs d stamp of glen williams anc daugnter marlon spent sunday with terra gotta friends mrs r puckering of toronto has ar here to r in hrr cram rwrf the united church of canada rev r c todd minister 1 friday june 9th at tfh 810 intercessory mflps prayer service on be- bbl half of our armed por- kjl ces informal prayer fc each day the rest of this vlv week from 1206 noon al to 12 30 sunday june flmf utb 10 am sunday r i bv school 11 am public i worship subject in wards a christian ca nada 7 pm public worship subject adolph huer vs the christian church in europe and america st georges church ven woo thompson rector first sunday after trinity and st bar nabas day holy communion e00 aun sunday school id an ma tins 11 00 an even ng 7 00 pju st albans church glen williams first sunday after trinity and st barnabas day holy communion 030 am st- johns church stewarttown rev s r colebrook rector first sunday after trinity 200 pm sunday school 300 pm evening prayer st pauls church norval 730 pm evening prayer it stephens church hornby 10 46 in sunday school and con flrmatlon class 11 15 am holy communion glen wuuaaai united charcta ralph waugh b a minister 2 pm sunday school 7 pm public worship haty craw church xaeass at 800 am 2nd and 4th sun days 1100 am 1st 3rd and 5th sun days vllle at present mr and mrs lovell and mr and mrs j hughes of acton spent sunday with mr and mrs w f hunter and family of the hh line haying will soon be the order of the day again june is said to be the month of roses and brides well judging from appear ances we expect something doing in our hamlet in the near future may the good work stij continue some of our local motorists forgot to apply the brakes of their cars recently and as a result the cars ran through mr fred phillip a wire fence here le veiling his rhubarb patch knocking the fench down and it is stated that if it denee for the summer we all kindly welcome mrs puckering back to our midst once more we are pleased to loam ttiat mr jus mackle who is now in christie st hospital in toronto is improving and we all hope that he will soon be able to return home much improved in health u was a red clover leaf that we dls covered marked with a v on ft here re cently instead of a sweet clover leaf as was stated last week mrs g eaves has gone to visit her grandmother who is quite ill at cooks gesssjsyi t h e a t re friday june 9th hat check honey grace mcdonald falcon and the coeds tom conway jean brooks fox news saturday june 10 matinee at 3 pm george in the home guard george foraby sport mallard s flight cartoon screwball squirrel chapter 1 daredevils of the west tuesday and wednesday june 13 and 14 madame curie greer garaon walter plages pete smith home maid hadn t been for the anchor post they might have landed in the river credit mr phillips thinks that he will have to erect a cement wall all the empty houses here will soon be occupied and believe that it would be a good investment to erect some more new houses on main street so come along and avoid the rush mr r j stringer is busy mowing lawns at present any one having any lawns to cut should give him a call all pnone orders promptly wed on short notice ashgrove the june meeting of the w m 8 was held on monday june 5th in the sunday school room or uie church mrs fred wwggleswortrf was in charge of the devotional period dur lng which viola brlgden sang a solo the closing chapter of the study book for all of life was taken by elsie bird at the close of the meeting there was a display of articles for the bale there was a large attendance of members and visitors at the closing meeting of the y p s held monday evening in the sunday school room af ler the worship service miss annie clifton of bethel gave a piano solo readings by mrs j beuboddy and vo cal solos by plorenot atnldlaw were much enjoyed mr george elliott of milton was the guest speaker taking as his subject good citizenship games and a social half hour brought the meeting to a close mrs howard wrlgglesworth and miss elsie bird entertained at the litters home last saturday afternoon in honuor of mrs maurice dixon who is leaving shortly for overseas to serve as a nurse mrs stanley oowhuid of milton 1a visiting relatives in the community pte louie reed of woodstock was a recent visitor at her staters home mrs george wlngfleld mrs walter t of toronto visited friends in georgetown and ash grove last sunday mr henry wilson is viattng at oar- losle after spending a few weeks with mr and mrs eaton tansley in hamil norval and union pmebytetian churches rev j l sea ba minister norval 10 am sunday school 11 am public worship union 2 pm sunday school 3 pm puottc worship fishtins canadians nobph atlantic tragedy sinking of the rrigate hmcs val leyfleld while on convoy escort duty in the north atlantic adds a tragic chap ter in the epic of canada s navy of the crew 36 survive five are dead and 121 including the captain are listed aa everything possible was done to save survivors ana rescuers from the cor vette hmcs giffard displayed he roism of the highest order according to lieutenant gordon h patterson rcnvr of vancouver officer in com mand of giffard seaboat which res cued eight men was lieut ralph flit ton 26 of mount royal p q the four ratings who according to their captain isleutenantcominander charles peter son rcnir of victoria were physically exhausted after more than an hour of baokbreaking heart breaking effor and so soaked with black fuel oil they could no longer hold their oars were leading seaman douglas edgar 23 ron of swift current sask able seaman donald marks 24 rcnvr of haafax stoker charles coleman 20 rcnvr of victoria and signalman donald bonnell 22 rcnvr toronto a 31 yearold sick berth attendant howard n bailey of saint jrfhn kb with only 15 days at sea before he was plunged into one of canada s darkest naval tragedies was warmly praised chief engine room artificer norman fraser of sydney n s whose wife lives in edmonton supervised the throwing of scrambling nets over the side of the corvette giffard and per tonally saved many of the numbed oil blinded swimmers by going down to the waters edge and grasping them chief engine room artificer william bond of edmonton who retired from the royal navy in 1023 before enlisting at outbreak of war was praised by the captain of the giffard for getting every possible bl of speed out of the ship wijiout endangering her bitter y lhe deahaf surgeon lieutenant clarence e ir vine 37 rcnvr of timmlns ontario who did not belong to hmoj3 val- leyfleld but had come on board on an errand of mercy to attend a sick man instead of going to on officers ca bin he remained in sick bay with his patient and thus met his death he wa never seen from the time the tor pedo struck baseball missionary wing commander g n parrlsh has brought baseball in india this 23 year old lad from r r 2 listowel ont who used to play ball tor ltstowell colle glate decided to bring canada s na tlonal game to sport minded pilots of the raf and has succeeded to si extent m least in supplanting their cricket batt with a good old fashioned willow i found a dozen canadians on the squadron and have persuaded even australians and british crews to get in the game parrlsh sold the lads play on a diamond beside an airfield from which they launch dive bombing attacks on jap positions quints nurse is overseas nursing sister marie corriveau of penetang ontario has gone overseas for duty with the rcn after exciting experiences in halifax newfoundland ard oomwajlls n s the former dtonne quintuplets nurse was called to newfoundland after the koto hostel fire in december 1042 when the naval liospltal was crowded with burned victims army decorations awards to four other ranks in toe canadian army have been announced by national defence headquarters lancecorporal douglas halg maxwell of merritt b c arid private pauen george leblanc of cambeuton n b received the military medal while the united states hjlver star went to ser- geant vernon joseph doucette of yar mouth n s and to private acttng- sergeant lindsay scbarfe of renfrew ont wtnco at m richard hyde 30 has come a joojr way since he krt school book in wa- max factor pancake makeup is now available get yours while they are stall in stock robbs drag store the rexall store phone 76 georgetown red cross blood donor c clinic wednesday june 14 8 1 5 a m to 1 2 noon at the legion hall georgetown more blood donors needed in addition to those connected with industry new donors please contact miss annie ryan pnonel08 women donors please see your doctor for haemoglobin test before day of the clinic town lots for sale best location in town while they last quick action needed iso brick house 7 rooms 3 piece bath new furnace hardwood floors and heavy electric wiring on james street georgetown price 4200 tom hewson willoughby representative phone 332 georgetown tv eta saskatchewan 14j in britain he s known as wing commander rich ard hyde dfm with a tour of opera tions unoer his belt as an air gunner he has seen such enemy targets as es sen hamburg oalsinkircnen nerlln and hanover has survived an even do zen attacks by enemy fighters and has scored one damaged mid sea rescue leading seaman gordon mcquanie of revelstoe b c found his expert ence as an aoquatlo sprinter in regattas back home stood him ly good stead when he was washed overboard off the coast of ireland he was in the water for about 30 minutes before bis ship corvette hmjcs dauphin turned back and picked him up but he didni notice the cold and stood watch that night as usual i cffca pipe band canadian women a army corps pipe and military bands arrive tn calgary for a fourweeks engagement early in october and eleven of the girls win be in ther home province drummer ma deldne savage and piper jessie hodg son are from bdmonton pte daisy hollander and pte marie oueuette are from plnoher creek pte adeline bon ner bans from jasper park and two of the girls are from istfahrt p ann i and pe ernestine staf ford pte tars metdnnn and pte adrtann e garner ass from raymond while pte tnehna merkel and pte pa tricla mcourdy are also from bdmon- desert luxury to lads serving witn the rjoaf tn the far east a personal valet is com mon necessity strange as it seems most airmen hae ther personal twwwtt tended by a native servant or bearer as he is called there is no need for alarm clocks even if tlbey were ob tainable for the bearer is just as re liable and besides bell have tea ready on many rca stations airmen are- served at table by their own bearers and it s the unfortunate man who has no bearer tend hkn no bearer no food paratroop promotions a paratrooper from birch orove ma nitoba was promoted to the rank of lanceqergeant at uk a3s canadian parachute training centre at sbfjo camp corporal o l macpberson whose wife mrs dorothy agtodpberson now esldes at baron orove received the promotion at the some tkntvas issues- corporal h c rowtxmham of victoria b o who was promoted to the rank of corporal i morale builder to canadian legion supervisor rns- macleod of preston on and his staff of assistants g credit for a ral job af morale building at an bjfjtajp j in britain constant jtaw of tn wishes of canadians on tbstr jdrtt them frequently corns ftp ttn tb answer before the wh bgstfc d etosstan b wmftott fc cj- men free movies td osnadasn dttao- ritttewztiwftbrttaar reguau- f aaterss

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