Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1944, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 7th 1944 ddt in8kcticxda i is sensational by b leslie etaalle xn a now book on tolstoy author of war and peace the biographer des cribes creeplly the pestiferous condi- ttens existing in russia at the time oc toystoy 8 birth in 1606 even the jhnded gentry tolerated the lack ox sa- 4teoy provisions h a visitor remained tor the night a servant was put in the tare bed first not to warm it for the favoured guest but to feed the bugs which being thus gorged and sated would be expected to leave the visitor fax comparative peace there is a moderntwist to this bale a coolie olad in shirt and shorts laid htm down voluntarily in a buginfested bed was he eaten attve ho not a bli ot him this was a case of the tables being turned and to biter bitten by tnomtag not a single bug survived to what remarkable cause could this un natural result be attributed simply that the mans clothing has been treated with a solution containing the most potent insecticide known to mo dem science the name of the substance tonnl- enough in itself is dichlor-dl- jdtrtahalorethane abbreviated for common usage into ddt or oesarol xjke many now popular pest control products ddt is not new having been prepared by a german chemist about to years ago but its value as an in secticide is a recent discovery and hie use of ddt for this purpose is pro tected by a swiss patent while deadly to insects ddt is non toxic to man and beast sprayed in di lute solution on a screen door it will kill any fly that alights thereon din ing the next thirty days ddt is not a repeuant therefore all the surer of making a dll the walls of a cow- stable were treated with ddt solution and the cows with an ordinary fly spray the files thus repelled from the cows lit on the walls and died many instances of the successful usb of ddt against various insect pests of various kinds have been recorded unfortunately it seems to be no res pecter of bees consequently its use against pests in the orchard may nave bblwood lake now acven mbms long bekwood lake formed with the ereo- tlon of the fergus dam is now filled to capacity as a result m tine recent rains and a one stretch of water is available for boating it was reported numerous boats are already on the water some being used for public ex cursions around the lake more than 20 applications for sites on which summer cottages can be erected have been received dy the grand river oonservntldn commission another large houso on the property will likely be taken over by kitchener and gait service dubs to be used as a boys summer camp tree planting is continuing and while it may be limited somewhat be cause of the labor shortage the com mission expects to plant at least 35000 trees this year the lake is now between seven and eight miles long and more than a mile at the widest point in some places the water is 70 feet deep the department of game and fish eries is preparing to make a survey of the water to determine what kinds or nsh would be most adaptable to such a body of water and when this is com pleted the lake will be stocked there is every indication that bel- wood lake will be one of the attractions of the district this year and in future summers new orders for old good team hates share the wealth is winding op its bonnalr handsome smooth-semng- fifth season making plans for its sixth purveyor of smiles cy mack who gives the two main reasons are shown working in perfect harmony as usual i with the microphone getting all rearfv for another chuckle on the left chub by versatile dapper master-of-cere- monies stan francis who quizzes ana hands out the money on the right de- the presents away share the wealth is heard everj- saturday night at 830 pjn edt 930 pjn adt from toronto to the eastern and mideast network of the obo oscar is the third star of tne snow dancing stanley park erin evebt fuday hodebn axbe8 orchestra every wednesday habvet fishkss obchestba old time and modern pa l admission 5qo shows go to bbxs and obangeville although the esqueslng agricultural society made an unsuccessful bid to sponsor one of the six regional shows to be held this fall in connection with the department of agriculture and the ontario sheep breeders association local breeders will be pleased to know that the shows will be held close at hand counties competing at the orangeville fair are wellington hal- ton dufferin peel york and waterloo there will be championship shows the one for this area to be held at erin fall fair on thanksgiving day when six breeds will compete suffolk ox ford hampshire south down leices ter and lincoln there will be 600 in prizes some limitations especially in time some claim however that bees are less susceptible than other in sects to the effects of ddt this fea ture is being studied by investigators ddt is being produced on a small scale in the ujsa meantime neatly all available supplies are required for the preparation of deloushig powders for the armed forces ddt is undoubt edly destined to play an important role as the chief active principle or many agricultural dusts and sprays is possible that for this purpose some may be available for restricted use in canada by 1m6 a new flea beetle dust of british manufacture bids fair to rival effects of ddt under certain condi tions it is known at present by the mysterious number 666 for both in war and peace a brilliant future is pre dicted rixerne 20000 tons of waste paper are required every month for vital war needs payment of 1944 taxes the second instalment of taxes is due and payable at the municipal building georgetown on or before thursday june 15th k m langdon tut collector the mixing bowl annt aliah hydro home economist hello homemakets weddings are lovely to remember the wartime wed ding may have priorities but the grace ful aspects have not been restricted the brides dress has been left its graceful length and she maintains tne right to have a traditional frosted wedding cake there is more tea available butter may be extended and there s lots o- breads although we may have to skimp on the sjgar if we mae our little cookies and cakes successfully for the wedding luncheon retaining such symbols and atmos phere as seem significant to you don t nesltate to plan simply for a wedding perhaps shortness of notice or uncer tainty about leave for the groom will put anything elaborate out 01 ream however with a general pian or a flexible sort made out complete wltn accurate lists of everything from the guests to the punch recipes everything can go smoothly weve been tp firing plans for a wed ding luncheon at home and of course these foods are uppermost in my mind today wedding menu chicken boucnees dainty sandwiches small oakes ao ecee cookies and tea wedding cake and punch 8mall sandwiches stretched butter la used filling of cream cheese with minced salted beans minced tongue pimento or grated carrot mayonnaise minced chicken salt papnxa cream sauce minced fried mushrooms sea sonings suspicion of crumbled crisp faaco e young onion dressing rolled bread with spread of stretched butter or cream cheese and mayonnaise welldrained fresh cook ed asparagus or tuck a small sprig of cress into one end oi each roll before serving lemon queens v cup butter 13 cup sugar grated rind of vz lemon 1 tsp lemon juice 2 egg yolks cup flour v tsp salt tsp soda scant 2 egg whites cream butter add sugar gradually and continue beating add grated rtna lemon juice and egg yolks beaten until thick and lemon coloured mix and sift soda salt and flour add to first mix ture and beat thoroughly add egg whites beaten stiff bake so to 25 mi nutes 1p small tins in electric oven 350 deg p cbeam cake eggs 78 cup sugar 23 cup thin cieam 1 23 cups flour 2 mr tspns bak ing powder tsp salt 1 tap vanilla put unbeaten eggs in a bowl add su- gar and cream beat vigorously mix and sift remaining ingredients add first mixture bake 30 minutes in shal low cake pan m electric oven 325 deg f cut in small squares and frost chocolate cakes 3 eggs beaten until light cup but- t h cup sugar 3 sqaures chocolate melted 1 cup moist bread crumbs packed solidly 3 tospns flour cream butter add sugar eggs cho colate bread crumbs and flour spread mixture in shallow buttered pan and bake in electric oven 336 deg f shape with tiny biscuit cutter and put together in pain with cream temg between and on top lake a tp washable floor mats should be i j washed in real soapy water that b notf- very hot the carpet must be weo- rtomdor the washme wib merely 1 wn to onsh the dirt down into the po 4 a rag tor is wished will re- i tin dean longer if dipped into a tfafcfc itaftb solution r wll also stay in better position on the floor make certain that washed floor mats are thoroughly dried before put ting back on the floor the question box mrs j a says household linens will give longer wear if folded in different ways from time to time this saves constant creases in the same places if ilnen or washable clothing decomea scorched during ironing soak it at once in cold starch water wash agam mrs s t says lf an omelet gets done too much transfer it to a plat ter immediately make a tomato sancc from a tin of tomato soup thickened with a spoon i ul of mashed potatoes and pour over omelet anne allan invites you to write to her co the herald send in your sug gestions on homemaking problems arid watch this column for replies become a subscriber to your home town paper and read the local newe and happennlngs around georgetown by lewis mi when the wily uncle in the story of aladdin went crying through the streets of bagdad new lamps cor old his motive was not an altruistic one he was not particularly inter ested in supplying poor people with a new means of illumination he was in fact looking for an old lamp for which he was willing to give away his whole stock of pew ones today there are many uncles cry ing through the world new orders for old and they all claim to have something better than the existing order of things but they are not looking for the magic lamp for each of them claims to have discovered it chief among these newjorder ped lars are the fascists and the social- ist3 and the present world war is the direct result of the conflict between i the two political pedlars emerson in one of his essays written about a hundred years ago predicted that the great world war of the future would be a war of ideas and that prophecy is being fulfilled in our time freude declared that men possessed with an idea cannot be reasoned with hit ler is proof of that saying and the tragedy is t he has inreoted an entire nation with his fanaticism russia was in danger of the same mass insanity under trotsky and was only saved from the mad idea of world domination by the rise of stalin there is a political war of ideas going on in canada at this present time men possessed with the idea ot socialism are going through our land crying a new order for the old they are offering us socialism in exchange for democracy they do not say that far they claim that socialism is perfect democracy that they have discovered the magic lamp which has the power to transform our state of economic and social insecurity into one of permanent prosperity and happt- stewarttown intended for last week private jock jenklnson b is at present on leave at his home here mr and mrs frank jenklnson fa mily and friends of mount dennis were- here for the week end mr mortram of toronto brought his little granddaughter anne humphries home after she had visited with her grandparents several weeks mrs mor tram staved the week end with mr and mrs w humphreys word was received by mrs david hodge at acton that david is in the hospital with maladlal fever every one wishes him a quick recovery miss joan young of georgetown spent sunday with mrs rdy smrttu the w a had a quilting meeting at mrs- ballys home last week we are glad to see that june ann thompson is able to be out after her recent attack of pneumonia also to that her mother mrs ross thompson is recovering rrom her ill ness of the same thing mrs wulett of georgetown who while visiting her daughter mrs cecil smith was taken seriously 111 with pneumonia is on the mend and able to be up for a little while each day as in the case of cattle and hogs marketing of sheep and lambs during the first three months of 194 were well above the totals for the oorres ponding months of uh3 who would not exchange that new order for the old one we all want to be prosperous and happy we would gladly part with our old feeble lamp for a new and brighter one that would light us on the way to elysium like the lotus eaters we are weary or climbing up the dunning wave stui from one problem to another thrown why should man not adopt a system like that of the ant in which every individual would instinctively and obediently take his appropriate place in the community and all would work together in perfect cooperation 7 theologians philosophers and poeta down through the ages have pondered that question and they are all agreed that man is different from the ant ants in an anthill or bees in a hive are perfectly cooperative but they have no desire or capacity for indivi dual freedom they are socialists by instinct no individual ant or bee would ever think of going off andf starting up in the ant or bee businees an its own or in partnership there are no ant or bee capitalists or labor un ions there is no private enterprise in the insect world and there is con sequently no progress the oo-oper- ative commonwealth is not a new or der it is millions of years old cooperation in human society is not a new idea so far as canada is concerned cooperation jbegan wboi the pioneer settlers with bamralstnt and the bee but those cooper ative efforts were carried out under a stern system of free competitive and profltmaking enterprise that system prevails today yet there is no coun try in the world where there is more voluntary cooperation in social in dustrial and business life than we have herejn canada we do not need to change our old and welltried de mocratic order for any new one we have the wonderful lamp of de mocratic freedom in our possession and it is the only lamp that will light us along the path of progr the ytftktng stool another symbol of the hard way becomes a relic one by one the timetaking tiring and tiresome hand labor chores of the farm have been eliminated by a machine that does the work easier quicker and more profitably the milking stool for instance has long been a symbol of the hard way to do a job but more and more dairymen are spending less time on milking stools now shortage of help and pressure of work have empha sized the value of using machines instead of muscles wherever possible and dairymen have found the answer in the mechanical milking machine because the purchase of a milking machine savedltherohours of time and labor thousands of dairymen have been able to carry on and benefit from the great demand for dairy products in recent years hand milking a out for them now that they ha e the comfort and convenience of a mechanical milker in the progress that canadian agriculture has made in improved methods and practices equipment engineered and manufactured by masseyharris has played an im portant part among the time and labor saving machines your local masseyharris dealer has to offer b the rite way milker make it a point to ask him for full particulars masseyharris company limited builders of good farm implements since c

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