Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1944, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 7th 1944 bullion urban communities organize to supply emergency farm labour plans are now under way in the five urban municipalities of the county to supply emergency farm labour during baying and harvest states agricultural representative j e whltelocfc on friday evening of last week a meeting was held in the agricultural representatives office muton which was attended by the urban reeves ana a number ot farm leaders it was the concensus of opinion at this meeting that crop prospects are excellent hay and wheat definitely will be heavy ana spring grain in general is also looking on the other hand farm labour is a i quantity and conspicuous by its on a large percentage of hal- ton farms varying in size from 100 to 300 acres the operator is attempting to carry on alone notwithstanding the catch weather the spring crop thanks to the tractors is in the ground and as indicated above looks promising get ting oft the hay and harvest alone pre sents an entirely different picture and urban resldenta of the county will have to come to the rescue if the crops is to tie saved it was generally admitted by all at last friday nights meeting ttiat local com labour is not a solution to the farm labour problem nererthelesfl it was felt that if each tit the five urban centres enter whole- beartodry in the programme it will iiejp out materially the odd day or ttalf day in the hay fields and evenings ft harvest time can all be used to ad vantage there is a place for everyone if you as an urban dweller can t fork bay you can coll it or drive the team oh the hayloader the hay fork or the rate so make your plans now in our next issue we expect to be birth notvox lucas to mr and mrs jack lucas at peel memorial hospital bramp ton on sunday june 4tti 1044 a son william john wrttmee mr and bars p c wtait- mee are happy to announce the birth of a daughter barbara ann in st josephs hospital guelph on fri day june 2nd a sister for lynda jean marriage announcement at brampton presbyterian church on saturday june 3rd 1044 by rev a n miller alfred owens macdonald son of mr and mrs t f macdonald georgetown to mary ethel little daughter of mr and mrs w w little of brampton death notice bonfdeld in guelph general hos pital on wednesday may 31st 1944 samuel bonfleld beloved husband of hester churchill and father of ro bert in his 65th year card of thanks we wish to thank our friends and neighbours for their kindnesses and many beautiful floral tributes m our recent sad loss of a husband and ra ther mrs j marc nm en t and son roy able to announce local co headquarters and further details con cernlng rate of pay transportation etc lanterns for flavour since 1892 i the salada name assures you of a uniform blend of quality teas salam carrolls gowm n tea wheat il cheese toe mi spbouli otakbk corn flakes 3 xzc qtjaxer ptjffed rice sparkle 9c qtjiok oooxnro quaker oats 1 9c ssi ipamub n7 wheat 7 artamr or hi tomato juice xmum tlc crwtfnn juice mm u x9c domouc shortening i- ptl9e staffed hejjrwrt ojjvb8 r ac cftslanrre booqott tf mat soap 3 im cuat palmed soap 3 hm umm on polish w s3 iso xse 2 in 1 uojld wwu sfat polish u i4e komi ktbblk 3 no ass k9 dob 1 v cubes 1tt 3ua 1c for ownc surkrsf soup mix m- ioe curtt hory soap 3 oka i4e f mptell i chidutt wooac soup cleanser lobster s 59e super suds mustard soup baby food aytnwr u jc we reserve uw right to limit quantities of all rtercbtidise use 200 lemons m ta valencia oranges m m valencia oranges sba 1 valencia oranges 41c doz s9c do 43c doz 56c dos new beets and cmrrou at market rrieea fruit and vegetable prices trabject to market fluctuations otipwii to use june sen gtjgar pi to 6 14 to 35 1 presr 7es tea er ooff 14 to 34 jel 6 btjtttt 1 to 22 62 and 66 local news a week from sunday is fathers day the longawaited dday arrived early yesterday morning the bank of oofnmerce here has established an uptodate card ledger system watch for the rummage sale un der the auspices of robekh lodge in the mcqibbon block friday june 16th paint 1196 gal 2 45 gal 302 gal blains hardware and 5c to 100 store brampton st george b women please note penny bag night thursday june 15tli good programme and a pleasant even ing church basement rope and binder twine at the low est price blains hardware and 9c to 1 00 store brampton prof hult extends an invitation to all interested in beautiful flowera to visit his iris garden this week and see of the leading varieties in bloom they are a rest for war weary nerves is your subscription paid in ad vance check your label today the m ust has been corrected and all labels this week should cany the cor rect date limehouse presbyterian church anniversary services will be held on sunday june 18th rev john riddell of muton guest speaker at 230 pm and 7 30 pm d s t donation of 10 68 entire pro ceeds from the sale of salvage fats ren dered and sold by penson s empire lunch was given to the local branch of the red cross society last week the navy league ge branch will hoid a tea and garden party on saturday june 17th on the grounds of the sam mackenzie and fred anguish tomes on main street further particulars later if backaches are slowing you up take rtjmacaps pains and aches are relieed after the first dose robb s drug store mucoormacks drug store week end specials car nu 85c chamois 75c an traps isc ply dead 25c black flag fi spray s123 sprayer 45l fk coils 4 for 5c bleins hardwart uui 5c to 1 00 store brampton nonal preaoyterian anniversary j tint ath services at 11 am and 7 00 pm rev norman mcmillan caledonia former iilnister of noral and union will be the special speaker the barber floral co wlah to on- mce to those retiulng flowers sent from overseas and which should have reached here by mothers day that the delay l entirely out of their control the orders for flowers vlred from the italian front haa to go to england by boat hei ce the dcla carh le c brown f0 william murphy believed killed mr and mi james murphy received further ward of their son frying ccn- oer william murphy from rojlf headquarters at ottawa on friday morning last the telegram stated that according to information from the in ternational red cross quoting oemuui information their son had lost ins ufe on april 2sth no further particulars were given and apparently none have been made available to ttw red cross yet the telegram went on to say pendi further confirmation your son is to be oonslderea misatng be lieved kukd mr and mrs murphy first received word that bin was missing on april 28th the sympathy ot the community goes out to them at this sad ume in our maul bag georgetown ont june 5th 194 the editor the georgetown herald georgetown ont dear manm may i take this opportunity through the columns of your paper to make known to councillor bill thompson my appreciation of the splendid work he is having done on the roads of our town as chairman of the roads commit tee councillor bill has had most or the town gravel roads resurfaced and the dirt roads oiled this work is a great improvement and bis efforts are to be commended yours truly a ratepayer georgetown june 5th 194 to the editor georgetown herald otobgetown 1hbeedebc buys top bull at national sale 1300 to the rkd cross harold bingham 4t son georgetown paid the top price for a bull of 1300 at vbs annual national bolstein sale held may slat of brampton the ani mal was glenafton rag apple mono gram a very richly bred foirr-radirtto- oldcalf consigned or j j e mcoague alllston his dam is an outstanding r yearly record of b40 lbs buherfat blnghama also sold two hei fers receiving 420 for a yearling and 10 for a stcmontboold calf r c given son georgetown sold three head a fouryearold at- 700 to henry w bauman floradale a two- yearold for 400 and a nme-tnonths- ow bun catt for 160 a trio of two- yearolds consigned by dr charles n freeman h a dolsan fc son ge and e segsworth freeman brought 600 37s and 340 respectively and a fiveyearold offered by f palletterlo mftton went for 235 wilfrid leslie georgetown secured a sixmonthsold bull calf from r ray mclaughlin oehaiwa for 660 the general average of 62333 and the top price of 3900 for a female have not been beaten at a national sale since 1020 the top price was paid by e j mcfariand plcton to hays or co calgary for an eierven-months- old heifer calf a feature of this sale was the- draw ing of the lucky ticket on a heifer calf which earned 13 000 for the red cross this animal glenafton laurel s won by james snarpc moose jaw sosil who had hex auc tioned off she bringing 1 600 half ot which also went to the red cross hex final owner was h l oullbert ver- cheree quebec this brings to a total of 3800o the funds raised by the of the rolstetnfriestan dear madam we note by last weeks press that premier drew and our liquor control board are suffering from a head ache over the question of liquor res trictlons this brings to mind a remark made somewhat ruefully some years ago by an astute western potitlcian would that mink enemy would draft a li quor bill and try to enforce tt headaches numerous and varied seem to be the progeny of john barleycorn throughout the ages thla by the way premier drews remarks see globe and mall june 2nd re the psychologi cal factor in the question of restric ting the consumption of liquor brought to mind also a suggestion which we read some time ago made at a gather ing of psychiatrists somewhere in the burlington was united states memory does not sup- chosen as candidate for the next ft ply the place or date of the occasion deral elction by a contention of hal which suggestion we think might ton ccf clobs meeting in muton help relieve this particular govern- other nominees were ken alton free ment headache above referred to man robert duncan oakmui nnd cecil mluwarda burlington congratulitlons to mr and mrs william oouse who recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their streetsille home mr couse is prominent in the seed coal and honey business and v as president of the canadian seed trade association tn 494243 genoshd hot tonight wconesan this popular organisation will play with the 2nd btn fid ambulance bond in the kiwmls club parade in guelph phooe357 georgetown the suggestion was this that all containers of alcoholic beverages bear a label containing a warning to con- burners concerning the nature and ef fects of the drug alcohol upon the hu man organism and suggesting that the purchaser consider such findings of scientific medical research when or dering his supplies were th user of beverage alcohol warning provided by such sdenrinc facta or before the drug baa bad opportunity to stupefy his higher brain centres we oanot but think that his sense of selfpreserv would sot as a restraining influence upon the intake hen are some of the from medical authorities of the high est standing which we as individuals and as a community ignore at our perfl 1 alcohol is not a stimulant but is from first to last a narcotic drug from alcolkjl its action on the human organism report of a com mittee of the british medical aesearch council i2 there is agreement among stu dents and teachers of the medical and associated sciences that alcohol impairs reason will helf control judgment physical skill and endurance from pre lace of alcohol its effects on man the lome scots w a held a very successful mile of pennies last satur day when 8887 was realteed this money will be used toward buying the 300 cigarettes for each of 83 lome scots men overseas whldh the w a zd everj other month the event under the convenorship of mrs c sargent the organization wish to convey their appreciation to the towns people for their splendid support over 90 00 was realized trom the i ode white elephant sale held on saturday afternoon in the mcoibbon block mrs m h moyer was the con venor in charge assisted by a com mittec proceeds will go to the general fund or the organization which pro vides milk for the school children and other good works miss mooauum of dunnnlle won the handwoven scarf on which tickets were sold the iojxe wish to extend their appreciation to the mcoibbonwor the use of their store the oirls pipe band is going it hav emerson m d professor emeri oshaua next monduj to take part in tus p health practice oohmv tht rotary club parade along with dia urdirsity nine other bands including three pipe bands thej will trmel in private cars and will be entertained to dinner in the canadian steatite compan limited bylaw no m be it enacted tikd it i hereby ehacttsd a bylaw of the company that the head office of the- company be changed from the city of toronto in the county of york to the town of oeorgetown in the county of halton in the province of ontario enacted this 29th day of may 194 witness the corporate seal of hie company w e phillips preslderjt o a l w currbll secretary i lloyd william otwkell of the city of osbawa in the county of ontario in the province of ontario secretaryt of cana1dxah steatite company loclted hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a bylaw passed by t directors of oakudxan steatite company limited at a meeting of the said directors duly call ed and held in the ctty of toronto on the 29th day of may 1944 and whkft said bylaw was approved sanctioned and confirmed by more than bwothirds of the votes cast at a special general m of the shareholders of the said company duly called for considering the same and held at toronto on the 20th day of may 1944 dated at oshajwa ontario una 1st day of june 1044 l w currbll association of canada for war chari ties in the past four years come to the band concert floor show refreshment booth dancing georgetown armouries wednesday june 14th jomt auspices lome scots band and lome scots w a admission 25c 8 00 p in now more than ever tuuk blood is needed attend blood donor fcjjnic june 14th at legion phone 108 and make y6ur appointment space donated by s p chapman pfaarmacut acton pie gordon lovell has been wounded in action in italy proprietor with his brother leonard of lovell brother meat market he went overseas tn 1041 with the lome scots and later trans ferred to the 48th highlanders all vacancies on acton school staffs have been filled george gordier or thornby has been engaged as continu ation school principal and his assist ant win be miss jean baroer of ma- nltowanlng and mrs w r carton of rockwood new teachers in the puttie school axemiss miriam ritchie of ba den mrs norman brock trout creek and mm irene mscfaeh parry sound a truck belonging to tuteiwiji meat market ims stolen and found un damaged the next day near muton itie press alcohol is this great remover of man s discretion the war against v d would orobably be 50 per cent less dif flcult if we were a nation of abstain ers nuble black m 8 dept of sy- plulology toronto oeneral hospital hon sec of the medical committee of the health league of canada quoted in the globe and mall feb 3rd 1044 considering this liquor pro blem r and all others as well let us re member that no mans judgment is better than his informa tion we have ttie highest authority for the statement ye shall know the truth and- the thxjtr shall make you free george t clttaen mosquito vs duck simpiy dldnt duck that duofc ex plains flying officer moe sawnr row land b c and hisrcaf navigator flying officer johfly howeb members of the city of aotoonton btpiadroo it seme uxor f est a sttgrrt hnpact over the coast of france flew on without dif ficulty and returned to find a five pound mated had penetrated the nose of their mosquito said fo sawyer we should protest to the officer com manding french pucka nli one dldnt have his navigation lights on notice change in garbage collection second pickup to start next week monday thursday main street all streets over white bridge and chapel st also guelph king queen and all streets in this district as usual tuesday friday college view and air streets west of main st oarbage must be wrapped in paper

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